The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1594: Do you want to do it? Let me ask you Ye Shen? !! (3

Yeribach was really going crazy.

The dumplings in the mouth were too hot and too hot, but the taste was too fragrant.

Therefore, although the goods are howling hot, they will not spit out the dumplings in their mouths.

Pingyue's evaluation of him is only one word-cheap!

You talk about you don't want to spit it out and you whine and call a hammer? This is what you asked for.

In fact, he didn't understand Yerebach's feelings at all, he really wanted to be in heaven.

When the dumplings were first imported, Yelibach felt that he was eating like a water bag filled with water. This water bag swayed in his mouth, constantly hitting his tongue and teeth.

Then he was curious about what was inside, because he saw with his own eyes that Ye Fei's group of people breaded the meat. How did this turn into water?

Curiosity killed the cat, and curiosity almost killed Yelibach.

The goods directly bitten the dumplings with their teeth. As a result, the bite of the gravy inside the dumplings burst out just after being bitten. It was almost fired from all sides and rushed towards his tongue, mouth wall, gums, etc , And then hit it fiercely.

Anyone who has eaten dumplings knows that the dumpling stuffing in the dumplings is still hot when the skin is cold, not to mention that this is just the dumplings that are just out of the pan, and the inside is full of gravy. .

He felt blisters on his tongue and on the wall of his mouth. It was definitely a life-threatening sensation, so the goods whined.

But he couldn't bear to spit the dumplings alive, because in this hot feeling, an aroma that made him almost crazy exploded with it, like a fierce bomb.

Boom ~

Yerebach fell, and in the heat and pain fell into this strong aroma.

"How so juicy?"

This cargo is still wondering.


Just as Yerebach was scented by the aroma, the chief executive of the nearby planet Gamma also called out.

"It's too hot!"

This product is also the hot tears come out. The people on their gamma planet have a characteristic, they are extremely hard all over their bodies, only the mouth is the softest and most fragile. As a result, the softest and most fragile part of this product is hot, no Call it strange.

But like Yelibach, although he was howling, he didn't spit the dumplings, but he just put them in his mouth so that the aroma from the dumplings baptized the taste buds on his tongue. He finally felt the same feeling as Yelibach.

It didn't take long for more than half of the crowd to scream and all were scalded, but none of them spit out the dumplings and insisted on gritting their teeth.

Ye Fei looked at a group of guys holding a bowl, blinked, and said, "Do n’t you eat bit by bit? Didn't you see a gravy in it? And it was just removed from the boiling water. Here, I think it ’s very hot with my toes. I thought you would bite off and eat slowly like earth people eat hot dumplings, so I did n’t remind you. ”

Everyone: "..."

Tears burst into tears, and they want to cry and laugh.

The audience in the live broadcast laughed.

"A bunch of two pens. This is, the dumplings have just been removed from the pot. Who swallowed them? Who are you not hot?"

"Oh, I served these aliens too. This is their chief executive? I'm really worried for their IQ."

"Hahahaha, laugh me to death, what kind of people are this group of people, haven't they eaten good things?"

"You are right upstairs. They may have eaten good food, but they have never eaten dumplings."


People laughed and said they were rewarding. The live room was not lively.

I've eaten all over the world by Ye Fei. He picked up a dumpling and looked at it. He saw that the dumpling was really too white and tender, like snow in the winter sun, and the dumplings were very full.

But this seemingly full dumplings, after being clamped with chopsticks, were slightly tied in waist, he also saw that there was a lot of gravy inside.

"Yeshen, how did this happen?"

Ye Fei laughed: "It's very simple. After the pork belly is cooked, there will be more gravy, not to mention that we add so much broth into it. The broth is locked with refined salt. When it is heated, it will be released and melt the oil from the pork belly. Inside, this full gravy is formed. "

"Do you say there is meat in it?"

"What do you say? Only pork belly oil, not melting, and Phnom Penh cabbage will also produce water after heating. You must know that the water content of cabbage is very high. That's it, broth. How about it? "

Speaking of this, Ye Fei picked up a dumpling. He didn't want to eat the same thing as the two goods, but he took a bite and then slowly sucked it.

Suddenly, a little rich broth entered Ye Fei's mouth from the dumplings.

At this moment, Ye Fei's body was full of excitement, and his hairs were about to explode, because the taste was really classic and superb.

At the same time, eating all over the world and Shibatian all learned that he sucked a little bit of gravy, and all of them were messy in an instant.

"This taste is really indescribable." Shaking his head, eating all over the world said.

"What smell?" Ye Fei laughed.

I have tasted it all over the world and said, "The thick flavor of the gravy dominates, and the clear flavor of Phnom Penh cabbage is interspersed with the auxiliary function, and then the fresh flavor of the broth serves as a blessing. The pure taste, this taste is really beyond words, you can only slowly feel it with your taste buds, and experience it, it will make people crazy. "

Shibatian also quickly nodded and said, "In fact, the dumpling skin is also very classic. It has a slight waxy softness in the elasticity, but it has a slight elasticity in the softness, just like a top-level beef tendon is cooked. It ’s the same day and night, sticky but not sticky, tough but not snapped, this feeling is matched with this taste. I am a rough man, I really do n’t know what to say. ”

Ye Fei knows that Shibatian is a thick and thin person, otherwise he would not be the underworld godfather of Xichuan, but he did not expect that he could describe the dumplings so well, yes, this is the flavor, this is it feel.

Zhao Dahai didn't say a word, and it turned out that the old man was also a person who likes to eat dumplings, but the northerners have a soft spot for dumplings.

Dolly was standing next to Ye Fei. Ye Fei hadn't heard her for a long time. It felt strange. She turned her head and cried.

"Uh ~ Miss Dory ..."

"Don't call me, let me slowly reflect, taste slowly, how much I hope time can stay at this moment, time will always freeze at this moment, heaven and earth disappear, everything in the world disappears, even all All my troubles have disappeared, and there is only a taste of a lifetime that is lingering in my heart for a long time, Ye God, you see ... "

Said, Dolly affectionately pointed at the sky with chopsticks.

Ye Fei hurriedly looked up, and then asked aggressively, "What are you looking at?"

Dolly's little mouth exhaled slightly and said, "What do you see?"

"Stars, stars in the sky."

"Yes, stars, what beautiful stars, I think they must be very fragrant."

"Oh ~ keke ..."

Ye Fei almost shook his bowl to the floor, hurriedly held it in his hands, he looked at Dolly silently, and said, "Miss Dolly, are you all right?"

Dolly turned to look at Ye Fei, smiling with a smile, and said, "Yes, I'm fine. I feel again how wise and great my decision is."

"What decision?"

"Stay, stay forever and live, follow you, wash your clothes, clean, and warm the quilt."

"I @ # ¥%"

Ye Fei hurriedly took the chopsticks and knocked on the bowl, and said, "Miss Dory, you're out of control."

Dolly nodded, and said quietly, "It would be great if I went into this magic all my life."

Ye Fei looked at the world and looked at Shiba Tian, ​​he found that Shiba Tianxia and Shiba Tian were also looking at him, then all three looked at Dolly, and then the three of them nodded lightly. They all agreed with what Ye Fei said just now.

"Woo ~ Woo ~~"

Just as the three were silent, there was a whine beside.

Ye Fei quickly turned around and saw Meng Jie crying while eating.

Ye Fei: "..."

I have a big grass, why are you crying again?

"Meng Jie, what's wrong?"

Meng Jie's mouth was full of dumplings, and she snorted while eating, and said, "I miss my mother."


"It's a good thing to miss my mother. You can go home after the live broadcast." Eat all over the world.

Meng Jie shook her head and said, "I won't see her when I go back."


"My mom was gone the year before last. When she was alive, she would make dumplings for me every week. The dumplings she made were delicious, as delicious as those made by Ye Shen. Every time I could eat two big bowls, my mom. I always laugh when I see so much, but I will never see her smile again. "


Ye Fei is a little bit sore. You can do the dumplings.

"I really don't know if you have such an experience, sorry." Ye Fei said a little awkwardly.

Meng Jie wiped a tear with his sleeve, looked up at Ye Fei, and laughed, "Ye God, I didn't blame you. I also want to thank you for letting me participate in your live broadcast so that I can eat the previous taste , Even better than before, thank you. "

"Don't thank you, eat it quickly, everyone else has finished eating, you see."

Speaking, Ye Fei transferred the seven intact dumplings in his bowl to Meng Jie's bowl and said, "You can eat two bowls, this is the first bowl."

Instead of rejecting Ye Fei's dumplings, Meng Jie took a bite and swallowed it.

"Brother, eat me." Shibatian handed his bowl to Ye Fei, said.

Ye Fei waved his hand with a smile, and said, "It's okay, and there is one more. Besides, if you want to eat later, you can make it. Meng Jie may only have this opportunity to let him eat more."

There were a lot of people at the scene, but Ye Fei was definitely the protagonist, and the video was based on him. His every move was watched by the audience in the live room, and Meng Jie's words were heard by the audience in the live room.

After seeing Ye Fei give his copy to Meng Jie, the audience in the live broadcast room exploded.

"Don't make a mess? I'll ask you Ye Shen Diao or not?"

"Into the Yemen without regrets in this life!"

"An anchor without compassion is imperfect, and an anchor without love is flawed."

"Buy people?"

"The **** of the third universe, get out of your sister, do n’t you know that Ye Shen ’s person just closed your stinky mouth, does Ye Shen still need to buy people ’s hearts? This is his usual practice ~ ~ You are so He is insulting him, and insulting our entire First Universe! "

"Yes, brothers and sisters, strangle him!"


In an instant, all the people in the first universe caught the audience of this third universe and scolded.

The audience in this third universe was depressed. He didn't expect that one sentence would attract 90% of the people in the broadcast room to scold, so he said weakly: "I just say one sentence."

"Can't say a word!"

"Apologize! Or get out of Ye Shen's studio!"

At this moment, Sanhua Fairy's pleasing voice came over and said, "I know you may not have done it on purpose, but your words hurt us deeply, so you must apologize for the first time you watch Ye Shen's show. We also do n’t delve into it. I advise you to go back and watch Ye Shen ’s live broadcast before, and you will understand what kind of person Ye Shen is and understand his place in our hearts. "

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