The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1603: Let me go, you let me go, I'm not sick

For a group of directors on the Qiuqiu platform, the situation is really exciting.

The billions that could have been handed out have made Ye Fei miss all of his phone calls. Not only that, Director Chen had a quick hand just now, and he also sent the news that they would invite everyone in the group to go to Tianhe Shanggong Emperor's private dining room. out.

For Ma Qingyun's group, it was really more sour than one at this time.

Ye Feicai does n’t care so much. He does n’t do it for He Peng, but he will send her a sum of money for Yi Mihua. After all, Yi Mihua and him are more or less friends. He has also been a guest on live broadcast. The straight-hearted brunette who loves and hates is still very fond of it.

Telling the audience about their decision and the decision of Qiuqiu platform, the audience in the live broadcast room was directly excited.

"Just admire Ye Shen's courage!"

"So handsome, Ye Shen, how can you be so handsome?"

"Ah, no, no, Ye Shen, I have to apologize to you once again. I doubted you just now, and now I still feel sorry for you, sorry sorry sorry ..."

"The Qiuqiu platform is also awesome. Although it's just this wave, they can also raise a lot of money. Don't all donate one point? It's amazing."

"The super platform must have the courage of the super platform. It's interesting. I decided to start broadcasting on the Qiuqiu platform immediately."

"I also go, such an impersonal platform is definitely desired by every anchor."

At the same time, a lot of interstellar anchors in the first universe also began to come to the Qiuqiu platform. The first is that this platform is really good, at least not unforgiving, and this is the platform where Ye Fei is. It can be considered as a platform with Great God. Also very excited.

Qiuqiu platform meeting room.

A group of Ma Qingyun's directors are now serving Ye Fei, so this guy is really right. Just after Ye Fei said the situation, their platform immediately received countless news from anchors, some from the international community. There are also some that are sent from distant space through relay communicators, all of which are a requirement, hoping to be broadcast on their platform.

"Ah ~ everything is in Ye Shen's calculations."

"It's terrible, it's really terrible. I think through this matter, our Qiuqiu platform should be completely on fire."

"No loss, this thing is definitely not done. A few billions of dollars can attract so many anchors to our platform. It is very cost-effective. If there is such a thing in the future, I hope we will keep up with Ye Shen. Behind. "

"I just felt that it was very depressing to ask all the staff to go to the emperor's private dining room in Tianhe Shanggong. Now my mood is extraordinarily comfortable. I should just celebrate the arrival of these anchors in advance.

Ye Feicai didn't care what planes Qiuqiu owns. After he announced the matter, the lucky carousel stopped soon, and the seventh lucky guest was born.

Just after seeing the name of this lucky guest, many people's mouths opened wide at once, and even some people doubt whether there is a **** in this world, including Ye Fei and these people who have eaten all over the world.

Africa, Seychelles.

Yi Mihua sat alone on a stone outside. She looked at the sky and seemed to be looking for which one was He Peng.

After watching it for a while, she looked down at the live room. To be honest, she really appreciates Ye Fei right now. She knows that Ye Fei is doing this for her only one-sided friend.

"Yeshen, thank you ... Ah! How could this be?"

Emily just said Ye Shen thank you, but the lucky carousel in the live room stopped, and then the pointer of the lucky carousel pointed to her name.

That's right, this seventh lucky guest is Emmy!

Seeing that Yi Mihua won the prize, the entire live room quieted down directly, and the scene was quiet. Even the audience who grabbed the microphone all murmured, and at this moment, many people felt that the back spine was a little cold.

"What the **** ... What's the situation with this? Guys, can you say a word? It's quiet and panic." Saloug suddenly said weakly into the microphone.

In fact, not only was he panicking, everyone was panicking.

Because everyone knows what everyone is discussing just now, discussing Yi Mihua's husband, He Peng, He Peng is gone, there is no one who can see or die, and that guy has a characteristic of jealousy that makes everyone jealous. Just that luck is particularly good.

At this moment, everyone wondered if He Peng was secretly blessing Yimihua, and even he passed on his luck to Yimihua with a special ability, because things were really evil, except for using Explain this, the other explanations simply don't work.

The thought of He Peng most likely overlooking everyone in a certain place, it is no wonder that these audiences do not panic.

Xiao Mengjie looked up quietly and saw the stars in the sky. Suddenly, he seemed to see a dark and horrible face appearing in the open night sky. The face was blue and fiery red. Hair and mouth are large, and the entire face is somewhat distorted.

But even so, he still recognizes this red hairy ghost-He Peng!

Meng Jie stunned her head, hurriedly shook her head, rubbed her eyes, and said what the **** was going on? How can you see this product? Why is it so scary? It must be dazzling.

But when he rubbed his eyes and looked again, he still found a red-haired ghost in the sky, and the mouth of that red-haired ghost was open, bloody, and a long tongue suddenly pulled down from his mouth. There seemed to be blood dripping down.

"Ah, ah, He Peng of Nima Egg, get away, get away, oh ~"

Meng Jie screamed and screamed in a horrible manner, and scolded him directly.

Everyone: "..."

"Fuck, what's wrong with this kid?"

"Uh ~ He Peng? Why did he suddenly scold He Peng?"

"No, Meng Jie, did you intentionally scare us?"

"Brother, please, don't be kidding, it will scare people."

Ye Fei grabbed Meng Jie and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Meng Jie pointed at the sky and yelled, "He Peng, He Peng, I saw He Peng. He became a red-haired fierce ghost with blood on his mouth, his tongue growing old, and blood dripping down. He is smiling at me. "

Ye Fei: "..."

Rao is Ye Feitian who is not afraid to be afraid. He also feels a bit covered with hair when he says this. After all, what happened to Yi Mihua was too evil to explain. Now Meng Jie said he saw Peng He and turned red Mao Ligui, Ye Fei almost scared urine.

"Where ... where?" Ye Fei looked up boldly and asked.

Meng Jie also hurriedly raised his head. He wanted to give Ye Fei a finger. When he saw that there was nothing in the sky, he scratched his head and felt embarrassed for a long time.

Slap ~

Shiba Tianhu slaps this guy's head with a slap on his face, and said, "Stink boy, I think my brother's live broadcast today is not chaotic, isn't it? Even the red hairy ghosts are pulled out."


Meng Jie rubbed his head away and just rubbed while muttering, "What's going on? I just saw it clearly, and I rubbed my eyes and looked carefully. Why is it suddenly gone?"

No one cares about this guy, it's too fucking, can you tell me that this is not fueling the fire? Everyone was already scared enough, but in the end, you have a red hairy ghost, do you want to make people live?

The audience in the broadcast room wanted to drill into the computer and grab Meng Jie's fierce meal. At this moment, Ye Fei hurried to speak. He knew that this was not a good thing, and he had to expose it quickly.

"Well, congratulations to Miss Yi Mihua for being our seventh lucky guest. This is also the second time Miss Yi Mihua has become my live guest. I am very honored. I remember treating her when she left for the first time. I said that I will cover all the expenses for her coming to Huaxia in the future. Now is the time for me to fulfill my promise. Ms. Yi Mihua, welcome to Huaxia for your vacation. I will cover your travel expenses, food, clothing, and accommodation. Fei said with a smile.

Deep in the desert, a group of brunettes and Emily's mothers all came out of the house. They surrounded Emily and looked at her with a smile.

"Thank you, Ye Shen."

Yi Mihua whispered, but the tears on her face couldn't help falling.

She remembered that when she went to Ye Fei's live broadcast for the first time, she happened to meet her favorite person, He Peng, but unfortunately she was gone.

"Child, Ye Shen is right. You need to relax now. He Peng is a good boy. You are also a good boy. Although he is gone, you still have to live bravely for your children in the stomach. Huaxia is a The ancient and beautiful country, where the people are simple, kind, and hospitable, you can look around there, and feeling good is also very helpful for the development of the child. "Yi Mihua's mother put her hand on her hand On, said.

Yi Mihua's other hand covered her mother's hand and smiled hard: "Mom, thank you, I'm going to Huaxia now."

"Yes, yes, go to Huaxia, don't forget that there is another leaf **** in this world who cares about you."

"I know."

Speaking, Yi Mihua went straight to pack things. The girl was an acute person. She did what she said. She didn't even send a message to tell Ye Fei. It was Yi Mihua ’s mother who helped her.

"Yeshen, hello, I'm Yimihua's mother. Do you remember me? I went to He Peng to participate in the Qiangban feast. Yimihua is glad to be your guest again. She wants to go to Huaxia immediately. She I'm going to pack things now, but she is pregnant. I hope Ye Shen can help take care of her after Huaxia, okay? "

Ye Fei took a look and hurriedly said, "Auntie, tell Ms. Yi Mihua, pack things slowly. After the live broadcast is over, I will pick him up. Rest assured, speed is definitely faster than flying."

Everyone heard that Ye Fei was going to pick up Yi Mihua in person, and they couldn't tell all the emotions. Everyone's heart was clear. One person doing Ye Fei's part really has nothing to say. This is the ultimate existence.

"Yeshen, I really don't know how to praise you. Compared with you, I feel that I am the same as the shining light and the vast sun and moon."

"Hey, what else do you want to say?"

"I didn't say anything. Although I am from the Third Universe, I also swear here that Ye Shen is definitely the most admirable of all the anchors I have watched. It ’s so unforgettable. From now on, I booked this live broadcast room. As long as you start the broadcast, I will come and watch. ”

"I am also from the Third Universe. Although we have some good anchors in the Third Universe, it is really impossible to compare with Ye Shen. This realm is too far away. If you broadcast live in the future, I will come!"

"I'm from the Fifth Universe. Many of our anchors are very fucking. It's annoying to occupy only two, five or eight hundred thousand people by name."

Seeing this news, the wind can't speak without feeling depressed, brother, can the words be clear? What is the same as the anchors of the Fifth Universe that are dragged by two and a half million? When did I drag? Is it really good for you to discredit our universe?

"Okay, my friends, here is our seventh lucky guest. It is our Miss Yi Mihua. At that time, you can see Miss Yi Mihua's style. We will draw the eighth lucky guest next. Uncle Zhao, please continue. "

Zhao Dahai made a sound. He just moved the mouse arrow to the center of the lucky turntable and did not move it again. He was afraid of delaying time, so now he listened to Ye Fei and then pumped. He just clicked the mouse and the lucky turntable was again It spins up.

A moment later, the lucky carousel stopped and the eighth lucky guest appeared.

Xiang Dong!

Only these two words.

This is definitely a very strange name for the audience in the live broadcast room. It first appeared.

But for some people the name is too familiar.

Qiuqiu platform.

It can be said that all employees are watching Ye Fei's live broadcast at this moment. When they saw that the eighth name was actually named Xiang Dong, everyone was stunned, and then all exploded.

"Well, have you got it wrong? Did you get the director?"

"Hahaha, it's awesome. I didn't expect our group to finally be a guest of Ye Shen's live broadcast."

"Yes, the director is the first person in our group to be a guest of Ye Shen Live Broadcasting. God, Kaihu, our group Kaihu!"

In the Qiuqiu platform meeting room, everyone was stunned, and then all eyes turned to Director Xiang, who was lying on the sofa, all with a strange look.

"Old Xiang ~ ~ Is this you?" Ma Qingyun asked.


The director did not answer him.

"To the director, the chairman is talking to you." Director Liu reminded him.


Still no response to the director.

Several directors looked at each other. In the end, Director Chen bravely put his fingers under the director's nose, and finally nodded toward the crowd, which meant it was okay and alive.

But why isn't he talking when he's alive?

When a group of people wondered, they suddenly saw a bottle of quick-acting Jiuxin Pills taken out of the pockets of the directors. After opening, they all poured out, and there were dozens of them.

Everyone looked at it for a moment, and they said, "What the **** are you doing?"

They haven't responded yet, so they saw the director open their mouths and threw all these dozens of quick-acting Jiu Xin Wan directly into their mouths, then took out their own water glasses and gurgle and spit a few mouthfuls of water, all the quick-acting Jiu Xin The pills were swallowed.

A group of Ma Qingyun: "..."

"Well, Lao Xiang, why are you crazy? Eating so much will kill you!"

After Ma Qingyun reacted, he rushed directly to press down on the director, and used his hand to buckle in his mouth.

Director Liu's group was all messed up. He pressed his arms, his arms, his legs and his legs. Director Chen held the director's head and let Ma Qingyun start.

"Let me go, you guys let me go, I'm not sick, I'm fine, I'm not sick, hahaha, stab ... stimulus ... stimulus is too special Ahhhh! "

"Hey, 120? This is the Qiuqiu platform, please hurry up, it will kill you if you slow down !!!"

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