The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1614: This is not scientific

The bombs should have been rumbling long ago, but Yimihua's group waited for a long time and did not wait for the bombs to explode, one by one.

what's the problem?

Is it a dummy bomb?

They all slowly looked up to see where the bomb had just dropped, and all of them were aggressive.

I saw a person standing there, a giant about ten meters tall, standing on one hand of another person, and holding a bomb in the other hand of the giant.

This is definitely an extremely visually striking scene.

Who would have thought that someone would catch the galloping bomb? It's a bit of a nightmare.

But people know that this is not a nightmare, the fact at hand is that someone caught the bomb, and this person is still a giant, but when they see the "dwarf" standing on the giant's hand, many people are excited Up.

After reacting, the mother and daughter Yi Mihua even screamed and rushed towards this side almost at the same time.

"Yes God!"

"Oh, who bought the cake, Ye Shen, is it really you?"

The mother and daughter came to the skyscraper and wanted to give a hug, but found that they couldn't hold Ye Fei at all, so each of them held one leg of the skyscraper and couldn't get excited.

Skyscraper: "..."

"Yeshen, I feel a strange feeling on my legs, soft, warm, and warm." Sky pillar whispered to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei: "..."

This article is not good gas: "You don't care anymore, you are stupid anymore, let me go."

Sky pillar stooped down, and then Ye Fei jumped off his hand.

After Ye Fei came down, the two mothers and daughters of Yi Mihua immediately loosened Ferris's legs and rushed to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei hurriedly escaped, and Ferris column ... Ferris column quietly clamped his legs, because a screw was erected in the middle of his legs, so shameful.

"Yes God!"

Abraham also responded at this time, and immediately came over with an exclamation.

Ye Fei didn't know him, he only knew the two mothers and daughters of Yi Mihua, and they had only met each other. Because these two were so good, they were more impressed.

"Miss Yimihua, auntie." Ye Fei screamed with a smile.

The two mothers and daughters of Yimihua still hugged Ye Fei. Ye Fei hurriedly reached out to stop them. What a joke, Yimihua hugged herself and could not bear it. Yimihua's mother hugged ... It's too fat to be suffocated.

"Yeshen, why are you here?" Yi Mihua was surprised.

That's right, no one appears now. Ye Fei's appearance has brought her a lot of surprises. Even He Peng can't do it, because now they are really desperate. One foot has stepped into the gate of Yan Luo Temple. It is Ye. Fei pulled them out again.

咻 ~~

Ye Fei hadn't answered Yi Mihua's question yet, everyone heard another scream of screams in the distance, followed by a bomb **** smoked and flew towards them again.

"Yes God, get out!"

Abramhan yelled and slammed Ye Fei.

Although Ye Fei doesn't know him, he knows Ye Fei and knows that this is a terrific person. Because of this, he can't have trouble in his own country, so Abramhan almost reacted instinctively, even his wife and daughter Regardless, he flew Ye Fei directly.

Ye Fei didn't have any precautions. He was crushed under the body by the sturdy Abraham, almost boneless.

"I ... keke ... brother, can you get up? Even if I haven't been killed by the bomb, I must have been crushed to death by you, you are too heavy."

Abraham was a little embarrassed. He just remembered it, but then he thought of a bomb, and it went down again.

Ye Fei: "I @ # ¥"

"Pillar, stop!" In the end, Ye Fei yelled out his strength to feed.

So everyone saw the ten-meter-long Ferris pillar rising into the air, so they stood quietly in the air, and then stared at the bombs seriously.

At this moment, everyone feels that the skyscraper is as powerful as the gods.

The bombs in the distance are getting closer and closer, with the whistling and sharp wind sound, they will pass by in front of the skyscraper, but the skyscraper is still light and light, not panic.

Ye Fei pushed the Abraham down vigorously from the ground, jumping up from the ground and madly said, "Bet ’s pretending to be a force. Now is not the time to pretend. You may not be able to kill everyone below you Include me! Catch it! "

Ferris quickly hurriedly reached out, and then ... Then the goods didn't catch.

"Uh ~"

Ferris is a bit aggressive.

This time, it ’s so good that I did n’t scare Ye Fei and Yi Mihua's group of people to pee. If I come down, I will definitely finish it. Now, pretend to fail, this thing will die.

Looking at the bomb sliding in front of the skyscraper, Ye Fei's eyes turned black, and he almost fell to the ground.

"You second goods!"

Ye Fei's blood pressure is going to soar. What's going on? Obviously this bomb could be avoided, and the result was to watch it fly over.

Yimihua's group of people are all speechless. One by one at this moment even forgot the kindness of Ferris wheel just now, and I want to hold this guy to give a hard meal. You talk about what you can do to pretend nothing, Aren't we unaware that you are amazing, aren't we? Alright now, pretend to fail?

"Ye Shen!" Yi Mihua screamed and rushed to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei didn't want to think about it, and he didn't have time to think about it. He stretched out his hand and pulled out his broken kitchen knife from the back waist, and then disappeared instantly. When everyone looked for Ye Fei again, he saw him already. Soaring into the sky.

In anxiety, Ye Fei jumped up almost a hundred meters directly, so that he didn't scare the people below to sit on the ground.

"I rely, Ye Shen can fly?"

"I finally understand why Ye Shen called Ye Fei. He really could fly."


"Does this have something to do with the name?"

This group of people are now scared by Ye Fei, and they don't know that they are afraid. They even discussed Ye Fei's name.

Ye Fei soared into the sky, and the Ferris wheel over there also chased after the bomb. He had to make up for it, and it was no problem to catch the bomb at his speed.

He and Ye Fei almost faced each other, and the bomb rushed towards Ye Fei between them.

"Get away!"

Seeing that the bomb was about to hit Ye Fei, everyone heard Ye Fei's roar, and then people saw Ye Fei's knife in front of him and chopped the bomb.

A group of Abrams: "..."

Lying down, Ye Shen is frightening, right? Do you chop missiles with a kitchen knife? Tease me?

Even at this moment, the skyscraper was almost scared by Ye Fei's movements and fell from the sky. He hovered in the air and fell about ten meters to stabilize his figure, and quickly looked up.

As a result, the knife in Ye Fei's hand was split on the missile.

At this moment, it can be said that the entire world is still, no one speaks, no one exclaims, and even no one breathes.

Everyone's eyes became dull at this moment. The mouths of Abraham and Emily's group became bigger and bigger, and they stopped growing until they couldn't get bigger, and their eyes widened. Widen and widen, even some people glared at the corners of their eyes, blood came out, and the eyeballs almost fell out of their eye sockets.

Uh ~

In this extremely quiet atmosphere, an inconspicuous voice came over, and everyone was so stunned that the missile flying towards them split into two from the middle and became two petals quickly. Fly over from both sides of Ye Fei's body, and then fell quickly towards the ground.

Flutter flutter ~

Two muffled noises came, which pulled people's eyes back from Ye Fei's body, then they lowered their eyes and lowered them, and finally landed on the two-lobed missiles on the ground.

Seeing this missile that also scared everyone's soul out, at this moment, Ye Fei was split open from the middle, and everything inside was exposed to the air.

Fortunately, this is just an ordinary bomb. If it is a bomb with pollution sources or radiation, everyone is still dead.

Ye Fei fell from the sky, and the skyscraper was also down. The goods stood with his head down in front of Ye Fei, like a schoolboy who did something wrong.

"Yes, my ... I didn't catch it."

Ye Fei really wanted to give him a kick and said: "Post, let's pretend to see if it's OK?"

"it is good."

"Take out the people outside first, and look back at the two of us to study the problem of your meals. I think there are a lot of them on Mondays, Sundays, and Sundays. It's enough to add meals every Wednesday."

"Ah? Ye Shen, I ... don't do this, it's painful."

"Then you kill me these **** now, one is not left! Your food is all they let you toss up, all of them!"

You hold Ye Fei, and now this brainwashing effort is first-rate, you can flicker anytime, anywhere.

The stigma of Ferris wheel, soared into the sky, and flew towards the location of Babulu and Mi Jun.

"Nima egg!"

What a good child, I've learned to swear by mixing with the old Mo group for a while.

Five hundred kilometers outside the southern border of the Seychelles Republic of Muscat, Babulu, who has returned, is glaring with a general named Kenny Road in the Mi country.

"Uh ~ General Kennel Road, what's going on?" Bablo asked, looking distantly, pointing away.

Kenny Road was even more aggressive, saying: "This ... the two missiles that are likely to be launched are dumb bombs, so ..."

That ’s right, both of them now have 1.2 million in my heart. I do n’t understand, especially Kenny Road. Although the two missiles just launched just wanted to give Seychelles a disappointment and frighten them. But they are all genuine patriots. This is part of the boss who risked his life under the man ’s prostitution / prestige. He wanted to use these missiles to grab some resources in the barren land of Africa. But how did this launch out without response? Why not explode? Can anyone tell me what is going on here?

Now Barbru asked him, and he didn't know how to explain it. In the end, he could only say two dumb shells.

Bablo would be damned if he believed in Kenny Road. He is not a kid, and he can sit on the head of Jisinbania, and his head is absolutely enough.

"Dumb bombs? Fire two dumb bombs at once? Don't tell me that the world's No. 1 military company in the United States specializes in the production of dumb bombs, so I really have no confidence to cooperate with you."

Bablo is really furious. If you do n’t explain it to me, I really have no confidence to play with you. In this tone, throw out two dumb bombs. You are so out there every day. How did it happen? Does it carry countless missiles every time and throw them down together, which one depends on luck? Is that still a fight for Mao?


Kenny Road really didn't know how to answer Barbro, because he really didn't know anything about it.

Just then, Kenny Road received a reply from the pilot.

"General, something is wrong."

Kenny Road shouted directly, "What happened to his mother just now? What about the bomb? Didn't two fire as planned?"


"Then where did they fly? Why didn't they blow up?"

"I just told you this. When we launched the first one, I seemed to see a light chasing behind the missile, and then the bomb lost contact."

"... A light? Missing the missile? Missing contact?"


"Is there so much information, can you make it clear?"

"It's not clear. We didn't see clearly. The speed of light is too fast, much faster than our missile speed."

"What about the second missile? Why didn't it explode?"

"The second ... General, the information returned by the missile's induction system shows that this missile seems to have been intercepted by something."

"Ah ~~ Are you sure you're teasing me? Intercepted? Our patriots in the country have made Seychelles Masca a country so backward? But there must be a sound of interception? Why is there no sound?"

"I don't know this either."

"Launch, launch, send me three more! I want to see one that will explode!"

Kenny Road is going crazy. What kind of news is this? One was chased by a light, and the other was stopped by a muffled one. Is this still the world's most backward country, Seychelles Mascara? This level is better than many military powers in the world.

"Head Bablo, I ask you again now, are you sure Seychelles Masgar is as backward as you say?" Kenny Road asked seriously.

Barbro's head was sweating. He also heard the reply from the pilot of the Mi country just now. The two missiles were inexplicably gone. This is absolutely impossible for Seychelles's technology.

"General Kennedy Road, what I'm saying is true. This is an extremely backward country. Even many countries have not acknowledged its existence. The people of the country live in the oldest way. The military power is primitive and backward. It is impossible. Is there any advanced technology? "

This point Kenneth really believes that it is precisely because this Seychelles Masca is too backward and too small, even the rice country did not know the existence of this country at first, otherwise they would not notice the oil. The place, but after all, there are people here, there is oil on the site, you have to say hello to some people, they do not agree to use force to snatch.

Now listening to Barbru again confirms that Seychelles Masga is poor and backward, and even military forces can be called primitive. Kenny Road has a lot of hair to frown, and he is worried, he really doesn't understand what is going on. What happened, did you meet a ghost? Missiles can all be lost.

After receiving the order from Kenny Road, the pilot fired three more missiles at high altitude in the direction of Seychelles Masga.

The three missiles, like the three killing gods, rushed towards Seychelles Mascara very quickly in the air, and they could land on the land of Seychelles Mascara and take away countless lives almost immediately.

But at this moment, the Ferris column arrived.

This item is full of fire now. You talk about your bastards, and you have nothing to do with the plane every day. The opportunity for Lao Tzu to make meals is tossed you twice a week, it ’s awful.

"Eh? Three more?"

The skyscraper was depressing. As a result, he looked up and found that the three glyphs flying in front of the finished product had increased the fire.

"Get back!"

The skyscraper yelled, and the missile in his hand smashed at the one flying ahead.

Boom ~~

The missile thrown out of this cargo was almost faster than the one launched by Mi Jun. The two collided instantly and made a terrifying explosion.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the skyscraper rushed through the fire, and his left and right hands stretched out. He directly caught the two missiles flying on both sides, and then his body spun in the air. Throw it back.

The Mi Jun pilot just returned after firing three missiles. At this time, the pilot's eyes were almost exploded by the immediate scene.

"Fack! What's going on ?!"

This cargo is almost crazy. Why did the two missiles fly back by themselves? Can anyone give me an explanation?

"Call the base, call the base."

The pilot knew that there must be an expert to help him. Otherwise, it could not be so evil. This cannot be explained by science, so the general must be told the situation, or Mi Jun would absolutely not bear it this time.

Kenny Road stood in front of the microphone. Hearing the sound coming from the microphone, he quickly picked it up and asked, "Say."

"General, withdraw quickly!"

"Huh? Sergeant Johnson, what's going on?"

"I have no time to explain. Hurry to withdraw. Our bomb flew back by itself. I can't escape it, ah! Goodbye, my motherland!"

Boom ~~~~

Kenny Road heard a loud noise from the microphone, and then Sergeant Johnson's voice disappeared.

But he was even more aggressive.

"Withdrawal? Our bomb flew back by itself? How is this Nima possible? The missile launched by itself is to bomb other people. How could it fly back by itself? Has it been a ghost?"

Kenneth was almost vomiting blood, but he had participated in the war between Affahan and Irak, and he had never experienced any war, but he had never seen it before. Do n’t mention it. The missile fired by itself does not bomb others, it flies back by itself. What kind of ghost bomb is this? This is a nerve bomb.

"Bablo! What the **** is going on ?!"

Babro is almost jumping up ~ ~ I don't know, I really don't know! "

"Why would they launch our missiles back?"

"I don't know, General, don't ask me. I'm more aggressive than you now. I'm messy. I'll send someone to investigate immediately. I'm undercover in Seychelles."


"it is good."

Boom ~~~

A group of people were arguing. Suddenly there was a loud sound outside the barracks, and then the whole ground shivered a few times.

Both Barbro and Kenny Road shook their bodies, and then rushed out with a group of people, then ... and then everyone was completely dumbfounded ...

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