The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1622: These two goods, have children together?

Ferrisk said that collecting shells is his favorite job, because he knows that although this kind of thing is not useful to him, it should be very useful to Ye Fei. After all, the lethality of this thing is still possible. If you let Ye Fei Store more of this thing on the island, and you can use it when you encounter difficulties. Of course, as for how to use it, Ye Fei's problem.

After Ye Fei and Tianzhu left, Solova's office was quiet. No one had spoken for more than ten minutes, and no one even went to see Solova's injury.

"His ~"

Finally, Solova's painful chilling wind broke the quietness in the room, and people looked at each other before rushing to help Solova.

Solova is really miserable now, his face is covered with blood, and even now he is exuding. Others may not know it, but Solova knows that he bleeds a little because his head is a little dizzy.

Water is the source of life, and blood is the energy source of life. When a person has no blood, he is completely finished. This is why some people are injured when they are not at war, but they still hang at the end. Because no matter whether the arm or leg is cut off, as long as the blood cannot be stopped, a person will be shocked quickly until death.

"Boss ... Boss, see a doctor." The Minister of Agriculture said cautiously.

Solova didn't snor, but instead sat on a sofa chair and took a roll of paper towels from the small table in front of him, pulling a lot of it, and sticking it on his head and face constantly. Grinted his teeth and grinned.

Everyone looked at Solova quietly. No one dared to speak, because everyone knew that it was definitely not wise to speak at this time.

A lot of paper towels were soon soaked with blood and water, and Solova threw it into the trash can and ripped it up to continue wiping.

A roll of paper towels finally consumed Solova, but the blood on his head was still unstoppable, and his face was even stained red with blood and water.

"Give me a cigarette," Sorova said, regardless of his injuries.

The big guys around were all stunned, but everyone hurriedly handed him a cigarette and lighted him.

Solova took a fierce sip and said, "Tell all the resident personnel that they are all coming back, and those hidden weapons, all thrown away, as long as people come back, and the other notification, we need to convene a parliament to discuss a very The important issue is that in the next 70 years, the country will have to hold its tail to be a human, all overseas investment will be withdrawn, and all projects will be stopped, even if compensation for liquidated damages is fine. "

Several big brothers were all dumbfounded. They all knew that this time, Solofal was completely smashed by Ye Fei. This was to completely block the rice country. No one was allowed to go out to provoke Ye Fei.

"Boss, why do we block for so long?" The Minister of Agriculture asked.

Solova stared at him and said, "As long as Ye Fei is dead, we don't even think about returning to the previous position. From Ye Fei's age, it should not be a problem to live for 70 years. The key is that he also has those alien friends. The aliens have a longer life span than us. They will definitely help Ye Fei to extend his life. The ghosts do n’t know how old this guy can live. Little, I hope that he can forget everything at that time, regardless of prejudice, but even then our country is destined to be abandoned by this world. In this era of rapid development of the entire world, our closed-door state will block a lot from the outside world. We could not do anything while they were studying alien technology. In the end, we were still inferior. Hey, step by step, step by step, or the wisdom of Huaxia ’s ancestors, they have seen the cause and effect of many things. That's why we have to know why we admire the ancient teachings now. "

Solova this time can be said to make Ye Feiyao have no temper. In order to save his strength, he had to be patient to throw away everything overseas and try to shut down the country as much as possible, but he also knew that this would not help. After all, society and It used to be different. Although the government wants to do this, the people below will still have various channels to communicate with the outside world. They can only rely on themselves. The government really can't help them any more.

Ye Fei and Ferris wheel left the rice country and instantly swept through the various places where the rice power was located. It can be said that every place was a smoky gas. Fortunately, these garrisons had been informed by the upper layers long ago. Fei gives whatever he wants, he gives him whatever he wants, everything must go in order to be afraid to fold in these troops again.

Do not search do not know, a search startled.

Ye Fei didn't expect that Solova still had so many large weapons hidden. He remembered that the last time he and Zigzag had taken away were scary enough, why was there so much? It seems that the number of weapons announced by each country is false.

In addition, Ye Fei was surprised that the rice country had so many bases overseas. Even if the speed of the skyscraper was very fast, it took about an hour to collect all the bombs.

This time in order to thoroughly cut the grass and roots, Ye Fei can be said to dig the ground three feet each time he arrives at the base. In addition, several military companies in the country of the United States went to search inside and even turned out the hidden raw materials and took them away .

What is smooth?

In terms of bombs, the current rice country is so slippery that almost none of the ones searched by Ye Fei are left. If someone is working on the idea of ​​the rice country, it can be said that the whole rice country can only stand there and be beaten. I ca n’t get started, because there ’s nothing left, and now the country is definitely back to liberation overnight.

In the Republic of Seychelles, Abram Han and Abru are discussing things. Now Abruhan has no temper, all Abramhan said he was listening, and no matter what Abramhan said, Abruhan All smiled and nodded in agreement.

Boom ~~

The two were talking. Suddenly there was a blast outside, and Ferris and Ye Fei returned.

Both Abraham and Abrur rushed out, and even many Seychelles officials ran out, as did Emilia and her daughter.


Seeing Ye Fei and Ferris column, everyone shouted almost at the same time.

At this time, Ye Fei was like a God-like existence in their hearts, because only God would save them when they were about to destroy the country.

At this moment, it can be said that Ye Fei's prestige reached its peak in the minds of the Seychellois.

After Ye Fei said hello to the crowd, he said, "Mr. Abraham, Miss Emilia, I have something for you now."

"What is it?" Abram Han asked excitedly.

He knew that no matter what Ye Fei sent, as long as Ye Fei gave it, it would never be ordinary.

Ye Fei looked around and said, "This place is too small, Mr. Abraham, is there some space left?"

"A bit more open?"

Abraham didn't understand. What is this for? Why are there more open spaces? Isn't enough space like this?

"Yes, the more spacious it is."

"Uh ~ Ye Shen, if you want to talk about spacious places, there are so many places in Seychelles. What about the desert outside?"

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Yes, you and a few people you trust can come with me, oh, yes, Abru, you too."

Abrue told him to follow after hearing this, the goods were not excited, and quickly nodded.

In the end, Abram Han chose a few of the most loyal and reliable people, along with Abru, followed Ye to fly away, came to the desert, and Ye Fei nodded toward the skyscraper.

I saw the skyscraper rising into the sky, and a spacecraft appeared in the air a moment later, and then slowly fell down.

All of Abraham's group of people saw the alien spacecraft for the first time, all of them were nervous and excited, all watching intently, especially Abraham, who was still muttering in his heart, and said that God Give us an alien spaceship? But no one of us can drive, what can we do?

Abrut was full of envy.

Finally, the spacecraft landed on the ground, followed by the opening of a hatch, and the head of the skyscraper leaped out of it, saying, "Yes, now?"

Ye Fei nodded, and then gestured OK to the skyscraper.

Ferris had long understood what this gesture meant, and retracted his head. It didn't take long for another huge hatch to appear on the spacecraft's cabin, followed closely by a mini-spaceship flying out of it. A spaceship is at most the same size as a normal human on the earth, and there is something on top of each mini spaceship.

Seeing this, Abraham and Abru even screamed.


"Fuck, is this a falcon?"

"Oh my God, is that a bullfighter?"

"God, what did I see? Why are there patriots?"

"Not just patriots, but tridents."

"What are the other ones? I don't know how?"

"Uh ~ I don't care if I know the model. I care about the missile's logo. This is a special product from the rice country.

It was reminded that all talents were immediately concerned about the signs on the missile body, and everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the national flag of Mi.

"I'm going to get it. It's really rice. What's wrong?"

"Crazy, I'm going crazy. Can anyone tell me what's going on here? How did Ye Shen bring the Mi missile?"

Abraham and Abru all stood there like woodcarving clay sculptures, and they were all motionless. At this moment, one of them was more shocked than the other was surprised. They could n’t figure out why they had such a short time. Inner Yefei will get so many Mi missiles. How did this happen?

Besides, if he steals so many missiles from others, will the people of the country be willing?

But if you do n’t want to, fight for Mao?

They are curious.

At this time, a steady stream of missiles and bombs were transported out of the spacecraft, and then a large area was placed in the desert, almost nowhere to be seen.

Ye Fei stood there watching it quietly, until after the last missile came out, he said, "Mr. Abraham, there are all kinds of metric missile bombs here, a total of 3,642 This is a meeting gift I gave to Seychelles Masca, please accept it. "

Abraham: "..."

Abru: "..."

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the two were crazy at the same time, and they all sat on the ground.

"How many?!"

"Three thousand six hundred and forty-two? !!!"

Ye Fei nodded with a smile and said, "I'll give you a hand, I have searched the missile bombs of the United States for a while before, and more times that time, I thought I had taken them away. I still hid so much, this time I thoroughly searched it, without leaving them one, so many conventional shells, of course, there are dozens of nuclear-bearing ones, I wo n’t give them to you, I ’ll take them first . "


Abraham had no sense of excitement at this time, because his brain could not turn around, and Ye Fei's words kept spiraling in his mind.

Searched before?

Finished them all?

Conventional shells and nuclear ones?

These three thousand six hundred and forty-two pieces have been given to us?

Looking at the large missile bomb in front of him, Abraham's heart was almost jumping out of his chest.

"Ye ... Ye Ye ... Ye God, are these really all for us?

Abram Han was stuttering now, there was no way, the scene in front of him was too exciting.

Not to mention that there are 3,642 metric bombs. Their country does not even have the lowest bombs in the world now. There are more than 600 of them in Ye Fei ’s inventory. It's hard to believe.

"Yes." Ye Fei laughed.

"I ... I I I ... I dare not ask." Abraham said for a long time.

Ye Fei froze.


"This wife ... my wife ... too much, and this wife is so precious, how can we, Dede ..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Fei interrupted his words and said, "I and Emila are friends, and these are just ordinary weapons. There is nothing to dare to accept."

Abraham also wanted to refuse, and Abru suddenly blew his throat and said, "Would you like it? You don't want me anymore!"


Abramhan kicked with a kick, and now he is not afraid of Abru, and Ye Fei is right in front of him, so he did not hesitate to kick, and sat Abru directly in the desert.

Abru was not angry, but he groaned from the ground, and then looked at everything with jealousy and envy.

He knows what these weapons mean. One of the conditions when he first cooperated with Rice was that he wanted to buy rice bombs. That ’s right, he did n’t want to buy rice, but he only bought two hundred. Only because they can only afford two hundred in their country.

But now? Ye Fei shot more than 3,600 pieces, and they were given away!

What is Niubi?

This is called real Niubi.

What is generous?

This is the real magnanimity!

"Yes, thank you, your kindness to our Seychelles Mascara. The people of our country will never be forgotten. You will become our most noble patron saint of Seychelles Mascara!"

Thanks Abraham for his response.

Ye Fei's kindness to him is really too big. The big Abraham still feels a bit unreal, and he doesn't even know how to thank Ye Fei. In the end, he couldn't think of a more valuable reply. As a gift, he can only make Ye Fei the patron saint of their country.

There are many sorcerers and witches in ancient Africa. There are ancient legends circulating among them. Each African country has a patron saint who shelters them. Every patron saint is paramount in people's hearts. It is impossible. Replacement.

There is also such a patron saint in Seychelles Masga, but now they have two, a new Ye Fei!

Ye Fei didn't know what level the patron saint was, it was just a program, he didn't refuse, but said, "Okay, take care of these things, I will take your daughter away first, and wait till the end I will send her back after my broadcast. "

"Thank Ye Shen."

Now Abramhan knows that in addition to saying thanks, everything else is pale and weak. Ye Fei is really more gracious to his country and to him personally.

Seeing that Ye Fei was about to leave, Abulu hurriedly said, "Ye God, look at me ... keke ... what ..."

By the way, this product is a little embarrassed.

Ye Fei glanced at him and said, "Looking at your performance in the future, I will give a proper reward if you perform well, see if you don't see it? These missiles are likely to explode at your doorstep. "

Abru: "..."

The cargo shrank its neck and scared to say anything.

What a joke, if these missiles explode in front of their own house, then the whole of Kisinbania can be said to be finished in an instant, with no doubt at all.

After all things were done, Ye Fei returned to Zhuguang Island with Yi Mihua.

Although these things are long to talk about, they are just a few hours back and forth.

When Ye Fei returned to Zhuguang Island, it was only 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Ye Fei arranged for Yihua and looked at the bald head again.

He didn't know if the fast planet medicine was powerful or bald and strong, and the goods could even sit up against the pillows.

Seeing Ye Fei coming in, the bald head with strong fangs smiled, but the face was still pale now, and it was ugly to die.

"Don't laugh, you can't even come back and still laugh?" Ye Fei said angrily.

Bald strong: "Feige, my bald strong life is given to you, you have saved me twice, I think the luckiest thing in my life is to meet you, otherwise I may have bald strong Reported to Lord Yan. "

"This is not necessarily the case. The reason why you are injured every time is because of me. If you are lucky, I am also Ye Fei. I met your brothers."

"Fei brother, I didn't say anything. In the future, my brother will come first."

"Okay, don't think too much, maybe you will settle down in the future, you will heal yourself, your wife is waiting for you to go back."

"Hey, Fei, I really forgot you did n’t say this. I have to get better. My wife is pregnant. I have to watch my baby be born. When I think about becoming a father soon, I am I was so excited, more excited than when I was fighting with others. "

Ye Fei was speechless for a long time. Who are these people? When a child is born, he can fight with a guillotine. Are you afraid that your guillotine will cut you after you are born?

"Good thing, I will give you a big gift when the little one is born."


When he heard Ye Fei say this, his bald head became more energetic. He knew that Ye Fei was going to give a big gift, it would definitely not be light. Ye Fei's things here, just give him a big gift as he please Not to mention, even if you give yourself a plate, that's a pricey antique.

"By the way, Fei, can you discuss something?" Baldhead looked at Ye Fei with a little care and asked.

Ye Fei was amused by this guy's expression, and said, "What else can my brother say to discuss, let's say, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you."

Although Ye Fei called the ticket, the bald head was still a little bit twitchy, and he didn't say it for a long time.

"I said Hadron, you're boring. Grandpas are not even afraid of death. It's been a long time since things were said?"

"No, I'm afraid I don't agree with me."

"You haven't said it yet, how do you know I won't agree?"

"Well, Fei, after my child is born, we have a rule there, in order for the child to feed well, we need to recognize the child as a godfather, you see ... Can my child recognize you? ? "

When he said this, Baldhead felt that he was very embarrassed. After all, Ye Fei's achievements are too great and his reputation is too loud. He is just a little foolish man. The gap between Ye Fei can no longer be described as a gap, it is a world of difference.

But now he recognizes his child as Ye Fei's son or daughter, which is definitely Gao Pan. He was afraid that he could not afford to climb, Ye Fei did not agree.

Who knows Ye Fei laughed after listening to Baldhead's words, and said, "Why do I think it's a big deal?"


Bald head is a little dumbfounded, isn't this a big deal? Do you admit your son?

"Fei brother, you ... did you agree?"

"I promised, this is a good thing. Why didn't I promise? But I had a **** son at the age of 20. Although I felt a little weird at first, I was willing to be your child's godfather."

Yes, Ye Fei is a godfather who really wants to be a bald child, not only a bald child, a rear tiger child, but also a child who is born to death with his own brother. As long as they are willing to give, Will not refuse.

This is not because Ye Fei likes children, but because he likes these brothers, and every time they help their brothers.

Seeing Ye Fei agreed to his request ~ ~ The bald head stood up from the bed in excitement, and then ... Then the goods sat down with their teeth grinning, covering the wound, and it hurt.

"Don't toss, we will hold a ceremony after the child is born. Ye Fei's son and daughter must be grand." Ye Fei said with a smile.

As a result, the bald-headed man laughed and said, "Fei, I can remind you in advance that I don't just want to be grand, but the scale is not small."

"What do you mean?"

"Ahem, didn't our group of brothers get married together? Then ... Aha ... their wives are also pregnant, and the tiger sister-in-law is pregnant earlier than my wife, The wives of other brothers are also pregnant for almost a period of time, that is to say, they may have been born together. They need to know that my child recognizes you as a godfather, and they are expected to follow, so what ... You might collect a bunch of sons and daughters. Can this be small? "

Ye Fei: "......."

Suddenly, these bastards, and having children together?

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