The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1623: How is my method better than Xiao Ling's method?

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Ye Fei has met the best people, but I have never seen Fang Xiaohu and bald head strong guys so good, looking for a girlfriend Looking for together, they are all looking for a nurse. Marry and get married together. Now it's better to have children together. Are you a community or a hug?

Seeing Ye Fei's expression of crying and laughing, bald head also laughed: "Fei brother, hello to me, I called you. Don't be angry when you see a bunch of children by then."

Ye Fei haha ​​laughed: "What's mad? I'm too late to be happy, that's it, that's all for now. I'll go to the **** and talk about it."

"Ah? Fei brother, you go to Huzi brother?"

The bald head was terrified. He thought Ye Fei was looking for Fang Xiaohu and they went to the theory. If this group of people knew that they had betrayed them, they would be rubbed.

"You think too much, Hadron, I have just received the notice from the Yinzhou City Leader, saying that we have allocated a piece of land in the eastern suburbs and let us re-establish a repair shop. I'll see how it goes."

As soon as I heard this, the bald-headed eyes suddenly lighted up. It can be said that the repair shop is now the common home of a group of them. The reason why he almost died because he wanted to protect the repair shop, but he did n’t That ability protected the repair shop, and finally the aliens demolished it.

Now I hear Ye Fei's re-opening of a maintenance plant. This is rebuilding a home. It would be strange if the bald head is not excited.

As far as the importance of the repair shop is concerned, a group of people with bald heads is not as weak as Fang Xiaohu, because they all understand one thing. By their current age and situation, there are not many ways to choose from. They used to They are all mixed, not other technologies. If they leave the maintenance factory, their survival ability is not strong, unless they still go to the underworld.

But they are no longer a bachelor, but people with a family. They have to think about the family, so they can't do anything wrong, so they can only follow a regular way.

The maintenance plant is such a way, Ye Fei gave them, so they attach great importance to them. They know that if there is no maintenance plant, there will be no future for them, and no future for their family.

Now I hear Ye Fei ’s re-opening of a repair shop, and it ’s bigger than before. The bald head knows that Ye Fei is all for their help. In terms of Ye Fei ’s current value and identity, the repair shop is I do n’t even look at it. The income of one day or even an hour is more than the income of the maintenance plant for half a year, but he still has to set up the maintenance plant in order to give the brothers a way of life and a bright future. Brilliant life.

"Thank you, Fei." The bald head moved strongly.

The eye circles of this product are a little red, and it seems to be crying.

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and said, "What do you mean? Isn't bald strong as I know it? That's not even a guillotine cuts a blink of an eye, let alone want to cry, have you been The alien's temperament changed for Sword? "

The bald head laughed loudly, but coughed again, and quickly covered his wounds, saying, "Yes, you're right, I'm just being ridiculed by aliens."

"Roll the cub, take a good rest, Lao Mo will take care of you, oh, by the way, there is an African girl next door, you should also know it, called Emilia."

"Yimihua? The one who likes He Peng?"

"Yes, but don't mention it. He is my next live guest and my friend, but I'm pregnant. I asked Lao Mo to take care of it. I try to go back early."

"Okay, Fei, you can rest assured that I'm bald and I won't cause you any trouble."

"What are you talking about? Vulgar? Be honest."

After Ye Fei spoke, he left Pearl Island with Ferris wheel and went directly to Yinzhou First People's Hospital. Now it is lively. Most of the people in the maintenance factory live here, and most of them are Man, two girls were also clerks in the office and didn't live with them.

At this time, the second floor of Building No. 3 of the entire inpatient department was all their maintenance plant. The whole second floor was noisy, screaming, screaming, and doctors and nurses.

"Quiet, quiet! You are all adults, can you be quiet? Other patients need rest."

"I'm a doctor, you're a patient, do I have to ask you for an injection?"

"Ah, ah, nurse, nurse, come over here, I hurt, I hurt."

"Sir, where do you hurt?"

"I feel distressed. I feel someone occupying my atrium and has a tearing pain in my heart. Alas, the figure of that person is the same as you."


"Hahaha, Muzi, have you failed?"

"No, this is not right. When I came, Brother Huzi told me that he was chasing the sister-in-law like this. Why didn't it work for me?"

"You're not as attractive as Tiger Brother."


Ye Fei was walking in the corridor, and beside him was Xiang Feiying, the director of the First People's Hospital. Ye Fei was a little embarrassed when he heard these guys. He glanced at Xiang Feiying and found that Xiang Feiying's face was also hard to see The old man's cheeks were trembling abruptly.

"Director Xiang, it's lively." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Xiang Feiying sighed and said, "Yes, we are all old friends. Let me tell you the bottom line. If there is a way, I really don't want them to stay in our hospital. It was because of your last visit. Those brothers and friends stayed in the hospital, causing a huge loss to the nurse department of our hospital. We walked a dozen nurses at once, and we finally recruited a few more people. You stabbed these people ... we started to start again, we The doctors at the hospital really wanted to carry them all to the road. Originally there were few resources, and now there are so many looting resources, it's awful. "

"Haha, this also requires them to have that ability, but then again, if they can really find the other half of life in your hospital, is it your hospital's Jade?"

"What a virtue, our hospital will change its brand if we continue this way."

"What brand?"

"Yinzhou First Marriage Agency, I used to want to change this brand."

"噗 ~~"

Ye Fei was also amused by Xiang Feiying. This old man still has humorous cells.

"Go out, you go out for me! Replace her and give me an injection. If she doesn't come, I won't give an injection."

As soon as he reached the door of the ward 207, he saw a male doctor running out in a panic, and almost hit Ye Fei's arms.

The male doctor snorted angrily, but looked up to see Dean Xiang Feiying and Ye Fei, and hurried to let go.

"What's going on?" Ye Fei asked with a smile.

The male doctor sighed and shook his head, and said, "Yes, you really have to save us. If we go on like this, we can't cure them and we will all be hospitalized."

"What situation?"

"There is a patient named Luo San Pao who is also from your repair shop. He was seriously injured. A large piece of flesh was hanging from his arm. He almost saw the bones. He managed to stop bleeding and bandages. Now he will fight every day. Anti-inflammatory injection, afraid of inflammation, the nurse in our hospital gave him Zhu Xiaoling in front of me. Today is too busy. Zhu Xiaoling went to help on other floors. I just happened to be here, I thought about helping him. After all, This is also a matter of convenience. As a result, you see ... he didn't let me fight and kicked me out. He had to let Zhu Xiaoling fight for him, even if he didn't see Zhu Xiaoling. Hit, why do you have such a patient? "

Ye Fei heard that there were black lines on your head, your sister, there is no end to it? I'm almost dead here. How about you picking up girls?

Xiang Feiying also spread his hands, saying, "Yes, did you see that?"

"Well, I'll go and see."

Talking, Ye Fei pushed in the door and walked in.

He and Xiang Feiying and the male doctor just went in. The man in the room was lying on the back of the bed facing the door. Hearing footsteps, the man scolded without turning back: "Get off, get off, return my little one. Ling, Xiao Ling, I just do n’t get an injection. My little Ling, where are you? Will you come and see me? I ’m almost dying. I need you to give me an injection. ”

Several patients in a ward with Luo Sanpao all saw Ye Fei coming over, and just about to shout, but Ye Fei took a silent gesture toward them. He came to the back of Luo Sanpao in three or two steps, and one will The quilt was lifted.

"Xiao Ling, is that you?"

When Luo Sanpao saw his quilt lifted, he quickly turned over and looked at it. As a result, Luo Sanpao's classmates were a little dumbfounded.

"Small ... lying down, Ye Shen ?!"

At first glance, Ye Fei was standing next to his bed with a black face, and almost bounced off the bed. He never dreamed that Ye Fei would come over.

"Do you miss Xiaoling?"


"I heard you didn't get an injection if she didn't come?"


"You would rather die than let a male doctor give you an injection?"


"Can I give you an injection?"

"... Ahhhhh ~ ~ No, Ye Shen, no, I fight, can I fight it? Let me go, let go of me, don't take off my pants, woohoo. ..... "

Ye Feicai didn't care about that much, turned the goods directly over, and then tore up the guy's sick clothes and pants violently, took the syringe from the doctor's hand, and pierced the guy's **** Go on.

"Okay, for the girls do n’t even want their lives. If you were so energetic when you went to school, now you are sitting in the office of a listed company and drinking tea and chatting. Do you still suffer here?"

"Ah !!!! I was wrong, I was wrong, Ye Shen, I was wrong, it hurts, why does your needle hurt so much?"

"You haven't had a needle before. You are the first. You should be honored."

"I @ # ¥%"

Ye Fei will of course give an injection. According to the doctor, there is an acupuncture point on a person's buttocks, which they call painless point. They only need to place the needle quickly, and sometimes the patient does not feel it after the injection.

Ye Fei knew this painless point, and he could find it at a glance, but he just didn't look for it, he just wanted to make Luo San Pao take a good pain. This **** was too shameful to the repair shop. Is it enough to clean up?

A group of people in the same ward all burst into tears and laughed. After Ye Fei picked up the needle, Luo Sanpao covered her buttocks like a humiliated little daughter-in-law, and shivered in bed watching Ye Fei shaking. .

"How's it? What's my method better than Xiao Ling's method?" Ye Fei returned the needle to the male doctor and patted his hand and asked.

Luo Sanpao: "..."

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