The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1640: So embarrassing, stuck

On the south coast, Ye Fei received the Huaxia superior.

This is a very amiable old man, who feels like a spring breeze between his hands and his feet.

The superior got on the stormy spacecraft, and Ye Fei sat beside him.

"This is the first time I've been flying on this type of aircraft, can't I get seasick?" The superior looked around, smiled and nodded hello to a bunch of star bodyguards, then looked at Ye Fei and said.

Ye Fei laughed: "The speed of this aircraft is really very fast, but the stability is also very good. As long as you don't look at the outside reference object, you can't even feel it is flying. Don't worry, it's fine."

"Oh, it's really a good thing. No wonder Mi Guo wants to connect with aliens and wants to learn their technology. It's really advanced enough."

The superior did n’t know if he said it inadvertently or told it to Ye Fei. Ye Fei just smiled after hearing it.


If they did not have the confidence to stop them in the past, now ... I see which planet will cooperate with them and which planet dares to cooperate with them.

"Relax, they can't learn without me," Ye Fei said cheerfully.

The superiors froze, then nodded with relief.

Some things don't need to be too deep at all, and the two sides have understood so far.

Although Ye Fei's words are a bit mad, but the superior is convinced. If there is still a person on the planet who can turn clouds and rain in the interstellar, it is definitely the young man with a smile on his face all day. This is a big energy To the Earthman who trembled the entire First Universe, and he is a Chinese.

"We have experienced a very miserable period for Huaxia. Foreign enemies invaded, officials were not responsible for politics, and people were not talking about life. I hope that the world can be well and Huaxia can be well in the future."

"I don't know if I will be fine in the future, but in my lifetime, I will try my best to do it." Ye Fei assured.

The superior nodded again with satisfaction. Although the time between him and Ye Fei was very short, the superior was more satisfied with the young man who spoke a little frivolous yet loudly.

"Oh, by the way, although I said today that I was participating in your live broadcast as a private person, I came with a task." The superior seemed to suddenly think of something and took it out of his pocket. thing.


Ye Fei was curious.

"Yes, here you are, you see."

The superior handed Ye Fei a small red box.

Ye Fei took it and opened it, and saw a pair of epaulets lying quietly inside.

The pair of epaulettes are green as spring, pointed in front, like the shape of an arrow, on which are three golden stars, and behind the three stars are two golden wheat ears.

If it was before, Ye Fei really didn't know what it was, and he wouldn't know what level of epaulets it was. But now it's different. He is a lieutenant, so he checked the ranks and epaulets, and he glanced at them. It can be seen that this pair of epaulets is of the rank of general.

Seeing that the superior suddenly suddenly handed himself a pair of epaulettes with the rank of general, Ye Fei's hand was stubborn, and he almost threw away the pair of epaulets and the delicate small box. Although he didn't care about this thing at all, but after all The rank of general is too big. In the past, many old revolutionaries had thrown their heads and blood on the motherland and never received such honors in their lives. How could they do it?

"This ... for me?"

Ye Fei is still a little skeptical. After all, he was promoted to Lieutenant General not long ago. Now if he is promoted to Admiral again, the speed of promotion is a bit scary.

The superior nodded with a smile and said, "I originally wanted to hold a conferencing conference, but considering your promotion speed and level, I am afraid that it will affect the emotions of some people in the army, so we finally discussed it and will not engage in it. This time, I came to join your show, and I will bring you the epaulets directly, but do n’t be emotional. Although we did n’t engage in the title conference, your admiral is genuine and has been registered with the military. You will be recognized wherever you go. Of course, I do n’t think you care too much about this rank, but no matter how you look at it, your contribution to the motherland will not be forgotten, your credit. I can afford this pair of glorious generals, and I hope you can contribute more to the motherland in the future. We ... don't want to be bullied anymore. "

Ye Fei listened to the previous words with a smile, but in the last sentence we don't want to be bullied anymore, Ye Fei listened very diligently.

Yeah, Huaxia can't be bullied anymore. Before being bullied, it was cowardly and afraid of death for officials. In exchange for the life of hundreds of millions of people, they watched the great mountains and rivers of the motherland stepped on by foreign iron. Method.

But now it is not the same. Now Huaxia is slowly rising and is stepping on the road of recovery and revitalization. Huaxia has the best leaders, Huaxia has the most united people, and Huaxia does not shoot hard and is not afraid of bleeding. Good-blooded man, Huaxia has many, many scientists who work around the clock, there is no possibility that such a motherland cannot be rejuvenated.

泱泱 Huaxia, nearly two billion Huaxia children will tremble when the whole world trembles. This is an extremely powerful force, a force that emits roars to make the wind and clouds change color.

Long history, the river meanders, and there must be twists and turns, but after the twists and turns, it will continue to flow forward until it merges into the river, turning into a splash of water and waves.

There are so many ruthless ghosts, people who intend to win in China will win!

Ye Fei never doubted that China would rise, because this is the inevitable history. If even the best nations in the world cannot stand up, what other nations can leave an indelible legend on the earth?

"I won't be bullied!" Ye Fei repeated the words of the superior, muttering and identifying.

The superior glanced at him.

Ye Fei laughed: "After the live broadcast is over, I will find a few friends. I think you haven't thoroughly studied those things yet? Let them help, and some things can't be solved by struggle and hard work. When there are shortcuts, you can take a walk. "

The higher man really laughed this time. The reason why he said so much is, in the final analysis, Ye Fei's sentence, and it is Ye Fei's statement.

The things Ye Fei let Mo Ling take back are really esoteric. They have gathered a large number of the best scientists from various industries in the country to study day and night, but they still ca n’t figure it out. If they are not good, they have not found a clue .

This is not that they are stupid, but that they have never been exposed to these things at all, and even the above character they can study for many days and still don't understand.

Words are the foundation of science. I do n’t understand words. What science is involved?

"Can we go?" The superior received a satisfactory reply and said with a smile.

Ye Fei hurried to let Storm Dust start.

Then ... then in a second, the spacecraft's hatch opened.

Host: "......"

"What's going on? Is the spaceship broken?"

Ye Fei: "..."

broken? How old is this stuff? How can it be broken?

"Here it is."

"Ah? So fast?"

This superior is really surprised, because this speed is completely beyond his imagination too much. He also knows that the alien spacecraft is very fast, otherwise he ca n’t cross the interstellar space, but he did n’t expect that he would To the point of such horror, I just said a word just now, just after the end, and here we are at Pearl Island.

Although the shore of the South China Sea is not far from Zhuguang Island, this is a bit exaggerated.

"So fast." The superior sighed again.

Ye Fei laughed: "It's fast, but after we master the technology, I believe we will research it faster."

"I hope so."


The superior came out of the spacecraft and saw some people standing at the end of the ladder. Most of them were weird aliens, but there were also a few earth people, all of them were saluting themselves with serious faces. .

He came to the shore with a smile, and saw a few special soldiers, as if made of steel, with dark faces and his eyes staring straight ahead.

He also saw two ordinary people, one wearing a vest on his upper body, straight trousers on his lower body, and a flip-flop on his feet.

There was also a white tender tender man, whose chest was undulating, his eyes were even wet, and his salute was biting his mouth.

He also ... well, he also saw a blond foreigner, this one is also saluting, but ... just the superior paid him a military salute, and then personally sent him Right hand is turned upside down.

Um, Budinger ’s hand is saluting when he salutes. Others have palms ahead. He has palms facing backwards. The goods have never been saluted before. I didn't see what gesture was anxious and went straight.

After all, Yi Mihua is a princess, even if it is a princess in a country where birds do not shit, she also knows the etiquette of various major countries, and pays a very standard military salute to the superior.

Dolly looked at the superior curiously. She was curious what kind of person could let Ye Fei run over to meet her. Now when she saw the superior, she suddenly felt that although this person smiled, But there is a kind of dignified majesty that is not ordinary at first glance.

Bingo ... Bingo is also looking down at the superior, this is not to look down, but he is too tall, the height of three or four meters is definitely the same as a giant.

At this point, Bingo was also curious about what the superior was like, after all, Ye Fei really respected him so much.


As everyone looked at the superior, Bingo suddenly squatted down and stretched out his big hand.

The superior shook hands with him with a smile, and said, "Welcome to the earth, welcome to Huaxia, and wish you a wonderful journey."

"Thank you."

After meeting the superior, Bingo stood up, but he just frowned, and then his eyes stared at a place in the South China Sea instantly.


Hearing Bingo softly for a moment, Ye Fei hurriedly looked along his eyes, but he saw nothing.

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

Bingo said: "Someone is here."

"Ah? No? You don't see the spaceship."

"Maybe not from a spaceship."

"Uh ~"

Ye Fei was a little confused. All the aliens who came to him came by airships, oh no, except for the guy who became too physically fit.

"How did you know?"

After Ye Fei asked this topic, I felt a little bit second, who is Bingo? Those who have space gems in their hands can feel space fluctuations as normal.

Bingo smiled at Ye Fei, and Ye Fei smiled awkwardly.

"It's close," Bingo said again.

Everyone heard what he said this time, and then all looked in the direction he was looking. One by one, I still don't know what to look at.

"Wenyou, do you see anything?" Whispered to the director next to the wet man.

The wet man was silent, then nodded seriously.

"I see."

"What? Why didn't I see anything?"

"I saw the mountains, the water, and a beauty called nature."


I believe to the director that if the superior is not in front of him, he will kick the wet person with one kick. Isn't all this nonsense of yours? I'm asking you about the others, but also mountains and rivers, don't you say I can't see it?

No wonder it's so old to be successful. Your mind is full of poetry and paintings. In this age of materialism, unless you have a chance, you can only use it as a fat in your stomach.

"Don't make trouble, I heard the expert said that it seems someone is coming over."

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense, these aliens are coming to ride a flying saucer. Now the calm seas, how could anyone come over?"

"You seem to make sense, look again."

The two guys followed the others and looked forward, but still saw nothing.

Not only them, it can be said that no one at the scene saw it, including bingo, but he was able to feel it.


Bingo said abruptly, and then his muscles became tense in an instant, tense and tight, with infinite power in it.

He didn't know who was coming, and the person who could travel through time and space without a spacecraft was definitely a person who could make him face up, and he didn't dare to care.

"Where?" Ye Fei asked anxiously.

Bingo pointed to the space in front of him and said, "Here."

Just after he finished speaking, everyone saw a wave of space in the place about half a meter in front of Ye Fei, as if a calm water surface had thrown a small stone into it, and ripples appeared.

Ye Fei jumped in a fright, and rushed to the superior, and then the old Mo group protected Ye Fei, the superior, and several other guests in the middle.

The gas in the space in front is still fluctuating, and the ripple is more densely emitted outwards. It seems that someone is coming out.

One minute.

Two minutes.

three minutes.


Five minutes passed, and Ripple was still shaking, but no one came out.

Ye Fei's group of people all wondered, and all looked at Bingo.

Bingo is also a bit aggressive. It stands to reason that such dense ripples should come out. Why is nobody?

But they knew that there was definitely something behind this ripple, because the air could not have such abnormal fluctuations for no reason.

Everyone at the scene was nervous. Many people prepared their weapons and aimed at the air ripples.

After another five minutes or so, everyone saw that the air ripples became denser, and each ripple was much larger than before.

"Be careful, come out," Bingo reminded everyone.

He just finished speaking ~ ~ Everyone saw that this constantly rippling ripple suddenly cracked, and then the crack became bigger and bigger, and then half of them appeared.

Well, yes, it's half human.

The man's head protruded, and the right half of his body protruded, and then ... and then stopped.

Everyone was staring at this person who appeared from the air, and then this one was also blinking at the group of people in front of them, and the two sides were so wide-eyed.

"Uh ~ what's your surname?" Ye Fei asked.

Half of the people scratched their heads and said, "The wind doesn't speak, Ye Fei?"

"Yeah, you come out."

"I ... I can't get out, it's embarrassing, it's stuck."

Ye Fei: "......."

Wouldn't it work?

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