The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1642: Xinghai frenzy


After hearing this name, Ye Fei was a little confused.

Others may not know who Dakside is, but he knows. He hesitated for a while while writing the script for Tian Xinlan. He was thinking about writing Wonder Woman or Black Widow, and finally chose Black Widow.

And if he writes Wonder Woman, a super villain will inevitably appear inside, that is, Dakside, a super strong who will emit omega rays through his eyes. This can make people think alive. Dead super strong.

He also knew why Bingo used the dreaded word when speaking of Dakside, because Bingo was not an opponent at all in terms of controlling people.

Although Bingo has gloves, this thing is purely an offensive weapon. A ring finger can make people fly ash, but Omega rays of Dakside are different. They can not only kill people when they are shot on them. Being able to save people at the same time is a bit scary.

Looking at someone who is not pleasing to the eye, staring at your eyes, you will die, this is the most authentic and typical eye-kill.

Ye Fei didn't want to reach Keside and was entangled in the Second Universe. This is different from the situation in his mind. What is going on?

"How successful are you against him?" Ye Fei asked Bingo cautiously.

After all, this is also the former king. One person has turned the world upset by the first universe. In Ye Fei's view, this guy was a very powerful person before. How much will he have to win over Dakside?

Bingo did not speak, but looked at the front for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "If it is the same way of fighting, the outcome may be four or six points, I am four, he is six."

"I go."

Ye Fei is not calm at all, Bingo, but he is holding six jewels from the sky, not to mention that six are powerful, even one powerful is enough for all life in the first universe. Drinking a pot, there used to be a few people on the earth who only had one gem, and they were already superheroes.

One person has six gems, and that is the superlord!

Now Ye Fei heard this former superlord say that he can't do Dakside. How can this be played?

"He once tried to control the multiverse, that is, all universes in the galaxy, but in the end it failed, but even this caused everyone to panic for a while. When he invaded the first universe, I was still young and had no chance. Fight with him, but I've heard his legend, it's scary, "Bingo said.

"Then why didn't he succeed?"


"I rely, who is so great?"

Ye Fei was a bit surprised. With so much power in Daxside, how could anyone beat him? How terrible was the one who defeated him?

Bingo glanced at Ye Fei and said lightly, "The one who defeated him was actually the Earthman."


This time let alone Ye Fei, everyone present was startled.

You must know that the planet Earth is almost a forgotten planet in the first universe. Many interstellars will be circled when they hear about the earth, and they do n’t even know it exists.

But what's going on now? Why could a person from the earth be able to defeat the Daxside who once wanted a multiverse? This Nima is unscientific. This.

"Please make it clear." The host also said curiously.

Bingo said quietly: "In fact, the earth is a very magical planet. Each of the strongmen who go out from here will shake the entire first universe. Once in a long distance, I do n’t know what civilization is on earth In short, it should not be now, now your civilization is too weak. "

"... keke, say the point, say the point."

Ye Fei is so depressed, who told you who it is, do you have to fight these people?

Bingo said aloud and continued: "I was told that a man named Owen Reese was walking out of the earth. He was just an engineer at a nuclear power plant and accidentally a particle generator bombed him. Becoming a molecular man also gave him the ability to destroy the world. It is precisely because of this that Daxside's omega rays are almost useless to him, because he is extremely immune to any rays. Ability, not only that, he can also split any substance into sub-forms at will, and change the molecular structure and molecular energy of the substance. It is with this trick that the molecular man Owen Rees kicked out Dakside In the universe, in fact, the molecular man is not entirely a good person. The character of this person is uncertain. Good or bad people look at his mood. "

In just a few simple words, they once again unlocked the magical side of the universe for everyone. At the beginning, they only suspected that there were aliens in outer space. Now that aliens have appeared, they have discovered in the universe There is even more mysterious existence.

The universe is like a bride. When she came out of the flower sedan, people were delighted and surprised, but she could n’t see what she looked like. Only when the bride in the cave room opened the bride ’s hijab would she find one. Vice-King looks.

At this moment, everyone was silent. The amount of information that Bingo's words instilled into them was too large for them to digest.

"That Owen Rees ... where is the elementary man now?" Ye Fei asked suddenly.

Bingo glanced at Ye Fei, shook his head, and said, "Like that kind of person, there is always no trace. You can say that he lives in a planet, or that he is everywhere in the universe, so you find Without him, he can only come to you. "

In fact, Ye Fei's idea is very simple. Since this Owen Rees can hold down Duckside, he will find a way to invite him out and go to the edge of the First Universe to see it, so that the safety factor is higher.

Now Bingo says that the dragon is blind and Ye Fei is okay.

"Anyway, no matter how powerful Dachside is, I must go, and we do n’t go with the idea of ​​fighting, we just go to see the situation of Ziqing, so we do n’t necessarily go with Da Exeter clashes and we may not even meet. "

"Maybe, just go and see. I haven't moved in a long time. I think many people have forgotten me."

Bingo put on the gloves again on his left hand, then shook it fiercely into an iron fist.

"How do you want to go?" The superior asked with concern.

After all, Ye Fei is too important for the earth to China. He ca n’t miss anything, and the superior does n’t know Zi Qing. He does n’t know that Ye Fei is worth it, but Ye Fei must go safely. He is most concerned about the safe meeting.

Ye Fei laughed: "I said just now, just to see the situation."

"How many people do you want to bring?" Bingo asked.

Ye Fei thought about it and said, "One."


"No way, absolutely not."

"Yes, think twice."

"How about you play with fire?"

Hearing Ye Fei said that he only took one person to the edge of the First Universe, and everyone at the scene jumped up, which was too reckless.

Ye Feidao: "One is enough. Rest assured, I'm not a person who doesn't hit the south wall and don't look back. In fact, I also cherish my life. If I can't handle it, I will choose to avoid it."

Seeing Ye Fei's decision to do so, everyone knew how to persuade him to be useless, and could only tell him to be careful.

"Who's there?" Asked Dolly, who rarely spoke.

After all, Ye Fei has too many interstellar bodyguards, and every time Ye Fei goes out, he will let the skyscraper together, so they thought Ye Fei would definitely take the skyscraper this time.

Who knew Ye Fei's eyes fell on the body of Feng Wuyu.

The wind didn't speak for a while, and then quickly waved his hand, saying, "Don't look at me, Ye Fei, you can't be too much of a person. I've been miserable by you. Don't call me like this anymore. I just came here to participate in your live broadcast. You ca n’t take me as a coolie. Besides, this big brother also said just now that what a ghostly Daxside was blown up. At least my past like this was a cannonball. It can't help you, it can only hinder you. "

Just after the goods were finished, they found that everyone looked at him with contempt.

The wind didn't say a word, his face wasn't red, and his heart didn't beat. "You can't despise me. I'm telling the truth."

What he said was true, not only that he could only do cannon fodder in the past, but most of the people present could only be used as cannon fodder.

Ye Fei didn't blame the wind. He understood the idea of ​​the goods, and the wind didn't say anything wrong. In the past, it was estimated that the cannon fodder could not be done, and it was likely that he could not go near.

"Do you want to challenge it?" Ye Fei's eyes finally fell on Bingo and asked.

Bingo laughed. This was the first time he had laughed since he appeared.

After laughing, Bingo's tall body stood up and said, "Challenge? I just want to prove it and see if my guess is right."

In the end, Ye Fei decided to go to the edge of the First Universe with Bingo. In fact, this is also the most satisfactory decision for everyone, because they are not sure about the strength of Bingo, but from the fact that he can break the space wall with one punch It can be seen that it is definitely not weak, not to mention that he also said just now that even if he has a small chance of winning against Dakside, it can at least delay time.

"Thank you," Ye Fei said from the bottom of his heart.

He must be grateful. After all, this busy bingo is too big. It has nothing to do with a dime, and it is very likely that this will be death. But even so, there is no vagueness at all. Don't worry about it. Whether it was to protect themselves or to prove something, at least they went.

"Thank you." The superior also said to Bingo.

Finally, wet people, thanked the director, Yi Mihua, etc., all of them for Bingo.

And thanks to these people, Bingo just nodded, um, so capable people are so proud.

This kind of thing can't be delayed either. It's better to go early and return as soon as possible, so after Ye Fei made the decision, he set off directly with Bingo.

They didn't take the spacecraft at all. Bingo tore in front of his hands. Everyone just saw that the empty space in front of him had been ripped out of a black hole.

"Let's go." After Bingo stepped into the mouth, he turned back to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei did not grind. He knew that this was the place where bingo was powerful. He who possessed space gems could completely shuttle space like the wind did not speak. This was also an important reason he wanted to bring bingo. Save time. In the case of a spacecraft, although the speed of the gadget is also fast, after all, there is no way to compare it with bingo.

Everyone saw Ye Fei also entered the crack, and then the crack disappeared instantly, along with Ye Fei and Bingo.

"Hey, Ye Shen is so touched. No matter who the other party is, as long as he comes to participate in his live broadcast, he will treat him sincerely. A third universe person just let him rescue him regardless of his life. Okay. Touched, "said the wet man.

So the wind rolled his eyes without saying a word, and he said that the **** was moved. I was almost hanging out just now. How did he torture me for so long?

The crack disappeared, Ye Fei felt his body light, and then it seemed as if he had entered a fast-rotating channel, except for darkness, which was a fast flash of starlight.

Just a blink of an eye, they appeared under a cold starry sky.

The sky is like a layer of dark cloth, with stars like diamonds shining on it. The faint light tries to brighten this dark space as much as possible.

Suddenly, Ye Fei saw a large area of ​​starlights appearing not far away. These starlights were long, like a galaxy. Numerous stars were floating in the galaxy.

"What is that?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

"The connection gap between the two universes is like the two plates are docked, and there is no gap in perfection, so many stars will fall in this gap, and then the star forces will pull each other, like an adhesive, the two The universe is stuck together. "


So a strange picture appeared in Ye Fei's heart, with a black cloth on top of his head, all densely covered with patches.

Yes, in his opinion, if the connection between the universe and the universe is really Bingo said, wouldn't that be a patch in the sky one by one?

"Huh? What's going on? Starlight seems to be more active."

As soon as Ye Fei discovered the anomaly, Bingo suddenly caught him and disappeared instantly. By the time they appeared again, they had no idea how many miles they were away from where they were.

"How come?" Ye Fei asked unwillingly.

Bingo's face was a bit unsightly, saying: "That's the Xinghai frenzy. If we don't leave, a wave comes over and we both have to explain where we are."

"No, it's so scary?"

"The universe itself is full of unknowns and dangers."

"Where are we now?"

"At the other joint, there is also a sea of ​​stars in front, lying down!"

Bingo had just said here, and the result was directly swearing, because he found that the Xinghai in front of him also began to appear frenzy, and this time was even more crazy than the frenzy just now, so he did not scare him, so he caught Live Ye Fei disappeared instantly.

At the other junction of the first universe and the second universe, Bingo had just appeared with Ye Fei, and as a result another wave of rush came.

Bingo was so depressed that he almost scolded his mother. He didn't come to the edge of the First Universe before, but he never encountered the situation like today.

In the past, the Xinghai frenzy also appeared, but it has never been so fierce and frequent as it is today. What is going on today? Why is there a frenzy of Xinghai where he and Ye fly?

At this moment ~ ~ Bingo even suspected that Ye Fei was a broom star, and she also carried this little bit to her back.

Ye Fei was dizzy when he was carried around by Bingo. When it finally appeared again, the goods couldn't bear it, and he vomited.

He can be sure that he is definitely the first person to vomit in space.

"Don't run, don't run, I'll be completely finished after running again." Ye Fei said, bending his hands, holding his hands on his knees.

Bingo was in a hurry. He watched another starburst frenzy rushing forward, and he was dead if he didn't run again.

Even at this moment he wanted to leave Ye Fei and run by himself, after all, it was too scary ahead.

"The Xinghai frenzy is here!" Shouted Bingo.

Ye Fei's spit was so loud that he finally did not vomit. He looked up weakly and looked up, and saw that a few hundred meters high of the tide of the Xinghai Sea smashed towards him and Bingo ...

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