The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1648: It's too dangerous to be a wet person

No matter what other people ask, Ye Fei just doesn't say what to do today, which makes Doli anxious.

Director Xiang and the wet man are clamoring. They are crowded together, and the mouthful of brother Xianxian is sore.

"Hey ~ Xiongtai, look at the tea of ​​Ye Shen, the green is like a lake, can you have an elegant sentence to say?"

"Let me consider one or two, tea, green like a lake, and now, please listen."

"Xiongtai chants soon."

"A cup of tea on the table, green as lake water, drink to quench your thirst, nothing if not drink."


"I am good, good, good poetry."


The "poem" of the Wet Man has just been made, and everyone on a table can say that all sprayed out instantly.

"Yeshen, can I hit both of them?" Feng Wuyu looked at Ye Fei in pain and asked.

All the clothes on this article are filled with tea. Just now he took a sip, but one of them didn't hold back and all of them were sprayed out. He hadn't sprayed a lot.

At the same time, Dolly, Emily, Bingo, and Tintin all looked at Ye Fei with a begging look, and even the superiors were silent, which is considered acquiescence.

Ye Yefei made a hand gesture, saying: "Just take a breath and live broadcast in a while."

"I know."

After Feng Feng said nothing, he rushed to the wet man and to the director with his arms and sleeves.

When they saw it, they ran away scaredly, ran to the South China Sea in one breath, and looked back to see that the wind was still far away. The two guys sat down on a stone again, facing the South China Sea, and felt again.

"Brother, do you see this sea of ​​water overlapping, like Yulang Yinbo, is there any Yaxing doing for the virtuous brother?"


I looked back at the director and looked at the wind still running. He nodded and said, "I haven't done poetry for a long time, but today I met and knew my brother and I'm happy, then I'll be ugly."

After saying that, he frowned at the director for a long time and said, "Ah ~ the sea, mother"

He just made it here, and the wind didn't speak just in time, but when he heard this sentence, a thump at the foot of the cargo fell, and then he fell on the ground and looked at the director and the wet man with a look of love. , Said: "Two, please, please, can we let go?"

Wet people and director Xiang: ""

Ye Fei's group of people are afraid that the wind will not speak. This product really wets people and directors. Don't look at the wind and silence this product is bullied by Ye Fei. But if he really looks at the directors and wet people, it is more than enough. After all, Young and physically fit.

So a group of people rushed out, but as soon as they came out, they saw that Feng Feng was sitting on the ground and was telling the director wet people what they were. Several of them were a little confused.

"It's over, another one got stuck."

"The child doesn't have the strength to speak without the wind."

"Ah ~ if these two really do compose poetry, just talk about what they do, a cup of tea on the table, drink to quench your thirst, nothing if you do n’t drink it, hey your sister, The worst poems I have ever seen since I was a child are dozens of times better than this. "

"I am intolerable for an African who does n’t know much about Chinese culture. If this is prenatal education, I am really worried about what level my child will be after birth."

The superior laughed: "Everyone has a way of life and work for everyone. In fact, they are good and happy."

Ye Fei shook his head with a smile and said, "Okay, let's leave them alone. The wind doesn't speak and is not a reckless person. Maybe it was just the two of them who just choked for a while, just fine. I didn't see the three of them. Did you talk together? "

A group of people all came back to the house with a smile. As a result, they went to the house to see that Ziqing was gone, and then Ye flew to the outside to look at them. They suddenly became speechless. I do n’t know when Ziqing went to the South China Sea with three guys went.

"It seems that I am right, Zi Qing and these two people can really talk together."

Bingo and Yi Mihua all laughed, but the smile had not disappeared. A few people saw Zi Qing came to the board of directors and wet people, and then picked up the wet people and tossed the board to the South China Sea. went.

"I trust, something happened."

When Ye Fei looked bad, he rushed over in a hurry, and Bingo and Dolly passed by behind him.

When I went to the place, I saw the wind and didn't speak, and looked at the South China Sea with a grimace.

"Why did you throw them both into the sea?" Ye Fei shouted.

This is not right, aren't you guys? Why is it that similar items are also going away?

Zi Qingdao: "I was just choked by the two of them just now, choked with water, can you understand my mood? As a literati, poetry can be done if it can be done. What a pot of tea is nothing if you don't drink it. You talk about what kind of dog hair this is? "

"Then you can't throw them into the sea, it will be dead!"

"Uh ~ I'll go fishing."

Xi Ziqing hurried to the south coast.

In the South China Sea, Xiang Director and the wet man were all dumbfounded. They both plopped through the sea water and sank directly down, and finally managed to float up with their hands, howling.

"Help, help, I can't swim."

"I'm not good at swimming, either."

"Oh, brother, don't be good, this is all about to die, and what's the matter? Help, help."

"It also makes sense, help !!!!"

The two were struggling, and suddenly felt something under their feet. This time they didn't stun the two. They hurried and shouted while heading to the shore. Now they don't care if they can swim. All the formulas are used.

As a result, they did n’t swim one meter, they felt like they were rising, one by one, they were more aggressive, they were almost scared, they watched the movies of great white sharks, they were really afraid of a group of great white sharks under their feet, There is no hope of living like that.

After a short while, the two of them rushed out of the water. Below them, a huge lightning bolt rushed out, putting the two guys on their heads.

"Hoo ~"

When Ye Fei saw the lightning python ejected the wet man and the director, he took a sigh of relief, saying that he was not drowned. If it drowned, he could not explain to the audience himself. When you talk about it, What do you say? Say the two came to their own show and were drowned? Who would dare to come after that?

Wu Ziqing also quietly sighed with relief, and said that he was fine.

The others also hurriedly stopped, waiting for the wet man and to go ashore to the director.

The huge lightning python was obviously very excited. After lifting it to the director and the wet person, when everyone thought it would send two people ashore, who knew that the lightning python's head fluttered, and he chubby The director and the wet man all threw up, and then the two of them fluttered and fell into the South China Sea.

Everyone: ""

"What is the rhythm?"

"Uh ~ Ye Shen, isn't it life-saving? What kind of trouble is this?"

"Emma, ​​this Lightning Python won't treat them both as toys, right? Throw the ball?"

Ye Yefei couldn't take care of that much anymore. He flew to the South China Sea in a flash, and shouted, "Send to the shore, don't make a noise, it will kill you."

As a result, he just shouted and was pushed out to the director and the wet man again, and then fell into the South China Sea.

"我 @ # ¥"

飞 Ye Fei is going crazy, this Nima is purely okay, why do you say this?

A bunch of people in the upper ranks were all staring, and I didn't expect a few lightning pythons to play Happi.

"Ye Fei, don't let them play, the two are dying." Emihua was a girl after all, soft-hearted, reminded.

Ye Yefei was so anxious, I said I didn't want to.

Plop through ~

Ye Yefei couldn't wait any longer, jumped directly into the South China Sea, and then quickly disappeared.

Yeah, Ye Fei's water is not awesome either. It's okay to toss two times in a small puddle in the swimming pool to swim in the sea? It disappeared in minutes.

This group of people on the shore is completely panicked. Anyone can have something, but Ye Fei can't have an accident. If this guy is really drowned, it is estimated that the first universe will be chaotic. I do n’t know how many people will come to The waters of the South China Sea are booming.

"Save people!"

The superiors can't calm down, and let people get in to save people.

At this time, there is no need to talk about him at all. The flapping flapping is the same as the dumplings. There are 288 interstellar bodyguards, plus a group of Lao Mo. It went inside, and the scene was crowded, similar to the May Day beach. The small fishes and shrimps in the South China Sea scared and fled around. I have lived in this place for a long time. I have never seen so many monsters suddenly. The situation.

Finally tossed for a long time, a group of talents took Ye Fei, Wet People and Directors out of the South China Sea. Ye Fei was okay. He went in late and was rescued in time. He spit on the shore and was spit.

I ca n’t do it to the director and the wet man. They were thrown into the sea several times and passed out long ago.

"Save people, hurry up." Ye Fei sat on the beach and said weakly.

The bingo gang of aliens are a bit blind and do n’t know what to do. They have n’t encountered this situation. On their alien planet, it is a shame to say that a person was drowned by water.

So in the end Ding Dingge and Yi Mihua went into battle, facing the director's chest and the wet man's chest was cramped.

"Spit ~"

I tossed for a long time, the wet man suddenly moved, and a water line was drawn from his mouth.

I pressed again, and the wet man spit out a few more mouthfuls, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Am I dead?" As soon as he opened his eyes, the wet man asked weakly.

Ye Fei came over panting and said, "Did not die, just drink too much water. With a cup of tea, you don't drink it. You have to go to the South China Sea to drink the water of this sea, and write a poem. "

"I woo woo ~ Ye Shen, I want to change my career."


"It's too dangerous to be a wet person, vomit"


"Yeshen, come over and take a look, no way." Just as Ye Fei was speechless by a wet man, Yi Mihua shouted anxiously.

Ye Yefei hurried over and said, "What's wrong?"

"Look at him, I can't save it, don't spit water, and this breath is very weak." Yi Mihua anxiously.

Ye Yefei quickly squatted down and touched the pulse of the director. It was really weak and almost disappeared.

"I come."

Ye Yefei asked Yi Mihua to let him go. He pressed his hands against the director's chest, pressed it hard for a few times, and still did not respond.

"Sit down, to the director, to the director, you wake up, wake up!"

Ye Yefei was crying anxiously. It seems that something really happened. How can you explain to Ma Qingyun yourself? How do you explain to the audience?

Tong Ziqing said weakly, "I didn't mean it either. I didn't know they would be drowned. I have never seen a drowned person before. How could this be?"

It's meaningless to blame Zi Qing now, but I'll hurry to the director to talk about it.

Ye Fei's medicine is very powerful, but the diseases he treats are symptomatic. Now he is about to die to the director. Asymptomatic is about to die. No, if there is symptom, the stomach is big. Obviously I drank a lot of water just now, but I can't vomit it out of my life, do you say anxious?

I pressed for another minute, Ye Fei was sitting on the beach again, but still couldn't vomit to the director.

Ye Yefei knew that if he was delayed for a while, he would definitely hang up from the director, but what should he do?

"Ye Fei, don't worry, I believe it will be all right." The superior comforted.

Ye Yefei didn't say a word. He knew that the superior was comforting himself, but something had happened.

When Ye Fei felt confused, suddenly an interstellar bodyguard came over and said, "Ye God, he's stuck."

Ye Yefei: ""

Everyone: ""

"Stuck? What do you mean?"

Ye Fei looked at this interstellar bodyguard too confusedly. He knew that his name was Mihasuo. It was from the red light planet. One of the characteristics of this red light planet was that a pair of eyes could naturally release a red ray. You can see through some objects.

"I saw something in his throat seemed to be stuck there ~ ~ so the water in his stomach couldn't spit out."

"What is it?" Ye Fei asked a little speechlessly.

Mihasuo pointed to the guide sea and said, "It seems like a little fish."


别 Don't talk about Ye Fei at this moment, and everyone else doesn't know what to say, how can this fall into the throat for a while and swim a small fish?

"Can you get it out?" Ye Fei asked.

He didn't know where it was stuck, and he couldn't figure it out.

"Let me try."

Mihasuo said, squatting down, the goods moved a hand, a small slender hook was added in his hand, and then pinched to the director's mouth, and just reached in.

"You can take it out."

"Hurry up now."


Mihasuo slammed into the director's throat with a small hook, and finally pulled it out. On the small hook, a small fish was twisting his body back and forth.

刚刚 The fish just hooked up, and a spit of water came out to the director. There was a smaller fish in the water.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei's group of people are completely speechless. Your sister, did you go to the South China Sea to drink water or eat seafood? .

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