The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1677: Ye Shen is going to impact our food culture

Every draw in Ye Fei's live room can be said to give unexpected surprises.

No one expected that this time they would be pumped to Exeter.

You know, this guy just apologized to Ye Fei in a whisper. The second universe he managed was someone with Hei Yefei's computer, but in a blink of an eye, it turned out to be Ye Fei's live guest, which made many people feel depressed. All soared.

This is also in line with Hua Xia's words, "Blessed by evil, blessed by evil, blessed by evil", this thing is a real story of a dead horse.

But Daxside is more likely to come, knowing that Ye Fei has offended just now, so he decisively gave Ye Fei a wave of rewards after winning the prize.

In his opinion, he just brushed a few luxury props casually, but to others it was not the case.

看到 When I saw a hundred-star multi-star aircraft carrier and an interstellar spacecraft rushing out without money, the whole live room was chaotic, and all of them were shocked by Daxide's generous handwriting.

"Ouch, Daxside, how much is this Nima?"

"Absolutely more than bingo, no need to count at all, definitely more than bingo."

"This child is crazy, I declare, this child is crazy!"

"I rub, I see, my scalp is numb. This one is 200,000 Chinese coins. This one kneels, and I really kneel. Ye Shen, there are really many gods in this live broadcast room. "

The statistician of the food section group on the Qiuqiuqiu platform has been changed twice, but it is still too busy.

绿 Green Star, the vice president of the Star Live Broadcasting Association, sweated on the forehead of his busy mind, and his tired tongue was spit out. Like a dog, the results were not counted.

This product really has an urge to quit picking things up. This mother-in-law has never been so tired. This is simply becoming too tiring.

Apocalyptic stars of the Second Universe, Daxside is still playing with joy.

Actually, this guy is crazy at the moment. He slams and mumbles, "What shit, you can't raise the price a little bit? When does this have to be brushed?"

Grace, who was hiding in the dark, drew his face straight, and said to himself that you were too cheap, wasn't it? You do n’t have to look at how much you have already brushed. That's enough. You still plan to brush him till tomorrow?

"Master, is that okay?" Grace finally couldn't stand it anymore, reminding carefully.

Darkside poked, "How much?"

格瑞斯: ""

I rely, how can I know how much? It ’s your reward, not me. How many rewards have you rewarded yourself?

But Dakside asked him, and he couldn't help but say, but he didn't know how much, and could only answer vaguely.

"Should be a lot?"

"Oh, brush it again, oh, yes, tell the second universe's live broadcast platform, add some new props, the price is a bit more expensive, you look at one of these two thousand Xinghe coins, it takes more time to brush up."


After Grace agreed, Ye Fei's live broadcast platform was not in the Second Universe, and hurriedly said, "Master, Mr. Ye's live broadcast platform is not in our Second Universe, it is on the Earth in the First Universe, and we cannot control it. . "

Darkside sighed, and said, "Forget it, slowly poke, you say this is awful"

This article is about the Qiuqiu platform, but the audience in the live room is all down.

"Not finished yet?"

"Oh God, how much is this so special? It's definitely more than bingo."

"Do you need to say that? The same props are rewarded one hundred at a time. He has been rewarding much longer than Bingo."

"My eyes, really blinded by Duckside."

The envious eyes of the other anchors in the live broadcast room were all red, one gasping for breath, and the whole body was excited, as if the reward was for them.

"Too exciting, really exciting."

"God, why can't this fan quality Lao Tzu meet such a fan? No, don't say something like Duckside, even if it is one-tenth of him, give me a star a day. Carriers, I ca n’t sleep with laughter. ”

"The sky is down, it is really down! This wave of rewards is better than all the income I have been broadcasting for so many years."

"Hey Ye Fei, this is too exciting. This wave of rewards gave me endless motivation, and it also made me a bit desperate, so contradictory."

At the scene, Ziqing and Feng didn't bother to look silly. The two of them were not low in level, and there were many fans, as well as high-quality fans, but their high-quality fans and the one in front of them brushed Ye Fei The reward of the Daxside is almost scum.

People are the top quality viewers, this is the top quality fans, this girl, are you using public money to reward?

Even the superiors and Bingo were frightened by Duckside.

"Boy, you have to pay taxes, you know?" The superior looked at the rewards coming out hurly, came to Ye Fei and whispered again.

I ca n’t do it, it ’s too much, how much do you lose in non-tax countries? Be sure to let him pay.

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and looked at the superior. He didn't answer at all, but looked at the computer again, and said, "Okay, Daxide, I know you have an apology in this wave of rewards, but it's almost That's it. Too much to stop. "

Everyone: ""

What's wrong?

Other anchors ca n’t wait for the audience to stop rewarding. Ye Fei is better. It directly prevents the audience from rewarding. Do n’t.

Brother Yun, are you sincere or do you want to pretend to show us? You're too shocking, right?

"Hahaha, Ye Shen, you would offend people by saying this."

就是 "That is, how can you let other anchors have the face to reward the audience?"

"The offenders are angry."

The audience is really right. Now these noses of Ye Fei's live broadcast are really crooked by Ye Fei.

"This bastard, what does he mean? What's enough?"

"You ca n’t do live broadcasting after you have finished your calf. Have you ever seen a broadcaster prevent the audience from rewarding you? What can we do after this?"

哎 "Ah, suddenly the liver hurts."

Wu Feng is silent and Zi Qing also wants to rush up to give Ye Fei a few feet, ya, you are giving all the anchors a mess.

As Ye Fei himself, he felt that he was right. He just didn't want to give Daxside a reward. Some things were enough. If he kept giving him rewards, it would not be good for himself. Others would say he was Insatiable people, although watching this wave of rewards now, can still have a negative impact in the long run.

Hey you, Ye Fei is thinking more about this stuff now. Some things can be asked, some can't, and he still knows very well.

达 Daxside, who was giving a reward, heard Ye Fei say he wouldn't let him give a reward. Then he stopped and sent a message: "Yes, I think I can brush it a little more."

Ye Yefei: ""

Everyone: ""

Nima, what ’s going on today? This, the other anchors wo n’t let the reward, and the audience who rewarded the reward himself is not happy, he can do it for a while, brother, do you know that Can 90% of the people in the live studio be choked? You're a shame.

Ye Yefei is also speechless, brother die, that's all you need. Don't keep it up. If you continue to play like this, others will not dare to give rewards. I can only do business with you.

"Let's give it later." Ye Fei rubbed his face and said.

Seeing Ye Fei's unlovable face, the wind is silent and Zi Qing really wants to pounce on him and kill him, uncle, are you colluding today to stimulate us? Is there anything like you?

Even the elven gods in ancient buildings don't even know what to say.

"Is this all right?" Said the blue lizard for a long time.

The iron man's big iron head shook constantly, and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know, and I've seen this strange thing for the first time."

The elf **** haha ​​laughed: "This boy, just do something that stuns others."

Lao Han also laughed.

LüLinLüLin just smiled a few times, let a few people for a while, and then began to count the statistics.

During the live broadcast, Daxide said, "It's okay, so there are so many first, a little less, Ye Shen don't mind."

Everyone again: ""

Your sister, you ca n’t watch this show. It looks like there ’s a meaning to it. It ’s just not fun, you have no end? Almost.

Ye Yefei also shook his head with tears of laughter, just about to say that he started to cook the next food, and then there was a wave of rewards in the live broadcast room.

虽然 Although this wave of rewards is not as fierce as that of Dakside, it is also a lot, and they are all luxury items.

I can really say that this wave of rewards is definitely the last straw that crushed the camel. When the rewards came out, all the anchors in the live broadcast broke down instantly.

The new diamond-level anchor Xiao Ana on the platform of Qiuqiuqiu was swearing directly in the live broadcast room.

我 "I rely, what happened to Ye Shen's fans today? Is it so difficult to leave a living?"

Brother Bao Bao also made a series of crying expressions, saying, "Why don't you want to live? We just came to watch Ye Shen's live broadcast. Do you need to stimulate us like this?"

In the First Universe, the star-level anchor An Lengyan Beauty Xingsha is not calm.


Xi Ziwei handsome guy: "Watching so many live broadcasts of him, this one is the most popular."

Wu Wandao Xingguang: "Thanks to Ye Fei, if I change to someone else, I will directly scold, can you be so cruel?"

A few people in Wule also smiled bitterly.

The other anchors in the universe are crazy, and they are really sour today.

A few people at the scene were also a little bit aggressive, who said in heart? Can you do it all together? What is this irritating person?

Ye Yefei was a little aggressive himself. He didn't know who was responsible for this wave of rewards. As a result, he didn't understand until the wave of rewards passed slowly, because someone spoke.

"The second cosmopolitan chief executive Moha sent fifty god-craft carriers to Yeshen. Please ask Yeshen to smile."

"Fenglong, the Second Universe's Duyin Star Grand Executive, sent sixty Ye Shenxing aircraft carriers, and please accept them."

"The second cosmopolitan smoke wave star executive smoke intangibly sent Ye Shen interplanetary aircraft carrier, please ask Ye Shen to accept."

"Second Universe"

There were more than a hundred people sending messages, all of which were the rewards of Ye Feihua from the Star Executive of the Second Universe.

After seeing this scene, people will understand what's going on. This kind of thing is not strange. After all, the highest ruler of the second universe, Daxide, has given Ye Fei a gift for the gift, so as long as these big executives on the planet are not fools Will follow the brush, but not too tightly.

That's why this sudden reward has caught everyone off guard.

Looking at the news from the chief executives of the planets in the Second Universe, people are all made of woodcarving clay. Although most of them brush fifty or sixty ships, they can't hold many people.

A rough estimate just now is that there are more than one hundred and eighty planetary executives giving rewards. Even if each person counts as fifty ships, that is nine thousand ships!

When I think of this number, everyone's scalp is going to blow up.

Coupled with the wave of Daxside's reward just now, it can be said that in the past few minutes, the ghost didn't know how much Ye Fei had charged.

"Have you heard? Go back and rush to pay the tax." The superior said to Ye Fei with a gritted teeth.

Ye Fei: "Haha, thank you, thank you, your reward is the driving force for Ye Fei's live broadcast. Since everyone is so hard, then I can't be lazy. First of all, let's congratulate our friends in Dakside for being the second place in the next issue. Live guests, and four other lucky guests. After the live broadcast is over, the food will be delivered to you as fast as possible. Please pay attention to check. Well, friends, we will be here for this raffle, and we will continue to do it. Food. "

Seeing Ye Feiyu's endless talk, the superior really wanted to slap the guy's head, smelly boy, and even follow my muzzle puzzles, right?

Ye Yefei didn't look back at the superiors. He knew that the superiors must have killed him now. Similarly, he had the same mood and let me pay taxes? Do n’t even think about it. You said it at the beginning. Now you see that I have given more rewards, and then I go back and say that there is such a cheap thing.

So this guy hurriedly started to make the next food, and stubbed the stubble first.

Ninety-five percent of the audience in the live broadcast room was just spurred by the big executives of Duckside and some other planets in the Second Universe. I was eager to pass the wave. Now Ye Fei said that he would continue. For the back food, one after another screamed and hurriedly hurried to make it. No one wants to remember what happened just now. It's too scary and too irritating!

"Yeshen ~ ~ What's next for food?" Sanhua Fairy asked.

Ye Fei thought for a while, and said, "There are too many foods at the end of the banquet. We have said that before cooking, and we can just pick and cook. We just made two ravioli dishes, one with soft-fried beef intestines. And this steamed voice part on the table, then the next dish we made is special, why? Because it is likely to have a certain impact on the food culture of some countries. "

Ye Yefei said so, the more the audience in the broadcast room wanted to know, all of them were guessing what kind of cuisine would actually have an impact on the food culture of other countries. Is there such an exaggeration?

"Oh, Ye Shen, don't dangle our appetite." Sanhua Fairy said with a smile.

Ye Yefei nodded and said, "Okay, so, let's prepare the ingredients first. Maybe some friends know what to do after the ingredients are taken out."

He said, Ye Fei quickly returned to the operation table, then turned around to open a storage compartment, two hands reached in, and took out a living thing.

Seeing this, the audience in the East Japan country clamored and all stood up collectively, and then looked at the things Ye Fei was holding.

"Nani? Ye Shen should do this?"

"Xi Ba, Ye Shen will impact our food culture."

"What exactly is going on?"

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