The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1684: The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable, good or bad

Chapter 1678 The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable, not bad

Greenscale feels wronged.

Even today, he feels that he hasn't collapsed so many years. Ye Fei's results today are really scary. He did say that he hasn't counted them yet, because one wave hasn't been settled yet. He's messed up.

At the scene, Ye Fei smiled in Zi Qing He Feng's eyes of envy and jealousy.

My heart is beautiful!

My heart is so beautiful!

What is his exhausted live broadcast every time?

It is to be able to reach the top of the mountain earlier.

Now it seems that he is getting closer and closer to the top. He isn't beautiful because he is not beautiful. He can't wait to hum two songs so that more than 60 billion people know how happy he is now.

"Yeshen, you are wrong." Zi Qing couldn't stand it any longer, said.

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei turned to ask.

"Low-key, only low-key seems to have connotation. You see that all of your face is now exposed, so that others will think you are overwhelmed."

"Do I have one? Hahaha ..."

"I'm going, you all laughed and changed your voice, and even asked you about it? What did you say?"

The wind snorted and said, "How could you have been moving so fast without our help? Don't forget, there are me, Zi Qing, and the millions of unknown anchors in your achievements. Support, if we remove all the fans, you will definitely fall down immediately. "

Ye Fei hehe laughed: "Really?"

"It must be true. There is no doubt about it. I don't believe we can try it now."

"Please, try me and see."

Feng really didn't believe this evil when he didn't say a word, stood up and came to the computer, then leaned down.

Zi Qing saw the wind and did n’t say anything to play. She hurriedly hurriedly said, “The wind does n’t say anything. Is n’t it unkind?” Class anchor, if we pull him down again, it will be too impersonal, and you can see that Ye Shen has made so much delicious food for us, and good wine. "

The wind didn't say: "I just can't get used to his villain's appearance, I will let him know today that without us, Ye Fei's performance today."

"Uh ~ Are you sure you want to do this? If you do this, it will offend other fans of Ye Shen, which is an extremely powerful potential audience for us after all, if you can develop them into If you are a fan audience, you can go up to the first floor with a 100-foot high pole. On the contrary, if they drag you to the blacklist, then you do n’t know if the monkey year and month go further, I do n’t look down on you, you think about you How long did it take to get from Star Emperor Level 4 to Star Emperor Level 5? For several years, don't you plan to take a longer time to advance to the next level? "


Feng didn't speak slowly and straightened up. He was really impulsive just now, and now it's very reasonable to listen to Zi Qingyi.

After all, Ye Fei is now the fifth-level anchor of the Star Emperor. More than 64 billion viewers are dangling in front of them. If they can really get the support of these people, let alone all of them, even if it is half Even one fifth can take a big step down to the next level.

"But you look at this guy's smug look. I'm angry." Feng said silently.

At this point, Ye Fei went aside for the time being. In order to let the wind keep his fans away, the goods were not left in front of the computer.

Standing on one side, Ye Fei was carrying his hands and humming Xiaoquer, even the ghost didn't know what song he hummed and could not understand.

Zi Qing also looked up at Ye Fei, and then said to the wind, "People are happy when every happy event occurs, and if you are, you will probably be ecstatic."


Feng's heart was a little moving.

But at this moment, Ye Fei ignited the small flame he was watching as he looked out.

"The wind is silent, if you don't take your fans away, you are a grandson."

The wind does not say: "..."

Ziqing: "......."

Even the other guests looked at Ye Fei in surprise.

Xin said what happened? Is there any such anchor? They brought you the audience, and now they are forcing others to take it away again. Hey, you are really arrogant.

The wind's silent voice was crooked, and said, "Ye Fei, you wait for me."

Ye Fei made a please gesture, said: "Hurry up, I'll wait."

"You ... I'll tell you that you will regret it."

"You will regret it."

"... What do you mean?"

"Nothing, I'll understand it in a moment."

The wet man laughed and laughed, "How about you two twist the password?"

Feng gave him a stern glance, saying: "Shut up, and then throw you into the sea again."

Demo, I can't get Ye Fei, can't I get you? Always have a punching bag, right?

The wet man was hurriedly bowed down to eat when he didn't say a word. He was really afraid that the wind wouldn't do it. After all, he couldn't understand the temper of these aliens. If the wind was raining, if he would Throwing it into the sea, this is the face of more than 60 billion people, and this face is lost.

"You will definitely regret it." The wet man muttered softly.

Feng silently stared at the wet man and ignored him.

"I said you shouted or shouted? I still have food? I still need to draw."

Ye Fei was a little impatient waiting aside, and even urged.

The wind doesn't say anything. Depressed vomiting blood, brother, I'm tearing down your stage, can't you wait?


The wind didn't speak at Ye Fei, you said a word but didn't say a word, grandma's, so irritating.

Ye Fei pointed at the computer, which meant don't be embarrassed, just shout.

Everyone else looked at the wind and said nothing.

"This ... Mr. Fengbuyu, please think again. Ye Fei is just mad at you, please don't go in your heart." The rarely-speaking superior said.

He must defend Ye Fei's rights and interests. Although he doesn't understand why Ye Fei is so powerful, he knows that the more Ye Fei is better, the better it is for Hua Xia. He can't just watch others deal with Ye Fei.

Feng said nothing and said nothing. His eyes looked at the live room, and then he stared at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei laughed: "You don't need to tell him good things, this is cheap. You don't let him shout. It tickles in his heart. Let him shout. The wind doesn't speak. Hurry up. I'll tell you. He's awful, not even a girl. If your sister is here, I'll have to slap it over and I'll tell you. "

The wind didn't say: "Ahhhhhhhh, Ye Fei, you forced me!"

"I just force you, shout."

"I shout now!"


"What do you mean?"

"You're handsome."

"Don't think I'll stop shouting if you slap me."

After speaking, Feng Buyu was in front of the computer again, and said directly: "Guys, now I want to know how many fans of Feng Fu in Ye Fei's studio?"

The audience in the live broadcast just saw the wind and murmured with Ye Fei, and it was a tiger blow and a stare, but the two people's voices were low and they didn't hear clearly. As for the fans, the others stopped talking, only his fans responded.

"Less wind, I am."

"me too."

"And I."


After a while, the screen was swiped by me. After all, the wind didn't speak, but the star emperor was a fifth-level anchor, and there were still a lot of fans.

In the end, although it is not clear how many, there are certainly billions.

Now Ye Fei is only two billion more than the standard of the Star Emperor Anchor Level 5. If you remove the fans yourself, Ye Fei will fall off after a moment's bang.

"Sample, see if I can't fall to you!" Feng said silently.

The other guests all looked at the wind nervously without saying a word, all of them squeezed sweat for Ye Fei, and even Dolly jumped up.

"The wind is silent, you bastard, what do you want to do?"

"Girls are less involved in things between men."

"You ... dare you call us two and break up!"

"You are my girlfriend!"

The blood pressure has risen without saying a word, MMP, did you find a girlfriend or a traitor? How to maintain Ye Fei everywhere?

"Is it between your thoughts!"

Dolly also flew up, standing with a pair of big beautiful eyes staring at the wind without blinking.

The wind does not speak, but it is also a **** young man, even more bubbling by Dory's words, saying: "No, it is not, today I can't let this **** succeed!"

Dolly raised the wine bowl and wanted to smash into the wind without saying a word, and was stopped by Ye Fei.

"People are angry, we are not angry, and no one can help you when you get sick. Miss Dory, calm, calm, let him shout." Ye Fei said with a smile.

"But Ye Shen your level ..."

"It doesn't matter, you can rise again when you descend, it's just a matter of day and night."

"Just your heart!"

Seeing Ye Fei say so, Dolly glanced at him and sat down angrily.

Ye Fei said, "I said you are constipated? Say!"

The wind does not say: "......."

Your sister, you are constipated, your family is constipated.

"Hmm, brothers and sisters, you also saw that I was bullied here in Ye Fei, not afraid of your jokes. I bullied me from the moment I came here, brothers and sisters, if you still like my wind, Let ’s go, not here, not in his live broadcast room! Let him see our power too! Let ’s go! ”Feng said quietly.

After speaking, he stood up and turned to look at Ye Fei provocatively, with a smirk in his face.

"You're finished, Ye Fei."

"Hehe, I haven't left yet, why am I finished?"

"Don't worry, leave now."

After speaking, Feng kept silent on the number of Ye Fei's online audience. As long as the number became smaller, it means that his fans had left.


One minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Three minutes passed.


There was a silence in both the live and the live room, and everyone was staring at the huge number.

However, the scene that made Feng Wuyu truly vomit blood appeared. After five minutes, Ye Fei's online audience not only did not decrease, but also sprang up.

"I @ # ¥%"

The wind was silent and almost sputum was spit out in the blood. Lying in the trough, it's not right. Why is he meowing this wrong? Things shouldn't have gone this way, and the script shouldn't have been written like this.

You are all my fans, but now this ... How can this stay in Ye Fei's live room?

Seeing this scene, the expressions on everyone's faces became wonderful.

Especially when the wind is silent, the goods have red, white, blue, and green on their faces. If they shake their faces, they can draw a rainbow of seven colors.

The face was fierce, the corners of his mouth twitched, his head was full of dark lines, and his depressed hair was pulled down.

"Brothers and sisters, what are you still thinking about? I've been bullied. Ye Fei, this **** bully you, do you know? He is bullying our fifth universe, can you swallow it?"

The wind doesn't say nothing, my fans, my iron powder, why isn't there any one left? I've been bullied!

At this moment, an audience called the Fifth Universe handsome guy sent a message: "Less wind, what kind of person is Ye Shen, although we don't know very well, but look at his latest two live broadcasts and the previous live video to evaluate , The character should be similar, he bullied you, I think it must be you doing something wrong. "

The wind does not say: "..."

Ah ~

The goods turned around and spit out the wine just drunk.

Nima, is there anything wrong? Still this logic? Why am I bullied? Do you think it's still my fault?

Fifth universe little handsome guy, you are my most loyal fan who doesn't say a word, loyalty can be ranked in the top ten, you you you ..... you just say me like that?

As a result, the news of the handsome little boy in the fifth universe just came out, and other people's news also followed.

"I think it's the same. There is less wind. Ye Shen is a good person. Even if you do something wrong, he won't blame you. Just admit it to him."

"How big is it? As for this? There is less wind, I didn't say you ~ ~ That's your measure is too small, and your mind is a bit narrow."

"I think so too, although there are many shortcomings with less wind, but the most serious thing is this. A person's heart represents a person's future and future."

"There is less wind, take a step back and the sky is wide, you look up at the sky, it is still so blue, you look down at the sea, it is still so wide, you look at the distance, the scenery in the distance is still there, and there are poetry and fields Look at the little flowers and grass next to them, they are still so fragrant, the world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable, not bad. "

"Yeah, there is less wind. Your life is still a long way, but don't think about it."

Looking at the news in the live broadcast, the wind's silent kidney was about to explode. Nima, what is this and what? Is this really your own iron powder?

You, everyone, come here, what are these **** saying? With so many messages popping up, no one is helping himself to speak, all of them are talking about their own fault, am I wrong your sister?

I've been bullied!

(End of this chapter)

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