The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1691: Face is the most important!

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God-level gourmet anchor Chapter 1691 Face is the most important!

Bingo this time is fully dedicated, the speed of light is much faster than the last time, it can be said that in the blink of an eye, we have reached the edge of the first universe.

Just after waiting at the edge, Ye Fei saw a man standing there with a smile.

White hair, white clothes, white pants, white shoes, um, the whole is a little white.

After seeing the man, Bingo could not help but take a step back.

When Ye Fei saw this man, he was a little surprised, and said, "What are you doing here?"

The elf **** carried his hands on his back, and looked like a handsome and handsome man, saying, "Help you fight."

So his brilliant and tall image disappeared instantly in Ye Fei's mind, fighting? Can you speak That's called saving people, who said they were going to fight?

"The seventh universe is not comparable to your first universe." Ye Feidao.

The elf **** laughed and said, "I know more about the situation in the seventh universe than you do."

"It's very likely that you really fought when you went? And if you really fight, it is estimated that you are more fierce and less handsome. You are so handsome. What if you break it?"

Spirit God: "..."

I rely on, what's the point of breaking up? Would you like to say something nice?

When the elf god's face hurt, Ye Fei whispered again, "But if you break the picture, it is equivalent to cosmetic surgery."

Elven God again: "..."

"What do you want? I pushed everything to help you here, and you'll see this moment when you meet, or I'll go back now, the little Mao's mouth can't accumulate morality ? "

"Hey, what are you going back to? All of you have come here. Let's take a look at it together. Maybe it's a little bit useful to get somewhere."


The elf **** was smoked by Ye Fei.

And Ye Fei really didn't want to let him go. After all, this is an existence that can make Bingo jealous of three points. Although he hasn't seen the Elven God's shot, it will never be weak. Even if he is not a rival of Jialan, at least Can also stand up to one of Jia Lan's men.

"Okay, I ca n’t make a joke with such a big person. I ’m really grateful that you can come here, but then again, this time it ’s really fierce, you think about it, after all, Jia Lan That is beyond everything, if some of us really have a conflict with him, it is estimated that even if they join hands, they are not his opponents. "Ye Fei said seriously.

The elf **** nodded and said, "Yes, you are right. If we really fight, the three of us are really not his opponents, but it is not easy for him to leave us easily, even if we die. Get rid of him. "

"it is good!"

Ye Fei ’s ability to come is really an unexpected delight for Ye Fei. He also thought about asking for the help of Elf God at first, but later he thought about it himself, and he is the supreme ruler of the First Universe. There are also many things, so I didn't find him, and I didn't expect this guy to come over by himself.

"In that case, let's go."

The elf **** pointed forward and nodded to Bingo.

The front is the connection between the first universe and the second universe. This is also an endless sea of ​​stars. Do n’t look at the elf **** is the supreme ruler of the first universe, but he really dare not step into the sea of ​​stars easily. He knows it What is the situation.

It was an ocean formed by the unknown number of billions of stars, and even if he entered, he had to peel off the skin.

But Ye Fei is different. Ye Fei can control these stars, so Ye Fei must walk in front of Xinghai.

Ye Fei did not delay, after all, time was limited.

He walked at the front, unconsciously showing a layer of golden armor, wearing a crown, and a golden scepter in his right hand, and as he went forward, he saw that all the stars were shaking violently as if I was very excited, and then all started flashing on both sides, letting out a wide road.

Elf God and Bingo followed Ye Fei.

Ye Fei's speed in the Xinghai was very fast. It took just a few breaths to reach the opposite bank of the Xinghai.

It was just that they had just stepped on the land of the Second Universe, and saw suddenly two thick red rays coming forward.

哧 ~~

Ye Fei's body jumped out thousands of meters in an instant, that's right, this product is now able to move so far in an instant.

He ran away, revealing Bingo and Elven God, but the two did not panic.

Bingo's right fist pushed straight forward, blocking a beam of light.

The elf **** took out a bow and arrow without any hassle, and bowed his arrow and shot at another beam of light in front of him.

Uh ~

This arrow, like the same meteor, stabbed another beam of light in an instant, and then saw that the arrow rushed forward in the beam of light with a forward-looking attitude, and where it passed, the beam of light collapsed instantly.

Ye Fei's eyes narrowed as he watched. It was the first time he saw an elf **** using a weapon, but he did not expect it to be a bow and arrow, but this bow and arrow was too overbearing.

The bingo next to him is a super glove with six gems. One finger of this glove can hang up half of the creatures in the first universe, but such a powerful glove is only the Omega of Dakside The rays did not stop it from coming forward, and the bow and arrow of the elven **** could directly destroy the omega rays, which was more powerful than bingo's gloves, and much more powerful.

This arrow is like an angry bull, rushing forward with full strength, smashing the omega rays, and soon came to an end.

Then three of Ye Fei saw a large horrible hand appear, and grabbed the arrow directly, but after grasping the arrow, the person's body shook a bit, and he could not help but step back two steps to stabilize. Lived.

"Good arrow!"

Daxside, who grabbed the arrow, yelled a good arrow, then flicked his hand, and threw the arrow directly back.

The Elven God also reached out to catch the arrow, and his body flickered. Then he held the bow in his right hand and the arrow in his left hand, and smiled: "Omega rays are also good."

At this time, Dakside collected the Omega rays, shaking his tall body and came to Ye Fei, the **** of spirits, and Bingo. He looked down at Ye Fei and said, "Ye God, you must go to No. Seven universes? That nameless kid isn't worth it. "

Ye Fei asked with a smile: "Why do you say that?"

"How could the gods care about the life of the ants?"

"You are wrong, I am not a god, I am just an ordinary person, and he is not a ants. He is one of my guests in the next live broadcast. In my live broadcast, his identity is the same as you. If you run into difficulties, I think I'll find a way to help, and he's in trouble now, how can I leave it alone? "


Druckside saw Ye Fei placing an unknown boy in the same position as himself, a little bit angry, but after all, it was suppressed, because he saw that the endless star sea was about to move behind Ye Fei.

"What if I don't let you live?" Dakside stared at Ye Fei and said in a deep voice.

Ye Fei haha ​​laughed: "Do you think you can stop the three of us? Don't say that they are two, can you stop me alone?"

Druckside was depressed, and he was so numb, he couldn't stop it.

"And I don't think you came here to stop us, otherwise you would have brought your dark elites and demonic troops over." Ye Fei continued when Dexide was depressed.

Shocked for a moment, then laughed.

"The blue universe of the seventh universe is not comparable to me. The two of them should be very clear. The three of you have undoubtedly died."

"What's the matter? At least I did what I wanted to do, and succeeded unsuccessfully."

"You need help."

"The three of us are the most powerful masters of the First Universe." Ye Feiang said without a red heart and a heartbeat.

Spirit God: "..."


The two really want to cover their faces and turn away. Your sister, you really don't have anyone on your face, and who has given you the status of a master? Neither of us dare to say that, you just said it without blinking, not shame?

Dakside was also amused by Ye Fei. Haha laughed: "Yes, I like your shameless character more and more. I am very appetite. I just said that you need help."

"I also said that the most powerful of the First Universe is the three of us."

"What about the second universe?"


Ye Fei, the Elven God, and Bingo all listened to what Dakside said, and they all froze, then all looked at the big man.

Ye Fei took the lead in responding, and the goods grinned, "Do you want to go?"

Duckside said: "Many thousands of years ago, I visited the Seventh Universe.

"Oh, big man, why do I suddenly love you so much, say it early, and still have so many twists and turns, tired?"

Mr. Duckside was a little embarrassed and said, "I have to take a look, don't I? After all, I am the supreme ruler of the Second Universe."

Ye Fei: "..."

He didn't know why Dakside helped himself, but he knew that with his help, things would go a step closer to success. This was a fierce man. Bingo failed to kill him, but was beaten a little by him. Wolverine.

The elf **** laughed: "It turned out to be friendly."

Druckside glanced at the elf god, and then fell on the bow and arrow in the elf god's hand, seemingly interested.

"This bow and arrow ... has a familiar feeling, and I can smell a trembling sun and moon on it," said Drucker.

The elf **** just smiled and didn't speak. He and Daxside knew each other, but they hadn't reached the point where they laughed. Specifically, they didn't talk at all, and even guarded each other. After all, the two universes were too far apart. It's close.

When Ye Fei sees Dakside, he must follow him. He will never refuse this helper, and said, "Thank you."

"No, I just revisited." Dakside emphasized again, twisting his neck.

Face, face, big brother, face is the most important!

Ye Fei laughed and said, "Yes, yes, welcome to join us in a tour of the Seventh Universe."

Duckside, the elf **** and bingo all laughed.

"Okay, since you have to go together, hurry up. The longer the time, I worry that Sauron will have an accident." Ye Feidao.

I have to say that it is only now that the importance of bingo is seen. Regardless of a few people, the goods are stretched out, and the space is directly torn again, and several people disappear from the place.

When they came out again, they saw that they had fallen on a withered planet, surrounded by desolation.

As soon as they fell, they saw a light rushing in the distance. Before the light reached the crowd, they saw a sharper and brighter golden light directly from this light. Germany rushed over.

Duckside didn't dare to neglect at all, and in his eyes the omega rays rushed out instantly, directly meeting the golden light that came over.

Boom ~~

When the two collided together, they saw a fierce trembling space ripples quickly scattered towards the surroundings, and then a huge wave of energy aftershocks hit Ye Fei and the elf **** and bingo.

Bingo punched forward.

The bow and arrow in Elf God's hand shot out again.

Ye Fei ... Ye Fei went to the back of the bingo decisively, no joke, no idea what the ghost place was, and no one knew who was going to attack these people. The key is to know I can't help myself, this is no better than the edge of the first universe, where there is a sea of ​​stars, there is no star in this place, let alone say that you are a sea king, even a sea **** is useless.

As the elven gods resisted the attack in front, the stars at the feet of several people suddenly began to appear a wide gully, it seemed to be split.

Ye Fei is a bit soft-legged. He is the first time he has seen such a terrible fight, which is a bit exaggerated, right? Who is this?

But in the end, thankfully, the star didn't burst, but it was almost the same.

After the energy disappeared, the golden light in front of him fell on the ground, and then one walked out from it.

This man is about the same height as Daxide, and is about ten meters in length. He is wearing armor made of gold and red metal, and has a mallet in his hand.

Seeing this man, Dakside sneered, "Zaya?"

The comer wore a heavy helmet on his head, and he glanced at Duckside almost mechanically, and said, "You are out of bounds, get back into your second universe!"

Druckside hadn't said anything yet, and Ye Fei ran out behind Bingo.

"Stop! Wait for a while!"

Then, he pointed to the man in the steel helmet and steel armor and asked Dakside, "Who do you say he is? Zaya?"

Dixside did not answer him.

However, the steel armored man was surprised when he saw Ye Fei, then squatted down and looked at Ye Fei carefully, and said, "Ye God?"

Ye Fei laughed and said, "Zaya? I didn't expect us to be in the Fourth Universe."

"How can you be with him?" Zaya asked Daxside, pointing to, so Ye Fei said something.

Zaya was silent for a while, and said, "That being the case, I will go over with you to see, although I know that I am not a rival to Jialan, but one more person is more powerful after all."

Ye Fei was desperate. Although he didn't know how powerful Zaya was, he could see from that moment that he would definitely not be worse than Dakside. After all, several talents resolved his attack.

Looking at the four people around him, Ye Fei knew that all of them were super cows, but this was far from enough. Each of them could at best be equal to one of Jia Lan's men. The key is It's not one or two of Jialan's powerful figures, many.

What should I do?

Ye Fei was still a little worried, but now that he has come here, he can't take care of that much. It is a blessing or a curse that he can only know if he is there.

God-level food anchor

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