The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1696: Bite him! Bite him! !! Bite him! !! !!

I am a master.

But I missed it.

This is a very embarrassing thing.

And now this thing happened to Jia Lan's body, a god-like existence, moving with the ups and downs, shaking the world, is such a powerful existence, but today I made something that made him feel the pain. Things.

Yan Huang saw it was about to explode. He grabbed it with his hands and wanted to restrain it first, then pulled out the arrow inserted in his chest, and then forced the energy of back-bite in him.

The result is better now, the energy was not forced out, and the Emperor Yan was forced to explode.

Squeezed ...

The Fire Emperor who has followed him for countless years just hangs in his own hands.

Jia Lan didn't vomit blood, but he would never admit wrong in such awkward things. He is a god. How could a **** be wrong?

The gods are always right. If you find that the gods are wrong, it is your fault!

However, in order to conceal this embarrassment, Jia Lan changed the topic directly, and did not mention the matter of the Emperor of the Flame, but let a few people of Yin Yingxia get away, and a few people of Ye Fei went in to see him.

Jia Lan made a speech, and several people in Silver Shadow could not let it go anymore.

After a lot of tossing around, it didn't take much time to watch, in fact, almost an hour passed. After Ye Fei came to rest, five times the bad luck time had passed.

After waiting for a while, five times of bad luck passed by silently, and then Ye Fei took the Elven God and Bingo to the Temple of Garan.

Just whispering while walking the elves and bingo guys.

"It's evil, what's wrong with my cold?"

"I was feeling bad just now, and it's fine now."

"Similarly, Jialan is not Jialan. It has made us so uncomfortable before we show up. We must be careful for a while."

"Your problems are all small. I seem to have connected my hamstrings myself, and now they are restored as before. This is absolutely incredible."

Ye Fei walked in front of him and wanted to laugh, but he was embarrassed and said, "It's a good thing to recover. I hope we can go well in the future."

The elf **** nodded and said, "Ye Xiaozi is right, no matter what, we are currently shocked. I hope this Jia Lan is a good speaker. Let ’s go to the red star to rescue Sauron and go straight back. That's fine. "

Daxide shook his head and said, "This is a bit impossible. After all, we have touched the bottom line of Jia Lan, and because we let one of his men, General Yan Huang, die, he might take this one. Things work. "

"It is also possible. In short, everyone is careful. At this time, we ourselves must not be jealous and divided against each other. We must be united. After all, Jia Lan is too powerful." Ye Fei said while walking inside.

His main concern was the conflict between Zaya and Dakside.

A huge black door in front didn't know what material. When Ye Fei was about ten meters away from the door, the door opened automatically, making a loud noise.

Ye Fei didn't fear a few people, anyway, he had already come here, no matter whether it was Longtan or Tiger Cave in front, he had to go in and take a look.

As he walked through the gate, Ye Fei stopped and looked up. He found that he was as small as a ant relative to this gate, even the two hundred and twenty meters high in Dakside and Zaya. It is at most one third of the gate. The two gates are too big and the palace is too big.

Ye Fei has not seen glorious buildings before, he has visited the residences and offices of many planetary executives, but those places cannot be compared with the palace in front of him at all, and it is not a level at all.

Uh ...

Several people had just arrived inside, and several Silver Shadow men behind them all followed, rushing past them and disappearing.

Ye Fei looked around and suddenly felt a little depressed. The palace is not only large, but also has a larger area inside!

Standing at the door, Ye Fei couldn't see the specific situation ahead. He could only see a wide white road under his feet, and a cloud rising in front of him.

On both sides of the slab road, countless huge stone pillars are standing in the sky, and each root cannot see the top.

"I'm going, is this still a palace? This is just a world." Strong as Duckside couldn't help but sigh.

He is also the hegemon of a universe. His palace seems to be magnificent enough, but now that he sees the blue palace in front of him, he knows that his palace is like a thatched cottage. This is the palace. A palace where a strong man should live.

Majestic, solemn, tall and deep.

When people walk in the palace, they don't need to see the master at all, there is already an aggressive momentum coming towards them.

"Um? Be careful, he's tempting us," said the elf **** suddenly.

At the same time, Bingo, Daxside and Zaya all nodded, saying they had felt it.

Ye Fei ... Ye Fei looked back at them and said, "Tentative? How do you test?"

Zayao said, "Yes, don't you feel a strong coercion coming from you? It makes people feel suffocated."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "No."

"Uh ~ no, this pressure is so obvious, are you okay?" Bingo wondered.

Ye Fei knew that Bingo was not lying, because he had found that the four faces of the elven **** and bingo were sweating, and the big sweat beads dripped down his face, as if using a whole body. Strength resists nothing.

Howl ~~~

Suddenly, a huge roar came from their front. This roar matched the echo in the large palace, and it was louder several times.

Hearing the roar, the elves were dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

"What?" Bingo asked in a deep voice.

At the same time, several people were ready to face everything.

Boom ~~

As they waited, they suddenly emerged from a huge shadow in front of them, rushing directly towards them.


Seeing this rushing thing, Ye Fei exploded directly because he knew this thing and saw it too many times in TV movies.


This is a western dragon like an oversized lizard. It has a very sturdy head and a long neck. The back of the body has a pair of huge bones with stinging wings. At the end is a long tail like a steel whip. , A pair of strong and powerful dragon claws shrank under the body while flying.

Ye Fei never thought that in the Gala Temple, he would suddenly see this thing, not to mention that it is in the East. Even in the West, it only exists in the legend. How could this appear in the Gala Temple? How about it?


The ugly dragon was too fast. Ye Fei was just seeing it. He had appeared in front of several people, followed by the abrupt undulation and contraction of the abdomen, and then saw his entire body began to appear rapidly. A reddish color, and then this red extends from the abdomen along the long neck to the position of the faucet.

"Be careful!"

Bingo roared and smashed his right fist towards the front.

A colorful, colored barrier appeared in front of everyone in an instant. This barrier just appeared, and then saw the dragon's mouth suddenly spray a magma-like flame.

The magma flame hit the color barrier directly and fiercely, and magma spewed in all directions and flew in all directions.

"How come this thing?" Ye Fei wondered.

He really saw this thing for the first time in reality. He knew that there was an Oriental dragon. He knew the existence of this thing from the old Jiujie fox, as if it was in the fifth universe called Tianwaitian, but he did n’t The thought of such an ugly Western dragon is so long, it's a long thing ... it's so ugly.

Well, Ye Fei still has the mood to show the dragon face at this time.

I have to say that this western dragon is really cruel. A magma didn't break the barrier, and rushed straight up again. He stretched out two huge claws and grabbed it.

Dorattle, it even caught a few deep marks on the color barrier, almost scratched.

"This thing is amazing," Bingo said.

In fact, he didn't need to say it at all. Several people saw it all.

"Jia Lan, what do you mean? Let us in just want to sneak in?" Roared the elf god.

"Ha ha ha, sneak attack? Do I still need sneak attack for my identity? It's just a small test. If you can't solve even a dragon, you are not qualified to take a step forward. OK, the rest is to see Yours, I haven't seen a good show for a long time, oh, I forgot to tell you that this dragon is my pet, don't kill it, otherwise ... "

The strong voice disappeared again.

Ye Fei grinned a few people, your sister, there are people who use such ugly things as pets, brother, you have a lot of eggs to have such an ugly pet before you can have such an ugly pet?

But no matter how ugly this thing is, a few people know that this level must be passed, and they can't kill the thing, which is a bit troublesome.

If the consequences were not taken into account, each of them could kill the dragon, but it would be a bit difficult to catch it alive. After all, this is Jialan's pet. It has n’t known how many years it has, and it must be powerful , And willpower is absolutely no small matter.

"It can't be killed, it's a bit difficult to go through this level. The key to this thing is too persistent, as long as it has a breath, it won't be honest." Zaya said.

"I didn't expect Jia Lan to let us in. There will be such a trap, the method is really a bit disgusting." The elf **** sighed, said.

Druckside also said: "Unless it can be completely suppressed in strength, it will never be easy and honest."

With his fist facing forward, Bingo said, "Don't stop talking nonsense, just think of a way."

Suddenly, Ye Feidao, who had not spoken, said: "Bingo, put away the barrier."

"Ah? Ye God, did you tease me? Put away this stuff and rush over." Bingo "reminded".

All three spirit gods also looked at Ye Fei, not sure what this guy was going to do.

"Just let it come, how can we surrender it if it doesn't come?"

"But it can't be honest here."

"Yes, Ye Shen, this is an evil dragon. A long time ago, this thing appeared in our universe. I chased it for a long time before I dealt with it. The one in front of me is stronger than the one in our universe. Many, if he comes over, we need to take a little effort, after all, we have some scruples on the hands, we can't kill them. "Zaya said.

"Don't worry, it's just an ugly little bug. You don't need your hands, bingo, to put away the barrier." Ye Fei said again.

Bingo looked at the Elven Gods, and the Elven Gods nodded. Bingo then closed the barrier, and then guarded up in case everything happened.

Seeing that the barrier in front disappeared, the evil dragon roared, and several people rushed towards Ye Fei again.

However, a few people appeared. Before they moved, they saw that Ye Fei moved first. He didn't dodge or move backwards, but he flew towards the dragon that rushed forward.


The elf **** hung on the ground without a scare. He thought that Ye Fei had any good way. In the end, this girl had to carry the evil dragon directly. Brother, are you serious?

Deep in the hall, with a group of Silver Shadow men watching the lively Jialan, Ye Fei rushed towards his pet, and the expression on his face instantly solidified.

"Uh ~~ stupid thing, this is killing me." Jia Lan whispered.

The tyrant messenger said: "It's been a long time since the worm has eaten such fresh meat, and it can be eaten well today."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. Jia Lan's huge head twisted and looked at him, his eyes were a little unhealthy.


The tyrant messenger knew he was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

"Little bug?" Jia Lan repeated her words, gritting her teeth.

The tyrant messenger instantly understood that they knew what the most annoying in front of them was the word worm.

"God forgive, it's Xiaolong."

"Don't let me know that there is another time. Otherwise, Yanhuang is your end. The reason why I want to get rid of him is because he once described Xiaolong as a worm, this abominable guy, lawless."

You, as a great deity, not only need to be powerful, but also a shameless spirit.

Jia Lan couldn't find a reason to explain to his subordinates why he had killed the flame emperor, and now the tyrant messenger gave him a reason, perfect.

When the tyrant messengers heard it, all of them were stunned. Now they know why the flame emperor was going to die. Sure enough, the **** wants to kill him long ago. It deserves to let you insult the god's pet.

"We know." Several people said in unison.

"Looking lively."

Talking ~ ~ Jia Lan's big claws point forward to the huge screen.

At this point, it was seen that Ye Fei had rushed to the front of the evil dragon.

The hearts of several people of the spirit **** all mentioned their throats, and they were really afraid of Ye Fei making a little mistake.

"Boy, come back quickly if you can't," the elf **** shouted from behind.

He didn't know what Ye Feichong was doing in the past. He was always afraid that the goods would make an irrational move to make the dragon's temper irritable, so that Ye Fei would definitely be more ferocious.

Ye Fei didn't look back at all, rushed to the evil dragon in one breath, and then ... and then started against this evil dragon.

"I let you scream, I let you scream, do you know how unpleasant you sound? Do you know how ugly you are? Do you know that you have bad breath? Do you know that you are almost out of breath? I'm faint? Let you not brush your teeth every day, let you not wash your face every day, let you not take a shower every day, let you be a blessing every day, let you blindfold every day, let you set fire to me, change not? Will you change it in the future? !!! "

Ye Fei said more and more angry, and said more and more excited, and it was a sum of fists to the evil dragon.

However, a scene that made everyone dumbfounded. Under the violent beating by Ye Fei, the dragon that everyone thought was going to run away suddenly lay on the ground slowly like a kitten, no matter how Ye Fei It's like a kid doing a wrong thing, he doesn't dare to move.

Four spirit gods: "......."

A group of Silver Shadow men: "......."

Jia Lan: "........"

"Well, what is this trash doing? Have Ye Fei been silly? Bite him, bit him, bit him !!!"

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