The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1706: Mess!

The results of many things are often unexpected.

At the time of the visit, the elven gods and bingo were ready to fight hard, but no one thought that Jia Lan finally let Ye Fei's five courses of food win.

Instead of killing them, they also helped them find Sauron and his father and put them into their hands.

"I said, our weapons seem to be falling behind," said Dakside whispered to Bingo.

The two of them can be regarded as not knowing each other. Since they did a fight at the edge of the first universe, they have a bit of a sorrowful rhythm.

Bingo didn't understand what Duckside meant, and said, "Why are you behind?"

Druckside pointed to several slippery plates on Galan's table, and said, "Ye Shen's weapon is the most powerful, and Galan has been taken down."


He wanted to laugh, but he couldn't smile because Daxside was right. He knew that Ye Fei's conventional weapon was a broken kitchen knife. Now he discovered that food was Ye Fei's ultimate weapon.

Jia Lan is a god. He can see from the easy pinch of Yan Huang, Stardust and the tyrant messenger. Even the four of them are not rivals.

It was such a fierce man that Ye Fei's five dishes were conquered, and Bingo also knew that the ingredients used by Ye Fei for the five dishes were not his own best ingredients, if they were those ingredients ? I really can't imagine how Jia Lan would react after eating.

At this moment, Bingo was looking forward to it.

Ye Fei also knew that this was the best result.

Although he finally agreed to Jialan's condition to make a few dishes for a while, he didn't agree at this time, and the difference in strength was too great.

He is strong, and he hates being threatened by others, but he knows that if he does n’t agree with Jia Lan ’s request, it will result in more than just dying here, Elven God, Bingo, Dakside and Zaya, and just came Sauron and his father are all going to die here.

He could die, but he couldn't let these people die here for himself.

That's why he promised to think about it and didn't want to, and this made Jia Lan very happy and let the Silver Shadows **** them away.

"Would you like to go?" Standing at the edge of a universe, the elf **** pointed to the left and asked Ye Fei.

Ye Fei shook his head. He knew that as long as they turned, they could go to the Fifth Universe, where Ma Cuihua could be found, but he could not go now. After all, there were too many people around him. This was his own business. He did n’t want to These people are involved again, and today's things are dangerous enough, it can be said that they have walked several times on the verge of death.

"You going to the Fifth Universe?" Silver Shadow asked.

The elf **** laughed: "He wants to go."

Silver Shadow said: "I advise you better not to go. The Fifth Universe is a very magical universe. Their highest ruler is not even afraid of Jia Lan. He told us that he can wander in other universes, but absolutely He cannot be contaminated with the Fifth Universe, because he cannot afford that consequence. "

After listening to Yin Yingxia, several of Ye Fei were a little dumbfounded.

What kind of existence is the fifth universe? Why are you afraid of Jialan? Why is it called Tianwaitian?

Why can only such a terrifying universe be called the fifth universe? Can't you rank higher?

Ye Fei looked at the elf god.

The elf **** shrugged and said: "Don't look at me. Although I know that the Fifth Universe is heaven and sky, but I really don't know who their supreme ruler is. It seems that this person has never appeared and People talked about it, but it's true that no one dared to conflict with the Fifth Universe. "

Bingo also said, "I used to know something about the Fifth Universe, which behaves differently from other universes."

"How different?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

Bingo shook his head and said, "I don't know. I didn't dare to know it in the past."

Ye Fei looked at several others again, all shaking his head to indicate that he didn't know.

This leaves Ye Fei a bit bottomless. You need to know who these people are, all of them are the bosses of one universe. It is because of their identity that they can't understand the specific situation of the fifth universe. Then this first What kind of existence is the Five Universes? This is too evil, right?

At this moment, the coldness of the snow and wind did not appear in his mind.

Cold as snow can become someone else, and walking on the sea without using a boat at all, the key is that she can tear open the space and disappear instantly.

This is a bit scary. From the performance of this person, Ye Fei seems to think of something, but he cannot be too sure.

"Ye Fei, if you are going to the Fifth Universe, I suggest that you make perfect preparations. After all, the Fifth Universe is a existence that many universes are afraid of." Yin Yingxia said.

Ye Fei nodded and said: "Since this is the case, then we will check it later, now we will go back."

When passing the Fourth Universe, Zaya did not stay, but went back to Pearl Island with Ye Fei. The same is true for Daxside. Both of them are the guests of the next live broadcast. They will go sooner or later. So this time I was fortunate to be back with Ye Fei.

At the edge of the First Universe, Bingo said to Ye Fei, "Ye God, you will be safe when you reach the First Universe. I will go back first. The ebony throat has received my message, and they went back in advance."

Ye Fei laughed: "Go back together. If this trip is not you, I don't know what the result will be. I will thank you very much after I return."

"Uh ~"

Upon hearing Ye Fei's thanks, Bingo moved. If it was someone else's thanks, he really didn't look at it. But Ye Fei's is different. All of them are good wine and food. It will be addictive to eating once. of.

"Is it appropriate?" Bingo asked with a smile.

Ye Fei patted his thigh and said, "What's wrong, compared to you helping me, my reward is just some common thing."

"Okay, then I'll go and eat again at you." Bingo laughed.

Ye Fei pointed at Bingo's face and said, "Now it doesn't hurt when you laugh?"


"Hahaha ..." Haha laughed beside the Elf God.

Several people like Dakside, Zaya, and Silver Shadow want to laugh, but they ca n’t laugh because they are like Bingo, they do n’t know how many years they have n’t laughed, and smile is a very strange to them. Expression.

The elf **** laughed for a long time, then embarrassed and didn't smile, it was boring, it was boring to laugh alone, and everyone needed to cooperate to laugh to be happy.

Ye Fei squinted at the elf god.

The elf **** touched his nose awkwardly, and said, "That thing, I'm fine now ..."

Ye Feidao has n’t finished waiting for the Elven God to say, “You are the co-founder of the first universe ’s planet, or the president of the first universe ’s live broadcast association. It ’s estimated that there are other titles. You are such a brilliant person now All right? Do you think I will believe it? "

"Ahem, a little thing can be left to your hands."

"Then you have to supervise, what if something goes wrong? If things go wrong on your hands, it will be terrible."

Spirit God: "..."

"I said, boy, what do you mean? I didn't just go and eat something? Are you so? Don't forget that my trip was accompanied by your birth and death. I wonder if my muscles are almost broken? What if I have something to eat and drink to comfort myself? Should I be so mean? "

Ye Fei laughed and said, "Say it early, you see this misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding your head, you just want to kick me out."

"Don't say so directly, implicitly."


A group of people talked and laughed, and Bingo pulled a lot of hands, opening a huge gap in the space in front of them, and several people disappeared instantly.

Time goes back one hour.

Pearly Island.

late at night.

The sky is so dark that there is not even a star, and almost no one can be seen across.

Old Mo made people turn on all the lights on the island and let everyone tour the island. They promised Ye Fei that he would keep the island safe in any case when he left.

He knew that Ye Fei's departure was different from before. This time, many people and even many countries and many planets knew about it. He believed that someone would take advantage of this opportunity to make trouble, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Boss, how are you over there?" Lao Mo asked through the conversation machine.

Three thousand and three thousand and four hundred and fifty-five brought more than twenty interstellar bodyguards patrolling the south of the island. When they heard the words of Lao Mo, three hundred and three told the intercom: "Everything is normal."

"Fifth child, how about you?"

"Boss, it's normal."

"Old man, answer, old man, old man?"

In 2008 and 90, he patrolled the west with more than 20 interstellar bodyguards. Lao Mo shouted at the dialogue machine for a long time, but no one answered.

"What's going on?" Lao Mo frowned.

"Brother Dust, how many brothers do you take to see how it is?" Lao Mo said to Storm Dust.

Storm Duck nodded, and brought a dozen interstellar bodyguards and rushed straight to the west. They were dumbfounded as soon as they arrived, and they saw all the interstellar bodyguards falling to the ground, one by one. I do n’t know.

"Be careful!" Storm Drow roared.

Everyone was alert for an instant. They knew the bad things. Someone secretly got on the island.

"Lao Mo, someone sneaks in!" Storm Dust shouted towards the center of the island.

His voice was too loud to use a walkie-talkie at all.

After Lao Mo heard the voice, he immediately made everyone vigilant and shouted, "Brothers, what we worry about is still happening. I do n’t know what is not a long-sighted thing to attack while Ye Shen is away. what should we do?!"


These people followed Lao Mo for so long, and they also learned some simple Chinese.

Lao Mo directly raised his micro punch and said, "Come with me!"

Speaking, Lao Mo and the rest of the people were going to the west. As soon as everyone turned around, they saw several people appearing quietly behind them.

Some of these people were suspended in the air, and some stood quietly on the ground.

There are three people floating in the air. The front one is wearing red and gold armor, and two pillars of fire under his feet are constantly spraying, making it able to float in the air.

Behind this man were two men wearing the same black and black steel helmets.

There are five people on the ground, the one in the front wearing a round steel helmet, a star-stripe military uniform, and a five-pointed star shield engraved on the right arm.

On the left side of the man, a middle-aged man with long beard and short beard stood quietly. His right hand was holding an oversized machine gun. His left hand and the entire left arm were made of a sparkling metal. .

On the right, a superb woman with burgundy hair stood quietly, dressed in black, looking at Yingzi's demureness.

The most striking thing is that behind the three men, a green giant more than ten meters tall stood expressionlessly, and looked at the old Mo group in cold eyes.

On the right hand side of the Green Giant, a middle-aged man carrying a bow and arrow stood cleverly.

No one knows when these people appeared, not even these interstellar bodyguards felt that someone was approaching them.

When they saw these people, the eyes of the old Mo group suddenly shrank. Although they didn't know who these people were, they knew that they were definitely vicious characters.

"Who the **** are you ?!" Lao Mo took a step forward with a gun and asked.

Although he knows that these people are very powerful, he has not retreated. He always remembers the words he said when Ye Fei left. People are, islands are, islands are dead, people are dead!

What fear is there for a person who puts life and death aside?

The man holding the shield on the ground walked two steps forward, glanced at Lao Mo, and looked at a group of interstellar bodyguards behind Lao Mo, in a stupid Chinese language: "You don't need to know who we are The purpose of the visit is pure, that is, the weapons and equipment given to Ye Fei by the aliens, and hand them over, otherwise, the island will no longer exist. "

"Hello ~"

The shield man's words have just been finished. From the back of Lao Mo, an interstellar bodyguard about five meters in size was rushed out. He aimed the weapon in his hand directly at the shield man, but before he fired, he saw the right hand of the red armor man in the air. Raising, a beam of light came over, and the five-meter-old interstellar bodyguard flew into ashes instantly.

Just so fast.

It was so scary.

Just a moment, a bunch of interstellar bodyguards are a bit confusing. The interstellar bodyguards that they just went out all know. They are the elite of Jin Gangxing. The people on this planet are mainly known for their solid bodies. It can be said that their physical strength is even scarier than those of Titans. This is why their planet is called Venus.

Some say their bodies can withstand the attack of intermediate star weapons.

But now the other party just raised his hand, and even let him fly ash annihilated, which shows that the other party ’s weapon is at least much stronger than the intermediate star weapon, and it is likely to reach the advanced stage.

They just don't understand why they have to grab Ye Fei since the other party has such a powerful weapon. Some of Ye Fei's weapons can't keep up with their weapons.

"You're too much!" Although the other party gave him a disposition directly, but Lao Mo wasn't afraid at all. He pointed the gun directly at the shield man and shouted loudly.

The shield man said blankly: "We are only acting on orders. If there is something wrong, please ask Haihan."

"Haihan ?! That is our brother who fought side by side. Now you killed him and let us Haihan? What do you think about your brain?" Lao Mo finished, and turned to the more than one hundred people behind him. The interstellar bodyguard shouted, "Brothers, others have bullied into the house. What should we do?"

"Kill!" Everyone shouted again in unison.

The sound just dropped, and the whole Pearl Island was shouting and killing.

This is definitely a strange war like never before on the earth. The figures in the sky are shuttles, the human figures on the ground are moving, the star guards fall down, and then rushed up one after another.

Lao Mo also rushed up with the group of people who had already returned. They knew that they were going to die, but they would rather die than stand back and watch the fun.

"Boss, watch out!"

As soon as Lao Mo turned his head, he saw the fiery red-haired woman in black appeared behind him, but he just reminded that he hadn't waited for 2003 to turn back, and a military thorn in the woman's hand was inserted directly. In the back of the zero-three, the acrobatics came out in front of him instantly.

"Boss !!!!!!"

"Three children!"

"Xiao Jian !!!"

Almost at the same time, Lao Mo and 001 all shouted their hearts apart.

They are a group. They were born and died together. I do n’t know how many times. Their feelings have already surpassed their comrades-in-arms. They have brothers and sisters. They are relatives of each other.

At this moment, they looked at Zero and Three and were stabbed directly by people like this, all of them were going crazy.

The blood foam in the mouth of No. 03 kept pouring out, he looked down and saw his blood dripping down along the thorns of the army.

He looked up and looked at a few Lao Mo, and then smiled.

Zero Three's lips trembled and moved, and his right hand lifted up and reached Lao Mo them. He wanted to catch them, but he didn't want to leave, but he couldn't help it.

"Tell Ye Shen, zero and three is not a sting."

This is the last sentence of zero zero three.

A group of Lao Mo was completely crazy, and the brothers who had been working together for many years in front of them died in front of them, and their eyes became red.

"Your uncle!"

Lao Mo roared, and shot a gun at the woman in black who had drawn the stab of the general.

At the same time, a few people all started shooting at women in black.

But this woman's movement is too fast, Qi Ba Ting Wei Chong can't even take up her clothes at all ~ ~ the more you can't hit the old man, the more angry and angry they are. The more you can't hit.

The woman in black, just like the same ghost, was erratic in front of several people.

Suddenly, Wu Ling felt a pain in her abdomen, and when she looked down, she saw that the stab in the hands of the woman in black had penetrated into his belly.

"Three or eight!"

He yelled at zero and five, and threw the gun in his hand. Then he grabbed the woman's hand with a thorn in his hands, and his **** mouth grinned, and then exhausted the woman with all his strength. In his arms, he bumped into his head.

boom! !!

There was a muffled sound, and the head of 0.55 hit the forehead of the woman in black fiercely, and the woman in black directly hit back and exited two or three meters away.

The woman in black did not expect that this man would be so fierce. His own army stab had penetrated into his abdomen, but he still had the strength to hit himself.

Looking at the army spurs left on the stomach of Zero Five, the woman in black was about to rush up and pull it down, but the bullets of a group of Lao Mo arrived.

"Little five, little five."

"Fifth child!"



Lao Mo just shouted, and he heard a plop beside him. He dropped his head and looked down, and saw an arrow stuck in the chest of an interstellar bodyguard. There was a red light in front of the arrow. The point kept flashing.

Seeing this, Lao Mo was aggressive.

He looked up at a few people around him, and then looked up at the man with a bow and arrow in the distance, and whispered, "Your uncle, it's over."

boom! !! !!

The whole Pearl Island is in chaos!

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