The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1715: Did you secretly learn during these days without fighting with me ...

Ye Fei seems to be crazy today. Several people who have caught the Elven God are thoroughly working hard, carrying pork and beef, beef and lamb, then hundreds of catties of fish, chickens, ducks, geese and so on.

All in all, a few people in the Elven God finally vomited blood, and they have not exerted much power in this life.

After waiting for all the ingredients to finish them out, a few guys each found a stone and sat there breathing.

In fact, they are not tired, they are depressed.

Especially the Elven God and Bingo, they came purely for a delicious meal, and it turned out to be this way.

"Hey, he's not a good eater if I don't have enough to eat for a while." The elf **** said fiercely.

He looked down at his body. The white clothes were completely blood red. Although it exudes a faint scent of scent, it doesn't work. Lao Tzu has clean habit, and absolutely no other colors are allowed to contaminate the clothes.

After watching for a while, the elf **** found a small place that was not contaminated with blood and water, carefully pinched and shook it a few times, and saw that the blood and water on his body had disappeared instantly, and turned into a snow-white.

Bingo also mumbled, "When I said I was leaving, what did he pull me to let me come over for? There was another conspiracy. The loop was really far away.

Silver Shadow Man was also downcast, saying: "It's early. It's early to come back. You need to look at the situation and come down."

There weren't so many words between Dakside and Zaya. Anyway, this physical work was nothing to them, but they hadn't done it before.

All the ingredients were ready, and Ye Fei started to make it directly.

Too many, he couldn't be too busy alone, shouted Zhang Long and Zhao Huquan, and then asked a few people from Lao Mo to help.

Soon, a series of delicacies appeared on the table.

Kung Pao chicken, braised pork, hot pot meat, three-eating goose, saliva duck, blood duck and so on are all top foods that Ye Fei has made before. Now they are handy and fast.

While doing it himself, he also instructed Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, and Lao Mo to handle ingredients and cook.

Twelve dishes are served on the table, each of which can be said to be very large, because it is not served with a plate at all, but with a basin, a large stainless steel basin.

Looking at the steaming food and smelling the seductive taste, a few people of the spirit of the spirit came instantly.

Several people came down from the stone and came to the table to circle the table. They really wanted to reach out and pinch a few pieces to try, but when they saw Ye Fei's eyes, they looked around from time to time. Several people didn't find a chance.

"Don't worry, there are still some that haven't been prepared. They have been prepared to eat together. Today, not only food, but also fine wine, gourmet and wine are the most authentic way of eating." Ye Fei said while cooking.

Everyone heard that there was fine wine, and one by one was even more excited. They all knew that Ye Fei's wine was more delicious than Qiongyeyuyu, and it was usually impossible to drink.

"Ye Shen mighty."

"Hahaha, Ye Shen, could you have more parties like this in the future?"

"Yes, Ye Shen, we strongly recommend that there be more meetings for people-like gatherings in the future, everyone is very happy."

Ye Fei pouted his lips, and said with a hammer, that in another few games, I completely lost everything.

After some common foods were made, Ye Fei started to make boiled cabbage and Buddha jump on the wall. Here he was cooking in the pot. He hadn't stopped yet.

Ye Fei instructed Zhang Long to open a large pot of steamed rice next to it and let it cool, then cut all the mushrooms, carrots, shrimps and peas into dices, marinated with seasoning.

After a while, the rice was cold. Ye Fei called Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, and Lao Mo, all of them, saying, "Each person grabs a piece of rice, then puts the ingredients in the rice, and holds them into a rice ball. Do you see the large bowl of breadcrumbs next to it? Roll the cooked rice **** in it and put them in the pan. You do it first. I control the heat. "

After that, Ye Fei poured the best peanut oil into the cauldron next to him. After the oil temperature was OK, a group of people there also rolled the rice **** in the bread crumbs.

Ye Fei personally put these rice **** into the oil pan and started to fry. After the bread crumbs became golden on the outside, they were removed from the pan and placed in a large pot on the other side.

"Yeshen, is this the fried rice ball of Italy?" Zhao Hu asked.

Ye Fei laughed, "Do you know this food?"

Zhao Hudao: "I know, this is one of the most famous cuisines of Italy, and it is almost as famous as Italian noodles. It is an imperfect trip to Italy without fried rice balls."

"Will you do it?"

"I can do it, but I can't master it."

"That line, you do it, I'll give you pointers."

"What to do if you mess up?"

"It's okay, you need to practice more and sum up experience and lessons in failure to continue to grow and grow."

Zhao Hu came to the position where Ye Fei was standing. To be honest, he was very excited. Although Ye Fei said that he was fine, he still knew that he couldn't do it. After all, these ingredients were top-level ingredients.

Moreover, Ye Fei also trusts himself very much. If he has to do such an important job for himself, he must be upset.

Ye Fei was holding the rice ball while guiding Zhao Hu, and slowly Zhao Hu found the trick.

Not to mention, this product is indeed a good material for a chef. It is very fast to use. This is inseparable from the chef he has worked for so many years in the Datang Palace. It is a top chef, and the person he instructs cannot be too big.

"Yeshen, and western food?" Zhang Long asked loudly.

Ye Fei said with a smile: "It is necessary. Now that we have eaten, we must have a good time. Right, Zhang Long, will you make tiramisu?"

Zhang Long: "..."

"Ye Shen, aren't you serious? Desserts are served too?"

"You must come up and let them cook the rice **** first. Let's make Tiramisu and Zhao Hu. You are responsible here. Ask me if you don't understand."

Zhao Hu nodded hurriedly. What a great deal of trust this is. He gave this dish and these people directly to himself, and he must not fail Ye Shen.

Zhang Long and Ye Fei came to the other side, and they were going to make Tiramisu.

When you go to Italy, if you do n’t eat tiramisu, you do n’t want to eat fried rice balls. It can be said that it is a kind of Italian specialty cake and authentic dessert that is more famous than Italian noodles.

This thing is not difficult to make, the classics are often popular, because there are too many people to eat, can be widely spread.

As the former top chef of the Great Tang Palace, Zhang Long will certainly make Tiramisu, and under the guidance of Ye Fei, he will refine many points.

"The egg white and sugar must be beaten into a dry foam. Don't be too troublesome. Stir it hard. This is an individual effort. In addition, there are egg yolks. The egg yolks are also treated like egg whites. , The butter must melt away from the water, understand? "

Ye Fei looked at Zhang Long as he started, and he kept talking, while at the same time his hands were not idle. After all, there was more to do, and Zhang Long couldn't do it alone.

After crushing a packet of biscuits, take the melted butter over, and pour the right amount of biscuits into the bottom of the biscuits. Then add some beaten egg yolk to make the crumbs less dry. Pass a round mold, pour the cookie crumbs on the bottom layer, and then directly put them into a storage compartment and refrigerate them for future use.

While this time Ye Fei started processing other ingredients.

Take a few of the egg yolks, and then pour the amount of caster sugar into the caster sugar. Put it in the pot and heat it over the water to melt the caster sugar. Then put the egg yolks in and begin to break.

After stirring well, pour a little fish gelatin that has melted in the water into a bowl and continue stirring.

Finally, when the golden egg yolk liquid became a little dark yellow, Ye Fei stopped.

Take a basin and pour in the right amount of Mascarpone, a cheese made specifically for cakes and desserts.

Seeing Ye Fei using this cheese, Zhang Long put his tongue out a little and whispered, "Ye God, this thing is too expensive. You can use ordinary cream cheese with lemon juice instead."

Ye Fei raised his eyelid and glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Expensive? Today we only cook delicious food, not expensive or expensive. Since we want to make authentic tiramisu, we need to use traditional ingredients, cream cheese and Although lemon juice is similar in taste to Mascarpone when it is made, it is still somewhat different. "


Listening to Ye Fei's pursuit of the most authentic taste of the original Tiramisu in Italy, Zhang Long has nothing to say. Only with full admiration of Ye Fei in his heart, this is what a professional senior chef should have Accomplishment, do not do everything, do the best.

After the cheese is placed, take out the egg yolk mixture mixed with white sugar, and then pour half of the cheese into the cheese. Start to stir with a bamboo egg beater. After the mixture is even, pour the remaining half of the egg liquid into it. , Continue to stir evenly.

The finally obtained cheese and egg yolk liquid were mixed into a dark yellow to reveal a trace of red ingredients. Ye Fei took an appropriate amount of the cheese distributed by Liuqi, added it in two portions, and continued stirring to obtain a viscous shape. Mixed cream.

Remove the cold **** crumbs, pour a portion of the mixed cream onto the **** crumbs in the grinder, and then gently shake it back and forth a few times to make the surface of the mixed cream flat, and then repeat the previous procedure again. Put a layer of cookie crumbs on top of the cream, and then smooth it out with another layer of cream.

The tiramisu made by Ye Fei is relatively thick. This is also because of the mouth problems of these aliens. Some people have too large mouths. If you make them too small, you won't be able to jam your teeth.

After several layers have been prepared, the top layer is cream, put it directly into a frozen storage compartment and start refrigerating. After a while, Ye Fei took out the frozen tiramisu, and then took the mold off, see The multi-layered tiramisu trembled slightly, and the cheese was too good and very long and tender.

Then Ye Fei grabbed a handful of cocoa powder, carefully covered a layer on the top, and directly mounted the plate for people to take away.

That's right, this thing is difficult to say, simple and simple, mainly the problem of mixing several kinds of ingredients, these are not who Ye Fei is at all.

Zhang Long also made one over there, but the thickness of several layers of cheese and biscuit he made is the same, which is a matter of style for each chef.

This is not wrong, it just looks too rigid.

The thin and thick Ye Fei looks like a top-level ink painting from the side, giving people a strong sense of impact.

Then Ye Fei made more than forty in one breath, Zhang Long also made about thirty, and then didn't do it.

This thing is just an appetizing dessert before meals, not a staple food. In fact, everyone can not share much. The real staple food is rice and pasta.

That's right, Ye Fei made a lot of pasta next, waiting for the Buddha to jump over the wall and start the best soup like cabbage.

Finally, after all the food has been prepared, everyone's eyes are completely rounded, and the saliva of all people has completely turned into a small river.

Especially the interstellar bodyguards, they followed Ye Fei on the island, and from time to time they can mix some top food, but except for the day when they just arrived, Ye Fei invited them to the banquet to surprise them. At other times, it seemed that they had never seen it once Had so many top foods.

When people think of the insatiable taste and texture of the food made by Ye Fei, many people do not consciously squeeze forward.

"I rely, don't squeeze, don't squeeze, Ye Shen hasn't said to start eating yet."

"I can't control how much I can send. May I see first?"

"Can you say your tongue straight before talking? I haven't seen enough, I have seen enough for you."

"Oh my God, it's too much. Ye Shen has done too much today. Be sure to eat hard with open stomach."

"The manure-making machine has no say."


Everyone can say that they are all excited at this moment. When the aroma of delicious food rushes into the nostrils, many people are messed up, and some people are jumping up beside them, just like the devil dancing claws. The action makes people feel not pleasing to the eye, but full of thrill.

Several people of the elf **** stood at the innermost, one by one staring at a few tables of food without moving their eyes, desperately swallowing.

Especially Daxide and Zaya, they have never eaten Ye Fei's food, but they have only seen it in the video. When they watched the video, they could not bear it one by one. Otherwise, when they were drawn as guests, they would not be able to give Ye Fei a reward.

Facing such top-notch delicacies, they also want to eat.

"Don't hesitate, don't hesitate to this trip, really hope that Ye Shen will take me next time he kills others?" Muttered Drucker.

Zaya was right next to him, and smiled bitterly, "I don't know if he will bring us ~ ~ but I know that I can eat such food once in my life without regret."

Dakside glanced at Zaya and said, "I used to think that being able to dominate the hegemony was the most important thing in my life, and now I suddenly felt that it was the most boring thing, and being able to eat the food made by the God of God was the most amazing Exciting things, this is life. "

"I said, have we overlooked something before?" Zaya asked, turning his head.

Druckside didn't speak, and it took a long time before he sighed and said, "It seems we've all done wrong."

"Right can bring us awesome satisfaction, but it can't bring us the most down-to-earth quality of life. Ye Shen once said that Jialan, who has become a slave to rights in his life, and now I just find out why we are not What? The boundless desire is like the moon in the water, which seduces us in front of us, but when we go fishing, it fiddles with us unpredictably. We always live in a kind of self-confidence that is very full but actually empty. In the state of wine, food and food, only by tasting these things made by Ye Shen can he truly feel his own existence. "Zaya said with a back of his hands and a deep face.

Duckside: "..."

The goods stared at Zaya for a long time, and suddenly said, "Did you study secretly during the period when you were not fighting with me?"


Zaya was so aggressive that he didn't know why Duckside suddenly said such a word.

"What do you mean?"

"Because your previous level is impossible to say such a level of words, and you can not see life so thoroughly, unless you secretly learn."

"... Did you want to fight?"

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