The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1717: Brother, say a philosophy of life to them

Ye Fei said that he can make spicy chicken, white cut chicken, three cups of chicken, sautéed chicken with soya sauce, etc. He can say that he can do all the ingredients of chicken, and the level is superb .

However, he really does not make chicken soup for the soul.

This stuff is too mysterious. He said that his cooking skills can't reach the level that can make chicken soup for the soul, and he won't, because the chicken soup for the soul itself does not exist, it is a fiction.

Now Zaya glared to himself and said that the food he made was like chicken soup in his heart. Ye Fei had to oppose it because of the truth-seeking attitude. Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for Lao Tzu to make chicken soup for the soul. Do n’t go here. The random propaganda broke my signboard.

"Well, I admit that I'm good at cooking, but I really haven't reached the level where I can make chicken soup for the soul."

Humility is a virtue of one person. Others boast of you, and you are happy again. You must be pretending to be very shy and embarrassed, and then say some low-key words, which makes you feel very connotative.

Hearing Ye Fei's humility, Daxide hurriedly said, "Ye God, the fact is in front of me. My brother just learned a lot from the food you made this time and the sincere feelings between you and these friends. He even felt the texture of life, and raised his spirit and soul to a more ideal level. "

Zaya also quickly nodded, and said, "Yes, I don't want to hide it. Just before I came, I had arranged the army and the spaceship. I wanted to give his old nest directly while Ade left the second universe. Take it away, but when I saw the relationship between you and these friends, I let them all withdraw and dissipate. It ’s very simple. Although the contradiction between us is deep, he is my brother, you. With these bloodless friends, you can be like brothers. It is impossible to have an inextricable contradiction between him and me. In the final analysis, it is for rights, for face, for the gods, but when these food After the aroma entered my nostrils, my brain seemed to be suddenly bright, and the previous ones seemed so naive to me. "

"Life is very short. Even if people like us can live for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years, it is only an instant compared to the vast changes in the sky and the universe. This is a very short time. We have experienced this extremely short period of time, which is a very lucky thing. In this case, we must not let down this period of time, use it to enjoy life to the fullest, enjoy life, and enjoy this boundless world for us It ’s wonderful, not frustrating all day for fame and fortune. Pain is a lifetime, happiness is a lifetime, suffering is a lifetime, and enjoying time is a lifetime. Why not enjoy life for a lifetime? "

"I heard a very powerful person once said something very powerful. He said that there are only two things in a person's life, one is busy living and the other is busy dying. In my opinion, there are actually no. Three things, that is to let go of everything, to live happily every day, let the rights and money be like a cloud of smoke, let the fame and fortune be like the ebb water, this world, this universe, when we come, carefree and dead The time must not take away the pennies. Since the beginning and the end are refreshing, why is the process so complicated and painful? "

After Zaya finished speaking, his hands were behind his back, his eyes looked into the distance, the distance ... It was dark, the ghost didn't know what the goods were looking at, but he looked like a deep, deep and connotative look.

Not to mention, Zaya's words really choked a few people present.

When Zaya said those words just now, they all heard them, and to be honest, it felt very deep, but it was really incomparable with these words.

If the previous sentences just saw the essence of life, then these words are a detailed and serious analysis of the essence of life.

"Zaya, why did you suddenly become a saint?" The elf **** asked incredulously.

Bingo also mumbled, "I know I'm boring, and I don't say what books to recommend to these people have progressed so fast, and eating alone is not good."

Silver Shadow Man ... Silver Shadow Man stared blankly at the group of people. He shook his head. His life was very special. He did n’t even feel what they said about Zaya, he only knew There are two most important people in his life, one is Jia Lan, and the other is Susan. Jia Lan gave him the ability, Susan gave him a feeling of heart, he didn't know when he would Death, he only knew that when he died, he would take away the memories of these two people together.

Ye Fei looked at Zaya with a deep face, and then suddenly jumped up and jumped directly to Zaya's shoulder. When Zaya didn't respond, Ye Fei's hand directly covered Zha Sub-branch is on.

"Yes, what are you doing?" Zaya asked, puzzled.

Ye Fei jumped off Zaya's shoulder and muttered, "No, this is not right."

"Yeah, what's wrong?" The elf **** asked.

Ye Fei looked at a few people, then pointed at Zaya and said, "He has no fever."

Everyone: "..."

I'm going, are you stupid? Are you stupid?

Who is that?


Who is Zaya?

That is the Supreme Ruler of the Fourth Universe!

Such a person would you even suspect that he has a fever and a cold? If you dare to think like this, it means that you have a fever.

Druckside also rolled his eyes frantically, and said, "Yes, my brother's constitution won't have such a small disease at all."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "It's hard to say. How is your brother than Jialan?"

"Uh ~ Although this is my brother, I still have to tell the truth, Jia Lan is much stronger than my brother, much better than all of us present."

"Yeah, anyone as powerful as him will get kidney stones, stomach ulcers, and sagging stomachs, not to mention your brother?"


Druckside asked Ye Fei to say nothing.

That ’s right, people who are as good as Jia Lan will get kidney stones, an unreliable disease. Is it strange that your brother will have a fever?

"My brother didn't have a fever anyway."

In the end, Daxside really didn't know what to say, and muttered aside and went aside.

Zaya blinked his eyes and asked, "Yes, don't you think I'm right?"

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "It's not right, it's because I think it's too right, so I wonder if you have a fever, because it's too sudden to change from a **** of war to an adult philosophy mentor. Nothing has anything to do with me. My task is to make good food and drink fine wine. This is the real life. Now the food is ready. If you do n’t eat, go away. Do n’t delay me. ”

What kind of plane are you doing, shall I hold a banquet? As a result, here you are sighing for life and sighing for life. You also said that I made chicken soup for the soul. Can you drink it? Still not let people eat?

So Ye Fei directly exposed this post. Of course, the brothers of Daxide and Zaya were very happy to be able to reconcile him. After all, the status of these two people is too high. They are one of them. The thought of a command can make two cosmic creatures coated with blood and flow into the river. Although Ye Fei is not the second universe or the fourth universe, there are audiences in these two universes in his live broadcast room.

You talk about if these two guys ordered each audience to hang up, who would he cry for? After all, the number of audiences in these two universes is still considerable, and the loss is quite a pity.

As soon as Ye Fei said that he was going to eat, a few people in the spirit of the spirit came instantly.

"Ye Xiaozi, today I can tell you very clearly, I am very angry, and I will not leave if I don't eat you," said the elf god, with a strong voice.

Ye Fei glanced at him and said coldly, "I can see what your previous life was."

"What is it?" The elf **** asked curiously.

A few bingo people also looked at Ye Fei with curiosity. They really didn't know that Ye Fei had such a magical ability. It was too evil to see what others had done in their previous lives.

Ye Feidao: "Honeypot Ant."

"What? What is a honeypot ant?"

"A honeypot ant is a kind of ant, but this ant has a characteristic that it meets the good ones and eats it until it is killed, just like you."

Spirit God: "..."

Well, you are the honeypot ants. Your whole family is honeypot ants.

I just said it casually, can I really eat it? This does not mean that whoever eats more is the Supreme God.

"For your younger age, I don't care about you and eat."

With that said, the elf **** reached out and grabbed at a roast chicken leg, but as a result he was stopped by Ye Fei.

"Don't you say it's okay to eat? Why didn't the spirit **** stop me from saying it.

Ye Fei laughed: "I also said that there is wine and meat. There is only meat here, and the drinks have not been moved out. A few of you come with me."

Elf God and Bingo: "..."

Your sister, are you going to be a coolie again? Can't you change personally?

"Willn't you come? But it's all good wine, the best Maotai, all 100 years old." Ye Fei said with a smile while walking into the room.

As a result, Bingo and Elven God followed them decisively.

Especially Bingo and Elven God, both of them are people who have drank Ye Fei's wine. Of course, they know what the concept of centuries-old wine is. When they think of the taste of that wine, their hands seem to be scratching.

"Cool, just work hard. If it weren't for the sake, I would have to pack this guy up. It would be too much."

With that said, the elf **** stepped into the threshold.

Nothing was clear about Dakside, Zaya, or Silver Shadow. They saw the elf **** and bingo **** and **** flew in with Ye, and they followed.

The top hundred centuries-old Chen Maotai of the five hundred altars is definitely a super shocking scene when these wine jars are put together.

It is precisely because there are too many, the system does not put it in the storage compartment at all, but directly puts it into the basement.

When the elf gods followed Ye Fei into the basement, all the powers were dumbfounded.

"Crouch, so crazy?"

"Ye Zi, are you here?"

"I have smelled the seductive smell of wine in the air."

"Is this Ye Shen's wine? The taste is really addictive for the first time."

They said, Ye Fei pointed directly at Wubai Tan Jiu and said, "Don't be light, just hurry up. The brothers above are still waiting to drink."

Several people:"......"

A few people didn't say a word and hurriedly began to get wine.

Dakside, Zaya, and Bingo are all tall and strong. The three guys hugged seven or eight jars at a time, but Ye Fei almost flew away.

"Let down! The three of you give me down! Don't take so many at once. You can only take two altars. There is only one altar if you break it. There are so many left. It's okay to run a few more times."

Bingo and Duckside and Zaya quickly drew down again, and then each took two jars of wine with a few fingers, and took them out in depression.

Outside the group of interstellar bodyguards and old Mo several people petrified for the third time.

"I rely on it, won't it? Ye Shen was pulled over to work hard again?"

"Ah ~ why don't they seem angry this time?"

"Scent of wine, I smell it."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy since Yeh ’s really moved out of the house today, dear brothers, I am destined to be deaf to you, I ca n’t make Yeh chill.

"Nonsense, I don't need to announce this at all. My life is already Ye Shen. For the rest of my life, as long as I am Ye Shen, Fengxue is him, plain is him, and poverty is him ..."

"... for the rest of my life ... report, and caught a literary alien."

Ferris column saw several people of the Elven God after a while, this goods quickly volunteered: "League, let us help you?"

Who knew that the elf **** stared and said, "While you are staying, are you doing this kind of work?"

Skyscraper: "..."

I'll take it. Why is it so awkward to hear this? This kind of physical work is not done by us. Is it the failure of some of the highest rulers of the universe? How cheap do you have to say such a thing?

Don't tell me that you love your people, I won't believe you if you kill me.

The Ferris column saw a few people from the Elven God who wouldn't let them help. This goods took a few people to the side, and went to the side. They all found a small stone to sit down, blowing the sea breeze, holding the house, and then watching the Elven Gods The supreme ruler was like Ye Fei's dog slipping again.

Five hundred altar wines, can only take two altars at a time, a total of five people, how many trips? !!

(I have been a messy math since childhood. I really ca n’t figure out this math problem. Interested brothers and sisters can do the math. It is likely that the college entrance examination will be taken)

... A lot of trips anyway.

Finally, after taking out the five hundred altar wines, a few people of the Elven God did not care about the eyes of others, because they could not see them, and their attention was all on the five hundred altar wines and a few tables of food ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ They were thrilled when they thought that they could sip great wine and food.

"Can it be eaten?" The elf **** asked, rubbing his hands.

Ye Fei despised: "I said, can you not give us shame to the First Universe? You are also the supreme ruler of the First Universe. Just like you haven't eaten good things for 800 years, can you make a little profit?"

"You ... little bastard, don't you want to die? You know my identity and dare to talk to me like that?"

The elf **** is going to explode. This item is getting bigger and bigger. Look at the words in front of so many people. You also know that I am the supreme ruler of the First Universe? Then you screamed? Give me back to First Universe, do n’t you know how to give me face?

Ye Fei cut off and said, "I'm talking about your identity after you leave, and my identity is the same here, and you are nothing special."


The elf **** really wants to use Ye Fei as a rope, then rub it and throw it into the South China Sea. This **** is too much.

It ’s just that the Elven God hasn't gotten angry yet, Bingo suddenly said, "He's right, I would rather give up everything I have, thoroughly integrate into these wine and food, and truly be myself."

Duckside also nodded, but just about to speak, looked at Zaya he swallowed it, and pushed Zaya out, saying, "Brother, you say, now you speak better than me There are levels. "

Zaya: "..."

He looked at his younger brother who was just reconciled with a smile and shook his head, and said, "What?"

Drucker said: "Say a philosophy of life to them."

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