The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1727: 4 Kings in Cantonese Breakfast

On the first night, all the interstellar guests came, no matter how they came, even if they fell from the sky, they fell on the island. This is fine. Anyway, we are a person who only looks at the results and not the process.

The dragon guests and Sloan among the guests of the earth also came at more than five o'clock in the morning, and now there are only the scattered fairy Shen Yue and Freeland of the Eagle Kingdom. These two people are complete after they come.

After Ye Fei received Long Longlong and Sloan, he took them back to their place of residence.

As soon as they entered the door, Longlong and Sloan were just stupid. After a while, both of them rubbed their eyes hard, really afraid that they were wrong.

But after they rubbed their eyes for a long time and looked carefully, yes, nothing was wrong, everything in front of them was true.

"Woohoo ~"

Long Longlong screamed, the goods rushed to the table and chairs in slippers, then reached out to touch the table, and carefully touched the chair again, and he was a little over-excited.

And Sloan was deeply shocked by the whole person. He is Sloan, the president of the International Hacking Association. He is rich, he has seen more good things, and he likes gold and silver jewelry diamond agate. He is an expert in diamond and agate collection. What kind of diamond is good and what kind of agate is top grade can be said at a glance.

Now he was standing in front of Ye Fei's door, staring at the bright diamonds and agates in the room, his head was short-circuited at this moment, blank, and he didn't know where he was.

"What's wrong? Go in." Ye Fei said.

Sloan raised his hands and pointed at the thirty shining chairs and two glittering tables at the scene. His lips trembled for a long time before asking: "Ye ... Yes, this is really?"

It was only after he asked this sentence that he knew Bai asked, because from his experience, this is true, not only true, but also the top-quality goods in terms of the luster that it exudes.

Ye Fei laughed: "I don't know, my friend sent it."


Sloan was aggressive.

A friend?

Brother, how many local tyrants can your friend give you such an exaggerated gift?

Also, are you sure you are serious? These thirty chairs are the same as these two tables. They are priceless. You, you, you ... are you going to eat?

I've seen a prodigal, I've never seen you so prodigal, this stuff is a good item of national treasure level.

Rao was Sloan's well-informed, and at this time Ye Fei also kneeled.

No way, this person in front of me is the real cruelest person on the planet, so crazy, in the eyes of others, what is invaluable is just a tool for eating, just ask you to accept it? !!

It took a long time before Sloan came to these chairs and tables carefully, and then slowly stretched out his hands and stroked them gently. The delicate feeling of smoothness at the starting point made him feel as if he were flying. Comfortable.

"God, forgive me for being so shallow, I didn't expect that there are so many so big and such superb diamonds in the world." Sloan said to himself.

Yes, in Ye Fei's opinion, these thumb-sized belly-sized diamonds are no small, but in Sloan and Longlong's view, this is a huge diamond, and it is even more exaggerated to see so many. How much is this? ?

If so many top sized diamonds of the same size appear at the auction, they will definitely detonate the scene, and even human lives will be normal. No, it is possible that nothing will happen, because no one can afford it, even ordinary Countries are not necessarily affordable, and prices are absolutely inestimable.

Long Longlong itself is an antique collector, but sometimes he also comes into contact with some diamond agate, especially agate. This thing is also called chalcedony, which is a kind of jade. It was already common in ancient China, but so He really saw the best agate for the first time, especially with so many colors.

"I depend, what are you doing ?!" Suddenly, Ye Fei roared in pain.

Because he found that Longlong didn't know where to pull out a small knife, and was prying agate from his own agate chair.

Ye Fei just froze directly. Hemp eggs, you have no control of goods, you can do such unreliable things? And it was done in front of the host. Is this a human thing?

He thought he shouted and stopped.

Do not!

Long Long Long pried even more vigorously, changing the direction and angle.

Ye Fei is almost vomiting blood. What can you do?

Must stop!

He hurried over and pulled Long Longlong aside.

"Is it really good for you to say this? Steal my things in front of me."

Longlong looked back on the ground for a while, and found the slippers that he flew to put on, hehe laughed: "Ye God, in front of your face, you will not be called to steal, to borrow, and you so much, I It's OK to pry one. "

"Who said it was okay? This thing is a whole. It is not perfect to pry off one. I am a perfectionist."

"Okay, I don't pry, who put this thing on it? It's too strong, it's tight, and there's no place to cut the knife at all."

Ye Fei was happy as soon as he heard it. Nonsense, it is also your ability to pry down what Zaha gave you with a common knife.

The two of them talked, but did not find that Sloan bent down and lowered his head and was carefully looking at the agate that Longlong had just pried. As a result, the more the goods looked, the more frightened and the more incredible they became.

The hardness of jade is not as strong as that of diamond, and sometimes it can be scratched with some sharp tools, but now the agate pry is intact, let alone scratches, there is no mark at all.

From this point we can see how hard it is.

Sloan was a little dazed for a long time. He was sure that this was the top agate, but he had never seen such a hard agate. How many thousands of years would it take to form such a high quality agate?

"Sit down, it's still early, you came early, drink some water and wait for others, I'll get something to eat." Ye Fei said.

Neither Longlong nor Sloan sat.

"what happened?"

Sloan was a little nervous: "Yeshen, I don't dare to sit on this kind of national treasure, I am afraid of losing my life."

Longlong also nodded quickly, the goods mounted the knife, and said, "This is for pain, not for sitting. Ye Shen, what about your bamboo chair? I just take a bamboo chair."

Ye Fei shook his head: "No, it's all like this now, you sit on the ground without sitting."

Sloan and Longlong are all dumbfounded, I rely on, all these chairs now? Brother, this is the rhythm you really want to be cursed to death.

"Okay, sit and sit. Lao Tzu also knows today what it feels like to beat a dragon chair."

Saying that, Longlong sat on a agate chair with his buttocks, and then moved his buttocks, and then moved his head, scratching his head and saying, "It doesn't feel so hard, it's a little bit cold."

Sloan also sat excitedly and nervously on a diamond chair. He didn't feel anything different. No, as Longlong said, it was hard and cold, not as comfortable as a sofa.

"It seems that things like diamonds and agates are better for the eyes. This **** ... is really good." Longlong muttered in his heart.

The two sat down and Ye Fei went to make breakfast.

In fact, it is a bit early to make breakfast now, but there is nothing else to do without breakfast. I can only wait for others to come slowly.

Ye Fei had just started making breakfast. Longlong ran over and was excited, "Yes, what's for breakfast?"

"Steamed buns, fritters, soy milk." Ye Fei said without thinking.

As soon as Longlong was drooling, he ran down, but he quickly wiped his mouth and said, "These things are delicious, but to say breakfast, I think it is more characteristic of morning tea in eastern Guangdong province. I will tell you. I've been to Eastern Guangdong before. Their morning tea is very particular. What are the four kings, what intestine powder and eight treasure porridge, rice cake nest cake fried rice noodles, and braised chicken claw beef louver. They are very nutritious. What a delicious thing. "

Ye Fei froze, then nodded with a smile, and said, "Want to eat?"

Longlong nodded quickly, nonsense, who does not like Cantonese and Hong Kong morning tea? That's the finest thing in the morning.

"Okay, today is early, let's make a Cantonese morning tea!"

"Woohoo ~ Long live Yeshen, Yeshen, do you know why I like you? It's because you are very reasonable, unique, handsome, special ..."

"That's it, I don't know what it will become if I boast."

"Hey ..."

Ye Fei really made Cantonese morning tea for the first time.

Eastern Guangdong Province is a very developed province, and their food culture also shines in the Chinese food culture.

In a country as large as China, if there is a place where people eat breakfast and become a culture, there is definitely eastern Guangdong.

Their breakfast is not only a wide variety, but more importantly the taste is very good.

The Cantonese breakfast is mainly light, and the ingredients are rich and varied. After eating it, you can have two cups of tea. The time of the day is absolutely full of vitality.

And to say that the most famous snacks in breakfast in Eastern Guangdong Province, we must firstly recommend the "Big Four Kings."

Shrimp dumplings, barbecued pork buns, roasted wheat and egg tarts.

On the basis of these four top flavors, then extend some other delicious snacks.

There are all kinds of buns, all kinds of pastries, all kinds of light meats, all kinds of powders. It can be said that everything is delicious. Eating a breakfast here is not just as simple as breakfast, but it is also a life enjoyment.

The children of the ocean bring people a broad-minded personality, where you can experience the exquisite and elegant breakfast.

To be honest, as a Xichuan person, Ye Fei's breakfast taste is relatively heavy. Whether it is red oil slapstick or dandan noodles, or Leshan tofu brain or Dazhou meat dumplings, they are almost inseparable from spicy and sesame .

But he has to admit that breakfast in eastern Guangdong is really a kind of art. It perfectly blends many kinds of ingredients to show you its unique and most charming side, let alone eat. At first glance, people feel a feeling of hunger and muttering, which is tempting you and seduce your stomach.

Of course, as people from all corners of the country come to Guangdong Province, they also bring a variety of local snacks, which makes the breakfast style of Guangdong Province more abundant.

This is an all-inclusive place like the sea. It is wonderful because of the large number of people, and gorgeous because of the great food.

Ye Fei had never been to Eastern Guangdong before, and he hadn't had a Cantonese breakfast, but he would make it.

The first is shrimp dumplings.

This kind of thing is a kind of small dumplings smaller than northern dumplings. The skin is very thin, and even the orange-red shrimp stuffing can be seen through the skin.

This dumpling is not cooked in a pot, but steamed on a steamer.

Want to make shrimp dumplings, first of all, dumpling skin and stuffing.

The stuffing of shrimp dumplings must have shrimp meat. Generally, one or two shrimps in a shrimp dumpling are served with other ingredients.

The skin of shrimp dumplings is somewhat unique. It is different from northern dumpling skins. The dumpling skin of shrimp dumplings was first eaten with rice noodles, and then slowly replaced with raw starch, which is Chengfen.

Raw starch is often used in the kitchen. Generally, the most commonly used method is to use it to thicken the sauce, make braised fish, sweet and sour fish, and so on. Finally, thicken it and pour it in, and then the juice will be OK after the fire is over. Thick and crystalline, it looks more appetizing.

But this is not to say that it cannot be used for other purposes. According to its delicate and smooth characteristics, it can also be used to marinate food to increase the smooth texture of food.

Of course, it can also be used as the skin of shrimp dumplings, and it is an ideal material.

In addition, with the continuous accumulation of people's experience, the practice of shrimp dumplings is also increasing. Previously, it was only simple and elegant shrimp dumplings. Now, purple potato-colored spinach and so on are slowly appearing. It is just raw starch. Added food coloring or vegetable juice.

Ye Fei does not engage in a variety of shrimp dumplings. He wants to make the most orthodox and original shrimp dumplings.

Raw starch is ready ~ ~ Pour in hot water and noodles, and add a little lard into it during the process. The surface of shrimp dumplings will be more shiny and taste Also more intense.

After the noodles are reconciled, put them in a storage compartment and wake up, then start making stuffing.

Ki Wai Prawns, Pork Belly, Eggs, etc.

The first is chopped simmered water with green vegetables to remove its astringency, then the prawns are cut off the shrimp line, head, tail and skin, and then cut into shrimp paste, and pork belly is cut into minced meat.

The pork belly here is just to increase its thick taste, so use as little as possible, otherwise it will be a bit noisy, and shrimp dumplings should be changed to pork dumplings.

After these are done, the eggs are broken and fried in a pan and turned into egg crumbs, and each one is as small as possible.

Put the eggs out and put them in a small bowl with other ingredients, add some seasonings such as refined salt and cooking wine pepper, and finally add an appropriate amount of cooked black sesame. This is the stuffing of shrimp dumplings.

The stuffing is processed, and the noodles are also finished. Take it out to make a thin dumpling skin, and then put the shrimp dumpling stuffing in and start to wrap.

Ye Fei's technique is very unique and fast.

Longlong and Sloan who came over couldn't keep up the eyes.

"Yes, you are too fast, do you need the speed for making dumplings?" Longlong said.

Ye Fei laughed: "It doesn't matter how fast you make other dumplings, but the speed of making shrimp dumplings should be as fast as possible, because the water with the raw flour is hot boiling water. This is because of the raw flour. It wo n’t be easy to shape afterwards, so it ’s easy to crack, so wrap it before it gets cold. ”

Speaking of it, Ye Fei directly wrapped the shrimp dumplings and started steaming ...

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