The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1738: God 1 like the beginning of the live broadcast!

People have to die more than people, and goods have to be thrown.

The ancestors of Huaxia concluded that the wisdom of life is incomparable. They have long known that being a human being cannot be compared, otherwise you will be out of breath.

It is clear that Qianmo and Yangling have never heard the words of the ancestors of Huaxia, so both of them are now exploding.

They are also anchors, and they are also star emperor anchors. There are a lot of iron fans, but why do n’t they have a fan like Ye Fei?

You talked about this fan, and the anchor did n’t even put a fart on it, and he just shook you with super luxury items. Where can you find such a cute fan?

Now they understand why these fans are cute Nini. Whether they are Nini or not, the key is that they are cute.

That ’s right, they are so cute, they want to grab Ye Fei, of course, if they can grab it.

Ye Fei was also a little excited at this time, although he now has a lot of live broadcast rewards, but this is really the first time this situation, and he didn't say a word, even his friends did not say , They can't wait to kill themselves with a reward.

"Oh, smash it, smash it, I like this feeling." Ye Fei moaned in his heart.

But no matter how they smash, at least you have to know who these Ni Ni are, right? Otherwise, I don't even have a thank-you in my heart.

"Dear ninies, can I know who you are?" Ye Fei asked.

He had just finished asking, and the cute Erinini sent a message.

"Yeshen, I'm Yin Yingxia. I applied for an account after returning from you. I could only do Wu Niini with my qualifications, but this time I was a bit credited, so Jia Lan Shen let I upgraded, I'm Erini, O (∩_∩) O. "

Seeing this news, Ye Fei almost crashed his computer with his head.

Nima, Silver Shadow?

The cute Erini is turned out to be Silver Shadow Man?

This time, let alone Ye Fei's face was pumping, and even the zombies faced by Dakside and Zaya, who had not changed for years, began to pump.

No way, they had dealt with Yin Yingxia. This is also a face of a zombie for ten thousand years. I did not expect that this product would have such a cute (disgusting) name.

"Silver Shadow ... I thank you!"

Ye Fei almost covered her heart and said thank you, Silver Shadow Man, the cute Erini, this name is like a stunned blood on my face, me, it's terrifying.

"No need to say thank you. I thank you. Since returning from the earth, Galan has rescued Susan. I live with Susan now. We have formed a wonderful family. To the happiness of being a normal person, Ye Shen, it ’s all your gift. Do n’t say thank you. Live it. How long do you live today and how long do I reward? ”

Ye Fei: "..."

Everyone: "..."

I rub it. Is there anything wrong?

Do you see it? Do you all see it?

The cute Erini Ni is soaring. This kind of words are spoken in front of more than 60 billion people. How long does Ye Fei broadcast and how long does he give rewards? This is the real cruel Niini!

"This is supposed to belong to your life, oh, by the way, the other ... Nini, yes, it is Nini, who are the other Nini?"

Ye Fei felt a little awkward about the words Nini, and was a bit uncomfortable to say it.

In the end, Yin Yingxia didn't say it, the news of the cute San Ni Ni came out.

"Silver Shadow Man, dare you tell Ye Shen that I'm Stardust, and I'll end up with you."

Everyone: "..."

Emma, ​​what ghost stardust is a fool? Is there such a self-reported home? You don't let others tell Ye Fei who you are, what do you say for yourself?

As a result, it was quickly discovered that this brain circuit was not unique to Stardust alone.

The cute Si Niini: "I will move with you forever."

The lovely Wu Nini: "My Skywalker and you have been passers-by since then, don't think that you can have a sense of superiority in front of us when you find a girlfriend."

Cute Liu Nini: "Although Jia Lanming just raised me, but Yan Yan is not a mess, Yin Yingxia, don't let Ye Fei know that Yan Yan is a cute Liu Nini."

"Yes, we and Ye Fei are a bit festive, this time the reward is also in the face of food, otherwise the first thing my tyrant messenger was resurrected by the **** Jia Lan is to trouble him, Silver Shadow Man As a colleague, please don't betray me, I really don't want to be a cute Seven Nini. "

Looking at this bunch of news, the audience in the live broadcast room was all sprayed with a few funny laughs. I have never seen such two people. Is it normal to have one by one?

At that moment, everyone saw the lovely Da Ni Ni sending a face-covering expression, and sent a message: "Enough, enough of you, do you know what you said? Still not let Yinying Xia betrayed you, have you betrayed yourself, do you still need to use small silver? Can you all be as calm and stable as my Jialan? Let's just reward and let Ye Fei not guess who we are Isn't that great? Ye Fei, who do you think I am? "

Ye Fei: "......."

The goods suddenly burst into laughter, not only him, but also the later Daxside and Zaya laughed.

That's right, these two guys really couldn't help it. When they encountered the happiest thing in the past, at most, they twitched the muscles on their faces. Now it's no longer possible, and they laughed.

Jialan, that ’s the **** of blues. As a result, she is doing such a stupid thing now. Your ya is not terrible at all. You must win others by promoting the spirit of amusement and laugh at others. Face.

Ye Fei really served the Jialan group of people. In the seventh universe, these guys didn't look so funny, especially Jialan. That ’s a god-level existence. Who can think of it? This article even came to the live broadcast room with a cute name like Niannii? This ... this is almost nerve-wracking.

They laughed crazy, but someone couldn't laugh.

Many of the major executives of the Seventh Universe were panicked at this time. Although Jia Lanming is the highest ruler of the Seventh Universe, he is a **** after all. He is the belief of these major executives of these planets.

Now seeing their beliefs suddenly give Ye Fei crazy brush rewards, they said nothing one by one, they were thrown out directly.

Suddenly, the star carrier and interstellar spacecraft of Ye Fei's live room burst out again.

Seeing this scene, a lot of people are going to pass out. Is this Nima watching this show so fucking? Ye Shen did nothing, OK? Are you so anxious about giving rewards? Money is burning too much, isn't it?

The names of the chief executives of these planets in Ye Fei's live room are all true. Jia Lan looked at these rewarders and made a smile, saying: "Well, they are doing very well, although you are following me Those who give rewards in the future may be rewarded on my face, but I can tell you the truth, no loss, no reward for your reward. Ye Fei's food is worthy of your reward. It ’s delicious. This is the most perfect and ultimate food I have tasted in my life. I now announce in front of more than 60 billion people that my planet devourer will not devour any planet ever since I have eaten Ye Xiaozi. After my food, I decided to eat cooked food. "

After the Planet Devourer finished speaking, another round of wild bombardment began.

He started to explode, but many people who knew him were staring.

Inside a huge palace in the Third Universe, a woman covered in flames was surprised: "What? You say that the planet devourers will no longer devour the planet and will instead eat cooked food?"

"Yes, Lord Holy Flame, just before he announced in public in Ye Shen's live broadcast room, it should be that he has tasted the food made by Ye Shen, thus changing his eating habits."

"... It is really unexpected that we can change a god's eating habits. Such a person is best to be friends with him in the third universe."

Sheng Yan said, with a wave of her hand, a flame-burning screen appeared in front of Ye Fei's live broadcast room. She watched it for a while, and immediately started to point.

Boom ~~

Starships and star carriers are far more ferocious than the chief executives of these planets of the Seventh Universe.

The audience in the live room was completely aggressive and kneeled completely.

"Another one?"

"What the **** is going on here? You guys, you guys, can you let Ye Shen make two dishes before you toss?"

"Emma, ​​I watched this show today. I came to see Ye Shen for the reward. I do n’t know what Ye Shen is doing now. I just watched these **** throwing rewards."

"Ah, ah, I can't see it, I can't see it, I can't see Ye Shen anymore. Can I die if I converge?"

Holy Flame brushed for a while and sent a message: "Xie Yan, the Supreme Ruler of the Third Universe, Xie Ye, please accept the presents."

That ’s right, the main reason for Shengyan to give Ye Fei a reward is to thank Ye Fei, because a long time ago, the planet devourers swallowed many planets in their universe, but she was powerless to face the powerful star swallow. There are two main tasks each day. The first is to govern the third universe, and the second is to prevent star swallowing from coming back.

Now Ye Fei has changed the eating habits of the star swallow, which means that they will not swallow the planet in the future. This is definitely a news that excites her. Ye Fei helped her invisibly. So busy, can it be done without reward?

At the beginning of the holy flame, the big executives of other planets in the third universe also began to reward the trend.

Then there is the sixth universe, the eighth universe, the ninth universe ...

It can be said that many of the highest rulers of the universe who have been harmed by swallowing stars have all jumped out, and people who look at rewards are a little scared.

Coupled with the rewards of other big planet executives in the universe, Ye Fei's live room completely collapsed.

Yes, it collapsed.

Boom ~~

I saw Ye Fei's live room suddenly appeared a lot of snowflakes, almost black screen.

Ye Fei was frightened, and hurried to find the system in his heart.

"What's going on?" Ye Fei said anxiously.

The frantic voice of the system came.

"Hey, can't these **** be separated? Why do they have to be a wave? I almost burned Lao Tzu, it seems I need to update again."

Ye Fei: "..."

Isn't it? This is the first time that I have heard such a crazy voice in the system. Has this wave of rewards crashed?

The system hasn't crashed yet, but the Qiuqiu platform crashed.

A group of Ma Qingyun sat on the ground long ago, staring at the big screen in front of them.

"Is there such an operation? Ye Shen doesn't know what to do today. Is this reward crazy?"

"My eyes, my eyes, is this really a food live broadcast? Is this a special live broadcast?"

"Hahaha, I like it, and I like to reward live broadcasts like this, it's all money."

"Stab ... stimulate ... stimulate .... ~"

Sitting on the floor with the director, he took out another bottle of quick-acting Jiuxin pills and poured out a gag.

Director Chen looked stunned and asked, "Lao Xiang, it's a three-drug poison, take it easy. I said how much did you take? A bottle of it a while."

Covering his chest to the director, he said, "One ... one box, I wholesale."

"...... Your sister, you shouldn't take quick-effect Jiuxin Pill, you should take Shubili!"

"Subile? Is it for heart disease?"

"No, it treats mental illness."


To say that the most collapsed group is the food section group. This live broadcast has just begun ... No, specifically, it has not yet begun. The entire food section group has become a mess.

Feng Tianlai was crowded with the managers of many departments that had already come, all of them sweating. It seemed that they were crowded together and sweated faster than anyone else.

"Lao Feng, there is only one statistician over there, and the rest are all transferred."

"It's the same with our language section. I said how did this happen today? Ye Shen doesn't have to be so fierce, right? I wanted us to die at the beginning. This is it."

"Our outdoor sports are not good at all. I haven't left a statistician. All of them have been transferred to you."

"Ah! Ahh !!!"

Several managers were talking. Suddenly Liu Ping shook her hand and shouted. The goods jumped up from the chair, and then his teeth grinned and said, "Pump it, ah ah, whoever pushes it first, I'm active, Xiaomin, rub it for me, right, right, ah ~~ "

That's right, Liu Ping had a hand cramp first. The key is that he had a cramp in his hand. Even the first wave of rewards was not counted. Too many.

Qiuqiu Platform Technology Department.

Lao Feng was really going crazy again, and this product just watched the temperature of a device in front of him rise and rise again, and it was about to burst.

"Dong Dong Dong ..." He hurriedly called Ma Qingyun.

"Say the point!"

"The server is about to burst!"

"My grass!"

Ma Qingyun said nothing and hurriedly called Ye Fei.

"Asshole, stop them! The server is going to burst!" As soon as the call was connected ~ ~ Ma Qingyun growled.

Ye Fei froze for a moment, and then sweated.

"No? That's the processor provided by Ziwei! What are you kidding about 50 billion times per second? This can also explode? These people can't reach this value even faster."

"But Lao Feng said that the temperature has been rising and will soon burst."

"Don't panic, I ask."

Ye Fei put away his mobile phone and contacted Old Han with an interstellar communicator.

In ancient building.

At this time, the old Han and the Elven God were all sweating. They have been doing this business for so many years. It is also the first time that they have seen such a wonderful live broadcast. Nima, they started to be rewarded and killed. Now, this is really an eternity.

Green scale is the most painful one of them, and this product has started to count again. That's right. Like Liu Ping, it also collapsed at the beginning of today's live broadcast.

Just then, the old Korean communicator flashed.

After listening, he listened for a while and said, "It doesn't matter if the temperature rises, don't worry, it won't burst. After all, 50 billion calculations per second can stand up."

Hanging up the communicator, the elf **** wondered: "Who? What's going on?"

"Ye Xiaozi, said that the server of the Earth platform started to be hot, afraid to burst."

"... didn't you provide it?"

"Yeah, so I let them use it with confidence, it won't explode, and I didn't expect this group of lunatics to be so fierce from the beginning today. Fortunately, it is the server provided by our planet. Otherwise, we can see nothing now . "

"The beginning of a live broadcast like a **** ..." said the elf god, crying and smiling.

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