The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1739: See such a meaningful show and learn a lot

God-like live broadcast begins!

This is the appraisal of Ye Fei's live broadcast today.

It's not just that in his opinion Ye Fei's live broadcast today is the same as God, but in other people's perspective, it is even more exaggerated.

Yang Ling reluctantly shook his head and smiled: "Yes, to be honest, I guessed the ending of this live broadcast today, but I didn't guess the beginning."

Qianmo also laughed: "People are driving low and walking high, you are driving high and walking high, Ye Shen, how many records do you plan to scan today?"

Sanhua Fairy Shen Yue laughed: "Isn't Ye Shen sweeping a bunch of records in every live broadcast? It seems that viewers are not used to not breaking records."

As soon as Shen Yue spoke, Daxide also wanted to insert a few words. As a result, he didn't think about what to say for a long time. He just said, "This is a good start, this is really a good start."

After speaking, it was found that Shen Yue rolled his eyes and looked at him, and Dakside scratched his head and said, "This is really a good start."

So a few people laughed. Dakside. But now, it suddenly became like a child. The contrast was simply unacceptable.

Others say that the IQ of women in love is infinitely close to zero. In the eyes of several people, the IQ of single-sided Duckside is almost the same.

The start was really good.

In fact, it is not only that Dakside thinks that, almost everyone thinks so, but others have not said it.

Wave after wave of crazy rewards shocked everyone.

No one knows how many rewards Ye Fei received at the beginning of this live broadcast today, even the people who gave rewards do not know, because they are not counted at all, see the highest ruler of his own universe to reward Ye Fei , They will follow along, who will count how many rewards in the end, anyway, the more the better.

"This kid ... this live broadcast was a super record at the beginning." The elf **** said with a smile.

A few of the old Koreans nodded. There is no way. If it is not recorded, then there is really no record.

"It's another record that only he can break, which makes other anchor Alexander."

"You have to put a little pressure on other anchors so that they will work harder."

"A little pressure? I just said Alexander, but you are right, they will work harder, I have a hunch, whether it is the first universe or other universes, the live broadcast industry will soon usher in a crazy big Jumping. Except for Ye Xiaozi, there will be no holy anchor among other people. I don't know, at least the anchor below the level of star emperor will have an unprecedented blowout situation. "Lao Han said with a smile.

Yes, no one refuted his words.

Because this is a fact, Ye Fei's live broadcast rewards so much at this time really stimulated other anchors in the universe.

Xingsha, Wule, Dingdang and others in the first universe have gone crazy in the discussion group at this time.

"I'll work hard !!!" Wule said with a series of fists.

"You ca n’t be behind, see? You see everything. You can only get the support and love of viewers and fans if you do the live broadcast with your heart. Ye Fei could not have given a lot of rewards for a while. "Ding Dang sighed and said uneasily.

The Smurfs and the handsome Ziwei also all followed up to send messages, some were sighing, some were cheering on themselves.

"In fact, although we all want to achieve such excellent results as Ye Fei, don't forget that our programs are different. There are song and dance sections, language sections, and outdoor sports sections. These sections and gourmet sections Compared with itself, there is a certain gap. After all, food can capture the hearts of every audience. I heard Ye Fei said a word. On their earth, if they want to capture one's heart, they must first grasp one's Stomach, and Ye Fei ’s content is obviously based on these words, so I think it ’s difficult for us to reach Ye Fei ’s level. ”God of Ai Tai sent a message.

In a word, several people in Wule are all silent, because the God of Aytai is right, why are people alive on earth or on other planets? Why can I live? To live for something is simple, because of food.

Food is almost the root cause of many wars, especially in ancient times, as long as there is food, riots rarely occur. On the contrary, if there is nothing to eat, then riots are likely to occur, no matter how many people you send to suppress It will not help, because everyone wants to live, and the basic condition for living is food.

Although many people are already worried about eating and wearing, but people are such a strange animal. After they are full, they want to eat better. This is also the most terrifying desire. Everyone lives in the trend of desire. Everyone wants to get the best things, and they want to eat the best food.

And Ye Fei satisfied their most primitive and violent desires deep inside him. He not only let people see the food, but also saw the most perfect and extreme food, which is the most terrifying.

"Hey, you know I used to be a food anchor." Yi Xing fluttered red.

Star Sofa smiled and said, "You know? Who knows that food anchors are so crazy now. You know that there were no people in the food section at first. That is the most up-and-coming and most unpopular section. If you I really did a food anchor, I think you're starving now. "

"Xingsha is right, this is also mainly different from the current live broadcast format. The previous food anchors except Hu Zhai Hai drink or Hu Zhai Hai drink, all the food is prepared in advance, and there are messy things As long as it can be eaten in the mouth, someone will try it. It can be said that in order to be red, all are unscrupulous. I have seen a host of a food section, live broadcast eats metal. That thing is other than some specific planets. I ca n’t digest it, and I doubt whether he will hang up directly after eating. "

"Haha, that's the real life broadcast."

"Take it down, that's stupid."

"That was just a live broadcast of the food anchor before. Now I see many people are slowly adopting Ye Fei's live broadcast. Although the food is not as good as Ye Fei, it is much more popular than before. . "

While a group of guys were talking, the star emperor who had not spoken was not the emperor suddenly sent a message, saying, "Did you all forget it? When you were in Xinghai space, the way Ye Fei became a sea king was not through food. The live broadcast is the live broadcast of songs and dances, so dance and dance !!! So it's not that I'm talking nonsense, if Ye Fei was really engaged in the live broadcast of the song and dance section from the beginning, then it is very likely that the song and dance section of the entire live broadcast industry is not what it is today What does this mean? As long as we are serious about broadcasting, as long as we have the real talents, any section can reach the height of Ye Fei, but we have not worked hard enough and are not good enough. "

Xinghuang is not a word of the emperor, and the discussion group became quiet again.

Because he was telling the truth, Ye Fei's reliance on becoming a sea king in Xinghai space was singing and dancing, not food!

This makes these people feel a bit fucked.

"Ah, ah the emperor is right, as long as you work hard, if you are good enough, the anchor of each section can reach the height of Ye Fei, brothers and sisters, work hard !!!" Wule finally said.

At the same time, other anchors in the universe are also discussing, and even many lower-level anchors are still asking high-end anchors what kind of food Ye Fei used to become Neptune in Xinghai Space.

As a result, when they learned that Ye Fei became the sea king in the form of live song and dance, they all picked up Yahuazi.

And through this incident, more people know that they are not stupid, but that they have not paid enough effort.

Ye Fei does not know what other anchors think at this moment. He only knows that he is absolutely rich today, and he is making a fortune.

In front, there were two sets of diamond and agate tables and chairs given by Daxide and Zaya. Now Jialan is a toss, this is a reward ... Ye Fei was a little scared when he looked at it. I feel that today ’s live broadcast does not have to be finished at all, and now these rewards are better than the previous one.

Because the reward at the beginning of this day is too violent, beyond his expectations, and beyond everyone's expectations.

After the end of this wave of rewards, the audience in the live broadcast took a long time to come back, one by one, first of all, to congratulate Ye Fei.

"Congratulations to God on opening!

"Yeshen, today Niu Dafa is out. This wave of rewards ... 666 is not enough to describe."

"I depend, how much is this? Does the platform count it?"

"No! Call it, call it a hairy ball? Do you know how many waves there are? The servers in the background are exploding fast. How could it be counted so quickly?"

"Yes, please leave a way to live, please. Counting the results of others is a mental task. Counting your results is a purely physical task. I now have stronger muscles on both hands than I do with the grip. "


Everyone was calling, some congratulated Ye Fei, and some were "complaining."

Ye Fei also came back to God. He clenched his fists towards the broadcast room and said, "Everyone, thank you. To be honest, it was too unexpected. I didn't expect so many people to support me. Ye Fei, every one of you hit I have all the rewards in mind, and Ende can't afford to pay for it. I can only do my best to do each episode and give back to everyone.

He was talking, and when I saw the cold room in the live broadcast room, a star aircraft carrier or an interstellar spacecraft would pop up, and the rewarder, lovely Ni Ni!

Silver Shadow Man!

This article talks well, saying that when Ye Fei broadcasts live, he will reward him, and it will start now.

At the same time, Jia Lan took a few of his men and threw a super luxury item, although it was not as fierce as before, but it never stopped.

The others didn't know what to say, they simply said nothing, and just watched these people pretending to be so silent.

Ye Fei couldn't help crying, but he didn't stop, but this was money, especially the money of Jia Lan's guys. Don't give it up. If you can't live in this village, you won't have this shop. Besides, these guys are not short of money But I lack it. Whether it is a poverty alleviation foundation or other projects, it requires a lot of money, not too much.

"Okay, since everyone rewarded and threw it out so early today, so I'm also more profitable. Let's first meet today's live guests, and then start today's live broadcast." Ye Fei said.

"Yeshen, what food are you doing today?" Shan Pao, not a cannon, grabbed a microphone today and asked.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Today ... for the time being confidential, but I can reveal a little bit, that is definitely not to let everyone down. This feast can be said to be very unique in the history of China, The gastronomy in the food is exquisite, and it exudes wildness. "

"Slumped, rough and delicate and wild? Is there such a feast?"

"Yeshen, don't let us guess, what is it? In my heart, itches to death."

"God, I have a hunch, Ye Shen is going to zoom in today."

"Isn't it sick? When did Ye Shen not zoom in? In my opinion, Ye Shen's random move is a big move."

"Ah, ah, see you today, I want to meet Duckside, our Supreme Ruler of the Second Universe!"

"I see Zaya!"

"There are beautiful women who don't look like men. I see fairies."

"Me too, fairy, fairy, fairy ..."

People were completely stunned by Ye Fei's words. One excited howling, they all wanted to quickly meet today's guests, and then take a good look at what Ye Fei is doing today. After all, the introduction just was too attractive, even Many people are racking their brains, and some international and interstellar audiences are inquiring about Huaxia audiences. As a result, Huaxia audiences do not know when Huaxia has such a banquet.

"Okay, now that everyone wants to meet a few guests, I'll let it go first."

With that said, Ye Fei let aside, and ... then a super-faced plate appeared in the video.

Duckside's cold appearance surprised a lot of people.

"Fuck, what the hell?"

"This face ... is it swollen? Why is it so big?"

"I trust, I thought it was bingo, who is this?"

"What a tough face."

As a demigod, Daxside and Zaya are still very capable of learning, and they can now recognize some Chinese characters.

Looking at the news in the live broadcast, Daxside was a little depressed. I pulled it out. What makes my face swell? Still tough face ~ ~ can face be used with the word tough?

"Ahem, dear fans and fans of Ye Shen, everyone ..." With that said, Daxide glanced at the time under the computer, and then said, "Everyone is 12.30 at noon. . "

Everyone: "........"

I ’m going to look at what people are asking. The time is directly up to the minute. It ’s 12:30 noon. Your sister, is it okay to say noon?

Sure enough, the big guys don't have much wisdom.

After Dr. Say Hello, I continued, "I am Dr. Say, and came out of everyone's calls. I know that my fortitude may not be used for a while, but it doesn't matter, as long as you are serious. Look, I will slowly discover its beautiful lines and sharp edges after watching for a long time. I am very glad to be able to participate in this live broadcast of Ye Shen. Although I am not very cold about food, I will try my best. I ’m giving you a wonderful live broadcast with Ye Shen. Finally, I repeat, the chief executives of the planets of the Second Universe have given me glory today, and ca n’t stop rewarding, at least not behind other universes. otherwise......"

In the end, Duckside didn't say anything else, just raised the big sandbag fist in front of the video, and then it was about to flash away, but the body just stopped, the goods stopped again, and then said to the live studio: " I said that the chief executives of the planets of the Second Universe, I'll call on your people to come here to watch the live broadcast. Such a meaningful program will see a lot of things and improve the quality and cooking of your people. It ’s okay to just watch and sing and dance, is it interesting? "

After speaking, Daxide walked away, leaving only a group of stunned people.

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