The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1757: Huh! The cow is dead.

Hua Xia is a great food country. The cuisine of each place is different, some are spicy, some are pure, some are fresh, some are lighter, and some are more heavy.

However, no matter where the food is, no matter how classic and exquisite the food is, it is a small witch in front of a food, because in terms of volume and weight, it is thrown far behind by the food.

Mongolia is a very special province. The grassland covers a wide area, and cattle and sheep are everywhere, especially in ancient times. It can be said that there was almost no planting industry, and it was mainly based on animal husbandry. This also led to their food, clothing, and transportation. Cattle and sheep.

People take food as the sky, how to make horses, cattle, sheep, and the appendages they produce into delicious and delicious food. The ancient Mongolians have also fully exerted their ingenuity, thereby creating a mouthful of mouthwatering Cuisine.

In these foods, the real finale is also the real heavyweight food. The roasted whole cow is the only one. Only the roasted whole cow can represent the generous character and unrestrained enthusiasm of the Menners.

A whole cow is as small as three or four hundred kilograms, and it is not surprising that it reaches a thousand kilograms.

And Ye Fei's next dish is roasted whole cows, a top-of-the-line cuisine that lets people hear their names.

If roasted whole beef is in the end, it is actually a kind of barbecue food. Ye Fei is not the first time to make this kind of food. Regardless of the previous thousand banquets, nine white banquets, or festival banquets, there are finally this type Gourmet.

However, these foods are absolutely not the same as the roasted whole beef, because they are not on the same level. They are very small ingredients, and even many of them are deliberately chopped down and thrown away. Closer is a grilled suckling pig.

But the size and weight of pigs and cattle can't be compared, let alone suckling pigs.

So roasting whole cows is definitely a technical task, and also a hard work, and most people really can't figure it out.

However, since Ye Fei intends to make a black horse feast today, roasting whole cows and roast lamb is absolutely necessary, because this is the soul dish of black horse feasts. Without them, this black horse feast is incomplete, or It can't be called Blackmail.

When Ye Fei first started, he asked a group of Lao Mo to help dig the pit, just for the roast beef and roast sheep.

Yes, the real oven for roasting whole cows and lambs is not exposed, but in the ground, digging a large pit about three meters long, about one meter five and five meters high, and then Inside, it is erected with bricks. It is erected with bricks under the pit to store carbon ash, and then left the stove entrance into the wood next to it. The whole cow or sheep is fixed with an iron frame and directly placed in the pit and grilled. Okay.

It's easy to say, but it's not easy at all.

After the second guest quota was confirmed, Ye Fei began to introduce the following cuisines.

"Okay, congratulations to the second prize winner, Wandering Little ... Gun ..... Keke, this name is a bit straight, welcome to participate in the next live broadcast, I believe there must be such a straight man to participate in us There will be a more exciting show, so let ’s continue to the next food. We just said that the next food is wild and crazy, and it is also a high-profile dish on the black horse feast. I think Many friends have already guessed, yes, it is roast whole cow! "

"Woohoo ~~"

"This food is overbearing. I like it."

"I rely, what is roast whole cow?"

The audience who grabbed the microphone said everything, some excited, some curious.

The audience in the live broadcast room also jumped up. Whether it is a Chinese audience or an international audience, even some interstellar audiences are all excited after knowing the general look of the food, because they have seen Ye Fei making barbecue before, and those are just small The yakiniku is so seductive, so don't talk about eating this giant yakiniku, just looking at it is definitely a powerful visual impact, I really can't imagine how shocking it will be after it is made.

"In fact, we have done a lot of food such as barbecue. We have roasted chicken, roasted duck, roasted pork, and roasted pork, but this is the first time that we have roasted beef, especially whole cattle. It ’s unprecedented. Beef is a bit rough compared to chicken, duck, and fish, so it takes more time to roast. Even if we roast it now, it may take more than an hour. Of course, this is our live broadcast. If it is everyone If you want to do it, you need to prepare at least five or six hours. This is the least. If you include the marinating time of beef, then one day and one night is normal. Some more fine roasting is not rare. . "

"I may have asked some friends here. Is this food really so time-consuming? Yes, it is so time-consuming, so this food is not only tasting the taste of beef, but also the taste of time, This is a gourmet that requires patience. You ca n’t be anxious. Of course, your anxiety is useless. You can only eat the meat after it is cooked. ”

"We have previously introduced the world ’s top cattle breeds in detail about beef. We have the ultimate beef whether it ’s European or Asian, but since we are going to roast whole beef in Monnet today, then we use beef Of course, it can only be taken from Monnet. The scam horse feast that is produced in this way is the most authentic. The most important thing is the cattle. This is a native cattle native to Mongolia. This wild personality and unrestrained trait, because they want to chase the delicious grassland as a food source, so the meat of this kind of beef is compact and chewy. It can be said that it is a premium product in yellow beef. "

"Maybe some friends will ask, is it still the oxen in Mongolia, is it different from the oxen in other places? It is really different. At least it is different in appearance. As for how it is different, let's take a look now."

Listening to Ye Fei, let ’s take a look now. Many viewers are a little confused. What are you looking at? You can't see anything.

When everyone was wondering, they saw Ye Fei making a whistle, and then the invisible camera shot towards the distance, so everyone saw a behemoth coming over.

When it was getting closer, there was an uproar.

A cow, a very big cow!

The fur of this cow is yellow-brown, almost shimmering under the sun, like a good satin.

And as the cow slowly moved around, everyone saw that under the brown-brown fur, strips of beef tendon appeared, and the bulging fur seemed to blast out from the inside.

The cow had a short neck and a small head, and a pair of horns on the head was thin and small, growing toward the front and upper side, but there was another bend in the middle, bending inward.

As the cattle are getting closer, people are seeing more and more clearly, but the more clearly they see, the more shocked they are, because anyone can see that this cow is definitely not an ordinary cow, whether it is the appearance or the flesh of the body , All give a sense of explosion, let people see at a glance that this is definitely a very strong cow.

It ’s just that the cow is too big, and no one can guess how heavy it is, but if you look at the head and its body, there are at least eight hundred or nine hundred pounds!

A big excessive guy!


"Well, I said Ye Shen is the most particular. Do you have any objections? Roasted whole cows are not frozen but live."

"Oh my god, Ye Shen really has to throw a bomb every time. Is this Nima really a living big ox?"

"My friends, have you seen such a big ox?"

"God, this cow ... how does this grow? This fur, this shape, this fleshy ... Our Wagyu beef from East Japan is a little ashamed."

"Our Australian cattle are a bit inferior."

"The cattle of New Ceylon will also have to give up."

That's right, this is just a Menne ox, but many people who know cattle can see the extraordinaryness of this cow just by a glance.

Eastern Japan Wagyu Association.

"Nani? Does Huaxia still have such a good breed of cattle?"

"It's not clear, but it's not worse than our Wagyu in appearance, and it's even overwhelming."

"The great **** of sunshine, if that's the case, then I am afraid that our position in the East Japan's Wagyu World will be a little shaken."

"Be sure to contact Ye Shen. We need to study the cattle of this breed well, which should be of great benefit to us in cultivating Wagyu in the future."

"Contact Ye Shen? It's a pity that Ye Shen is not the one we want to contact now, and he has no time to take care of us."

"Hey ~~"

Australian Cattle Breeding Association.

"This cow ... Sikdo. Can the highest quality breeds we currently breed meet this standard?"

"President, I'm afraid not. Although I haven't seen the meat inside, but we can feel from the appearance that the meat quality is absolutely superb. I really didn't expect that Huaxia would have such a top-level cattle breed. I hope we can send someone to A visit from Monnet, if we can establish the necessary contact with them, will greatly improve the Australian cattle breed. "

"You are right, this matter is left to you to handle. In any case, you must find this cattle breed used by Ye Shen. No, even if you can't find it, you can find seven or eight points similar."


At the same time, countries and regions rich in top-grade beef all over the world can't sit still. Such superb beef breeds may only be seen by others in the eyes of others, but in their eyes this is a lot of money. Whoever can find the first money will seize the opportunity.

Almost all the organizations that study cattle are dispatched, the destination is Huaxia Monnet!

At the scene, the ox came to the scene with sharp eyes, he looked at the people around him, and finally looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei nodded with a smile.

The heart said that the cow was really honest, so he came over to die.

But before he thought about it, he saw this huge ox suddenly dropped his head, and rushed towards Ye Fei madly, while shouting in his mouth.

"Well !!!"

Ye Fei: "..."

Everyone: "......."

"Shit, what's going on? The cow is crazy?"

"Emma, ​​kill me with a smile. This cow must know that Ye Shen is going to kill him. Is this the first thing to do?"

"Hahaha, I used to see chickens, ducks and geese running around at the scene, but today I saw the cows go crazy and laughed at me."

"Don't you laugh, what about Ye Shen?"

In a word of Pentium's quicksand, the audience in the live room quieted down instantly, and then everyone found that Ye Fei had no shadow at the scene.

Not only was the audience aggressive, but that cow was also aggressive.

It stood where Ye Fei was just standing, and looked around his head, this girl still muttered.

"How about people? Although Lao Tzu's speed is very fast, but I really don't like you, do you know this belongs to the porcelain? Come out!"

Huh! !! !!

Big ox is depressed!

MMP, met a ghost.

A few guests at the scene were a little bit confused about the north and the south, even including the two demigods of Dakside and Zaya, one by one hurriedly looked around, looking for Ye Fei, did people let the cows to the top?

"Ye Shen!" Long Longlong held his hands over his mouth, and then opened a bunch of mouths on his stomach, shouting with a throat.

His voice had just fallen, but Ye Fei's voice rang above him.

"Here it is."

A group of people hurriedly looked up, all the corners of their mouths were drawn, and Ye Fei didn't know when he stood on the top of Zaya's head.

If anyone is really scared at this time, it is definitely Zaya.

He also learned about Ye Fei's position just after Ye Fei landed on his head. Before that, he didn't even see how Ye Fei got up.

"Is this the speed of Ye Shen? Even I can't see clearly. Such a person is a friend. If he is an enemy, he can make me embarrassed by the speed alone." Zaya thought to himself .

He has also seen Ye Fei's speed before, but it doesn't seem to be as fast as it is now, and he doesn't know if Ye Fei has been clumsy or has improved after fighting with several people under Jia Lan.

In any case, he will never go against Ye Fei in the future.

"Uh ~~ Ye Shen, how do you do it now? Cow ... Nima! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Longlong wants to say that the cow is still roasted? The result was not finished yet, and I suddenly saw the cow who could not find Ye Fei rushed towards him.

He didn't have Ye Fei's speed, all his mouths screamed in horror, and then ran away.

How could he run past the speed of cattle, Ye Fei almost did not hide.

Long slippers flew out, but they were still caught up by the cow, and then their heads were on the **** eggs.

"Woohoo ~~"

Long Longlong screamed and flew out, flying up to three or four meters high, that's so great!

Fortunately, Dakside reached out to catch him and put him on the ground.

Long Longlong grinned while covering his **** egg, he felt as if there was a horn in the wrong place with the same pain.

"Hey, I'll eat ten catties in a while !! Ah ~ it hurts me."

Seeing the grin and grin of the goods, people want to laugh and feel embarrassed, one by one uncomfortable.

After the big ox flew over the head, he turned and rushed towards the sheep.

At this time everyone found that the cow was simply crazy, it was not like a cow domesticated or reared at all, this Nima was a bison, didn't say anything, came over and rammed.

"Ah ~ help me, Ye Shen help me."

Several other people were okay. When they saw the cow coming, they avoided it early, but Shen Yue couldn't avoid it.

She was a girl, and she wasn't very fast, and when she saw the ox coming at her, the big beauty was frightened and shouted.

This time the audience in the live room quit.

"Your sister, ox, let go of the fairy, come to me!"

"Ahhhh, hurry up and help me ~ ~ beauty is going to be bullied."

"This mad cow, kill it quickly!"

"Don't panic, I'm here."

"Woohoo, Sister Beauty is about to be taken off."

Everyone was anxious, and many people were imagining the situation in which Shen Yue was topped by the bull.

Ye Fei didn't see it at all. The scene where the beauty was bullied by Niu Dingfei was absolutely hot-eyed.

Just before he hit his shot, he saw a huge figure appearing behind the cow like lightning, and then his big hand stretched out, and everyone saw a very strange scene.

I saw this big ox who was rushing forward like crazy and suddenly raised his head and howled away from the ground, one leg was grasped by a big hand, and the other three legs were constantly moving, it seemed I want to open that big hand.

Huh! !!

The ox gave an unwilling cry.

Daxside is furious. You talk about your shameless thing, and you hit it when you hit the man, what do you do to hit the beautiful woman? What's more, that's my future code, isn't it your death?

No one knows how strong he is, but he knows not to mention a cow. Even a hundred or a thousand or even 10,000 are as light as a feather in his hands.

"Don't fall!"

Ye Fei was still standing on Zaya's head and saw Daksa Deya smashing the bull and hurriedly stopped.

Roasted whole beef not only eats meat, but also the shape is very important. You break the bones and put the shape of an eggplant?

He heard Ye Fei's shout and put the cow down angrily. Then he held the cow's neck with one hand and bounced it against the cow's head.



The cow is dead ...

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