The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1769: 1 Axe goes down unknown

Faced with endless lightning, many people's breaths have stopped.

In their opinion, such a ray of lightning energy gathers, let alone fall on a person, even if it touches a little bit, it will fly away and disappear, have you not seen the distant seawater evaporating rapidly?

But what surprised people was that when the electric axe fell, Ye Fei just looked up, and he was not scared at all. He even started to fight back when the axe was only about four meters away from him.

I saw that he held up the big, torn-off axe in his hand, and then slashed directly at the falling electric axe.

Huh ~~

It was not as exaggerated as the electric giant axe fell. Ye Fei's broken axe only drove a sound of wind and a muffled sound, and then the whole world was quiet.

Yes, when Ye Fei's axe went down, the audience in the live room and several people at the scene didn't see what was going on, but they saw a deep ditch on the ground after the axe landed. The down lightning axe disappeared, and the endless electric awn disappeared.

Not only that, everyone saw that the Lightning Man didn't know how it had fallen to the ground, yes, instead of falling, it fell hard from the air.

A thump sounded like a dumb bullet, and even smashed the stone ground into a deep pit. In the pit, the lightning man didn't know life or death, but was motionless.

"Here ... what the **** is going on here? Who sees it clearly? Hurry up and say something." An audience member asked during the live broadcast.

But in reality almost everyone shook his head and then brushed question marks one by one.

No way, I didn't see it clearly, even Jialan didn't see it very well. Although the video is a 5D video, there is no real thing to watch on site after all.

"It's interesting, little storm, what's going on?" Jia Lan asked with a message.

Just after sending it, they laughed silly, and the tyrant messenger all of them moved like wooden stakes at the scene, all of them were staring at the scene of the battle with their eyes wide open, and they didn't pay attention to the news from the computer. Even if they pay attention, they don't necessarily understand the Chinese language, which means that asking this sentence is equivalent to asking it in vain.

Seeing no one himself, Jia Lan was just as anxious as other melon-eating audiences.

Ye Fei was also a little dumbfounded. He cut out an axe. He knew better than anyone else what happened just now. When he raised the axe high, he didn't feel a little strange. He felt nothing like raising other things. Two things, just a little bit heavy.

But when he slashed the axe down severely, he suddenly felt that the axe was heavy and weighed a lot, even more.

It is no exaggeration to say that this axe was not cut by himself, but the weight of the axe pressed it to bring it down. This axe did not use his strength at all, and it relied on the axe. Comes with its own weight.

But even so, the axe fell down very quickly, not only driving a sound of wind, but also an afterimage.

During the whole process of the axe splitting, behind the axe there was a shadow like a curtain, and it looked like a gray-white wall.

咚 ~~

Ye Fei felt the whole ground tremble violently after the axe fell to the ground, and then the ground made of stones that didn't know how many years clicked and blew, and then a huge crack appeared, extending directly into the South China Sea.

This is a bit scary. Ye Fei knows that this axe is extraordinary, otherwise it would not be possible for Zaya's dad to collect it, a thing close to the gods' collection, even if you think about it with your toes, you can know its level. However, he did not expect that the axe was so extraordinary that it could not be said to be extraordinary, but it was super scary.

He saw it very clearly. Just when the axe fell, not only a shadow of the curtain was formed, but at the same time, a sharp shadow flew out of the shadow, like a missile, even more than Missiles are many times faster.

Then this quaint aftermath was like a moth that flew on fire, and hit the boundless electric axe.

In Ye Fei's view, such a small aftershock hit the horrifying lightning giant axe light, no doubt like an embroidery needle thrown into the sea, there would not be a trace of waves at all.

But something that made him feel incredible happened.

When the aftermath of the broken axe hit the electric axe, I saw that the endless electric axe suddenly seemed to be attracted by something. All the light was moving faster than the speed of light. The aftermath of the broken axe rushed towards the center, and then disappeared in the aftermath of the broken axe. The light of the sky was the same, all absorbed by the aftermath of the broken axe.

After absorbing the aftermath of the axe, it struck the Lightning Man at an indescribable speed, slamming the guy directly from the sky, and his life was unknown.

It's very slow to say, but it almost doesn't exceed 0.011 seconds, otherwise everyone would not be able to see what's going on.

"It's over?" Long Longlong's mouth was round and round, and he could not help but swallowed his mouth and asked.

Qianmo was also stunned. He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look before he nodded numbly, and said, "Okay ... it's over."

Yang Ling stunned Qianmo, and asked stupidly: "Did you see clearly? Electric Dawn? Why did the Lightning Man suddenly fall?"

The little Sauron and his son were all motionless. They didn't ask. They didn't know what had happened just now. They knew that asking in their capacity was just asking for nothing.

Sanhua Fairy Shen Yue's beautiful little mouth is also round and round, but she covers it with Bai Nen's little hands, and her big, beautiful eyes are widened, as if she saw a ghost.

At the scene, only Daxside and the Elven God saw their faint glimmers, and a bunch of people didn't know what to say. They just looked at the huge crack and Lightning man falling inside a stone pit.

For a long time, Zaya's mouth began to twitch.

Daxside was next to him, and he turned his head and asked, "Brother, what's wrong?"

Zaya opened her mouth, but did n’t say what she wanted to say, but she did n’t think she would explode if she did n’t say it, so she frantically said, “It ’s a big loss, I am so big, brother, I suddenly found it All the treasures in my treasures are better than this broken axe. I, I ... How can my **** mother give this axe to Ye Shen? The key is that I was quite happy in my heart, I feel like I have touched it. Now it seems that I have suffered a big loss. The losses from childhood to big losses are not as large as this time. The broken axe collected by my dad is the real treasure. "

The guts of this regret are almost green now, and he really wants to pump his two mouths fiercely. You say that such awesome axe even made himself smile and give it to others. He is really too cheap. .

Fortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. If there is a regret medicine, Zhafei must not drink a barrel, it is too regretful.

To say that the most shocking absolute tyrant messenger in these people ’s hearts, he had conflicted with Ye Fei at that time. At that time, Ye Fei just took a kitchen knife and was not afraid of life and death. If he used this Breaking the axe, the tyrant messenger believes that he absolutely must retreat.

Although the power of this axe may be carried down by himself, it is enough to drink a pot by himself. This is definitely an axe that weeps the ghosts and gods. It is too scary and can make many ordinary people's souls tremble.

Ye Fei held an axe in his hand, and looked at the goods in the distance, and saw that several people who followed the Lightning Man were all stupid, one by one, like little clay figures, did not move.

Among them are the most powerful Lightning people. Now even the Lightning people let Ye Fei use an axe to cut the life or death of the axe. If they replaced them with Ye Fei, they would be absolutely dead.

"I rely, isn't this a cook? I heard that the fight is a bit awesome, but ... but is this a bit awful? Is this super powerful? Who can spread the news randomly? This is too confusing People. "

The man in the cloak was so shocked that he almost scolded his mother at the same time. They knew that this time it was completely planted, and it was still the kind of plant that broke his blood.

The other few people all looked at the man in the cape. They didn't know what to do. The reality was not the same as what they thought.

In their opinion, when the Lightning People came over, they came back when they had packed Ye Fei, but they did live for a while, but it was not Ye Fei who was cleaned up, but them.

"What ... what to do?" Asked a young man in a spider suit.

"This hate ... do we still report it?" Asked another weakly dressed like ant armor.

The man in the cape glanced at a few people, and he wanted to slap them fiercely. I trust, can't you talk nonsense? Is this revenge still? What do you say Didn't you see that the most powerful Lightning Man was split like that with an axe? Who can we go up to withstand this guy's broken axe? It ’s all like this, and I will report a hatred of the hammer ~ ~ The cape man is depressed, and then walks towards the lightning man silently, no matter whether the lightning man is alive or dead, he must be taken away, and he has been lying here It doesn't work.

A bunch of bingo wanted to leave all the inmates in the past, but Ye Fei stopped them.

The reason he killed these people was because they hurt him and his friends, and the cloak men did not do so, and there was no need to remove them all.

Besides, Ye Fei now has this broken axe in his hand. He didn't take these people into his eyes at all. He believed that even if Dakside and Zaya had left, these people would not be afraid to avenge themselves again. Just a few more questions about the axe.

But Ye Fei didn't dare to use an axe all the time. When this axe went down the island, there was a crack. It was estimated that Zhuguang Island sank a few times, and his old nest was gone.

The man in the cape saw Ye Fei stopping those who wanted to come, and held his fists towards Ye Fei.

He knows that these people are not good stubbles, and can appear instantly after Ye Fei is threatened. This speed cannot be achieved by anyone. He fully believes that many of these people can tear open space, especially he is very bingo Familiar, let alone other people go together, even if only Bingo can clean them all up.

Ye Fei stopped these people and made it clear that he didn't want to get rid of them all. This is to save them a life.

In any case, this is kind of kindness.

Several men in the cape hurriedly came to the stone pit. He crouched down and wanted to help the Lightning Man, but as soon as his hand touched the Lightning Man, everyone saw an incredible scene ...

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