The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1790: Your neck is almost broken

No one knows where the numbers are.

However, people know that 100 billion is definitely not a small number that can make people calm. Whether it is in terms of money, number of people, or other aspects, it can be hundreds of billions, which is an extremely large and exaggerated number.

Now, people are watching Ye Fei's online audience break through 100 billion. This is definitely a historic moment, not only for Ye Fei, but also for them.

Not to mention the entire first universe, even if all the universes add up to 100 billion viewers, there are not many, or even none.

It is said that there were two people before, but they both existed in nothingness, and no one knew whether they were real or not.

But Ye Fei in front of him really exists, and there is no fiction.

So when the 100 billionth audience was born, all the audience in the live broadcast room was crazy, news and rewards came out like a violent tornado.

"100 billion! Niu Niu Niu? I asked Ye Shen Niu Niu Niu ?!"

"The first holy anchor in the first universe was born, and Lao Tzu watched the birth of a holy anchor, oh ..."

"Brother, this is not only the first universe, it is also the first for other universes, at least the first in nearly a hundred years. This is a legend-like existence, this is a god-like existence."

"At this moment I really can't express my inner excitement, only crying aloud to show my true feelings inside."

"... It's not a sin for a man to cry."

"It is the most honorable thing in my life to be able to accompany Ye Shen along all the way, crushing all the way, singing all the way, Ye Shen, thank you for being with you in this life, thank you very much."

"Yes, this life is wonderful because of Ye Shen, Ye Shen, thank you."

Looking at the news in the live broadcast, Ye Fei was also excited. It was more powerful than giving him billions of gifts. He was scared by the number of billions of online viewers.

At the beginning of the live broadcast, when Qianmo said that promotion to the Holy Anchor required 100 billion online viewers, Ye Fei thought it was just a distant dream.

But now the dream has come true, and I have done it myself!

"Thank you, thank you for your support and your encouragement and support all the way. Without you, Ye Fei would not have achieved what I have today. It is your existence that gave me great motivation. I can stand strong when I encounter difficulties during live broadcasting. I can wipe my tears and move on. Without you, Ye Fei. Today, without you, there will be no 100 billion fans. This credit is everyone's. This life is limited. I hope that I can continue to be with you for the rest of my life. Ye Fei said emotionally.

He was really infected by the audience. He achieved such a huge result of 100 billion online viewers. The person who has the most benefit from the truth is still him, but he knows that he is only bearing it as a result, but the process is these kind and Simplicity is also driven by a funny audience.

Without them, even if their cooking skills are even better.

Being a man ca n’t forget this. This is Ye Fei ’s purpose of being a man all the time. So at this moment, the people he wants to thank most are these lovely viewers and fans. They are the creators of this achievement.

If they are really God, then they are the mortals who hold themselves into God. Without them, they will surely fall into the dust.

Several guests were infected at the scene.

Shen Yue, the scatter fairy, covered her mouth, and her beautiful big eyes were full of tears, then she slipped along her cheeks, wet her hands, and dropped dust.

Long Longlong opened his mouth with dozens of mouths, and the goods cried hummingly. No one could appreciate Ye Fei's growing experience better than him. He was the first audience to see Ye Fei.

When I was in Yijing Garden, when I knew that Ye Fei lived in a community with himself, the goods were killed with full power. From then on, no matter how busy he was, he would report to Ye Fei when he was broadcasting live. It can be said that he watched Ye Fei grow stronger step by step.

Now seeing Ye Fei achieving such awesome results, the dragon feels born from his heart, as if he was as excited as the world sprint champion, grinning and crying.

Qianmo is also excited. He is jealous of Ye Fei's achievements, but he is more envious of Ye Fei's achievements.

He came to Ye Fei, and hugged Ye Fei fiercely, patted Ye Fei's back vigorously, and said, "Brother, congratulations!"

Ye Fei also patted Qianmo's back and said, "This achievement also has your full support, thank you!"

That's right, there is support from Qianmo here, and the support is not small. After he came over, he pulled his audience to a part, which was trying his best to help himself.

To tell the truth, his relationship with Qian Mo did not reach the point of life and death, but just because of this, Ye Fei also decided to make this friend.

Friends are not people at the same table who yell when drinking and eating meat, but people who help you silently when you need help most. Such people may be relatives, classmates, or strangers.

Every bit of grace touched my life.

Yang Ling also smiled and hugged Ye Fei with tears in his eyes, and said, "Brother Ye, it is the greatest honor to know you in this life. Please accept my blessing."

Ye Fei said with a smile: "I have accepted it, but don't say a lot of gratitude. I will be a good friend in the future."

Yang Zhe is not excited. At this time, being able to make friends like Ye Fei is really a matter of supreme glory. After this time, even if you do n’t become a host, as long as you are still in this circle, as long as I and Saint Grade anchor Ye Fei is a friend, and it is a crime for others not to give face.

The elf **** is now completely out of character. After all, Ye Fei's performance has given him too much impact. Since he took over the Star Live Broadcasting Association, he has never thought that a holy anchor can appear in the first universe.

According to the anchors of the First Universe at that time, he thought that it was already possible to have one or two star emperor anchors. Ye Fei did not expect to go one step further. He directly broadcasted more than 30 billion yuan in a live broadcast and rushed in. The ranks of holy anchors.

what is this?

This is to give yourself a long face!

"Ha ha ha ha, Ye Xiaozi, I knew I didn't read the wrong person, why are you so awesome, I like you so much, ha ha ha."

The elf **** had a word of incoherence, holding Ye Fei, and then suddenly kissed Ye Fei's face fiercely.

Ye Fei directly disgusted and pushed this guy aside, without shyness, can a man's face be kissed casually?

The elf **** wasn't angry. He still laughed. He is really Hapy today, and he is not happy at this moment in his life.

In ancient building.

The blue lizard despised: "This bastard, in front of so many people, Ye Xiaozi is kissed and embarrassed and loses his identity."

The Tin Man slashed and said, "What's this, you don't see what day it is. I think the elf **** is still controlling himself very hard. If it was me, I would definitely hold Ye Xiaozi and throw it on the bed. Go, and um, um, ah, a thousand times. "

Old Han: "..."

Green scales being counted: "..."

Even the blue lizards were covered with a severe cold, and the eyes of several people looking at the Iron Man were all strange, and then they hurried back.

Your sister's body, even if you have a tin sheet, you have hummed it a thousand times, and it is estimated that others will not be able to stand up to it once, and speak at a low level, disgusting.

The Tin Man also felt that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly laughed, "Excited, excited, disoriented."

Old Han said from a distance: "You are so scary. You can't say that in the future, it's disgusting."

The Tin Man grinned and scratched his head.

Little Sauron came to Ye Fei, looked up at Ye Fei, and said, "Uncle Ye Shen, congratulations on being a holy anchor, you are the best, this is for you."

Speaking, the next guy took out a pendant from his neck and shoved it into Ye Fei's hand, saying, "This is what my dad gave me. He said that the person who brought this thing was the bravest and most powerful. Yes, I'm not great, I will give it to you now, I ... I only have this one thing on my body and it is the most valuable thing, and I hope you don't disapprove of my gift. "

Ye Fei took the gift of Little Sauron, then bent down and put the pendant on his neck again, and touched his hair, and said, "Your dad is right, this is the bravest and most powerful thing. People, so you need to keep it, because you are a little hero in your father ’s mind. "

Little Sauron held the pendant, nodded fiercely, and smiled, revealing two small dimples.

Duckside haha ​​walked over with a big smile. Since the goods came to Ye Fei, the smiles have become more and more.

He didn't hug Ye Fei, just because of his big size, he could not see it when he hugged Ye Fei.

He just wore a bright star-like accessory on Ye Fei's neck, and then proclaimed loudly toward the live broadcast room: "I now give the solemn medal of the highest level of the second universe to Ye Fei, and since then Ye Fei is our most noble guest in the Second Universe, and our most distinguished friend ~ ~ May our friendship, like this Star Medal, always shine and shine. "

Ye Fei: "..."

Audience in the broadcast room: "..."

Whoops, who said that the parents ’parents are really big and old, you stubbornly digged in the corner, without giving a word to Ye Fei a Star Medal, and turned Ye Shen into them directly. Permanent most distinguished friend.

Brother, can you be shameless anymore? Didn't you ask Ye Shen disagree?

They are not happy, but in the live broadcast room, the stars of the Second Universe are all messy. The Star Medal issued by the Supreme Ruler is the highest honor of the Second Universe. You can get this medal. It is said that in the second universe, it will be able to flow unimpeded. No matter which planet you go to, you will be the top guests, and they will receive the highest standards of etiquette.

Few of them who are exhausted for the Second Universe are eligible for this medal, but now Ye Fei has got one.

Dakside didn't care if Ye Fei agreed or disapproved. The goods slipped on Ye Fei's neck with a medal. As soon as he left, Zaya came over. He also left Ye Fei's neck hanging without saying a word. Something circular flash.

"Moon Moon Medal, the highest glory of the Fourth Universe, I hope you will not dislike it. From now on, the Fourth Universe will be your home. Wherever you go, we will be our best friends. Congratulations."

Everyone again: "..."

Ye Fei looked down at the two medals. The goods were picked without hesitation, and they were taken directly into his pocket. Then he muttered, "What materials are made? This stuff is too heavy, and my neck is almost giving Pressed off. "

Duckside and Zaya: "..."

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