The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1792: Cottage Yefei Co., Ltd.

Ye Fei heard the phone ring, took it out and looked at it, but Tang Jichen actually called him.

This product was the owner of the hot pot city of Five Lakes and Four Seas in Lingyun City. Later, I found a fake Ye Fei posing as myself to engage in activities. I just hit myself and exposed his methods directly, and then included Tang Jichen. When he came over, he was specifically responsible for finding those who pretended to be himself.

He knows that this kind of thing is like a cottage product. You can't put an end to it. You can only minimize the occurrence of this situation.

Since leaving Lingyun City and Tang Jichen separated, the two have not been in contact for a long time. Even Ye Fei almost forgot Tang Jichen. If it wasn't for the phone call, Ye Fei would really not remember it for no reason. Such a person.

Now seeing this guy calling over, Ye Fei asked curiously after answering: "Mr. Tang?"

Tang Jichen across the phone hurriedly said, "Oh, hey, Ye Shen, don't call me that. I can't afford it. You can call me Xiao Tang, or just call Ji Chen."

"Oh ~ That line, I'll call you Jichen. Anything? My live broadcast just ended." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Tang Jichen said, "I know, I'm watching Ye Shen's show. I just called you when I saw your show ended. I'm in East Japan, and I found someone posing as you here. . "

Ye Fei: "..."

"I rely, how did you go to Dongilok?"

Ye Fei is curious. How can he let this guy fight fake?

Tang Jichen hurriedly said, "Yeshen, didn't you let me help you fight fake? Then I set up a Yeshen fake fight ..."

"Stop, what the hell?"

Ye Fei got Tang Jichen confused. What ghost Ye Shen did? And this unit?

Tang Jichen hesitated with a smile: "Yeshen has taken counterfeiting action, that is, he recruited a dozen individuals to form a team to fight fraud worldwide. As a result, a brother sent to the East Japan country said he met a cottage here, so I Just come and see, hey, Ye Shen, don't say that, this guy looks really like you. Now this product is very popular here, and every day, it's soft for events. "

Ye Fei again: "..."

"Are you all going to the world to fight fakes now?" Ye Fei asked, pinching Yahuazi.

He asked Tang Jichen to help fight fakes in the first place, in fact, he was also trying to prevent any moths after this product. In fact, it was not too serious. Who knows that Tang Jichen is still serious, it may be because he made him pay his salary every month.瞅 This all started to set up counterfeiting counters, and the scope of counterfeiting has expanded to the whole world.

Just what do you do in other countries? I'm Ye Fei, an authentic Chinese with yellow skin and dark eyes. There are many Chinese who pretend to be pretending. Africans are dark and tanned. Even if you want to pretend to be someone else, you have to believe.

"Yeshen, see what you said, this is what you do n’t know about this industry. Based on my long research and summary, I find that many people are no longer posing as you in Huaxia. After all, Huaxia people are too familiar with you, and What you said in my hot pot restaurant at the beginning also reported in the media that you do n’t accept endorsement activities or something, many Chinese people know it, but foreigners do n’t know, so these cottage goods are posing as foreigners to deceive foreigners. . "

"So exaggerated?"

Ye Fei was a little dumbfounded. He thought he was very popular now, and people all over the world knew that there should be no impersonation. After all, it was easy to recognize. I didn't expect that there was not only impersonation, but why did you go to foreigners Already.

"No exaggeration at all, Ye Shen, let me tell you something, don't you be depressed, do you know plastic surgery hospitals? Many plastic surgery hospitals now have your photo, now you are shaped internationally according to your appearance It ’s all a trend, and the price is still the most expensive. I caught a guy posing as you a while ago, and that guy looks like you everywhere else, except for the nose, I asked him what was going on, and he said he went to Han According to your picture, I asked him why his nose was not straightened? He said that the money was not enough. If he had five features, he would have to pay five million Chinese yuan. He only had three and a half million. nose."

"Oh ~"

Ye Fei couldn't help it anymore. The goods were sprayed directly. He said MMP. Would you like to be so strange?

At first, I thought that only those people who were slightly close to my body shape would pretend to be myself. I did not expect that this particular one has evolved again, and they have begun to imitate plastic surgery, which is too expensive.

The key is that the cost of cosmetic surgery is so expensive, five million Chinese yuan!

One by one, brain damage?

With five million Chinese coins, what can you do to live well? Pretend to be my dry bird?

Ye Fei was a little bit broken, and he really didn't understand what these people thought.

"Doesn't this look a lot like Japan?" Ye Fei asked.

Tang Jichen said: "Yeshen, it ’s not very similar, but too much. No matter whether it's the figure or the appearance, you can't see the flaws if you don't look at it at all, and this product also speaks fluent Chinese. When I saw him, I really regarded him as you, and then I went up and talked to him for a few words before I felt a bit wrong, and then told me that I hurried to the East Japan country, and also saw the guy, and you followed The same is carved in a mold, but after all, it is not domestic, and we ca n’t mess around, so we want to quietly control this guy. As a result, this guy has a backing. After we passed, we were directly surrounded by others. Ye Shen, guess what? "

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei curious.

Tang Jichen continued: "Seventy percent of those around us are about the same length as you. There can be more than twenty. We were circled at a glance. My heart said what happened? Until later we Only then I figured out that there was a company here that pretended to be you to receive advertisements. They specialized in hiring people who look like you and then make money from advertising campaigns across the country. "

"No, wait a minute, I'm a little bit square, what are you talking about? A company that specializes in recruiting people who have been plastically dressed like me?"

Ye Fei collapsed, even if one or two of the gadgets were impersonated, talk to the local police and say that they can control them. It is best to educate them.

But now it's not right. How can this copycat goods be grouped? You think you have set up a fake company. This is a bit serious.

"Yes, a lot of companies look like you in a company."

"What's their company's name?"

"I don't know the words of Tohnoku, but I took the name of their company and I'll send it to you."

"Okay, where are you now?"


"That's OK. After you send the company's name in a while, please send your current position by the way. I'll deal with it."

"it is good."

Hanging up the phone, Ye Fei could not help laughing for a long time, he really didn't expect that the counterfeit goods would be so rampant now, all your sisters have started to set up companies, brother, do you know how to pay taxes when you set up a company? ?

When the elf **** saw Ye Fei alone, he laughed and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Fei talked about it, but the Elven God and Bingo were all speechless.

"Are there such strange things?" The elf **** asked with a smile.

Ye Fei nodded with a smile: "Yes, I don't know if fake goods are popular on other planets, but fake goods cannot be eliminated on our planet, and almost every country has them."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll check it out. After all, more than 20 fake goods will come out. If I just receive money for advertising, I'm afraid they will pretend to do illegal business. Even then, people will know that they are fake. It ’s going to be affected. I ’m Ye Fei, but I ’m a face-lifting person. The image I managed to build in the audience could n’t ruin these guys. ”

Several people of the Elven God think about it. Ye Fei is now almost a business card of the First Universe. If you talk about it, it will affect the image if people pretend to do bad things.

"That line, I'm fine, Liangbing hasn't arrived yet, I'll take a trip with you." The spirit of the spirit volunteered voluntarily.

Ye Fei looked at a few bingos and nodded: "Yes, you bingos are here to wait for us now. It won't take much time. We'll be back soon. I will deal with your food and accommodation issues. Let Zhang Long and Zhao Hu arrange it for you, and let them do more. Don't be polite, and don't be wronged. "

Bingo laughed: "Relax, in fact, we don't have to eat, it's okay, it's just that the food you make is too attractive, we can't help but want to eat more."

Duckside walked over, shaking his tall figure, and said, "Don't you need our help?"

"Not needed for the time being, I will say if there is a need."

"That line, be careful yourself, too."

Although knowing that this sentence was nonsense, Dakside told him.

Ye Feigang just came into the house to pack things, took two steps and stopped, turned and looked at Duckside and said, "If you really like Miss Shen Yue, I can take you to her city when I have time. , Maybe you can meet her. "


Hearing Ye Fei's words, Daxide immediately came to a spirit.

He really likes Shen Yue. When Shen Yue left just now, he didn't want to let her go, but the goods were indiscriminate.

The great Duckside classmate is still a fledgling in love.

"Really, all right, let's go first."

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei entered the house and simply packed his things. The elf **** also changed a suit of Ye Fei and the two left Pearl Island.

The elven **** can also tear the space. After setting the coordinates, he grabbed Ye Fei with one hand, and tore the space apart with the other, stepped in, and waited until they were out in Osaka, Tohoku.

It was also at this time Tang Jichen sent the name of the strange company and his own coordinate location.

Ye Fei stood on the streets of Osaka and looked at the name of the strange company on the phone, but did not know it.

A little beauty from Tohnichi passed by, he hurriedly stopped them, and then handed the cellphone to them. I just wanted to ask what it was, but it turned out that it was in Tohnoku, and he did n’t know Dong The Japanese language was then asked in half hawk language.

"Excuseme, the name whatmean? Canyoutallme?"

The elf **** covered his face directly, and said shamefully, you asked in the Japanese language in the Eastern Kingdoms that the Chinese were mixed with the Chinese language, would they bird you?

Sure enough, the little beauty of Tohnichi watched Ye Fei with a look of vigilance, only to hold her directly after she saw Ye Fei's look, and a surprise smile appeared on her face. "Ye Shen? Are you Ye Shen?"

Ye Fei: "..."

I rely, do you speak Chinese?

"I'm Ye Fei, do you speak Chinese?"

"Um, now 90% of people in East Japan are learning Huaxia. Huaxia is very popular here because of watching your show. We all want to know more about you and understand China. "

"Thank you, can you tell me what these East Japanese mean?" Ye Fei shook the phone again and asked.

This is the business, whether you learn Chinese or not, you ca n’t understand what I say if you do n’t learn to watch my program anyway.

The little girl tilted her head and looked at the East Japanese language on Ye Fei's mobile phone, and she was happy after a moment's chat, and said, "Ye God, do you really want to know?"

Ye Feixin said you don't talk nonsense? Don't want to know what I ask you for?

"Yes, what do you mean?"

The little beauty said with a smile, "It means cottage Yeshen Co., Ltd., oh, the company is what you call China Stock Corporation."

Ye Fei: "..."

Well, should this name be so straightforward? This is a fake by Hongguogu, and it is also a joint-stock company system, which is too crazy.

The elf **** saw Ye Fei's face hurt, and the goods almost couldn't help laughing. Now this guy changed his appearance, his white hair fluttered, and he wore Ye Fei's cottage clothes. Although it is a bit out of shape, but they have a good foundation and look handsome and make people want to slap.

At this moment, another girl came over and was surprised when she saw the beauty just now: "*?"

The little beauty also surprised, "Miss Muto?"

Ye Fei: "..."

I'll take it, two girls / young guys. This is it.

When he saw someone acquaintance, he wanted to leave with the elf god, but just when he was about to leave, he suddenly heard that Miss Muto said in blunt Chinese ~ ~ tonight, doing activities with the family Ye Shen is here. Are you going to see it? "

*: "..."

She turned around unconsciously and looked at Ye Fei next to her, and then asked Miss Muto, and said, "Yes God? Are you true?"

"Of course, Kato Jun told me, and invited me to see it together."

"But ..." * pointed to Ye Fei aside, and said, "But Ye Shen is here."

Miss Muto froze. She really didn't pay attention to Ye Fei just now, she saw that she had talked to her, and now when she pointed at Ye Fei, she looked at Ye Fei, and then she stopped.

But soon she returned to God, pulled * and walked, and looked back at Ye Fei as she walked, and said to *, "*, now you have to pay more attention, I heard that there are a lot of pretends in the East Japan state Ye Shen's person, this must be the same. The one the He family invited tonight is true. I heard that it cost a lot. "


Ye Fei: "..."

Oh your sister! Is Lao Tzu really good?

The elf **** couldn't help it, and laughed.

Ye Fei turned his head and glared at the guy, and said, "Is the cottage goods so crazy, is it funny?"

The elf **** laughed even more, squatting there, covering his stomach, and stood up for a long time, saying, "How does it feel like the cottage products have killed the authentic product?"

Ye Fei cut off and said, "It's so cool!"

After speaking, go straight ahead.

The elven **** beckoned behind him, "What are you doing?"

"Hejia, I'd like to see how Dongni country's cottage products are engaged in activities. MMP, if I don't make a concert for Lao Tzu, I'll smash the shop on the spot!"

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