The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1795: If you are Ye Shen, I will be Ye Shen ’s father

Ito Higashi, the owner of Japanese sushi, faced the sudden police. He didn't care. He and the director of the police station Tanaka had eaten and had been secretly giving him a lot of benefits, so in his opinion it must be A misunderstanding, so he greeted with a smile.

Who knew that he had just arrived at the door, and a black hole in his muzzle struck his chest.

"do not move."

Feeling that a stern gun barrel was pressed against his chest, Ito Higashikawa felt that something was wrong. This is a real guy.

At this point, Tanaka entered from the outside with a serious face. He stood at the door and looked inside, and saw that the whole Japanese sushi restaurant was still messy.

The music is too loud and the voices are too loud, many people don't even know that the police are coming, one by one, they are still whistling at the Aso beauty on the stage, urging him to let Ye Fei come to the stage.

"Tanaka ... Tanaka, what are you doing? Are there any misunderstandings?" Ito Higashikawa didn't dare to stand there, just turned to look at Tanaka with a smile on his face.

Bowen Tanaka glanced at him and said coldly, "Who is yours?"

Ito Higashikawa: "..."

who are you?

Just these three words made the whole person of Ito Higashi cold. Although Tanaka Bowen did not say anything else, all the meanings contained in these three words were understood.

These three words represent that Tanaka Bowen didn't know him, and it also represented the seriousness of the matter, and it also meant that Tanaka Bowen was about to fight hard.

No matter which of these three may be, Ito Higashikawa cannot afford it.

"I ... I'm the owner of this store, Ito Higashikawa." Ito Higashikawa said carefully.

No matter how tough his relationship is, and no matter how strong his background, he has to counsel the armed forces of the country at this time!

Tanaka Bowen didn't watch him at all. At this time, a captain ran over and said, "Secretary, all the personnel have been deployed, the military has blocked all the escape routes, and a fly cannot fly out. "

"Well, let's get started." Hiroyuki Tanaka waved forward and said blankly.

After the captain received the order, the gun in his hand popped against the ceiling.

Although the sound of gunshots is still not as loud as music, the bullets are very destructive. The bullets hit the ceiling and several lights were blown out. The broken glass pieces fell directly on many people. These people used Some hands were not right, some people even scratched their hands and blood bleed out.

When people panic, some people scream.

At this time, a military general came in and said, "How is the control?"

Tanaka pointed to the already chaotic scene and said, "There are too many people."

"Then let's go!"

After the officer said, he directly blasted the micro-bump he was holding and fired a shot again. This time the sound was louder and more destructive. He even punched a few holes in the ceiling and crushed the cement powder. It was like flour falling from the top, which instantly enveloped some people.

At this moment, if people don't know what happened, they will see hell. Everyone looked panicfully at the door. When they saw a group of police officers and the army with ammunition, everyone was stunned.

They don't know what happened, aren't they just watching a show? Why are the police and the army still here?

"What the **** is going on? We didn't break the law."

"I'm also a little confused. Do you think there is a problem with sushi at home? But it's wrong. If there is a problem, would they dare to engage in such a big fanfare?"

"That person is Director Tanaka? I know him. He once ate together. How did he bring someone in person?"

"The person next to me ... lie down, my cousin? He ... why did he come here? I'll say hello and ask the situation."

At this moment, someone in the crowd recognized the officer and hurried to run with a smile on his face.

The result was the same as Ito Higashikawa. Before he could wait, a gun was directed at him, and the goods couldn't be moved.

"Cousin, cousin, I'm Nozawa, my mother is your second aunt." Nozawa hurried.

He was really afraid that the other party would shoot directly, then he was completely dead, so he showed his identity first.

After hearing the name Nozawa, the officer of the country of Tohoku looked at the person who was stopped, and then waved, "Control!"

Nozawa: "..."

What is this operation? This is not as good as those who did not jump out, cousin, we are relatives? Why did you control it directly?

"Cousin, cousin, I'm really Nozawa. We played together when we were two, don't you remember me? You have a birthmark on your left buttock, like a pig, right? "Nozawa shouted impassively.

He had to fight, the ghost knew what the consequences of control would be.

An officer of Tohoku: "..."

All soldiers: "..."

All of them looked at the officer with a smile and did not dare to smile, and saw that this guy's face was almost turning into ice cubes. He stared at Nozawa coldly and shouted, "Take it away!"

This guy was so angry that he said that his cousin was really **** good, wasn't he doing the task? You jump out of dry birds? Do you know if it's so short? There is a pig-like birthmark on Laozi ’s buttocks. That ’s privacy. You say a hair in front of so many people?

This product is afraid that if you do n’t take this **** cousin away, the ghost knows that this guy will shake out what happened when he was a kid. If he peeks at others, he will say it.

It is also to prevent this guy from talking nonsense, so rushing directly to take Nozawa away.

Just then, Ichiro Matsuno came over.

Hiroyuki Tanaka rushed to meet him.

"How's the situation?" Matsuno Ichiro scanned the scene and asked.

Tanaka Bowen said: "No one has escaped, they are all here. In addition, the Ministry of Communications has said hello, and they have blocked the signal of a hundred miles from here. No one should send a message."

"Well, what about pictures? They might take pictures, and this thing is not affected by the presence or absence of signals."

"This is our negligence."

After speaking, Tanaka said to a team of policemen: "Everyone has confiscated everyone's cell phone and equipment capable of taking pictures and videos."

There were ten people in the police team, and they immediately began to seize everyone's mobile phones and cameras and video recorders and other equipment.

"Take it out, come out quickly!"

"Can I remove my phone card?"

"No, put them together."

"I'm the president of" I ... "

"I don't know, hurry up!"

"Under Kato ..."

"Don't use it, cell phones, camera recorders, put them all in!"

Not to mention, many people have brought cameras and video recorders. After all, Ye Fei has never danced a pole dance for a hundred years. How can such a good opportunity be missed? If you record it and sell it, it will make a profit.

Two policemen received Ye Fei and the Elven God approaching, handed the snakeskin bag forward and said, "Put in."

The elf **** shrugged and smiled, "I'm sorry, I don't have these things."

The little policeman pointed the gun directly at the elf **** and shouted, "Are you kidding me? Who can come here without a cell phone?"

"I don't."

"Hurry in, or I'll shoot!"

"I didn't shoot you."

Helpless, elf god, why do you honestly believe these people? Am I like a liar so much?

Another policeman looked at Ye Fei, that means you put it in first.

Ye Fei took out his cell phone, and then opened it and looked at the time. When the police thought he was going to put it in, who knew that this guy was in his pocket again.

Small police:"......"

I'm leaning, can I get some people?

"Immediately, immediately!" The policeman put the snakeskin bag on the ground, raised his gun and pointed at Ye Fei, shouting loudly.

Hearing the roar of the police here, Tanaka Hirofumi and Matsuno Ichiro looked over here, and then Matsano Ichiro winked at Tanaka Hirofumi, Tanaka Hirofumi came directly.

"what happened?"

Pointing at Ye Fei's policeman with a gun, Ye Fei and the elf **** said, "The two of them didn't cooperate. One said that he didn't have a cell phone and a camera, and one that he didn't put in.

Tanaka Bowen looked at the elf god, and was shocked in the heart of this goods. He said that there is still such a handsome person in the country of Tohnichi? It's handsome to violate the rules.

He glanced at Ye Fei again, and as a result, Tanaka Bowen almost knelt on the ground with a soft leg.

"Ye ... Ye ..."

He just wanted to talk about Ye Shen, but the result was wrong. The main purpose of their coming here was to catch fake Ye Shen. This situation was already clear when they received the order. Ye Fei, they can't be so active.

False, this must be false, this is pretending to be calm and confusing.

Think of it this way ~ ~ Tanaka Bowen sneered, and said, "I am not brave enough. I can still be so calm when I see the police and the army."

Ye Fei hesitated. This time he was confused. He knew that the arrival of the police and the army must have something to do with Baby Matsui. It stands to reason that he should explain the situation to them. How can this be said? Don't you really know me?

"I'm Ye Fei."

No way, Ye Fei revealed his identity, or he really misunderstood.

Who knows that he just said that he was Ye Fei, and Tanaka Bowen and everyone around him couldn't help laughing.

This smile forced Ye Fei to laugh thoroughly.

"Is it funny?"

Bowen Tanaka said with a smile, covering his stomach and pointing at him: "You have a neurosis, and Lao Tzu catches your fake Ye Shen, ha ha ha, but you are Ye Fei. If you are Ye Fei, I will be Ye Shen's father, Hahaha, you are so stupid that you laughed at me. You're afraid I can't recognize you, are you? "

People around were no longer afraid of these policemen and soldiers, and they all pointed at Ye Fei with a smile.

"It looks like a little white at first glance. I just watched this product for a long time. Although the plastic surgery is indeed the person most like Ye Shen I have ever seen, but you are a fake after all."

"That is, Ye Shen is preparing to dance pole dancing in the back. You even said your own Ye Shen, you are tired and crooked."

"Ah, this looks, this figure, and even this Shen Yun are like Ye Shen. If he is not 320 here without silver, I really believe it."

"Director Tanaka, take this liar!"

"Sentenced to prison, old and desolate, let him be turned into a pile of bones, even dared to impersonate Ye Shen, really shameless."

Ye Fei really vomits blood.

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