The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1685: 2 deadly opponents

Feng Wuyu was really annoyed by his gang of fans to have three corpses explode and seven steal smoke.

What's going on with these fans?

I'm your favorite anchor. Now you not only don't listen to me, but also turn around at me. What's the truth? !!

Also I apologize to Ye Fei, I apologize with a hammer? I did nothing wrong.

At this moment, a group of directors on the Qiuqiu platform couldn't help laughing.

To be honest, just when Fengbui called on his fans to leave, they were really nervous. After all, it was related to whether Ye Fei was able to secure the position of Star Emperor Level 5 anchor.

If the fan who doesn't speak is really gone, the situation is obvious. Ye Fei will definitely be relegated from the position of star emperor fifth anchor, and then return to star emperor four anchor. No one wants to watch this. To.

But now they can be completely relieved, because these fans who do not speak at all have never left, not only that, but also let the wind do not say an apology to Ye Fei, which is a bit interesting.

The spirit of the gods were all laughing and spraying.

"This anchor of the Fifth Universe is a bit interesting."

"Hahaha, let me just say, even those of us can't help falling into this little guy's show once, let alone these ordinary interstellar people."

"That's right, this junkie's show has such magic. I'm afraid you won't watch it. You want to watch the next issue after you watch it."

"Want me to say ..."

Immediately turned around the green scales that Ye Fei's rewards scores have so far today. As soon as he opened his mouth, he saw all four people staring at him, so he swallowed the words behind the green scales, and quickly turned back to continue work hard.

At the scene, several guests of Bingo all looked at the wind like a fool, but Ye Fei also looked at him cheerfully.

"The wind is silent, but you let them go." Ding Dinghe laughed.

The wet man was also angry, and said, "Well, other people don't listen to you anymore, and they asked you to apologize to Ye Shen. Apologize quickly. It's hard to break the fate. You will offend billions or even tens of billions if you don't apologize. Where are the people? "

Take a sip of wine to the director, shaking his head and shaking his head, "I remember who said earlier that Ye Shen would regret it? Hey, now he has a face?"

The superiors sat aside and laughed.

Bingo is a bowl after bowl of drinking, not to mention that this product is a bit addictive.

Yi Mihua looked at Dory, and then looked at the wind and said nothing, she did not speak.

Dolly gazed at the wind without saying a word, "Don't be embarrassed? This is in front of more than 64 billion people. I want my fans to leave. As a result, they will give you a blow if they don't leave. ?! "

The wind didn't speak for a long time. He turned around and looked at Dory suddenly. He suddenly regretted why he didn't listen to his girlfriend just now. Now it's embarrassing.

Zi Qing rubbed his cheek hard, now he feels a little secretly glad and at the same time feels embarrassed to keep silent, how can you end this matter? Not only did your fans not help you, they urged you to apologize to Ye Shen. Do you think you deserve it?

"Everyone, listen to me. The victim is me. Do you understand? Why do I have to apologize to Ye Fei? We used to be brothers and sisters. We faced ups and downs together in the Fifth Universe, Let's spread our laughter and laughter in all directions, we have been happy, we have been invincible, we are an inseparable force, I remember you once said that even heaven ca n’t separate us, but now ... .What's the matter? Brothers and sisters, please, let's go? "

Everyone: "..."

Let me go, are you calling your fans to leave?

Are you confessing?

What about pulling feelings?

Dolly covered her face with her two little hands. She was really speechless by her new boyfriend. If you look at this point, you will be fooled for a while and you do n’t know about convergence. This is beginning to show off your emotions to attract people. Are you a bit ashamed?

What does this tell others about you?

The audience in the live broadcast was silent for a while, after all, Feng said nothing very deeply, and it was indeed rich in emotion, and they did say it.

The fifth handsome boy in the fifth universe first sighed, and then sent a message: "There is less wind, not because the brothers don't give you face, but we really don't want to leave. As an audience, I always feel that looking for the best anchor And the good-looking show is the most important thing. I used to think that your show was the best, otherwise I would not be your iron powder, but since watching Ye Shen ’s show, I think I have found my life. The source of his show made me feel that there is such a different side in the universe. I like it very much, but as a brother, I still have to say something about you. It ’s okay to toss for so long. Who has n’t made a mistake in this life? "If you make a mistake, you can correct it, right? Apologize to Ye Shen, and Ye Shen's measurement will not care about you, and then everyone can watch the show cheerfully, how good."

Other audience members followed suit.

"The little handsome guy is right, the wind is silent, we have already explained, and we have already made it clear. You acknowledge Ye Shen, we will be good friends in the future, rest assured, we will still Support as always. "

"The wind doesn't speak, you're not right. Momo is like a girl. I really don't like your character. I'm throwing words here now. I used to like your show, but now I like it more. Ye Shen ’s show, if you do n’t apologize to Ye Shen, you hurt Ye Shen ’s heart, sorry, I ca n’t support you anymore. ”

"It's the same for me, the wind doesn't speak, and dares to be a dare to be a manly husband. You can only make me look down on you."

"With less wind, my eldest husband can bend and stretch, and apologize without losing two pounds of meat. Hurry up and apologize."

"Apologize, less wind, apologize to Ye Shen."

"Apologize, hurry up, we are still watching the show, I'm almost choked to death with so many delicious foods."

"That's because I was in a happy mood. Now let me give you a try ... I think only food can calm my mood now."

"Haha, I ’m embarrassed by the low wind. I ’m a foodie. I used to support you because I did n’t have a good food anchor. Now I meet Ye Shen, it ’s just like a long drought to Ganlin. At this moment, I think only food and wine can't be disappointed. Apologize quickly, don't delay. "


The live broadcast room once again set off a wave of wind apologies.

Just as people were talking, everyone saw the wind and silently squatted down, covering their stomachs.

Ziqing hurried over to support him, concerned: "The wind is low, what's wrong with you?"

The wind didn't say a word, and grinned, "I have a stomachache, a liver pain, and a lung like a needle. I feel uncomfortable all over my body."

Ziqing: "..."

"Why do you talk about this?"

At this moment, the communicator on Feng Wuji's wrist flashed, and when he switched on, he saw the image as cold as snow appeared.


When I saw my loved ones, the wind didn't say a word and almost wept.

She looked at Ye Fei coldly, then looked at her cousin who was squatting on the ground, and said, "Apologize!"

When Feng didn't say a word, his older sister made her own decision, and immediately came to a spirit, stood up and stared at Ye Fei, and said, "Apologize, don't forget who is still with my older sister, hum!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was scolded as cold as snow.

"Asshole, let me apologize to Ye Fei!"

"I ... sister, what's going on? Are you my sister?"


"Yes, you should help me."

"You are wrong about this. Your fans are right. Dare to act is your husband. You should not incite your fans to leave at all. This is your fault. Apologies."


The wind didn't say anything, and he was afraid of being cold like snow, because he ... couldn't beat it like snow.

He knows how changeable his cousin is, not to mention that he is alone, and he can't fight even ten winds.

Feng silently looked at his cousin, and finally looked at Ye Fei, then took a hard breath and said, "I'm sorry."

As a result, Ye Fei hadn't said anything yet.

"Be louder, not full? There are so many delicious things on the table if you are not full, and you apologize if you are full."


The wind didn't speak, and finally roared out. After roaring out, there was a cold look at Ye Fei, and then it disappeared.

Ye Fei patted her shoulders with a gentle smile on the shoulder, "comforting": "Are you saying that you are doing it yourself?"

The wind whispered: "Ye Fei, don't be too proud, you will go to our fifth universe sooner or later, then ..."

"Well, you reminded me of this, you should go, but you will definitely trip me after I go, just in case, I think it is necessary to keep you permanently Here, you can see that the scenery on my small island is not bad. The key is that the soil is good. It is all uncontaminated soil. The slate is clean and warm in winter and cool in summer. What do you think? "

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the wind was inexplicably feeling that the back spine was a little bit cold, and pulled back, saying, "What do you mean?"

"Kill, bury it."

"Ye Fei ... I'm sorry."

The wind didn't say anything, it was thoroughly persuaded, and after this apology to Ye Fei again, he hurried back to his seat. Hey, this is a devil.

The guests at the scene and the audience in the broadcast room all laughed and suddenly felt that the wind was not a bit cute.

"Less wind, rest assured, we will still be good friends in the future, we still support your show."

"Yes, yes, although you are a bit **** sometimes, it's normal most of the time."

"Don't you finish it early like this? Grind it, I'll tell you to wind it up in the future."

People talked and laughed.

Ye Fei hurriedly said, "Okay, guys, thank you for your support. You look at me, Ye Fei, and I can't let you down, so let's draw ten guests from this live broadcast. Ye Fei expressed gratitude to everyone. "

"Woohoo ~~ Long live Ye Shen!"

"Wow, ten, so eight more?"

"It's really exciting."

"Yeshen, hurry up and let the wind not speak, let's talk to him for a while, how many more places can you add?"

I just sat down and took a sip of wine. I wanted to be overwhelmed by the wind. I heard a spectator who grabbed the microphone and said, this sip of the wine spit out. Fortunately, his head twisted quickly, otherwise he sprayed it on the table. Now, although I did n’t spray it on the table, I sprayed Dori beside me.

Dolly: "..."

Quack quack quack ...

The little girl was gritting her teeth, and her mouth was rattling. If the posture was not live, she would bite the wind and bite. This bastard, Miss Ben did not even bring a change of clothes.

The audience in the broadcast room also laughed and clawed back and forth, and the news flashed wildly.

Ye Fei saw that this wouldn't work, and if this continued, the matter would start again, and he hurriedly said, "Raffle!"

In two words, the news between the broadcasts disappeared.

Ye Fei looked at several guests and said, "Who are you?"

Yi Mihua smiled and said, "I smoke."

Ye Fei turned the computer in one direction, and then passed the mouse to Yi Mihua.

Yi Mihua is also a little blacker, and her facial features are still very delicate, well, I admit that her hair is also relatively short, and she has a little curly hair.

But overall it looks like a beauty.

She held the mouse and laughed. "Everyone, smoke."

The audience in the live broadcast also knew Yi Mihua's identity, and knew more about his husband He Peng, so he was very kind to her, and there was no noisy phenomenon.

"Miss Ymihua, smoke, we have no opinion about who you smoke."

"Yes, don't be under pressure, just play with it."

Yi Mihua certainly knew that this was everyone's respect for her, nodded moved, and then directly on the lucky turntable.

The lucky carousel spins and stops after a while, and a third lucky guest appears.

Seeing the name, the audience in the live broadcast felt very strange. I had never heard of it before, and some people asked.

"What the **** is this Fourth Universe New Creation Star? Who is Zaya?"

"Hello stranger, can you say something?"

"I'm going, don't talk? Get sick, this guy, I squeaked you."

"Zaya, your mother is calling you home for dinner, talking!"

Seeing this drawn fourth universe new creation star, Zaya did not speak, except for the audience of the fourth universe, all of them were polite and stunned again.

According to their words, don't care who you are, let's talk about it afterwards, it's okay anyway, isn't it healthier?

They are unhappy, but some people are sweating at the scene.



Seeing that the third lucky guest had drawn Zaya, the fourth universe's new creation star, Bingo's big purple face shuddered, and then some faint sweat appeared on the forehead.

At the same time, deep in the Second Universe, after Dakside saw Zaya's name, the cargo almost fell from his position, and he hurriedly supported the handrail, which was stabilized.

The spirit of the elf **** also narrowed, and then laughed: "It's interesting, it's so interesting, this little guy's next show will look better."

Lan Li grinned and said, "I guess, the little one's next episode of the show can be finished.

The old Korean haha ​​laughed: "I believe Ye Xiaozi, Zaya is only a person of the same level as Daxide, and should not be able to turn around in front of Ye Xiaozi."

Green scale: "......."

He opened his mouth and wanted to express his thoughts, but he didn't dare to say it.

Deep in the fourth universe, a star shining with eternal light is quietly floating in the void.

It is like a sign, the sign of the Fourth Universe, which releases its majesty to everyone.

New Creation Star!

The main star of the fourth universe!

On top of this star, a huge and incomparable palace stands quietly. Around the palace, countless spaceships of all sizes are constantly shuttled. On the spaceship, a team of soldiers standing 78 meters tall looks serious. Be vigilant around.

Inside the palace, on a huge throne sits a man with a height of about ten meters. This man is in a flashing metal armor with a huge mallet-like weapon beside him.


The Supreme Ruler of the Fourth Universe is respected as the Heavenly Father!

At first, this is also a super strong existence that has been in the universe for countless years, otherwise it would not be possible to unify the fourth universe.

At this point, Zaya's face was also a bit embarrassing. When he saw that he was drawn by Ye Fei to become the guest of the next live broadcast, he felt a little awkward.

"Heavenly Father, go or not?" Asked a strong voice from the dark side of Zaya's left.

Zaya thought for a moment, sneered, and said, "Orion, do you think?"

Orian, Zaya ’s first general, this is the existence of the dare to carry with the stars, and then Zaya ran across the universe, and made great contributions.

"Heavenly Father, I still don't want to go, after all ..."

"Is Daxside also?"


"Just because he is here, I have to go, otherwise he would laugh at us."

"But you will definitely be in conflict."

"Is it a contradiction? It was hundreds of thousands of years ago, and it's not bad this time. You and Cariback are ready. Since Daxside has left the Second Universe, you kill it through the sonic boom. You must let him die! "

"Yes !, but he master ..."

"Some people have to make sacrifices, go."

Orion disappeared.

Zaya sat in position and stared at a huge screen in front of him for a while. Seeing that the audience in Ye Fei's live room was beating himself, he was not angry, but instead reached out and opened the reward item bar, then With the star carriers and interstellar spaceships, the chicks started to peck the rice.

At the scene, Ye Fei's eyes were still very thief, and he saw Bingo's abnormal performance at a glance, and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Bingo looked up at Ye Fei, then looked at the others, and said, "Ye God, your next episode ... is a bit overhanging."

How many Ye Fei are all in a row, a little hanging? What does it mean?

"Make it clear."

Bingo nodded, then pointed to Ye Fei's computer, and said, "I don't know if this is God's will or unintentional. Your second guest was drawn to Dakside, and the third guest was drawn to Zaya. Do you know the relationship between them? "

Ye Fei thought about it, and suddenly his cheeks were sullen.

The relationship between Dakside and Zaya?

He knows ~ ~ I just didn't think about it just now, and now Bingo reminded that two people appeared in Ye Fei's mind.

Seeing Ye Fei's cheeks are a little bit embarrassing, Bingo laughed: "Dakside and Zaya were brothers, and they were the most amazing existence of the New Protoss, but after their father died, the two brothers for the throne Fallen out, and then Dakside occupied the apocalyptic stars of the second universe, Zaya occupied the new creation stars of the fourth universe, and the two have been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years. No one has defeated them, but they have suffered for the poor. Ordinary people, and then several other great powers appeared, to persuade the two, which stopped the war of hundreds of thousands of years, and in order to express the sincerity of the two sides, the two exchanged their children as hostages in case anyone regretted it. The other great powers are also just in case, the second and fourth universes have been pushed back by trillions of light years, creating a third universe as a barrier between them. "

Bingo is the power of the First Universe. This product almost unified the First Universe. The level is the same as that of Daxside and Zaya. He has also heard of this.

But Zi Qing and Feng Wuyu haven't heard of these people. After listening to Bingo, a few of them were dumbfounded, and then looked at Ye Fei together. The meaning is obvious. In the next issue, you will have two here. Cosmic-level deadly opponents, the kind you meet when you meet, what do you do? !!

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