The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1688: How can you tell the truth?

Yi Mihua draws the last lucky guest, which is the tenth.

When she moused over the lucky carousel, far above a star in the Seventh Universe, an interstellar bomb with a tail flew through the dark night sky.

Sauron hid in Dad's arms, looked up at the shiny thing flying overhead, and asked, "Dad, what's that?"

"Meteor," said the middle-aged man.

"Where does the meteor fly?"

"a place far away."

"Is it our house?"

"Yes, maybe not."

Boom ~

There was a terrifying explosion in the distance, and both Sauron and the middle-aged man were stunned.

"Dad, is that a bomb?"


"It bombed our house?"


"I want to go to a place without war."

"There is no such place in the Seventh Universe."

"Go to the earth of the first universe, where there is Ye Shen, they all say that there is no war where Ye Shen is."

"Earth? It's so easy to go."

"It's enough to win the prize. Ye Shen said he won the prize, so he can go to earth to eat his food. Dad, do you want to eat food?"

"Yeshen has tens of billions of fans, and winning is harder than going to the earth."

"Not necessarily. Maybe I won this time. I was just drawing a lot. This time a lot of people were drawn to see if there would be me."

The child said, clicked something on the little wrist, and then mapped a light curtain. In the light curtain, the mouse in Emihua's hand just clicked on the lucky turntable.

The lucky carousel spins up madly, stops after a while, and the last lucky guest is born.

Seventh Universe Red Soul Star Sauron!

When seeing this result, the child on the star of Hung Hom jumped up in excitement, holding his father's hand and saying, "Dad, look, I won the prize."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a long time, and then he stroked Sauron's head and said, "Then we will go to Earth and never come back."

"But how do we get there?"

The middle-aged man was silent.

how to get to?

He also did not know that the red turbulent star broke out once every millennium. In a short period of time, the entire star almost fell into wasteland. All the facilities on the planet were destroyed. They only escaped with their legs.

How can you go to earth with your legs?

Totally impossible.

Not to mention the distance between the red star and the earth, even the distance between the seventh universe and the first universe is beyond their imagination.

Perhaps this time the winning is just the last comfort in life.

The middle-aged man looked at the sky in despair, and the stars were flickering in the sky. He didn't know where those stars belonged. He knew it might be the last time he saw them.

While the middle-aged person was looking at the sky, Sauron sent a message in Ye Fei's live room.

"Yeshen, my name is Sauron. I am ten years old. I am a Red Star of the Seventh Universe. I am very happy to be your tenth lucky viewer today. Unfortunately, I ca n’t pass by. Our planet is in turmoil. It was ruined, my mother died in the war, my father and I escaped, a bomb just flew over our heads, and our home disappeared, but although I could n’t go to your show, but I I am very happy, because I am the lucky one of more than 60 billion people. Thank you Ye Shen for accompanying me for so many days, so that I can see the wonderfulness of the outer universe, Ye God, goodbye, and always support your Sauron. "

The news is not short.

It was only when the news was sent to Ye Fei's live broadcast room that the entire noisy live broadcast room suddenly quieted down.

It took a long time for an audience to send a message: "War? Red Star is in war?"

"I rely, why are there wars everywhere?"

"This child is only ten years old. Even if he is so sensible, he must be a cute little angel. He should not have died in the war, Ye Shen, save him."

"Yes, save Sauron. He is still a child."

"What a sensible child, Ye Shen, please."

"Yeshen, please take a leave. No matter when the next issue will be broadcast live, we will wait for you to save this poor and lovely child."

"Yeshen, ask for leave, it's important to save people."

Seeing the news, Ye Fei also fell into silence. Does he want to save it?

He certainly rescued.

But the first universe and the seventh universe are too far away, how to save it? Don't talk about saving people, he didn't know how to get there.

Dolly and Emily were all anxious.

Especially Yi Mihua, her and He Peng's children are about to be born. At this time, when the love of motherhood is overflowing, seeing the news of Little Sauron, Yi Mihua anxiously said, "Yes, please think of a way."

Ye Fei slowly picked up a bowl of wine, drank all of it, and then looked at Bingo.

Bingo said: "The distance between the first universe and the seventh universe is too far away. You should know how difficult it is to pass between the two universes, not to mention so many universes in between. They Now that a war has taken place, we will not be able to do it even now. It may even be that their war has ended after we got there. "

"Is there any other way?" Ye Fei asked.

Bingo thought about it and said, "To be honest, I used to be in the first universe. I have rarely been to other universes, but I have heard of it a little bit. The highest ruler of the seventh universe is Jialan. . "


Ye Fei hesitated. He felt a little strange to the name. He had too many super characters in his mind. Like Bingo, Daxide and Zaya, he had impressions, but what kind of ghost is this Jialan?

"Yes, Jia Lan. He also has a louder name, called ... Planet Devourer."


After hearing this name, Rao is Ye Fei's heart is already very strong, and could not help but burst into swearing.

Planet Devourer!

Isn't it personal, this is a god!

That's right, this is a real God, let alone him, a few people under his hands have been a complete mess.

Whether it is Stardust or Silver Shadow Man, or the Emperor of Flame and Tyrant, all are arrogant and scalp-tingling. Any one of these people can pull out Bingo and Daxside. Yes, it is so powerful.

Ye Fei's scalp was numb directly. He did not expect that the supreme ruler of the seventh universe should be the planetary devourer. This was not easy to do, but super hard to do.

He could use the star seas on the edge of the universe to suppress Daxside, but he absolutely couldn't suppress Jialan, the planet devourer, which was a too high-level existence.

Some people say that this guy is not a humanoid object at all, but a worm, a mechanical worm, which weighs almost 20 tons, let alone give you a punch, a finger will form a pool on your body Meaty mud.

"What are you going to do?" Bingo looked at Ye Fei and asked.

Ye Fei didn't speak, what was he going to do? What can he do? Jia Lan is so awesome, the awesome universe can't hold him, how can you tell me how to do it?

"Actually, if you really want to save Sauron, you don't have to conflict with Jia Lan. After all, his position is too high. He won't necessarily care if a planet in the universe is at war or even destroyed. If he can avoid him, It was better to look directly to rescue Sauron. "

"You have a way?"

Bingo shook his head decisively and said, "I can't help it."

Ye Fei rolled his eyes, and said to himself that you could not say these words in vain?

"Jialan's power is too powerful. At least he is one of the most terrifying beings at present. As the supreme ruler of the seventh universe, his eyes must be spread throughout the seventh universe. We could not have been undiscovered in the past, and This person has a very weird character and is very difficult to speak. If he finds it, it will be difficult to avoid friction. "

Ye Fei was silent again, the one that made bingo dread, which is definitely not a joke. If it is normal, can you suppress bingo in two words, it is even more difficult to deal with Jialan. It's even harder.

How to do?

Ye Fei was a little bit distressed.

Sauron is his own audience, not to mention that he is also the last guest of his next issue. Now that he is in danger, he has to save it anyway. The key is how to save it?

"Is there really no one in the first universe who can suppress him?" The superior asked.

Bingo laughed: "If I were not his opponent in the first universe, I don't think anyone would be able to suppress him."

This tone was crazy, but none of them objected, because several people at the scene knew how powerful Bingo was.

"Is there really no way out?" Dolly asked worriedly.

Bingo pointed to the computer and said, "There is another way that is not the way."

"What is it?" The people present asked almost simultaneously.

Bingo said: "Unless Jia Lan is also Ye Shen's audience and is convinced by Ye Shen's cooking and food, there is still a little room for manoeuvre, otherwise ..."

Bingo did not say the following words, and everyone knew what it meant, otherwise there would be no way.

Ye Fei thought for a while, then looked at the broadcasting room and asked, "Is Jialan friend of the seventh universe in the broadcasting room?"


No one sent a message in the live broadcast room. They all knew that Ye Fei was in trouble now, and it was a big trouble. Now it is not a time for trouble. All of them are waiting quietly. Inside, things have become much easier since then.

But people waited for a minute or two without waiting for any news.

"Are Stardust, Flame Emperor, Silver Shadow, and Tyrant Messenger?"


Still no one answered.

"Skywalker, is Redshift in?"


Again no one answered.

People know that things are completely troublesome. Seventh Universe estimates that there are only some ordinary viewers watching Ye Fei's live broadcast, and these big brothers seem to be absent.

After waiting a while, Ye Fei didn't reply to any of these names, and people were a little anxious.

"What to do? Friends of the Seventh Universe, is there any other way? Help me think about it."

"Brother, it's not that we don't want a solution, but we can't.

"Speaking badly, if it weren't for the on-site introduction of purple sweet potato essence, we wouldn't even know that our seventh universe has a supreme ruler, let alone a way to deal with him."

"I was faint at seeing the big executives of our planet."

"Fuck, one by one, it ’s okay to do it one by one? When watching Ye Shen ’s show, they shouted love Ye Shen one by one. Now Ye Shen really uses us, and all of them are ridiculous. I despise you, Ye God, I It is a little executive of the Seventh Universe Water Desert Planet. If you need help, I will definitely stand up, not to mention that you are trying to save our Seventh Universe people. This kind of busyness is inescapable. "

"Yes, Ye Shen, I'm just an ordinary people in the Seventh Universe. The power is insignificant, but I will stand up if you need it."

"Fuck, get out, and me."

"Count me in."


As long as someone takes the lead, it will follow.

No one expected that the Supreme Ruler of the Seventh Universe was not found in the live broadcast room, but won the support of the Seventh Universe audience.

Not to mention, there are a lot of people in the seventh universe in Ye Fei's live broadcast. A rough estimate is that there are at least 4-5 billion, which is a very huge force.

But ... Ye Fei shook his head.

It's not that he doesn't need these people, or that he doesn't look down on them, but he knows not to say these 45 billion people, even if everyone in the seventh universe is on his side, as long as Jialan wants to die Dropping them is also effortless.

He knew how terrible Jialan was, and it was the incomparable existence of Bingo, Dakside, and Zaya, that was a god!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he is willing, he can even wave the entire seventh universe with a wave of his hand.

It's so powerful.

"Ye Fei led the thoughts of everyone, but after all, this thing is extraordinary, so I can't excuse you for the time being, so let's go here for today's program, I will think of a way first, but I wo n’t ask you help."

Ye Fei couldn't take in so many audiences of the Seventh Universe because of himself, and even if he was rescued, Sauron would not be relieved.

After broadcasting live for a while, when the food and wine were finished, Ye Fei turned off the live broadcast.

Ye Fei really did not expect that at the end of the live broadcast, he would give himself such an unsolvable problem. What should I do?

A few bingos didn't leave, even Feng Buyu and Zi Qing were all there. They knew Ye Fei needed help now, and they knew that their power might not provide much help, but at least they should show their attitude.

Ye Fei looked at the superior and said, "I'll have someone take you to the shore for a while. Should someone answer it?"

The host wanted to wait for Ye Fei to discuss the national affairs after the live broadcast. Now it seems that they ca n’t discuss it anymore, so he nodded and said, "Be careful of yourself, if you need anything, you can contact me directly."

Speaking, the superior handed Ye Fei a piece of paper with a telephone number on it.

Ye Fei took the paper and looked at it, put it in his pocket, and said, "I see."

Therefore, Ye Fei sent Moroccan to personally send the superiors to the shore, and they have been handed them over to the military only to be assured.

Yimihua, Dingdinge, Wet Man and Xiang Xiang wanted to stay, but they were finally sent away by Ye Fei.

In the end, only Bingo, Ziqing, Dolly, and Zephyr remained silent.

Ye Fei looked at a few people and said nothing to the wind: "The wind doesn't speak, you are leaving with Dory now."


To be honest, the wind didn't say a word long ago, he felt that he was an airbag here, but now that he let him go, he felt unable to go, although Ye Fei always bullied him, but he was not a nonsense People, otherwise it is impossible to be friends with so many people in Xinghai space.

"I'll wait for a while to help you think of a way." Feng said in silence.

Dolly glanced at the wind and said nothing, which meant that I was satisfied with your answer.

"Yeshen, many people have multiple strengths, maybe they can come up with the best of both worlds." Dory also said.

Ye Fei said with a smile: "I've got your mind. Still, this opponent is too powerful and almost desperate. I don't know if I can rescue Sauron. I don't even know if I can reach seventh. The universe, and even if all goes well, we finally rescued Sauron. We broke into the seventh universe privately, and Jia Lan knew it and would not give up, so there will be a very bad result anyway. For your safety you must Go, and Brother Ziqing, you leave with them. "

"Yes, I ..."

"Don't say anything. If you treat me as a friend of Ye Fei, please leave now."

Seeing that Fei Fei had let them go, the wind was silent and Dolly and Ziqing could only leave. As for whether Dolly followed the wind and went to the Fifth Universe or returned to the dwarf planet, Fei I don't care about it for the moment, I believe Dory will have her own arrangements.

When everyone left, Ye Fei looked at Bingo and said, "I don't know what the outcome of this thing will be, and I don't want to pull you in, so you can leave."

Bingo's old-fashioned face froze and said, "Where to go? You know me very well, you know how I came here in my life, alone, no relatives, no friends, to be honest I will I thought that I would be alone in my life like this, until I saw your show and saw you, your generosity and kindness. I used to think it was disguised, now I know that you are really treating everyone, I ... can you be your friend? "

When asked the last sentence, Bingo was careful, like a child who offered to others to ask for candy.

Ye Fei nodded decisively and said, "Of course you can. It's my pleasure to be your friend ~ ~ OK, I'll go with you to the seventh universe, maybe I'm not Jia Lan Opponent, but I can at least support one of his men and give you some time. "

"will die."

"I have lived too long, and I want to taste the taste of death."

After speaking, Bingo had a smile on his face that was stiff for a lifetime.

Ye Fei looked a little dumbfounded, pointing at the big purple face of Bingo and wondering: "Will you laugh?"

Bingo hurriedly rubbed his face and said, "My face hurts, I haven't laughed in my life, my muscles have stiffened, isn't it funny to laugh?"

Ye Fei nodded decisively and said, "A bit."


I rely on you to tell the truth?

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