The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1690: Help you fight

Ye Fei was also anxious, he wanted to arrange the bald head quickly, and then go to rescue Sauron.

He knew that things like war would not wait for anyone, and he would be late for a while, or he would be gone.

But he really ca n’t go now. Two hours of bad luck in one hour is less than a few minutes. This thing is terrible. Even if there is one minute left, he does n’t dare to move. After all, he has realized the terribleness of this thing. Is not a joke.

Eight minutes and thirty two seconds were not long, and they passed quickly.

Ye Fei's eyes stared directly at the watch on his wrist. This watch was still a rhinestone gold watch that Rhodes gave him. He had never worn it before, thinking about this time The Seven Universe must be more fierce and fierce. He was afraid he would not have the opportunity to wear it, so he hurriedly took it out.

When exactly one hour had passed since the start of the draw, Ye Fei stood up in excitement and said, "Let's go."

There was no delay for the Ferris column. He grabbed Ye Fei with one hand, and forced the bald head with the other. After leaving the door, he rose into the sky, and the next moment it appeared in the compound of Yinzhou First People's Hospital.

Time goes back one hour.

On the way to pick up the bald head, Ye Fei had already greeted Fei Ying, the director of Xiangyin First People's Hospital. Xiang Feiying was waiting here with a group of leaders from the hospital. The two little nurses pushed a small car, and the result was that they waited until they saw Ye Fei's shadow. One deputy dean still asked.

"Dean, isn't Ye Shen joking with you?"

Xiang Feiying is also depressed. He said that this person has a lot of things. Why can't people see the shadow? Brother, I have to deal with things when you come here.

"Impossible, Ye Shen never jokes about such things."

"But we've all waited for half an hour."

"Yeshen must have something more important to deal with, so I was delayed for a while, don't worry, wait a while."

Did the dean say in his heart that it was a while? Thirty minutes.

It's just that Xiang Feiying is the dean and he is the vice president. Xiang Feiying said that he would wait for a while.

As a result, twenty minutes passed again, and a group of people still did not see Ye Fei's shadow.

"Dean, look at this ... Are we still waiting?" The dean asked carefully again.

Xiang Feiying looked up at the sky, let alone Ye Fei's shadow in the sky, there was no hair.

"Wait another ten minutes. If Ye Shen has not come yet after ten minutes, you can go and do your business first. I can just wait here."

A group of people waited another ten minutes, but Ye Fei still didn't come.

Xiang Feiying waved his hand and let others go back to work first.

As a result, a group of people had just gone back ten steps. The Ferris wheel grabbed Ye Fei and bald head down from the sky. All the leaders of the hospital stood and looked back.

Ye Fei jumped down from Ferris's hand and saw Xiang Feiying greet with a smile: "Dean Xiang, why are you here?"

Xiang Feiying's mouth twitched fiercely, and he said, "Why am I here?" Am I not picking you up? In the end, you're better. Call me an hour ago and say it's coming soon. Is this what you said right away? It's been an hour before and after.

"I ... pick you up." Xiang Feiying laughed.

Behind Xiang Feiying, a group of leaders in the hospital were depressed, and a group of people haven't been here for so long. It's just ten steps back, but they have come. Is this going back or not?

A group of people didn't even know where to stand.

Ye Fei looked at a group of people, some of whom he knew, after all, he had been to the hospital many times before.

"Vice President Chen, what's wrong with you?" Ye Fei asked, looking at a white coat about fifty years old.

Vice President Chen smiled awkwardly, and then babbled: "I ... keke ... Yeshen, I have something to report to the dean just now."

"Oh, Director Li, what a coincidence."

"This, this ... Ye Shen, I will report things to the Dean."

"Oh, Dean Zhao is here too?"

"Uh ... what ... I have something to talk to the dean."


Regardless of whether they knew him or not, Ye Fei all greeted with a smile, and as a result, they made them want to die awkwardly.

What a wonderful thing, so many of us came to greet people, but now it turns out to be this situation.

After these people greeted Ye Fei, they all hurried away.

Ye Fei looked at Xiang Feiying and laughed: "It seems you are very busy."

Xiang Feiying's face froze and said, "Actually, we were all standing here waiting for you just now. As a result, you said an hour ago that we were waiting for an hour. I'll see you before I come. Asking them to go back busy, but it turned out that you just came around, a bit awkward. "

Ye Fei haha ​​laughed: "I'm not a big man, do I need to be so grand?"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Xiang Feiying really wanted to carry him back.

Are you not a big man? Brother, are you saying that you are burying us? Now the whole country, no, the whole world, if you are not a big man, who would dare to say that you are a big man? Do you see any other person in the world or even the first universe that is older than you?

"Yeshen, you are too modest." Xiang Feiying laughed.

Ye Fei didn't grind with him again, and asked the skyscraper to put his bald head on the cart carefully and said, "Dean Xiang, his condition has stabilized, and the wound has healed well. Then you press Your own plan can help him maintain and nurse, and you can be discharged in about a week. "

Xiang Feiying was shocked when he heard that his bald head was strong for about a week.

He also knows the condition of strong baldness. At the beginning, he had seen that if he was treated in their hospital, it could be said that there was absolutely no death. This allowed Ye Fei to take the treatment and healed in eight or nine days? A bit too exaggerated, right?

Brother, but the internal organs exploded.

He knew Ye Fei's medical skills were superb, but he did not expect that he was still underestimated. This is simply a divine doctor.

"Yeshen rest assured that we will definitely draw the hospital's most elite team of doctors to serve him exclusively." Xiang Feiying assured.

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "No, just something normal."

Xiang Feiying asked the nurse to push his bald head to the inpatient department. As a result, the two little nurses just took two steps to stop him.

"Dean, is there anything else?" A little nurse asked puzzledly.

Xiang Feiying looked at Ye Fei and whispered to the nurse: "You two are only responsible for sending him to the ward, and then let your head nurse send two male nurses to look after him specifically, you know?"

The two little nurses nodded and pushed away with their bald heads.

Although Xiang Feiying's voice was very low, Ye Fei heard it and couldn't help laughing.

"I said, Dean Xiang, are you? As long as everyone has a wife, and after the bald head is fully recovered, he will not be able to return to work. How can you prevent him from acting like a thief?"

Xiang Feiying said with a serious face: "It's impossible to say. Our nurse has made these friends halfway away from you. I have to guard against it until his wife comes to work."

"Haha, go, leave it to you."

Finally, after explaining some precautions with Xiang Feiying, Ye Fei treated a patient who was helpless by another doctor in the hospital, and returned to Pearl Island with Ferris wheel.

After landing on the island, Ye Fei asked Lao Mo to find everyone.

He himself does not know what the outcome will be after this trip. If it does not go well, it is likely that he will never return again, and some things must be arranged.

Looking at more than 300 people in front of him, Ye Feidao said: "Everyone, before I say anything, I would like to thank everyone here, and thank you for your efforts and protection for so many days."

When a group of people saw Ye Fei at the beginning, they said so, some were confused, and some soon remembered what was going on.

Lao Mo asked: "Yes, you ... Are you going to the seventh universe?"

Ye Fei did not hide them, nodded, and said, "Yes, everyone also watched my live broadcast. They all knew the last guest. He was a child. He wanted to come, but he could not come. I Ye Fei had long been I said that as long as my guest wants to come to the show, no matter what the difficulties, I will find a way to get him to my scene. I do n’t know how far the first universe and the seventh universe are, and I do n’t know if there will be What is the difficulty? According to Bingo, the seventh universe is many times more dangerous than other universes, because their supreme ruler Jialan is too powerful. What would happen if I conflicted with them? I am not sure as well."

"Ye Shen ..." Baochen shouted, stepped forward, looked at Ye Fei, and said, "I'm willing to go with you, regardless of the sword, mountains and sea, I will walk in front of you!"

"And me!" The impermanent brother Wu Jun also stepped out, loudly.

"I'll go as well!"

"go together!"

"Yes, take us!"


Two hundred and eighty-eight interstellar bodyguards, plus eleven old Mos and a skyscraper, finally shouted in unison.

Looking at the people in front of him, Ye Fei was really touched. He didn't know what was going on. During this time, he was always moved by these assholes.

He pressed his hand, and everyone was quiet. Then he said, "Everyone, listen to me, I thank everyone for your kindness, but this time I used to be courteous, if necessary, if there were more people, It will make the other party misunderstood, and unnecessary conflicts will occur. Although you were left to protect me by your executives, we have been brothers for so many days and our families have treated each other. Ye Fei has never regarded you as Bodyguards or subordinates, we are equal. Ye Fei's life is fate, and your life is fate. I have no reason to take away your life, so this time I will go alone, oh, and bingo. "

"But Ye Shen ..."

What else did Baochen want to say, but was interrupted by Ye Fei, and said, "Nothing, but Baochen, brother, these people may know you and me the earliest and know the best, so I hope that after I leave You can lead them well with Lao Mo, of course, if you want to go back, do n’t force them to stay, and Lao Mo, if I ca n’t come back within three days, after three days you will put the diamond in the basement And the BRICS give them one two three four five six seven eighty ninety, and then you can go back to the army or find a new life. In short, you must live well. "

Then, Ye Fei took out a key and threw it to Lao Mo, and said, "This is the key to the basement."

Lao Mo looked at the key in his hand, and tears came out of the man with a bone.

He really did not expect that Ye Fei would believe this to him. Others may not know how many diamonds and gold bricks are in the basement. He knows that once Ye Fei took him in once. It can be said that there are countless diamonds and gold bricks. Ah, let alone give them eleven people, even if they are shared equally among all the people on the island, everyone will get an astronomical fortune.

It was such a big treasure, and Ye Fei gave him the key to open the treasure door.

Lao Mo held the key in his hand tightly and said with tears: "Yes, I know that when we go to you, we will not only be able to help you, but will also cause you trouble, so we will not make you embarrassed I will take them to take good care of this home, rest assured, as long as we still have a breath, Pearl Island is absolutely safe. Whoever wants to make trouble, step on our corpses! We are here, the island is here, the island is dead , Dead! "

One hundred and two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and ninety simultaneously shouted: "People are here, islands are here, islands are dead, people are dead!"

The voices of several people were very loud, and the birds in the woods on Pearl Island were shocked to fly.

At this time, Storm Dust also said, "Yes, no matter who leaves, I will definitely stay and wait for you to come back. If you don't see you, I will wait here forever!"

Wu Jun also patted his chest and said, "You must come back, Ye Shen, please, we are all waiting for you here!"

More than 200 other interstellar bodyguards also roared: "Yes, we wait for you! See you!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bingo sighed silently, saying that in the past, if his people were so united and had such support for himself, he might really have unified the First Universe, but unfortunately not.

He suddenly envied Ye Fei to have such a group of people.

He was also suddenly grateful that he had a friend like Ye Fei.

At this time, Ferris said: "Yes, I'll follow you."

Ye Fei still shook his head and said, "Pillar, you have lived the longest on Star Island friends on this island. You are also familiar with many places here and in Huaxia, as well as those who I have come in contact with frequently. The situation requires your help, so you must stay. "

"I ... I see."

The skyscraper promised, then sat on a big rock next to it, lowered his head and stopped talking.

Ye Fei didn't say anything. After everything was arranged, he looked at Bingo and said, "When are we going?"

Bingo laughed: "Anytime."

"Then now." Ye Fei looked at everything around him and a group of people in front of him again, and said.

So Bingo grabbed Ye Fei with his left hand, and then the gloves on his right hand suddenly shone with white light. The dazzling light hurt everyone's eyes, and a group of people couldn't hold back and quickly closed their eyes.

When they opened their eyes ~ ~ they found that Ye Fei and Bingo had disappeared.

Uh ~

Ye Fei felt that this time was much faster than the last time he shuttled with Bingo Space. His eyes could not be opened, and the wind in his ears felt like a sharp whistle, blowing on his face. It felt as if a knife was shaving his face, which hurt.

After a while, Ye Fei felt Bingo stopped, and he opened his eyes to see that they had reached the edge of the First Universe, and stood alone in front of their eyes.

Seeing this man, Bingo's eyes narrowed a bit, then took a step back.

When Ye Fei saw the man, he asked Bingo to put him down. He came to the man and smiled, "What are you doing here? It's too far for a walk?"

The man laughed and said, "Help you fight."

Ye Fei: "..."

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