The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 188: It tastes like bouncing youth (3

Ye Fei really couldn't think of it. A plate of sauce and shredded fish made me a cute gentleman who had just picked up the beautiful sheepskin, which turned into a beast.

I was staring at the sauce and shreds in Ye Fei's hands, and my tongue kept licking my lips.

"Yeshen, two hundred-year-old ginseng!"

When I heard that I was eating, Ye Fei slammed his hands and the plates almost fell to the floor.

O Nima, two centuries old ginseng!

To know who I am eating, this guy is known as the king of medicine. He started with Huaxia Chinese Medicine, and is invincible in this industry. It can be said that the Chinese medicinal materials in his hands are invaluable, and ginseng is such a powerful thing I believe this guy has a lot in his hands.

Even if there is more inventory in his hands, there will not be many old ginsengs that are more than 100 years old. After all, the years are there.

Tianhe Shang Palace also sometimes uses old ginseng to make soup. Ye Fei once heard his little brother say that their hotel had previously bought an old ginseng for about 80 years at the request of a local tyrant customer. Millions.

Millions of people bought a ginseng of about 80 years, but it is not a century.

Now I am a hundred-year-old ginseng who is talking about food. With this guy's nature and strength, I do n’t need to think about it. It is definitely a full-year-old ginseng of sufficient age. The age can only be more or less. The price is hard to say. At least 1.5 million.

Just a plate of shredded fish sauce, this guy had to exchange two hundred-year-old ginseng, and Ye Fei almost blurted out and agreed.

But just then, the bee said, "Ten years!"

Ye Fei and I were all eating together. I didn't understand what the little bee meant and what decade? Ten years of ginseng? How can this thing be compared with two hundred-year-old reference trees? There is no comparability.

I'm eating: "Little bee, don't make trouble, how can your ten-year ginseng compare with my two hundred-year-old ginseng."

The little bee blinked and said, "I did n’t say it was ginseng. That stuff is too expensive, and I ca n’t afford it. The ten years I said was cleaning, Ye Shen, I ’ll help you clean for ten years. Why? kind?"

Ye Yefei: "........."

This is a joke, but it ’s really a big joke. It ’s just a dish. Little bee has to exchange it for ten years?

国际 What kind of international joke is this? Don't say no, even if you can't agree, otherwise who will be your own guest in the future.

The so-called guests come here to eat for free. As a result, if you collect money yourself, what will the fans think? What will peers think? What do those flowers and plants look at? Do you want to confuse yourself in this circle in the future?

"Don't argue, since you are live guests today, of course this dish will be offered to you for free."

He said, Ye Fei placed the shredded fish on the table.

I'm eating. 嗖 It's gone.

The little bee also hurried over.

I did n’t have time to eat with chopsticks, but I gently picked up a golden fish wire with my hand and put it in the mouth. He chewed slowly, and then the whole person closed his eyes intoxicated.

"I don't want to say that this taste has conquered my taste buds, because it has conquered me all. This is the most delicious fish I have ever eaten, no one!"

The little bee took a bite and was silent for a while, then said: "I do n’t have the economic conditions to eat a lot of food, but I dare to guarantee that this food is absolutely unsurpassed in its kind, this taste ... like a bounce Youth. "

"Bouncing youth?" Ye Fei's eyes almost fell out.

It's really my day, it's really the first time I heard someone like to compare a dish, it's really too fresh.

"Well, because when I eat this dish, I feel like the whole person is relaxed. Although this taste is slightly spicy, it just matches the delicious flavor of the shredded fish itself. These two flavors complement each other and give people A feeling of flying. "

I rolled my eyes when I was eating. He felt that the little bee could no longer be called a hard-working bee. He should be called Wen Qing bee.

These two people eat in Ye Fei's kitchen happily, but they ruined a group of people in the live broadcast room.

"My saliva, I am a god, can you not torture people like this?"

我 "I trust, I should buy my napkin again, ah, ah, what the hell, this is too fast."

"Oh, little bee, I beg you, just eat, can we not pout? Can you imagine how I feel when I hear this sound and then see how you enjoy eating? "

"It's more elegant to eat the goods brother, you 瞅瞅, a piece of fish silk has tasted for a long time."

As a result, the man just sent a message and saw that I was eating and grunting the fish silk in his mouth, and then grabbed it with one hand and stuffed it all up.

Everyone: "... …… .."

"Ma, what's good about being elegant?"

"Uh, uh, u said nothing, I said nothing."

The little bee and I were eating this dish of shredded shredded fish, and it made many people in the broadcast room speechless.

But as a person in eastern Guangdong, a bunch of people are more excited than one at a time.

Because the main ingredient of this dish is the crispy bonito from them, which is one of the specialties in eastern Guangdong province. Now Ye Fei has made such a tempting cuisine, and these people are almost happy.

"Yeshen, praise, it's only you who can make the crispy bonito so delicious. You can't stop rewarding. Keep up, my brothers in eastern Guangdong."

I said, this directly killed five aircraft carriers.

Yuedong good student: "Where are the people of Yuedong? Keep up and keep up with the team."

货 This cargo is also said to be thrown out by five aircraft carriers.

Immediately afterwards, the local tyrants in Eastern Guangdong Province completely developed their power. Almost all aircraft carriers, one after the other, rushed out, and ran out one by one.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

丘丘 Backstage.

屮 艸 芔 茻 "I am, Ye Fei, this **** is really too bad. This guy uses western Guangdong specialties to make Xichuan dishes. Isn't that his sister who made it clear that he wants to let fans in Eastern Guangdong enter the pit?"

"Well, I'm going, this guy's trick is too cruel. The whole world knows that the people in Huaxia and Yuedong Province are superb. Millionaires are as good as bulls. Millionaires are running around. Billionaires are grabbing a lot. Ah, this guy has really dug a gold mine this time. "

"This aircraft carrier ......... It's a luxury item. It's a thirty thousand ship. Look at the rhythm and the frequency. This **** is more fierce than flowers and applause."

"Finished, Ye Fei's record will definitely reach a new record."

"Don't you talk nonsense? You need to see where the group of people who are now rewarding is. Eastern Guangdong Province, the first lucky person to open to the outside world. They don't have much, so they have more money."

"Go to the emperor, how many aircraft carriers have you had at this moment? I haven't counted them."

"I haven't counted it. I saw Ye Fei's live broadcast rolls in the broadcast room. This thing is going out one by one. I'm relying on it, it's really going to blow up."

Pan Wencai, the director of the language section: "It's really over. This time, even if the Venus **** comes here, it is estimated that we can't save us. Ye Fei, this **** ..... will you die if you give some way to life? Ah ah ah ah, really unacceptable."

Jin Ya, the beauty director of the singing and dancing section: "Director Pan, you must stand up to Ye Fei's attack, otherwise we will be in danger."

Pan Wencai: "......... Big Beauty Jin, sorry, we are finished. Just now our statistician has reported the results so far today. The rewards of all the anchors in our language section are added together. I Roughly estimated, there are not as many people as Ye Fei, we are completely killed ~ ~ Come for you. "

This time, not only was Jin Ya, the director of the song and dance section, surprised, it can be said that all the staff in the section were aggressive.

"Isn't it? Isn't Ye Fei so fierce? A person's reward can surpass that of all the anchors in a department? Is this too exaggerated?"

关键 "The key is that this department is not our inaccessible department, but the language section. This is the second department on our platform."

哎 "Oh, in fact, if the anchors of silver stars and anchors of Venus do not leave, our section will not be so miserable."

"Dd, what you guys do is terrible."

"What a sigh, Ye Fei is up now. You have to know that this is a fierce man from the previous department who can stand alone. As long as he doesn't leave, it is not easy for dd to break us down."

"That's right, I'll wipe it. Are we going to thank Ye Fei?" Excited

"What do you say?"

呦 "Oh, this thank you is really too painful."

内部 Inside the food section at this time.

Everyone is crazy.

"I really served Ye Shen and developed Xichuan. This is the rhythm of the eastern Guangdong province."

"My God, this is Ye Shen ... this is going to explode again!"

"Yes, my god, give me a chance to kiss Fangze !!!"

"噗 小敏, hold on."

Tang Xiaomin madly said: "A good man just wants to come over, and the holding point is gone!"

Everyone: "........." ...

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