The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1701: I seriously doubt he was a decorator before

It is absolutely no small thing that the gods have surgery.

Skywalker, Yinyingxia, and Redshift were all on the sidelines vigilant, only afraid that Ye Fei would give the **** a few times while taking the opportunity of surgery.

In fact, they think too much, even if Ye Fei has this heart, he doesn't have this ability.

The reason why Jialan can become a god, let alone that he is performing surgery, even if he only has one cell left, is not accessible to ordinary people unless he is willing to do so.

Ye Fei dissected Jia Lan's abdomen, and after searching for a long time, he found the place to start. As a result, Ye Fei was a little bit sore.

The stone was found, but he couldn't get it out because it was too much.

He reached out and tried to come up with the smallest piece. In the end, the tired and blushed neck didn't move. In his opinion, even the smallest piece was estimated to have more than a hundred pounds. It just changed with Jialan's body It's smaller but smaller, it's compressed, it's more dense.

In the end, he shouted Skywalker.

"Help, move this pile of stones out." Ye Fei pointed at the same mountain as a mountain piled in Jia Lan's belly.

Skywalker: "..."

This product really wants to destroy Ye Fei directly. Is it your sister who treats me as a coolie?

Although he was angry in his heart, he couldn't show it on the surface, after all, it was also serving Jialan.

So Skywalker beckoned, countless stones rose from Jia Lan's belly, and then fluttered to the ground.

"Is the stone removed?" Jia Lan asked in bed.

Ye Feiyan said, "I'll see if I can get it clean. You lie down and don't move, uh ~~ Your stomach is also a bit problematic, no wonder you will cover the painful rolling of your stomach."

"......what is the problem?"

Jialan was depressed, and she had never had these messy problems before. Why did all of them pop up today? It doesn't make sense.

Ye Fei pointed at Jia Lan's stomach and said, "It's ulcerated, and it's a very severe ulcer. If it goes on like this, the stomach will perforate, oh, I don't know where your stomach should be, but this one The space is a bit large and I have to consider that there may be some signs of stomach sag. "

Jia Lan again: "..."

I'm going. Is there anything wrong? Let me just say that I don't seem to have any good stuff in my stomach.

"you sure?"

"It's all in front of me. What's still uncertain, my preliminary judgment still has something to do with your diet. Although you can digest something that ordinary people can't digest, you have also paid a price."

"Impossible! I have adapted to eating on the planet for a long time, and my stomach has adapted to these things. How can there be minor problems such as ulcers and perforations?"

"Some problems are not what you think is what I am. I know you do have this ability, but if you are not careful, there will always be omissions, whether it is human or god, and this disease is long-term. It appears over time, even including your drooping stomach. A planet is boundless and vast for us ordinary people. Even if you can swallow it, I guess it ’s not as clear as the cloud and wind on the surface. A light, unpredictable planet enters your stomach. How strong do you think your stomach can bear the weight of a planet? "


"It seems to make sense."

"It doesn't seem to be very reasonable. I can only say that this is fortunately your Lord God, if you change to Skywalker or redshift these people, it would have died."


The Skywalker on the side almost didn't talk about Ye Fei, your sister, can't you always get involved with me? I don't swallow the stars, I never eat well, OK?

"Haha, they don't need to eat anything." Jia Lan smiled.

That's right, Ye Fei was amused by this sentence.

"I do n’t eat anything when I ’m normal. I do n’t have the so-called internal organs. They only appear when they are transformed into specific forms. Just like now, but I did n’t expect that there would be problems such as kidney stones, gastric ulcers, and gastric ptosis , How to treat? "Swallowed Xing Jialan depressed.

He is really depressed. What kind of thing are you talking about? If you know, you won't morph into the specific shape. There are so many minor problems, and the eggs hurt.

Ye Feidao: "A very powerful person found a law with us, called the law of energy balance, that is, how much energy you eat, this energy will not disappear for no reason, it may be acting on you Body, or it is transferred to other people or things by you. In short, its inhalation and output are the same. You eat so many planets, and after so many planets are converted into energy, some are used by you, some are It stays in your body and acts on your internal organs and torso, and when your internal organs can't withstand these energies, there will be lesions. "

"You seem to be making sense," Jia Lan thought for a while, and said, "how should I improve?"

Ye Fei pointed at Jia Lan's belly and said, "I have said just now, improve your eating habits, and in your current form, you can absorb the energy you need from ordinary food. I also believe that when you transform After becoming a real star swallow, these energies can also provide you with sufficient help, and you do n’t need to look for planets to eat. Actually, you are there like us. You do n’t eat every day, you find some weird things to eat. Mud, glass, sponge, nails or wood, etc. At first people would say, wow, this person is awesome, but after a long time people will say, wow, this man is so stupid, in There is a name for us like you, called anorexic. "


"Don't stare, I mean it, hey hey, don't start, I'm explaining your condition to you."

"If it wasn't for the face you saved me once, I would definitely kill you now and kill you myself." Jia Lan said fiercely.

Grandma, are you stupid, can you speak? Don't think that you can save me once and be able to hide in front of me. Anyway, I'm also a god, can you give me some face?

"Is there a cure for dysphagia?" Jia Lan paused for a moment and asked.

Ye Fei laughed: "If it is someone else, there may be no good way to treat it, but you are lucky to have met me."

"What do you mean?"

"I can cure it. After I have stitched the wound for you, I will make a few dishes for you to try. If you do n’t think the planet is delicious, you can still eat your planet in the future. If you think it ’s not bad, I hope you Be able to slowly correct your eating habits, after all, this is for your good. "

"... Okay, but first of all, if you lie to me, I will erase you and your planetary universe."

Ye Fei: "..."

Mad, this guy is really not a good bird.

"By the way, there is one thing you must pay attention to. Try to change your temper as much as possible. Do n’t kill anyone and eat the planet. People haven't offended you. Why? I once said something to the Buddha. To become a Buddha, the sea of ​​bitterness is turning back to shore ... "

"Who is my Buddha?"

"... Mr. Rulai, it's okay, and I won't talk to you so much. As a doctor, what I have to do is finished, and then my identity will be transformed into a chef, which is what you said Chef, if you can eat the food I used to cook, it ’s an honor, if you ca n’t eat, just when I ’ve never been here, what, is there a needle and thread? Your wound is a bit big, and I ’ll sew it And your kidney, take it easy in the future, and continue to do it like this for a while and it will be unusable. "


Jia Lan swears that he really wants to kill the guy in front of him who has operated on himself like a long tongue woman and hasn't stopped his mouth until now, buzzing like a fly, so annoying.

"I don't need needlework, I can heal myself."

Speaking of it, Jia Lan's two big claws directly faced the meat on both sides of her wound directly, and then Ye Fei saw a very amazing thing.

I saw that the wound began to heal at a rate that can be seen by the naked eye, but it was only instantaneous. The wound was completely missing. Jia Lan's body was no different from before the operation.

"Uh ~~ really save the material, that what, I think you healed too fast." Ye Fei rubbed her hands aside and said with a tangled face.

Jia Lan got out of bed and didn't understand what Ye Fei meant.

"Why do you say that?"

Ye Fei pointed at Jia Lan's belly, then weakly said, "My sword is forgotten inside."

Jia Lan: "........"

"Ye Fei !!! Did you mean it on purpose? !!!"

A few people of the spirit **** were waiting outside, and suddenly heard a sound of anger from inside, a few of them were immediately panic.

"What's going on? Did you fight?" Zaya asked nervously.

Dakside glanced at him and said, "Can you think of something good? Is Ye Shen so easy to do with others?"

Bingo frowned and said, "Now it's not whether Ye Shen will do anything with others, but whether Jia Lan will do something with Ye Shen. The voice just now was obviously called by Jia Lan, and only his voice can penetrate it. This soundproof room, and the voice is full of rage, why did Ye Shen touch him? "

The elf **** frowned for a while, he really couldn't figure out what was going on inside, but it was quiet just now. Why was Kalan suddenly soaring? Could it be said that Ye Fei didn't take out the stones for him?

"Be prepared to fight, watch for changes, respond to changes with the same, and respond to changes with the change."


As soon as the Word of the Elven God was finished, he saw that the door of the room was broken directly from the inside, and then Ye Fei ran out like a rabbit and hurried out, as if there was a dog behind him.

There is no dog behind Ye Fei, and Jia Lan.

Jia Lanmai strode out of it and shouted, "Stop me!"

Ye Fei shook his head decisively and muttered, "The ghost is standing still. Whoever stands is a fool."

The elf god's body stopped in the middle of the two. He knew he wasn't Jia Lan's opponent, but he still had to do it because he couldn't let Ye Fei get a little lost.

"Jia Lan Shen, why is this? Ye Fei, as a healer, saved you, why do you want to hunt him down?" The elf **** asked.

Jia Lan glanced at the elf god, and then stared at Ye Fei behind the elf god, pointed at Ye Feiqi and exclaimed: "You ask him!"

The elf **** looked back at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was a little embarrassed and said, "Well, after the surgery, the scalpel was forgotten inside his stomach, most likely in the kidney."

Spirit God: "..."

Bingo and Daxside and Zaya were also speechless.

Brother, are you really a doctor? You are too unreliable for this operation, right? There are still no stones in the stomach of this thing, but it's a knife. If you forget it in the kidney, you will die.

"This one......."

The elf **** didn't know what to say, he didn't even know how to persuade him, how could you tell me how to defend you? Why don't you forget him in his belly?

When a few people in the elf **** felt a headache, he saw Jia Lan directly put a claw on his stomach, and then pulled it out, pulling a knife out of his stomach, and the wound on his stomach appeared. A blue light disappeared instantly.

Jia Lan looked at the knife in her hand and said, "This is a very extraordinary knife. Although I don't know what material he made, I like it very much."

Ye Fei hurriedly said, "Wait a while, you don't like it. I will use this knife to cook for you in a while."

Jia Lan: "......."

Elf God and Silver Shadow: "..."

I wipe, Ye Fei, are you sure what you say is true? You just used this knife to perform an operation on another person, and then you use this knife to cook for another person. Can you be more disgusting?

Jia Lan stood there stupidly watching Ye Fei for a long time, and finally threw the knife directly to him, saying, "I have a knife, a killing knife, and I can cook. You can't use this knife, I have a clean habit. "

Ye Fei: "......."

This time, Ye Fei was speechless. He carefully looked up and down before and after. He didn't look like a man with cleanliness, big brother, you even eat stones and mud. As a result, you gave me Say you have cleanliness? You are a fool!

Seeing Ye Fei's face with constipation, Jia Lan laughed, and said, "Still, if the food I make makes me like, I can say everything. If I can't swallow, I'm sorry, you guys today No one can get away, don't think that you have cured me of kidney stones and I will let you go. "

After speaking, Jia Lan said to Silver Shadow: "Take him to the kitchen."

Ye Fei again: "..."

This product is completely aggressive. He didn't expect a guy who lived on the planet to take a few majestic places where he did n’t need to eat anything. There is a kitchen, brother. You guys who do n’t eat human fireworks. Is it serious?

Silver Shadow Man stepped on the surfboard, beckoned Ye Fei with a serious face, and said, "Come with me."

Ye Fei gave a whisper, he really wanted to see what Jia Lan's kitchen looked like.

He just stopped walking a few steps, looked at the elves and said to Jia Lan, "You must keep my friends safe."

Jia Lan snorted, and said, "They cost me three generals!"

"You pull the calves, are you killing yourself?"

"......go Go."

Jia Lan waved his hand directly, and quickly let Ye Fei go away. He still feels bad about this, but he didn't expect Ye Fei to go back a bit, and know that he will not mention this stubble.

After getting Jia Lan's promise, Ye Fei and Yin Yingxia left the main hall, walked right, crossed a corridor and turned left to see another palace.

Silver Shadow pointed at the palace and said, "The kitchen."

Ye Fei again: "..."

Nima, is this the kitchen? Brother die, is this the palace?

That's right, the palace in front of Ye Fei is definitely much more luxurious, much larger than the Golden Han Palace he's seen, and it's almost extravagant and impersonal.

Ye Fei slowly walked forward, Silver Shadow Xia followed.

"Thank you," Silver Shadow suddenly said.

Ye Fei froze and then laughed: "That's all I can help you with."


"You're welcome. See her when you get to Earth."

"I will. You are a different person. I hope you can escape today."

"It should be, by the way, can you tell me what flavor Jialan likes? Which is sweet, bitter or salty?"

"... I don't know, what is the taste of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty? I have never eaten a bite, and I don't know what a taste is."

Ye Fei waved his hand helplessly. He knew that asking Jialan for this guy's hobby was playing the ox on the cow. Even if he knew the goods, he wouldn't say it, so just do it as usual.

Pushing open the palace door, Ye Fei was stupid at the door directly. He knew that this palace-style kitchen was luxurious, but he didn't expect it to be so luxurious.

The whole room is full of colorful lights, and almost every point is inlaid with huge stones of different colors, which reflect each other and keep the light forever.

A variety of decorations are placed around the palace, each sparkling, and there are some green evergreens, with lush foliage and vitality.

In the middle there is a huge table made of unknown materials, but there is nothing on the table.

There are so many things in the entire palace, although not many, but each one is definitely a real treasure. Anything you take out is definitely a rare treasure. Even he doubts that he can buckle a gem and return it to the earth to sell one. Sky-high price.

"Uh ~ this is the kitchen?" Ye Fei looked around the so-called kitchen again and asked.

Yin Yingxia said: "It should be counted. This was designed and decorated by Jia Lanshen himself, but it has never been used since the decoration. The gods do not need to eat ordinary food, and we do not need to eat."

"What are you doing in the kitchen?"

Yin Yingxia glanced at Ye Fei ~ ~ and then looked at this palace-style kitchen again and said, "It looks good."

Ye Fei: "..."

"Jialan Shen said so. He said that a family must have a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom and a balcony.

"....... and the living room and dining room."

"Yes, yes, Jia Lan Shen said that, oh ~ how do you know?"

"Nonsense, we are all designed this way. I now seriously suspect that the mother star of Jialan God is the earth. Maybe he was a decoration designer before."

"... I don't understand what you're talking about, you can do it for me, I'll guard it outside, and you're ready to call me, I'll take it, oh, by the way, what are you going to do? "

"what are you doing?"

Ye Fei smiled, and then took off his backpack ...

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