The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1705: We go home

Backsight is sometimes a very good thing, but sometimes it is a very speechless thing.

Just like the current Silver Shadow Man, this item was thrown to the ground after holding a bowl after Ye Fei reminded him.

When the buzzer sounded, the bowl broke.

Yin Yingxia stared at the bowl on the ground a bit dumbfounded, but this thing was found by Jia Lan himself. He just fell into a hot head and now regrets it.

Ye Fei ... Ye Fei took out his cell phone very sharply, facing the broken bowl on the ground and the Silver Shadow Man suspended beside the bowl was a slam shot, and then said nothing, shook the Silver Shadow Man Just shake the phone and install it.

Yin Yingxia vomits blood, he really wants to catch Ye Fei like this bowl and fall directly into eight petals. This person is so abominable, there is no lower limit for pit people.

"Don't look at me, I just made you make a noise, but didn't say to make you fall." Ye Fei said.

Then he pointed to the green plant next to him and said, "I can hear you when you touch the leaves and branches, or you can knock on the table twice, but you have to drop the bowl. Do you say that you can blame me? "

"But you shouldn't take a picture!" Silver Shadow said violently.

Ye Fei laughed and said, "Anyway, there are so many photos already. It doesn't matter if there are more photos. I'm doing this so that everyone can be more united."

"Unity ass, you just want to pit me, you shameless bastard."

"What you said is a bit serious, otherwise, let ’s let Jia Lan comment and see if I pit you or do you consciously. I have recorded our conversation recording. By the time No one wants to quibble. "


Yin Yingxia didn't expect that Ye Fei's routine in the cargo pit was a loop-by-loop. Just took a photo, followed by a video, and now a special recording. Brother, what other tricks do you have?

"Which one to kill?" Yin Yingxia came to the large freezer in depression, looking at the huge pile of species in the freezer, and asked weakly.

He was completely defeated by Ye Fei, and this **** was doing everything in order to pit people.

"Bear, didn't you just say that, you can taste a bear's paw braised for you." Ye Fei pointed at the huge black bear.

Yin Yingxia's face squeaked a few times, and said, "I don't eat, I won't eat anything you do in the future, it's all a pit in one bite."

"Are you sure? The bear's paw is delicious, much better than the lizard meat. It tastes sticky and fragrant in the mouth, and it's all soft and tender."

"... You eat me first."

"Hahaha, Xiaoyin, I know that you are a person who will not treat yourself. Rest assured, for a while we will share a bear paw and give Jialan three."

"... If he asked where did that go?"

Yin Yingxia said that I was not stupid. A bear Mingming had four claws. He brought him three. Where did the other go? How will I answer then?

Ye Fei casually said: "You think of it yourself."


"Anyway you don't eat me."

"You are a rogue."

"I have a cell phone."

Ye Fei smugly pulled out his mobile phone and made a gesture, and Yin Yingxia was stunned instantly.

"Don't talk nonsense, help quickly." Ye Fei urged.

In the end, Silver Shadow took the huge black bear out of the freezer, and when it was just resurrected, he cut it with his right hand.

With a bang, the bear's head fell off.

At this moment, he did not dare to throw the energy ball. This thing is not like a lizard. If the energy ball is blown out, the remaining half can be used. If the four bear paws are blown up, there will be no place to cry.

After the black bear died, Ye Fei cut the four bear's paws with a knife, and made a silver bead to chop the bear's paws. Ye Fei had done this before.

When they and the old Mo annihilated the Light Envoy, they found two bear paws in their warehouse, so they made a silver bead to pick them up, which made a few guys praise.

At this point, Ye Fei once again made a silver bead paw bear paw. This time there were three bear paws. Well, the other one directly caused Ye Fei and Yin Yingxia to eat it.

Silver Shadow Man is also now out. Anyway, no matter whether to eat or not, as long as the news leaks, he will be punished. It is better to taste something.

As a result, after the tasting, the product felt like everything was worth it, even if Jialan punished himself, because it was really delicious, the mouth was filled with glutinous soft meat, and the meat was warm and thick. The incense's breath is almost crazy.

Silver Shadow Man sent Silver Pearl to the bear's paw, and came back shortly after.

Ye Fei asked with a smile: "How's it? Jia Lan found it?"

Silver Shadow shook his head and said, "He didn't say."

"If you look, I said that if you want to eat good food, you have to be adventurous. Is everything worth it now?"

Silver Shadow Man stopped talking.

Then Ye Fei took the mammoth's nose down and made a cold elephant trunk. This dish is actually similar to the cold pork head meat. First, the elephant nose is braised and then cut into slices with garlic pepper oil. Stir it and serve it directly.

Immediately after that, Ye Fei asked Silver Shadow Man to kill the giant crocodile and made a roast dragon.

That's right, this product still remembers this food. The giant lizard just couldn't be grilled, so it was grilled directly with giant crocodiles.

There are only five dishes, and Ye Fei won't make it until the roasted giant crocodile is finished.

He believes that in the current form of Jialan, these five dishes should be enough for him to eat. After all, the amount of ingredients used in each dish is too large, and ordinary people may not be able to eat it for a month.

"Let's go and see what's going on?"

Ye Fei washed his hands and went to the front palace with Silver Shadow Man.

After coming to the palace in front, Ye Fei found that the cooked food Jia Lan didn't even eat, all of them were set on a huge table. Jia Lan sat on the chair next to her, and kept sniffing her nose and throat. It kept squirming up and down, but didn't eat.

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei asked puzzled.

Because this thing Silver Shadow didn't tell him just now, Leng Buding was a little strange to see this scene.

Jia Lan looked up at Ye Fei, and then looked at the five dishes on the table. Obviously he wanted to eat, but no one knew what was going on.

"I ... I'm afraid I won't eat the planet after I eat it," Jia Lan said.

Ye Fei: "..."

I trust, I just made you five dishes that did n’t allow you to eat the planet, but in the end you were still worried about it. What is there to worry about?

"I know what you are worried about, are you worried that if you cannot swallow the planet, you will not be able to gain energy?" Ye Fei asked with a smile.

Jialan nodded, he was used to getting the necessary energy from the planet, and now let him change the way of getting energy coldly, he was a little worried, and even he was worried that these things could give himself the necessary energy, if not It is definitely not a good thing for me to add that I am addicted to these foods.

"You can rest assured that in your current form, the main nutrition comes from these ordinary foods. Each of these foods contains nutrients needed by your body, so take this Wuyuan Dragon and Phoenix Soup. In other words, the protein and sugars and various trace elements in snake meat can be absorbed by your body, and then converted into your own energy. Just like us, we do n’t swallow stars, but we can also be powerful Get up, so you do n’t need to have so many scruples, and my friends and I are here. If you ca n’t get the energy you need from these foods, we have no good end. From this point, I also It's impossible to lie to you. "

Jia Lan glanced at Ye Fei again, then looked at the elf **** and Bingo next to him, and rolled her throat knot fiercely.

There was a grunt, and a swallowing sound was clearly transmitted into the ears of all the people in the palace, but none of them laughed, and everyone stared nervously at Jia Lan.

Whether he eats these five dishes or not, it is said that it is related to the lives of several people, and it is said that it is related to the lives of many people on the planet!

Things are so big that no one dares to joke.

Silver Shadow said at this time: "Jia Lan Shen, I can't give it a try. These foods smell good. If they can really get energy from such delicious food in the future, they think it is better than eating the planet. Some, not only can strengthen the gods, but also can taste different delicious, it can be said to serve two purposes. "

Ye Fei squinted at Silver Shadow Man, nodded with satisfaction, and said that Xunzi could teach.

In fact, he didn't understand the idea of ​​Yin Yingxia. Yin Yingxia was afraid that Jia Lan would not eat. After a while, Ye Fei would show him pictures of eating meat to prove that these foods were really delicious. Then he would thoroughly Hanging on the wall, so this guy hurried to talk first.

Jia Lan nodded and said: "It's not unreasonable what you said, so I will see if these ordinary foods can give me the energy I need."

With that said, Jia Lan reached out her hand and grabbed a piece of dragon meat. Ye Fei hurriedly stopped it.

"Jialan God, this way of eating is not in line with your identity. It is more civilized with chopsticks." Ye Fei handed a pair of chopsticks and said.

Jia Lan took the chopsticks, and ... then this product would not work.

That's right, although he has chopsticks in his kitchen, he has never used them, he has never entered the kitchen, how could he use chopsticks.

Holding chopsticks in his hand for a long time, at last, there was no piece of meat.

Qi Jialan directly chopsticks into powder, and then grab it.

Ye Fei didn't stop this time. People would not use chopsticks to grab it with their hands. Otherwise, how would they eat it?

Jia Lan went down and grabbed a lot of lizard meat, put it directly in her mouth, and started chewing.

Bone up?

Impossible, gods never spit out bones.

At the entrance of the lizard meat, Jia Lan's eyes widened instantly, and then looked at the pan of lizard meat inconceivably, and then looked at Ye Fei, his face showed a very comfortable expression.

"How?" Ye Fei asked.

Jia Lan nodded and said, "It has a completely different taste from the planet. It is soft and juicy. It has an unpleasant taste. It is indeed a different enjoyment, but this energy ..."

Ye Fei understands that the energy mentioned by Jia Lan is actually nutrition. Although he only made five dishes, the nutritional value of each of these five dishes is absolutely leveraged, because they are all game, pure game.

Everyone on the planet knows that the nutritional value of game products is much higher than that of artificial breeding or planting. This is why the price of wild things is ridiculous, mainly because of the nutritional value.

He believes that if the nutrition of these four dishes is eaten by ordinary people, they will definitely make up for the nose spray.

唧 唧 吧唧 ...

Jia Lan seems to be addicted. She has been grabbing the plate of lizard meat for just a few clicks. Then half of the giant lizard has entered Jia Lan's belly.

Ye Fei reminded in real time: "It may be a bit greasy to eat meat all the time. You can taste this Wuyuan Dragon and Phoenix Soup and believe that there will be new discoveries."

Jia Lan said nothing, raised the huge pot directly with one hand, and then mumbled into a soup.

As a result, as soon as the soup came into his mouth, Jia Lan immediately choked.

He had a basin in his hand, his eyes narrowed, and a mouthful of soup was not swallowed at all, but a fine taste.

This soup is really too classic. Wuhuan Longfeng Soup is itself a top-level nourishing soup, and it is not only a nutritional cream, but the key is that it tastes very good.

At the entrance of a soup, the creamy and pure aroma instantly occupied Jialan's mouth, making Jialan feel instantly that all the cells in his body were alive. He had an unprecedented sense of relaxation, such a sense of relaxation Make him shudder secretly.

"It's an incredible treat," Jia Lan said secretly.

But this kind of enjoyment can't be too obvious, but he is a **** and can't behave like a layman who hasn't seen the world.

Gurus ~

I swallowed a bite of soup, and then Jia Lan couldn't stop the car. Although he controlled himself very hard, he didn't stop, grunted ~ After touching the edge of the mouth and the basin, he never separated.

In one breath, Jia Lan drank half of the bowl of Wuyuan Dragon and Phoenix Soup directly, and then lowered the bowl. He stretched out his hand and fished out a piece of chicken. He threw it in his mouth and chewed it, and then spit it out again.

"This thing doesn't taste as good as this one," he said, pointing to the spit out chicken, and then to the soup in the bowl.

Ye Fei laughed: "Because the nutrients in the meat have completely entered the soup, soup is the essence of this cuisine."

Jia Lan heard a whistle, and he was going to take the bear's paw as soon as he changed hands. Ye Fei hurriedly stopped it again, and then came out with a small knife. He said, "The first thing to eat is to enjoy the paw, and the second is to taste. enjoy."

"What do you mean?" Jia Lan asked with a frown.

What visual enjoyment and taste enjoyment, explain the white point.

Ye Fei didn't speak, but gently stroked the bear's palm with the knife in his hand, and Jia Lan saw that as Ye Fei's knife passed, he saw a knife seam on the bear's palm, and this The slits were getting longer, and the cut part of the bear's paw began to valgus.

Suddenly, I saw the tender and fleshy white flesh exposed, and there was even a little bit of gravy leaking out of it. A warm smoke rushed out of the gap and went straight into Jialan's nostrils. .

"Um ~~"

Jia Lan sucked her nose fiercely, and then the whole person was calm.

If the Wuyuan Dragon and Phoenix Soup and the dragon lizard just made him amazing, then this silver bead paw bear's paw is amazing!

That's right, this dish Ye Fei has completely infiltrated the flavor of the ingredients into the bear's paw meat, and then blended with the bear's fat but not greasy meat flavor, even Jialan can't stand it.

"Perfect, really a perfect work of art." Jia Lan murmured in a low voice.

Although his voice was low, Ye Fei heard it. He just smiled and said, "If you taste it, you will find it more extraordinary."

Speaking, Ye Fei cut a small piece of bear paw with a knife, and said, "This food needs to be tasted carefully."

Jia Lan picked up this bear's paw meat with two fingers, and felt that the hand was very soft and smooth. The meat trembled slightly between her two fingers, soft and painful.

He couldn't wait any longer and put it directly into his mouth.

Just after the entrance, Jia Lan felt that the meat was gone, and instantly changed into a warm current. She slid directly into her belly along her throat, and then a warm feeling came out from her belly, making her whole body look like After the electricity is as wonderful.

The incredibly strong flavor of bear's paw meat stayed in the mouth for a long time, leaving Jialan almost lost.

"You are right, this is to enjoy life, this is to enjoy life." Jia Lan praised.

"What's this?" Jia Lan sighed and sighed at the bear's paw, pointing to the plate of mixed elephant trunk meat.

Ye Fei laughed: "Good thing, you can taste it."

Jialan pinched a piece of elephant trunk meat and put it in her mouth. As soon as she entered, Jialan almost spit it out. What kind of ghost smell? The tongue instantly loses consciousness.


He wanted to say if you were flickering at me?

But before I finished speaking, I felt a hot sensation from my tongue, and then there was a lingering fragrance in this hot sensation.


Jia Lan couldn't help but swear. He was a bit out of control. He didn't expect that the food was so interesting. The taste was very violent at first, but there was a rare tenderness in it. .

This is definitely a classic that seems contradictory but flawless!

He chewed again, and felt that the trunk meat was soft and hard, and hard and soft.

"Why did I suddenly fall in love with this feeling?" Jia Lan said.

Yes, he fell in love with this feeling at first sight!

Immediately after tearing off a giant crocodile leg, he ate nothing but praise.

Jia Lan was eating, and several people watched quietly, especially Silver Shadow Man. There was a bit of fear in this heart. He was afraid that Jia Lan would be bad if he remembered to ask bear paw for a while.

Fortunately, Jia Lan did not ask until all five dishes were eaten, which made Yin Yingxia quietly relieved.

After eating five dishes, Jia Lan felt his stomach contentedly, and he was a bit full.

A giant snake, three old hens, half a monitor lizard, a huge elephant trunk, and three huge bear paws, a giant crocodile, which together add up to more than a kilogram, so that all of this goods are killed .

Ye Fei found that even if Jia Lan didn't swallow the planet and switched to eating ordinary food, his men were suffocating, because every time cooking was a hassle, too much.

After eating and drinking, Jia Lan sat there for a while.

Ye Fei took the opportunity to say: "Jia Lan Shen, are you still satisfied?"

Jia Lan nodded and said, "It's okay."

"Then let us go to Sauron?"

"Wait a while, I need to see if these foods can provide me with the necessary energy."

"how to prove?"

There was no snoring, but Jia Lan directly stretched out a large hand, and then everyone felt instantly dizzy. They saw that Jia Lan's big hand started to grow slowly, and finally changed shape, like a nebula. Here, In the middle of the nebula, a huge incomparable mouth kept open and closed.

Huh ~

After a while, Jia Lan closed her hands back and laughed, "Okay, good. I didn't expect that these ordinary foods provided me with more energy than the planet!"

That's right, at that moment Jialan was amazingly aware that these ordinary foods provided him with more energy than he could get from swallowing the planet, which is absolutely unexpected.

Jian Jialan was satisfied, and Ye Fei once again mentioned the matter of looking for Sauron.

Jia Lan smiled, then beckoned, and saw the red shift appear instantly, then there were two more people in the hand, a middle-aged person and a child about ten years old.

At this point, the two were completely stunned, and it took a long time before they reacted.

After the child woke up, he saw Ye Fei at a glance. He couldn't believe it, then rubbed his eyes and looked again, and found that it was Ye Fei.

"Dad, is there something wrong with my eyes? How did I see Ye Shen?" Sauron asked the father next to him inconceivably.

His father froze for a long time before he said, "Child, you read that right, it is Ye Shen."

"Really ?!"



Little Sauron jumped Lao Gao excitedly, then ran his legs and ran towards Ye Fei, and in front of Ye Fei, rushed into Ye Fei's arms, crying loudly.

"Ye God, I finally saw you. I thought I was dreaming. I'm so happy. I have no regrets even if I am killed, oh ..."

Ye Fei didn't expect Jia Lan to handle things so easily, he even found Sauron and his son directly.

Looking at Sauron who was crying in his arms, Ye Fei didn't feel it. After all, this is a ten-year-old child, but he has to face endless star wars all the time. His life, which means that this is a little angel wandering on the edge of death.

He is only ten years old and he should not live such a life.

"Okay, don't cry, the child is not cute when he cries." Ye Fei stroked Sauron's head and said with a smile.

Then he looked at Jia Lan and said, "Thank you."

Garanhaha laughed: "Don't worry about me, I still have the conditions. In the future, you will cook four dishes for me every so often. I will let Xiaoyin pick it up."

Silver Shadow: "..."

The goods looked at Jia Lan strangely.

Jia Lan gave him a glance and said, "Don't think that you did something in the kitchen. I don't know the photos and videos are good, but you laugh really good, you have to laugh a lot in the future, when you visit the earth That girl, if I can bring her back, I will give her a second life. "

Silver Shadow: "..."

After the reaction ~ ~ Yinyingxia took the initiative to get off the surfboard, and then kneeled straight down to Jia Lan.

"Thanks, god!"

Jia Lan waved her hand and said, "You have the longest time with me. This is what you deserve. Go, you go back to the earth with them. When you come back, you will bring me the eye drops back. My eyes though I don't know what's going on and I don't feel sore anymore, but I also need to prevent future recurrence. "

After speaking, Jia Lan squinted Ye Fei, he always felt that the goods were weird. As soon as Mao had left the goods, he felt relieved?

"You can go back, with Xiaoyin following, at least no one dares to intercept you in the seventh universe."

In the end, it had to be said that Jia Lan did enough for his men. Ye Fei was a little moved. He clenched his fists and said, "Thank you."

Then Ye Fei touched the little Sauron in his arms and said, "Let's go, let's go home."


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