The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1707: angry!

The whole Pearl Island is in chaos.

No one knows where these people came from.

No one knows which country or planet these people belong to.

Everyone just knows that these people are too powerful.

Especially the big green man and the red-armor man in the sky are powerful and desperate.

The people who can stay as Ye Fei's bodyguards are the elites of each planet, but even then these people are seriously injured at this time, especially the interstellar bodyguards who rush to the green big man, just like moths fling fire It didn't help much at all, and the weapon in his hand hit the green man with no harm.

The big green man is different. He will definitely have two or three interstellar bodyguards flying out when he takes a shot. Some are seriously injured and some are directly killed.

The man in the red armor in the air is even more horrible. He has been floating in the air. His armor is obviously very strong in defense ability. It can withstand the attack of the weapon in the hand of the interstellar bodyguard. After being hit by the light beam, everyone will fly ash instantly.

In just a blink of an eye, the interstellar bodyguards were killed by more than ten people.

The two people in the gray and black armor behind the red armor also kept firing down at this time. Their weapons were obviously not as powerful as those in the red armor, but the firing density was very strong, and some interstellar bodyguards were not shot once. Die, but the next is the second and the third, until it is killed.

Howl ~~

Suddenly, there was a loud roar in the distance, and then a steel giant descended from the sky and slammed a punch directly at the big green man who was in power.

The big green man didn't expect that a strong man suddenly appeared in front of him, and one didn't notice, and was hit directly into the South China Sea by a punch of Ferris.

But before waiting for Ferris to turn around to deal with others, he saw that the big green man rushed straight out of the South China Sea, and his huge fist smashed into Ferris.

The skyscraper raised his fist and greeted him. The fists of the two bumped into each other. The skyscraper stepped back three or four steps before it stopped. The big green man just shook his body.

Just a face-to-face, the skyscraper knew that his strength was not as big as this big green man, but what happened? Even if you die here, you must not let these people wild on the island.

I asked to stay, and the days I followed Ye Fei were the happiest and happiest days in my life. It was the warmest day to be with these soldiers on the earth. I like it here and I love these people. Now Lao Mo is dead, 2003 is dead, and 05 is dead. He ca n’t help but avenge them, and he ca n’t remain indifferent.

Death is not terrible, terrible death is meaningless.

To Ferris, his meaning is to help revenge these friends!

"Hello ~~"

The skyscraper yelled again and rushed directly to the big green man. As he approached him, his hands turned into two torches, and he hit the green man.

Boom ~

Two muffled sounds, and two fist-sized bullets hit the big green man's chest directly.

The big green man was hit again and flew out.

It was just before he landed on the ground, the skyscraper was up, and the people were still in the air. The left and right torches were again aimed at the falling green man. As long as he launched the attack again, he could n’t kill the green man. At least it can make him hurt.

But before he opened fire, he suddenly felt a pain in his back, and immediately fell into the South China Sea with a skyscraper.

The red armor glanced at the skyscraper in the South China Sea, snorted coldly, and then turned to join the battle group.

Storm Dust's eyes were red. He did not expect that he would experience such a war on Earth one day. This war could be compared with the war on a cruel planet.

The red-eyed storm dust saw that the skyscraper was directly hit by the man in the red armor into the South China Sea. He yelled, his body leaped high, and his two ankles in the red armor were caught directly from behind with his hands. Tighten the opponent directly in half.

But at this moment, the two gray and black armored men aimed the fire at him all at once, and then the dense flame almost covered his body.

Storm Dust's body is very strong, but after all, he can't hold such a dense firepower, and the opponent's bullet is obviously not an ordinary bullet, and has a very strong penetrating power.

Uh ...

For a moment, Storm Dust's body was sieved directly, his hands loosened the ankles of the red armor, and then fell sharply from the air toward the ground.

Baochen's eyes were wide open. He looked over the sky. There seemed to be a star flashing there, like his hometown.

"Burger dust !!!" Zero Ling yelled.

He hates it now.

He hated himself for not having the special abilities of these people.

He hated why he couldn't handle these criminals.

Shouting a storm of dust, the gun in the hand of 2001 was directed at the red armor in the air, which was a swipe, but his bullet hit the opponent without any harm.

On the contrary, a red armour's right hand was lifted, and a beam of light hit him. There was no chance of screaming, and it disappeared directly from the place.

Several people in 2002 and 2004 were completely violent, but their riots did not help much to reverse the situation on the battlefield.

One by one, in resignation and anger, bid farewell to this world that he once loved.


Northeast Sea.

At this time, the big brothers had already known the situation here, and a decided order arrived in various places instantly, and then countless fighters soared into the sky and flew to Zhuguang Island.

At the same time, a call was made to Solova's office.

"Excessive." A deep voice came.

Solova sneered, and said, "You don't know our current situation. Ye Fei has emptied the rice country. This is our only chance."

"You are playing with fire."

"You Huaxia have a saying," Wealth in wealth insurance, don't you? "

"I've heard that you are studying some mutants in the dark, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"It's just some tools. We don't want to let them show up or let others know. Just like a while ago, we would rather have Ye Fei destroy those aliens or let him know that these people exist. This is ours. Hole card. "

"Are you sure you can win this time?"

"Ordinary soldiers are vulnerable in front of them. Even the interstellar bodyguards will not be opponents. I ca n’t find a reason to lose again, and there is no clue in them. You ca n’t take us. Do it, the truth will fall on our side. "


The call hangs up.

Solova sneered a few times and said, "Ye Fei, all this is what you forced me to do, or it was my previous sentence, we could have been friends. Unfortunately, you will never see it again after you return. The existence of Pearl Island. "

Buzz ...

Countless fighters appeared over the Pearl Island shortly afterwards, but the problem arose. Most of the people fighting below were Ye Fei, with only seven or eight people on the other side. They did not dare to launch an attack at all.

At the same time, a warship appeared on the sea, and all their weapons were aimed at Pearl Island, but their concerns are the same as those of the Air Force, waiting for this opportunity or order.

The Northeast Sea fell into silence.

No one dared to issue this attack order, because it related to the lives of hundreds of people, and it was an alien elite.

"How to do?"

The superiors have never encountered such troublesome problems.

This war is too special. It is not like a normal battle at all. The ordinary battle between the enemy and us is very obvious, just open fire.

Now there are also people on the opposite side, and they are the elites of countless planets. The key is that these people are still on their own side. You can't attack at all.

"Why Ye Fei hasn't returned yet?" Said an old man.

An old man in a black sun suit said to him: "He is said to be fierce and ill-fated on this trip, and whether he can successfully find him, the guest is saying, let alone coming back so soon."

"This kid is the same, just a guest. As for being so concerned? What can happen if the planet is in war, even if he passes? Can he prevent the war from failing?"

"This kid is really disturbing. I've never seen such a shy guy."

"I believe these Star Warriors should inform their respective planets of their situation. Since Ye Fei cannot return so quickly, and we have no chance to attack, we have to wait for the Star Alliance to come soon."

"Only so."

A dead end.

On Pearl Island.

The dark night sky was illuminated by rays of light.

Stained red with drops of blood.

An entire **** smell on Pearl Island permeates the boundless night sky.

Ga ~~

In the disturbed woods, countless birds fled into the night and did not know where they would find a place to rest on the vast sea.

啾啾 ~~

A native animal on the island ran out in horror. They ran back and forth on the island. They didn't know where they were going. They only knew to leave here quickly, but the sea was around them. They could only be in place. It kept turning, then was hit by stray bullets and died.

Pearl Island is like a hell.

Howl ~~

Suddenly, a roar came from the South China Sea, and then the skyscraper rushed out of the sea, except that half of his body was rotten, revealing the intricate lines and small parts inside.

He was hurt so badly that he felt that his half of his body had been completely abolished, and even after repairing it would not be as flexible as before.

What is that man ’s weapon? The power is incredible.

But after all, I can't hide in the South China Sea, I have to go out, even if I die, I will die on the island, because there are many brothers on it, standing and standing when alive, lying on the ground when dead .

So when his body was slightly moving, he rushed out of the sea without hesitation.

Roar roar

Three roars followed the roar of the skyscraper, and three huge figures rushed out of the South China Sea, shaking their sturdy bodies in the air, and then landed on the beach and quickly moved towards the battlefield.

The three lightning pythons, like the spirited rhinoceros, rushed into the battlefield and killed the green big man directly. The lightning on their bodies flickered, and the sparks along the way brought lightning.

In front of them, the speed of Ferris's tall and torn body has not slowed down, which may be his last strength.

Rushing towards the big green man, the right hand of the skyscraper was facing the big green man. Following this huge bullet, the right hand of the maneuver became an iron fist, and it smashed towards the big green man's chest. past.

His speed this time was incredible, and even his fist surpassed the bullets he had hit himself.

Bang ~~

In the end, the fist of the skyscraper and the bullet he hit hit the giant giant's chest almost at the same time.

The big green man's hit body flew up and smashed towards the metal arm behind him.

While the Green Giant was in the air, the three Lightning Pythons emptied directly into the air, entangled the big green man in the air.

One wrapped around the big green man's arms, one wrapped around his waist, and one wrapped around his legs. The green big man instantly became one.

Boom ~

The big green man's hands and feet couldn't move, so he smashed straight at the man with the metal arms.

But when he was about to smash, I saw the metal arm of the metal arm man stretched out and pushed directly on the green big man, and the green big man fell towards the side.

"go away!"

The big green man who fell on the ground with his arms, tore apart the lightning python wrapped around his arm, was torn apart, and his body was scattered everywhere.

The hands were able to move, and the big green man directly grasped the lightning python around his waist, and instantly tore it into several segments, followed by the one wrapped around his feet.

It can be said that the three lightning pythons were torn into more than twenty sections by the big green man, and one section of the corpse was nowhere to be found.

"You're staring here, I'm looking for something," said the man holding the shield.

Several others nodded.

The Shield Man looked around, and ran towards the place where Ye Fei, who had the lights on, ran quickly.

It was just that he had just stepped forward, and saw a person about five meters tall coming out from the light.

After seeing this person, the shield man was startled, because this person was too ugly.

A long face, pale and bloodless under the light, a long scarlet tongue in sharp contrast to the complexion, this tongue can be pulled to the chest, one arm is almost where the legs are bent, the other hand A metal stick against the thickness of the arm on the shoulder.

"Who?" The shield man warned.

Hanging the ghost with a smile, said: "No army, fast planet man, this road is nowhere!"

"Get away!"

"court death!"

Wujun grabbed the metal stick with both hands and smashed towards the shield man.

Don't look at his very tall people, but his speed is very fast, he doesn't give the shield man time to react at all.

The shield man couldn't help it by holding up his shield.

Click ~

The metal stick in Wujun's hand smashed the opponent's shield fiercely, and when he saw Mars blasting, he directly knocked the shield man out and flew out.

When the shield man stood still, looking down at his shield, two cracks appeared.

This is absolutely unthinkable. How sturdy his shield is, he knows better than anyone. There has never been a crack. Today is the first time, and he was beaten by a stick.

"So strong!" Shield male.

Wujun hit the flying shield man with a club and strode over.

The Shield Man gritted his teeth, but still didn't dare to come over again. He knew that the big man on the opposite side was too strong, and his strength would never be much smaller than that of Green Man.

"Big man, this person is over to you." The Shield Man shouted.

The big green man who had just opened three Lightning Pythons jumped out of the crowd and landed in front of Wujun, punching him.

Wujun didn't dodge at all, and the big stick in his hand swept past the green big man's waist. This is completely a way of playing all together.

But he hadn't waited for his big stick to fall on the big green man's waist. Suddenly the red armor in the air raised his hand towards him and there was a beam of light. In this beam, a huge golden bullet flew towards the army's chest Come over.

No matter it is a beam or a bullet, as long as it falls on the body of the army, the army is absolutely dead.

Wu Jun didn't expect this person to be so fast in the air ~ ~ At this time, he had no time to hide, and could only watch the beam of light hit his chest.

Uh ~

When 啷 ~

Just when the beam and bullets were almost stuck to his chest, it suddenly appeared that the beam was like a stream of water hitting an iron plate, blocked by fire.

And the huge golden bullet also hit the front of it, making a loud noise, and it even deformed and fell to the ground.

This time, not only the red armor in the air froze, but even the army was choked. Even the big green man was choked.

Especially the red armor, he knows what the power of his bullets and beams is. It can be said that there is almost nothing on the earth that can be blocked, but what is going on?

He was wondering, and suddenly saw something shining with light that cut through the dark night, then penetrated his armor, and stuck it on his chest fiercely ...

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