The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1821: I never said to be friends with them

Chapter 1814: I Never Say I Want To Be Friends With Them

Ye Fei is just like this.

Now these people from the Fifth Universe come here to make troubles. Although they are really strong one by one, Ye Fei really doesn't look at them.

He has his biggest reliance.

The golden light emitted by the big axe of unknown origin when it did not absorb the Diamond Mountain, the bow and the chopper was already strong, and the elven gods more than a dozen demigods couldn't resist it.

Even if these people in the Fifth Universe are even more powerful, he really doesn't believe that someone can be stronger than more than a dozen demigods, because Jia Lan dare not say that they can cope. If these people can really withstand it, then I surrendered September directly without having to play.

It just made him think that these people would fight each other by themselves, so they have saved themselves a lot of troubles, persuade them? It's impossible at all. Ye Fei couldn't wait for all these people to die.

Ye Fei has never been sympathetic to anyone who is in trouble.

Therefore, when a group of Elven Gods watched the movie, Ye Fei provided not only watermelons, but also seeds, and he slowly watched them while holding seeds.

On the opposite side, a group of people in the Fifth Universe have completely disrupted the situation. None of them have associates. They all do it on their own. They will fight whoever they see, and at the same time, they must prevent others from sneaking in.

This style of play looks very lively, but it is definitely the most tiring.

Especially the old man Bai Ye, although other people will also attack each other, but most of the attacks still fell on him, the overwhelming light enveloped him, and in the end there was no way, he threw a ceramic jar He came out and then hid directly.

Do not hide, the attacks around are crazy.

Seeing Bai Ye hiding in a jar, Red Scale attacked the black ape, and at the same time, a red cricket came out in his hand, and tangled towards the jar.

I just hadn't waited for her to come in, and suddenly a golden light rushed over and hit the ceramic jar directly, making a clear and sweet sound, and then I saw the ceramic jar tremble, and Bai Ye jumped from the inside trembling. Come out.

As soon as he jumped out, he saw a dozen sharp blades stab at him.

The dragons are fighting, the pythons are tangled up.

From time to time, a scream came out, and the life of a strong man came to an end.

Ye Fei just looked at it coldly, his heart was as calm as water.

Jia Lan looked at melon seeds with no expression on her face, and no one knew what he was thinking.

The tyrant messenger group was watching and commenting.

"It's almost fast, the old man is about to hang up."

"Hidden everything? Okay."

"That woman's dying, a little bit embarrassed. I can't last for three minutes."

"Look at it, look at it. The hook went in. After the ball, the woman's was not saved."

"The man in white is very strong. If it were against me, I might not win him."

These guys are like review experts.

There is chaos on Zhuguang Island, and the surrounding sea water has boiled. Countless treasures fell into the South China Sea after being blown up in the air, setting off a huge wave.

Three lightning pythons ran back and forth scaredly inside, but no matter where they went, it felt unsafe. The last three guys ran out of the water to hide behind Ye Fei and went.

Northeast Sea of ​​Kyoto.

The gang of bosses was completely speechless, sitting one by one with their heads down, and didn't know what they were thinking about.

But one thing is for sure, they are all in vain.

"Ah ~" Suddenly, an old man sighed and broke the quietness of the conference room.

"What's wrong? Old clock."

"What's going on? What about Pearl Island? It's such a big place. It's more lively than the Middle East, and our reconnaissance plane can't fly forward. Comrade Mo Ling's news can't come out. Now, we are obscured with two eyes and we don't understand anything. "

"Oh, this kind of thing is useless in your anxiety, you can only wait to see the situation after the Pearl Island is too peaceful."

"Ye Fei is also like this. Shouldn't you say something like this when a big thing happened? Until now I haven't put a fart."

"What about putting one? We are powerless at this level of war. The more we know, the more we worry about him?"

"But we are going to do something after all."


The superior looked at the gang of discussions. In fact, his mood was more depressed than anyone else. He didn't expect that Yefei ’s Zhuguang Island was so lively these two days. Yesterday was a golden light soaring into the sky. As a result, around Zhuguang Island The provinces and several countries have all been ravaged and almost destroyed, and it must have been Ye Fei who restored them to the mighty.

But today, there is no golden light, but a colorful light appears, and each light is completely clear, and looks very powerful.

As for the situation on Pearl Island, we don't know, we dare not ask.

The point is to ask and don't know who to ask.

"Although I don't know what the situation is, but from some data we have detected around the island, there is huge energy fluctuations on the island. I heard Mr. Xing said that these energy should obviously be controlled by others, otherwise Speaking of Huaxia, it is estimated that the entire earth can be destroyed several times. This should be the expert that Ye Fei is sitting in, but even if this is the case, we cannot continue this way. If the scene gets out of control, then the disaster on Pearl Island will be It has a global reach, so we must now get in touch with other countries, tell them the importance of things, and be fully prepared. "The superior said.

Xing Lao nodded his head and said, "I agree, especially the western powers. Now I can no longer stand by and watch the liveliness. The earth is alive, everyone has a responsibility."

"I also agree that it is time to bring the nations on the planet together, otherwise a piece of loose sand will not be able to fight these unknown forces at all."

"It is recommended to start a video conference for global leaders to have a deep discussion on this matter."

This is definitely the most advanced video conference in the world, and the initiator of the conference is the Huaxia superior.

At this time, there were countless small videos on a huge wall of the office. Each video contained the masters of a country, all of them were serious.

"Everyone, I think the situation in China is already known to some countries through satellites. Probably, right now, there are two waves of abnormal energy fluctuations on Ye Fei's island, which are very destructive. To control, but once out of control, the consequences of the entire planet are unthinkable. "Huaxia superior said.

The Queen of Eagles said: "Even if you don't call for this video conference, we will go to Huaxia to find out. The information we got says that things are far worse than what you said."

"Energy fluctuations? If I didn't guess wrong, an island in our country almost subsided yesterday. Should it be related to this energy?"

"An island in our country almost disappeared."

"The two islands you said are the same. Now let's discuss the big things that are related to global security. Let's talk about such small things later."

"Oh, our country's territory is almost one less. This is a small thing? If this is also a small thing, I don't know what else is a big thing for the people of our country."

"Yes, the land will disappear unknowingly. Is there anything bigger than that?"

Emperor Elros said at this time: "It is pointless for you to discuss this right now. In the face of the world, it is not that I look down on the two of you, your territory is not worth mentioning. Now I still listen to the Chinese superior to say what he thinks. "


Emperor Elros was already very strong, and at this time it became even more prominent, and he was directly enlightened in front of the superiors of all countries in the world.

Not to mention, no one dares to oppose such a statement. He knows that the fighting nation of Erros is absolutely everything. He said that your territory is not worth mentioning, it is not worth mentioning, and you dare to refute it. Fuck you.

The Huaxia superior smiled. In fact, his heart was a little disappointed. He did not expect that this time had come. There are still people talking about things in a single country. This is a big picture. The country led by the superior. At best, it is only able to stabilize life. It is impossible to develop rapidly.

But now he also knows that he is not concerned about such trivial matters, and then Emperor Erros said: "Then we will talk about these two waves of energy. First of all, these two waves of energy are very strong, which is impossible with our current technological level. Detect how it is released. The second and second waves of energy are very destructive. No matter what they are, they can be easily destroyed. The third is that the influence of these two waves of energy is very wide. The neighbors should already know, and this second wave I can tell you clearly that Ye Fei invited the powerful to help control it, otherwise ... "

"I have called you together, but the purpose is very clear. That is to hope that all countries can take out the strongest forces and be fully prepared. Even if we cannot resist external attacks and destruction, we must at least persist for a while and give Ye Fei and his friends have exchanged precious time. Do n’t you have any objections? "

The superiors did not drag their feet at all. After speaking their ideas, the conference room was quiet for a while. The country first expressed its support, followed by the eagles, Erlos, and the country. All the leaders of the major powers in the world were all Agree with this approach, other small countries followed suit and began to agree.

It's just that their hearts are very depressed, because this global joint operation is not the first time, and it has been done once before. Many countries have never withdrawn their troops at all. They have always been in high intensity. It's prevention, this time just happens to come in handy.

They had a video conference here, and the battle on Pearl Island was almost at an end.

Such a powerful fight, it is impossible to hesitate for a long time, many times only need a move to be able to separate the winner and lose the opponent.

There are only two people who can stand on the battlefield. One is a black ape with a double hook, and the other is the old man Bai Ye. This guy is really strong. So many people besieged him. In the end, he can survive. From this point he counted among the group.

"Black ape, do n’t fight anymore. Now we are the only two of us. Even if we fight, some people will die, or they may all die together. This is not the result I want to see. As long as we surrender now, I believe Ye Feihui will Let ’s go back to the Fifth Universe. At this time, there are many gates that are already headless. We can join them together so that the two of us can quickly grow even if we do n’t get the space-time ball. How about Bai Ye panting? He was full of blood.

The Black Ape thought for a while, nodded, and said, "I have the same idea. The resources of other schools have been enough for our two schools to develop for some time."

"Yes, let's explain to Ye Fei right now. We are willing to be his captive. I just hope he can open up."


With that said, the two came over to Ye Fei.

"It is a blessing for the black ape monarch to understand. In the future, our two doors will be allies, help each other, and make progress together." Bai Ye smiled and said.

The black ape also laughed: "Being able to form an ally with your Emmanuel Zongzong, our Tiangou Zong is also here to stay, please."

The two men walked side by side, and as they walked, they saw Ye Fei's side, and saw that Bai Ye suddenly swept across the black ape with the sword in his hand, and at the same time, the tile in his hand The cans flew into the sky and shrouded towards the black apes.

It just made him think that the black ape was faster than him. When his sword was half-finished, the black ape's hook was already hooked on his left shoulder, and then he pulled back fiercely, Bai Ye With a scream, the entire left arm was disengaged from the body.

At the same time, the black ape's body flickered, and from behind him a huge black ape monkey appeared, punching it in the direction of the earthen jar.

The earthen jar was paused by a black ape in the air, and then flew back to Bai Ye's hand.

"You ... shameless!"

"You are so despicable!"

Both Bai Ye and Black Ape were furious.

Bai Ye thinks very well. He knows that his current situation is not a black ape's opponent at all, so he wants to stabilize the opponent first, and then take the opportunity to kill the other, so that he can take all these martial arts after returning In this way, their Emperor Emperor Sect is bound to enter the ranks of the fifth universe.

But he didn't expect the black ape to think the same way, and he started it earlier than him.

The two looked at each other with anger, eyes were about to get angry.

Ye Fei's gang again: "..."

Everyone is a little bit speechless ~ ~ It's amazing to say that the power of the Fifth Universe is really amazing. This kind of thing is still unclear.

"Ahem, it's embarrassing to look at this scene." The elf **** said suddenly with a smile.

Bingo also held the seeds and said, "The fox has met a wolf."

Druckside pinched his teeth, and said, "Both of them ... Shame are so shameless, who dares to be friends with them? Well said, and then turned around and started to be a black hand. It's too shameless, Ye Shen, I suggest that both of them should be removed, and the risk factor is too great. "

Zaya also nodded: "I have never seen such a despicable guy, my brother is right, Ye Shen, this is a pair of white-eyed wolves, who can't feed."

At the same time, the gang of tyrant messengers also looked at Ye Fei. Now the situation on the battlefield can no longer attract them, and they all want to see how Ye Fei handles it.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "I never said I would be friends with them."

(End of this chapter)

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