The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 648: Uncle Ye? Brother Ye? Uncle Ye! (3

Ye Fei saw that the door of his farmhouse had been opened and thought that a thief had come. But when he ran back to see it, he found that the peerless pheasant was leaning on the back of a blue sports car like a goddess in a blue dress. , Smoking a touching smoke.

Seeing the emergence of the peerless pheasant, Ye Fei knew that Yao Xiaoming's guest quota would surely have snatched up his superb mother.

As a result, another word from the peerless pheasant, Yao Xiaoming came.

Is Yao Xiaoming here?

Ye Yefei just looked around and didn't see anyone. What about people?

Just when Ye Fei was wondering, a miserable dog bark suddenly came from the direction of the pond, and then a little child rushed out of the grass near the pond, and the little child jumped to this side while jumping Running, while dancing with the stick in his hand, he also yelled, "Mom, help, that's a bitch."

Ye Fei and Shan Cannon are not all guns, bitches? What bitch?

However, Ye Fei reacted quickly after all. He remembered the place where this little guy rushed out was the position of the golden retriever who gave birth to five puppies yesterday. Isn't the golden retriever just a bitch?

"Shit, this little **** ... isn't this little guy going to toss the golden retriever?" Ye Fei looked at the little fart running towards this side, said.

The little skin under his feet saw the child running to this side. This little guy was even more frightened. He couldn't help it anymore. He hugged Ye Fei's ankle and pissed.

Ye Yefei: "........."

He felt the warmth of his ankle and neck, and when he looked down, he found that Pippi looked up at him pitifully, staring at him, and then at his feet ...

"Nima, Xiaopi, get away!"

Ye Yefei is really about to jump up. I don't care if you pee, but you can't hold my leg for a while. Although my brother's shoes are cottage, but ... but the cottage doesn't need money? High imitation is also expensive, okay?

Ye Xiaopi was kicked all the way by Ye Fei. As a result, the guy got up from the ground, ran back again, and hugged Ye Fei's ankle again.

Ye Yefei, this helplessness, isn't Lord Yan come, are you so?

Yao Xiaoming ran to this side. He just ran out of the grass five or six meters away. Several people saw the grass rushing out of it, and another golden figure rushed out towards Yao Xiaoming. Chased after him.

Several people:"……….."

"Asshole!" Fan Er, the goddess of the peerless pheasant, was also lost, and ran in scary high-heeled sandals.

Ye Fei couldn't feel the pain in her body either, she was crazy ......... She rushed over with a small skin hanging on her ankle.

It is said that the people ’s mountain cannon is not a panic when it encounters danger. People do things that often pass by the danger. I saw that he pulled the gun from his waist without hesitation and then held the gun in his left hand. He aimed at the golden retriever behind Yao Xiaoming, and shot at the next moment.

Ye Yefei turned her head and hurriedly shouted, "Don't shoot, your own ... no, your own dog!"

He was really afraid that the cannon was not excited when the golden retriever was killed. There are still five puppies over there. If the golden retriever hangs, the newly born puppies will not be able to feed themselves. Maybe they will die later.

The Laoshan Cannon was not drawn at the corner of the cannon. Looking at Ye Fei and the peerless pheasant running forward, he lowered his gun and ran behind.

The golden retriever barked while chasing Yao Xiaoming, and he could see that he was really angry.

Yao Xiaoming is scared and urinating. He runs forward, his two short legs pounding on the ground.

Alas, even if he used the power of feeding, he could not have the speed of the golden retriever.

Just after running a distance of seven or eight meters, the golden retriever behind him caught up with this guy, and then flung forward and pressed Yao Xiaoming directly to the ground, followed by a big mouth, biting down towards Yao Xiaoming. .

Yao Xiaoming was so scared that he cried. Don't look at this little guy who can get eggs every day, but he is a kid after all, watching the big mouth bitten by the golden retriever, it's strange to not cry.

"Ahhhh, don't bite me, I will give you money !!!"

Ye Yefei rushed to the place and heard Yao Xiaoming's words. As a result, his legs were soft and he almost lay on the ground.

This **** is scared, right? Don't bite me, I give you money? It ’s a hairy thing to give it money, even if you give him gold bars, it ’s a dog! I do n’t know how to spend money.

Squinting at the golden retriever's mouth is about to bite Yao Xiaoming, Ye Fei roared: "Get away!"

绝 And the peerless pheasant also came over.

I have to say that motherly love is the greatest love in the world, and it can fully inspire a woman's infinite potential.

Seeing Yao Xiaoming was in danger, the peerless pheasant ran at a speed of 100 meters in high heels, which made Ye Fei curious that she couldn't wait to lie down to take Lin Jiani's shoes on the ground and take a look to see if they were running shoes. .

I did n’t care about so many pheasants, came to the golden retriever, and kicked them with one kick.

The golden retriever stopped when he saw Ye Fei, because he knew Ye Fei, this is the person who gave his dog food, and it was super delicious dog food. When I think of that dog food, I really miss this dog what.

It stopped, and the feet of the peerless pheasant fell on it.

The heels of the high heels are very sharp. When you go down, the golden retriever makes a weeping noise and jumps back to run.

Then the peerless pheasant pulled out Yao Xiaoming and pulled it directly behind him.

Yao Xiaoming ... The bear child was completely frightened, and clenched Lin Jiani's legs tightly with both hands. He did not let go of life or death, and then slowly slid down .... Slid down .... Plopped and sat on the ground again .

He was sitting on the ground. He didn't expect that he was holding his mother's leg. As a result ... Lin Jiani's dress was almost torn off by the bear child.

Seeing that the **** his shoulder fell down, Lin Jiani quickly grabbed it, then grabbed Yao Xiaoming again, twisted the little guy's ear, and said, "What's the matter with you? Didn't you look at the little ones? Did the dog go? How could a good dog chase you? "

Yao Xiaoming was skinny enough, and Lin Jiani twisted her ears. At this time, she started to smile hippie, with a pair of big dark eyes murmuring, excited: "Mom, I have seen those puppies, I see When they were lying on this big dog's belly to feed, I also wanted to touch it. As soon as I touched it, the big dog jumped up and started biting me. "

Lin Jiani: "........."

Ye Yefei: "... …… .."

Sheshan Cannon is not a cannon: "……… .."

Emma, ​​this **** ... it's a personal talent!

What's wrong with you? Why do you have to touch someone's place? Don't you know that the **** who just gave birth to a puppy is the most cruel? This is because your kid is running fast. If it is slower, you will go to the hospital now.

Yao Xiaoming just finished speaking, this guy saw Xiaopi again, then picked up his stick from the ground, and chased Xiaopi with a smile.

Xiao Xiaopi: "……… .."

"Your uncle !!"

This article saw that the little fart who was holding himself with a stick and started chasing himself again, the little boy hurried in the direction of the golden retriever and ran over.

Yao Xiaoming: "........."

"Give me back!"

Xiao Xiaopi: "... the neuropathy is only going back."

Ye Yefei looked at Yao Xiaoming like Nezhe who was tumbling across the river. A few of them shook their heads silently. This Nima is too young to be able to toss.

Ye Yefei now knows that this boy is tossing himself about something that is nothing to do with it, it ’s all pediatrics.

Seeing that Xiaopi also ran away, Yao Xiaoming threw the stick as if he saw Ye Fei, rushed to Ye Fei, and then hugged Ye Fei's thigh, excitedly, "Ye Ye."

Ye Yefei: "........."

货 The face of this product almost turned into coal.

Uncle Ye?

Your uncle!

孩子 This child talks too much, who is your uncle? Does your eye see me as your uncle? Can you speak?

This Nima is just a kid.

I looked at the constipation of Ye Fei's face, and the tears of the mountain cannon and the peerless pheasant's smile came out.

Yao Xiaoming blinked at Ye Fei, then he smiled and said, "Brother Ye."

Ye Yefei: "... …… .."

Uncle Ye, it ’s not yet uncle Ye. Uncle Ye is at least equal to your parents. I have to call your mother your sister-in-law, Brother Ye.

The smashed chicken slaps on Yao Xiaoming's head: "If you make any more noise, I will send you back."

Yao Xiaoming shrinks his neck in a horror and hurries to change his tongue: "Uncle Ye."

Ye Fei knew this, this little **** was intentional just now. What's Ye Ye, Brother Ye, wouldn't it be nice to call Uncle Ye earlier?

Although Yao Xiaoming is a bit fucked, Ye Fei has to admit that this is a long super cute little ghost with a watermelon hair type and a white and tender face, like a big apple, with **** eyes. Especially, this guy ’s eyelashes are surprisingly long, just like the fake eyelashes of other girls. When they smile, there are two deep dimples on the cheeks. They wear white children ’s casual clothes with a pair of feet. White Adadis!

Although Ye Fei did not understand, but also knew that the pair of Adidas on Yao Xiaoming's feet were genuine, definitely more expensive than the cottage goods on his feet.

If this guy is standing here so honestly, this is a young lady who is fascinated by a bunch of adults and little beauties.

Ye Fei smiled and touched Yao Xiaoming's head, and said, "Just come here and be naughty. The dog has just given birth to a puppy. Now when the temper is the most irritable, don't mess with it, it will bite. "

Yao Xiaoming nodded, then said: "Can that alien dog play?"

Ye Yefei: "........."

"An alien dog? What alien dog?"

Yao Xiaoming turned his eyes, turned and pointed at the face of the cannon, not a cannon, and said with a serious face: "The one with a lot of wrinkles on his face."

Sheshan Cannon is not a cannon: "........."

What do you mean by me, dog? This kid.

Ye Yefei also laughed and said, "It's called Xiaopi. You should have seen it in the video before."

"I've seen it, but it looks better in reality than in reality."

Ye Feixin said that the video was not good-looking, and that pleated face was not good-looking anywhere.

"It scares you back."

"Stubborn dog."

Ye Yefei looked at the mountain cannon, not a cannon, and looked at the peerless pheasant, and said, "Let's go, don't stand here, just sit in the room."

I came to the first floor door, Ye Fei opened the door and several people entered the room.

Lin Jiani watched Ye Feiman's house's emerald green bamboo, and said twice: "Boy, the quality of life is getting higher and higher, planting a tree full of houses, aren't you afraid of mosquitoes?"

Kuiba Feidao: "Did you feel any mosquitoes in the house?"

Lin Jiani turned around, and she didn't really see a mosquito, not even the buzzing of the mosquito. She pointed at Ye Fei's face and said, "Have you hit a train?"

Ye Yefei: "........."

"Sister Lin, you can choke people if you talk. If I hit a train, will you talk to a ghost now?"

"What's going on?"

Laoshan Cannon is not a cannon, he He Peng asked him and Lao Qi to kill Ye Fei.

刚刚 As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Jiani's face went down.

"This **** is occupying his son He Jiuzhou, does he really feel that no one dares to pack him in Xichuan? You wait, I will not let him see the sun of tomorrow."

He said, Lin Jiani had to make a phone call.

Laoshan Cannon was not a gun and hurriedly said, "Miss Lin, no, no, Ye Shen has already dealt with it."

He also talked about Ye Fei's calls that broke the He's Group.

Lin Jiani stared at Ye Feiyu twice and said, "Okay, the resistance is getting bigger and bigger, even He Jiuzhou has been planted in your hands."

"Accident, accident." Ye Fei laughed.

Lin Jiani cut off and said, "This is still an accident? I hope the local tyrants from all over the country will pack up to congratulate Kyushu. If this is still an accident, then Kyushu must not be furious? By the way, you ruined Kyushu. Why don't you hesitate, He Peng? "

Seeing Lin Jiani asking this question, a cold light appeared in Ye Fei's eyes, and said coldly, "He Peng? Keeping him is to show him how DD technology is done step by step, I want to give him a taste Witnessing the process of having nothing at all ~ ~ Lin Jiani gave her thumbs up and praised: "It's cruel enough, but I like that for this kind of person, there is no need to be kind-hearted and not let him taste the pain, they will always I do n’t know what kindness is, but ... what are you like now, can this live broadcast be broadcast today? "

Peerless pheasant pointed at Ye Fei's right hand wrapped in gauze and said.

Laoshan Cannon laughed: "I was worried about this problem just now, but Ye Shen said that he wants us to see the power of his left-handed chef, and he wants to use one hand to make food."

Peerless pheasant: "^ O ^ one hand? Hey, now you finally show the stuffing?"

I don't understand Ye Fei's face.

"Sister Lin, what stuff is there?"

"Come from practice, have you practiced your left hand since childhood?"

Ye Yefei: "…………… .."

靠 "Fuck, can you not be so dirty?"

"Giggle ~~ OK, I won't tease you and talk about what you plan to do today? I tell you, don't think that you will let go of you with one hand, what are the flavors of the two dishes you made yesterday? Elegant and delicious food is here. It's all very good food. You can't drop the chain today. "

Ye Yefei smiled, and said, don't think that I can't make the best food with one hand. Today, I will let you see what a real left-handed chef is!

"Good food ~~~ Now that you sent Xiaoming to Sister Lin, let's make a delicious food."

"What dishes?"


"what name?"

"Kirin gives a child !!!"

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