The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 680: The ears said in the broken line are almost pregnant, can you change the sentence ...

Bodyguards refer to those who protect important figures such as politicians, senior government officials, entrepreneurs, entertainers, and witnesses personally to prevent them from being assassinated, abducted, attacked, harassed, and leaked secrets.

This is the definition of bodyguards on Qiandu Online.

That is to say, as a bodyguard, the main responsibility is to be responsible for the personal safety of the protected person. In case of danger, you have to rush forward, and in the event of a bullet rain, you have to run in front of the protected person.

The two bodyguards in Zhangge were also invited by him for a large sum of money, and each of his hands and feet was incredible.

But a master is not equal to a fool. On the contrary, these two guys are still very clever. From the moment when the guy shot the **** of Zhangge with lightning, they knew that even if the two of them joined hands, they would not be able to beat others because of others. Why didn't they break Zhang Ge's fingers?


The guy on the opposite side who likes to punch people's fingers is a real master.

Faced with such a master, let alone try to compare with others, even without the idea of ​​resistance.

Now Zhang Ge asked them to strangle others. What kind of joke did you and his uncle have? We might not be strangled.

It's true that you paid us to hire us, but your money is not enough to buy our two lives.

So these two guys didn't move decisively when Zhang Ge asked them to take a shot.

Finally, when I saw Zhang Ge's frantic eyes, a guy couldn't bear it, and said, "General Manager Zhang, wait a moment, I'm thinking about how to deal with them."

The other nodded quickly: "Yes, President Zhang, give us ten minutes."

They are waiting for Zhang Ge's brother-in-law, the director of Yinzhou Police Station.

Hearing these two bodyguards, Zhang Ge almost spit out old blood.

Nima, are you sure you are really bodyguards? The bodyguards didn't talk like that, let alone.

What are you thinking about dealing with them?

Give you ten minutes?

Suddenly, after giving you ten minutes, you have figured out how to deal with others, and I guess I'm dead.

Zhang Ge was almost dizzy, and he didn't dare to support the chair with both hands, so he sat down with one butt, and without saying a word, his eyes only stared fiercely at the gun, not the gun and Ye Fei.

After the mountain cannon was not a gun, the thumb of the other hand of Zhang Ge was cut off, and the goods were lumpy and hid behind Ye Fei.

Everyone was speechless when they saw this scene.

Please take care of me, you are a master. You just watched the strength of your fingers, but you ’re a ruthless man, but now you are acting like this ... Are you worthy of the master? You just shrink your turtle, OK?

In the face of everyone's eyes, if a mountain cannon is not a cannon, it should be the same if you don't see it. What should you do?

"From childhood to age, no one has dared to treat me like this, never one! Today, you are awesome, you are really amazing, my two fingers, I will let you pay with two arms! "

Zhang Ge really couldn't do anything about it, and suddenly said coldly.

Ye Fei looked behind him, then called out the two black men.

"Fei brother, what do we want?" Scar asked.

Now the two of them admired Ye Fei. One of them went in and out, followed by a man with a gun bodyguard, which was also prestigious, even more powerful than the bald head.

So, what Ye Fei asked them to do now, the two of them did it unconditionally. Not only that, they were quite excited when they did it.

Ye Fei pointed at Zhangge and said, "The space in the room is too small to hold the big deity. Please ask him to go out."

The two immediately understood Ye Fei's meaning, and without a word, took a big step to Zhang Ge.

When Zhang Ge saw it, he suddenly panicked. The goods shrank to the chair, and he said in horror: "What? What do you want to do? I tell you, my brother-in-law is the director of the police station in Yinzhou City. You dare to move me today A piece of hair, I let you ... I rely on, you put me down, let me down quickly ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since they are killing me Now. "

Flutter ~~~~

嗷 woo ~~~~~~

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Including Zhangge's two bodyguards, now they not only look a little dazed when they look at the mountain cannon, but they also spit at the two black men.

No way, just at the bottom line of the eyes of the two of them. The two black men did not give Zhang Ge the opportunity to resist. They even brought people to lift the chair and came to the door. The chairs were all thrown out.

The strength of the two men in black is not small, throwing Zhang Ge and the chair up to more than two meters high, so let's slam on the ground.

Zhang Ge was stunned and almost lost his breath.

But even so, this guy didn't get up for a long time on the ground, and he was just out of breath.

It took a long time for Zhang Ge to slowly get up from the ground. The goods slowly turned around, staring at everyone, including his two bodyguards. Hit me, I ... I just talk, stop, stop! "

This guy just wanted to say two ruthless words when he got up. As a result, he didn't finish his words at all. The two **** men used to punch and kick, and gave Zhang Ge a kick again.

Zhang Ge is crazy, Nima, I ’m the bad guy, okay. How come I ’m a little white sheep when I come to you? You are all big wolf one by one, so they don't make people live?

This time, Zhang Ge was so straightforward that he couldn't get up on the ground and didn't talk anymore, just wheezing.

A group of people looked at Zhangge who was lying on the ground with a blue nose and a swollen face. Some people couldn't bear to look at it. It was too miserable. This man was really miserable. He was just shining and now he crawled through the mud. Like a beggar coming out, he sent a beggar suit.

At this time, Fang Xiaohu couldn't stand it anymore, came to Ye Fei and whispered: "Fei brother, forget it, this guy is really the little sister-in-law of the director of the Yinzhou Police Department. His brother-in-law really has to hold it up, and it's still us who are suffering. "

Ye Fei nodded and asked the two men in black to come back, and then said to Zhang Ge: "I don't care who you are, I don't care who your backstage is, I put my words here today, you are my person I let them fight because you did something wrong, even if you are a bad person, you will harm others, I have nothing to say, but if you come here to cause trouble, I can't spare you, now, open Open your dog's eyes and show me clearly, brother car repair company, this is my brother Fang Xiaohu. If you dare to make trouble again, I will definitely make you regret it forever! Is the director your brother-in-law? I Ye Fei is waiting for him here now, I'll see what he can tell me when he comes over! "

Not much talk, but sentences are on the idea.

Ye Fei's words were full of blood to the people in black. If you see it, you all see it. This is the real big brother, no matter who your backstage is, as long as you bully my brother, I'll just pump you, I won't take care of it at all, I won't tell you anything at all.

Everyone looked at Ye Fei, and their vision changed.

Even the mountain cannon is not a cannon, he also looks at Ye Fei with an appreciation. At his age and his status, it can be said that he has already passed the age of anger and anger, and they will calm down when they encounter things. After analyzing, thinking calmly, we must consider all the consequences after doing this.

In the most thorough words, they became stable.

But even so, the mountain cannon was not a cannon but was also simmered by Ye Fei's words. He had also been young, he had been lofty, and he had once roared.

These once-everythings, the once young frivolous flames, were completely ignited by Ye Fei.

However, he was still a bit sane, patting Ye Fei's shoulder, and said, "Relax, it's okay."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Thank you."

"No, they are all my brothers. What are you talking about?"

The two were talking, and when they heard the sound of a siren coming from a distance, the police car came.

Just heard the siren sound, everyone saw Zhang Ge, who was still dead on the ground, and jumped up from the ground. Then the lunatic stared at the two men in black who were still beside him. Not to mention, going up was just two slapped.

After the draw, Zhang Ge laughed loudly, "Hit, hit! You TMD hit me!"

Bang ~~~

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the figure in front of him, and ... then the whole thing flew out again.

Shan Pao is not a gun standing in Zhang Ge's previous position, pointing at him, and whispering coldly: "Wicked man! I have never seen such a shameless man like you! Are you looking for a fight? I'll make you perfect!"

The mountain cannon came to the fire too. After that, he caught up with Zhang Ge, and his feet were again.

Zhang Ge was persecuted.

Hey, that ’s not right. There is something wrong with this script. The police are here. My brother-in-law is here. How dare you hit me?

"You ... Do you still fight?" The cargo stood up staggering from the ground, pointing at the gun, not a gun.

After finishing talking, this guy hurriedly retracted his hand again. Now that he had a shadow in his heart, he was always afraid that the change in front of him would pinch his fingers too much.

Shan Cannon snorted: "Everyone at the scene heard it. You asked us to fight."

"... ……."

"I'll let you hit you?"

"Respect is worse than obeying."

"You ... you have a seed! You wait for me!"

"Ah ~~~ The ears that I broke are almost pregnant, can you change it to something new?"


Zhang Ge didn't talk to Shan Pao any more.

At this time, two police cars came flying from a distance. They just came to the front of Fang Xiaohu's repair shop, braked directly, and then came down from the top. Seven or eight policemen, the first one, was in their forties. Chief of the police station!

Zhang Ge saw his brother-in-law coming here in person.

Hurrying to the director, grabbed the director's hand, and cried, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, you finally came, look at me, I'm almost killed, it's him, and he , And these two, and all of them, all of them hit me. If you come a little later, I will really be killed by them. You must be the master of me and arrest them all. No one can let go. "

The goods were talking, he didn't notice the look of his brother-in-law.

It can be said that the director's eyes now want to kill people, kill him, the unsuccessful little sister-in-law, your sister, and you should be killed, so that you can cause trouble to me every day.

Hmm ~~~~

Director Gan gave a sigh of relief ~ ~ Ignore Zhang Ge at all.

Zhang Ge continued: "Brother-in-law, I called my sister just now, he said you would definitely help me out, and he said that you would detain all those guys who didn't know how to do it, right? Brother-in-law, sister ... ... "

Slap ~~~

I still want to continue to say about this product. Suddenly I saw that Director Qian did not turn his head back, and the shake of his hand was a big mouth. He turned the place where Zhangge was pumping three times before stopping.

This slap was too powerful, too crisp, and directly swollen half of Zhang Ge's face, and the blood in the corner of his mouth immediately flowed out.

Everyone: "........."

Zhang Ge: "........."

"Brother-in-law, I'm a victim. Why did you hit me?"

"Sister your mother! I'm hitting you, I can't wait to kill you!"


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