The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 689: 1000000000! !! !! (3

One hundred thousand Chinese yuan a kitchen knife!

And a rusty kitchen knife!

This is simply an incredible thing in the eyes of many people, and only such second goods will be bought.

Although Lian Yuecheng said that this kitchen knife is indeed a good thing, the good thing depends on what it is.

If it is a bronze mirror, porcelain, or even bronze or calligraphy and painting, it can be said that one hundred thousand Chinese coins are not known how many people will go crazy.

But a kitchen knife of one hundred thousand Chinese yuan? Who is so stupid to buy such unpopular things in the collection industry!

But when everyone thought so, the stupid goods really appeared.

Someone shouted.

Everyone turned around and saw that the young man who was almost fighting with other people just now was so excited that he shouted 100,000.

Everyone was speechless.

"Nima, is this really the landlord's silly son?"

"One hundred thousand Chinese coins, your sister, it ’s not a way to spend money if you have money. Buy some of the most popular items in the collection industry. Then the value of the gadget will rise quickly. It will not be a problem to earn a few hundred thousand at that time. You It ’s great to buy a kitchen knife without depreciating it. "

"There are weird things every year, and there are so many today. This product popped out of that place. At the beginning of the fight with others, now it's silly to spend 100,000 to buy a kitchen knife. This is a god. . "

"I remember him, I really remember him, this silly is out of stock."

The group of women friends beside Ye Fei are also speechless. They really like Ye Fei, because whether this guy is a gourmet or a human, it can be said that they are all faultless, but this money ... I dare not make people compliment.

One hundred thousand Chinese coins. But, although not much, but if it is used to buy a kitchen knife, isn't it a little too worth it?

"Yeshen, aren't you kidding?" Asked a woman who was dressed up as a flower.

Ye Fei: "Can you make a joke at the auction?"

"......... It can't be, but it's like you're joking when you do this."

"No, I just buy a kitchen knife."

"It's a kitchen knife, but it's too expensive, 100,000 dollars, my brother."

"It's hard to buy thousands of gold and I'm happy. I think as long as you are happy, 100,000 is 100,000."


Difficult to buy me happy?

I'll go and you will really comfort yourself.

He Cuihua didn't know how to persuade Ye Fei, stared at Ye Fei for a long time, and finally stretched his arms over the cannon instead of a cannon. He patted Ye Fei's shoulder and said, "Ye God, you are really a god."

Ye Fei smiled.

One million knives!

Ye Fei shouted.

As a result, after he shouted, the entire auction venue was silent, and there was no one bidding at all. This auction was a hammer, let alone 100,000. Do n’t buy 10,000.

In the end, even Yuecheng was a little embarrassed. He vigorously encouraged the people on the scene, but people did not bid or die.

Lian Yuecheng looked at Ye Fei with a smirk and a smile, and finally hit the table with a hammer, saying, "One hundred thousand! This kitchen knife belongs to this young and handsome gentleman."

Ye Fei stood up, arched his hands toward him, and smiled. "Thank you, thank you for not arguing with me, thank you very much."

Everyone: "..............."

You thank a ghost, thank you, whoever contends for this thing, take it away.

Ye Fei's 100,000 Huaxia coin has collected a rusty broken kitchen knife, which is also the only thing he bought since the auction started so long.

Ye Fei went to the auction staff to go through the formalities and returned shortly after. He held the box in his arms. Inside the box was the rusty ugly broken kitchen knife. The goods were held tightly, as if holding them. It's really like a very awesome baby, which makes many people want to laugh when they look at him.

Isn't it just a broken kitchen knife? No one wants it for nothing, depending on what you care for.

After sitting down, Ye Fei knew that another item was auctioned in the middle.

"It started." Ma Qingyun said suddenly.

Ye Fei hesitated, hurriedly looked on the stage, and saw the beautiful etiquette sent a tray, there was no antique in the tray, some just a few documents.

"DD Technology's Auction Transfer Documents?"

Ma Qingyun nodded and said, "Should be."

"Are you really sure to win DD technology? After all, it is an auction. There will be many bidders, and the price is definitely not low."

"I'm not sure. Depending on the timing, something unexpected may happen."

"whats the matter?"

"I'm just talking, I don't know."

Ye Fei gave a silent glance at Ma Qingyun and did not speak. He knew that the auction of DD technology could never be a matter that could be solved by hundreds of thousands or millions, even tens of millions of you thought about it. Price in billions.

Sure enough, Lian Yuecheng picked up the documents in the tray and said, "Everyone, the next auction is the highlight of our auction today, but also the finale, DD technology!"

"DD technology, I think some people have some knowledge of this company, and some people may not be clear. After all, the industry is different and the degree of concern is different. Now I will introduce DD technology to you first. This is a webcast platform. Also known as DD live broadcast platform, the web live broadcast industry is a new industry in China and has a relatively short development history, but DD technology has been able to seize the opportunity and adapt to the market trend. It is at the forefront of web live broadcast. The first webcast company to be promoted to the super platform is also the most powerful webcast company in China. Its manager, Mr. He Peng, is also a young and promising youth. He devoted himself to the development of DD technology and led a group of passionate young people. Makes the company flourish. It is reported that there are numerous celebrities going out from DD technology. The most famous movie stars Jin Kai and Xiao Mingjun are celebrities held by DD technology. In addition, there are September Red, Peacock Miracle and so on. From the emergence of DD technology, and then is well known to all people in China, and now all have enviable achievements in their respective fields. on."

"So let's say, DD Technology is a star-making factory, and all current anchors are proud to be able to enter DD Technology. Because only after entering DD Technology, the future star journey will be smoother, but due to various reasons, now Mr. He Peng does not want to run any more, so he commissioned our Carlsberg auction house to conduct the auction and transfer the DD technology to the talented and ambitious people, friends, guests. Now, please prepare yourself and start bidding. Now I announced that DD Technology, the auction started, and the reserve price is ... billion Chinese yuan! "

Even the spit stars that Yuecheng said have flew out, and he is also very excited. To be honest, the reserve price of one billion Chinese yuan is also the highest reserve he auctioned for so many years. If this thing can be auctioned out at last, then His reputation in the auction business will be even louder.

This is capital!

This is seniority!

Boom ~~~

As soon as Lian Yuecheng's words fell, the whole auction site was fry directly.

There is no way to fry, because the reserve price is too high. Although everyone sitting here is a successful business person, when the reserve price is one billion, it is not a small number for them.

"I rub it, should I be so hard?"

"One billion! My God, I haven't heard of this DD technology before, can you take a closer look now?"

"You know, they will buy it after you know it."

"Fuck, this price is ..... I won't be able to pay so much for my company when I go back, how can I buy it?"

"I'm sweating. I'm sweating. See who this big guy can fall into today."

"In my opinion, don't buy this thing randomly. After all, you are not very familiar with this industry. Even if you buy it, you can still talk about it if you can play it back."

"People who dare to pay for it have absolute confidence. Let's see."

People are going crazy, because this is the real big thing, this is the real giant!

Starting price of one billion, who buys it? !!


That's right, after the people's discussions ended, the entire auction site was quiet, and no one bargained.

Who shouts?

Who dares to shout? !!

Lian Yuecheng was standing on the stage, and even if he could usually expand like a river, his mouth was full of flowers, and now he was a little crazy.

Hey, shout, you guys hurry up and bargain, what the **** is silence? Don't let Lao Tzu film this single stream, Lao Tzu also counts on the beauty of this single in the industry.

He was really anxious.

"One billion base price, guests, is there anyone shouting at the one billion base price? Does anyone yell? DD Technology, the industry leader, and the hope of Huaxia Live, as long as you can buy it, you will definitely make no money.

Everyone below: "... …… .."

Go to your uncle, don't lose money?

That's a billion dollars. If you do n’t pay, you do n’t pay. There is no leftover in the underpants. Who dares to shout at such a large sum of money?

It's still quiet below.

Even Yuecheng was crying, and leaned, did the floor price shout? No, with one's own research and research on DD technology, one billion can be said to be the price of cabbage, why isn't anyone shouting?

This product is going to collapse.

He looked at He Peng, who was sitting in front of the stands, and found that He Peng's face was a little ugly.

He Peng is indeed depressing enough, but his DD technology has a good time ~ ~ You idiots, buy it!

Time slips away minute by minute.

Everyone was waiting quietly.

They are all a group of people, and no one wants to make the first bid, they all want to see the situation and decide.

"One billion! Is there anyone? Is there anyone?" Even Yuecheng was going crazy and asked loudly.


But this time, as soon as he finished asking, he heard someone screaming.

Even Yuecheng almost jumped up in excitement. Hemp eggs and scared Lao Tzu were urinating trousers, thinking that no one has bid yet. Now someone bids just fine, someone bids is a good thing. Prices have also set their own records.

People finally heard someone screaming, and they all wanted to see who this first crab eater was.

They all looked in the direction of the sound, and then everyone froze.

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