The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 731: Do entrepreneurs' tastes change now? Like farmhouse?

Ye Fei deeply knows one thing. There are many ways for a person to be famous. They can sing, dance, cook, eat comics, play movies and TV, and so on. Ten lines, one line at a time, as long as you persist, as long as you work hard, you will always succeed.

He also wants to be famous. Although he has a little name now, he feels that it is not enough. He still needs to work harder. He still wants to expand into a wider world. He wants to be the leader in the international live broadcast industry. He ... Want to kill the universe and become the god-level anchor of the entire universe?

Therefore, he will not let go of any opportunity to become famous.

But ..... this definitely does not include the idea of ​​Yuelai to Yuemei! !!

What kind of plane do you use to make a bunch of plastic dolls like Lao Tzu, you little boy, what do you think? Do you want to kill me?

The thought of a lot of people looking at themselves, eh, yeah, Ye Fei's sweaty hairs were erected, and the goosebumps fell off the ground.


This matter is firmly opposed for no reason!

Think about it!

Especially when these big brothers also followed Guangdong to come to Guangdong and the United States to cheat, the goods even collapsed. In the end, there was no way but to threaten the little girl with food.

Not to mention, this method is really good.

When Yue came to Yuemei, Ye Fei said that she would n’t eat food for a while, and the little girl shouted in a hurry.

"Don't do any agency, we have discontinued this product!"

What a joke, I want to sell the product to all over the world, but ... But you do n’t give me food. You are so irritating. Is n’t it OK if I do n’t make this product? Big deal, I won't let you know.

Seeing that Yuelai Yuemei does not produce Yefei plastic dolls, a bunch of laughing tears have come out, but they have no word of mouth. Although this product is no longer produced, there are still agents who want to represent Yuelai Yuemei Intent, as long as you go back and let people inspect the factory, you can almost settle.

As far as tonight, it can be said that the popularity of Guangdong to Guangdong and the United States has directly overwhelmed many big brothers. The scenery is unlimited and the harvest is full.

Ye Fei was still panting. The hands holding the tea cups were stubborn. It was too dangerous. It was really dangerous. I almost let thousands of people give it.

A group of young people Qin Zekai and Du Guohao came over with a smile, patted Ye Fei's shoulder, and said, "Ye God, why should you oppose it? I think the little girl's idea is pretty good. It doesn't matter if you share the shares Yet?"

Ye Fei ran away Qin Zekai with a kick.


Qin Zekai couldn't help patting the footprints on his buttocks either, and his waist couldn't stand up.

A group of people talked and laughed here, but some people couldn't laugh, not only couldn't laugh, but also the mood to escape.

Director of Yinzhou Police Station!

This product and bald head came to Ye Fei first. When they first came here, there were only Lu Shanchuan, but now he is watching the big brothers come to Ye Fei's farmhouse one by one. courtyard.

This shocking thing is about to pee. When he was young, he still had a chair to sit on, but now, this guy has already stood up, holding a cup of tea and quietly hiding aside, he dare not go at all Come here.

He is the director of the police station in Yinzhou City, yes, but that ’s just a deputy office official. He can guarantee that officials of this level may be able to say a few words before a big brother or two. In short, in front of so many big men, there is no chance of farting.

The more you look at this, the more you look at it, and the more you look at it, the more you sweat.

He just now understands why Yao Jianjian's Minister would maintain Ye Fei so much, let alone the brotherhood between the two, and the group of people Ye Fei knew should not be taken seriously by Yao Jian.

Just a casual person inside, if you offend yourself, you can guarantee that you will step down in a minute.

There is no word for this article on the side. He hurriedly smiled when anyone came.

Not long after, Captain Xiao came in quietly from the outside. He came to the director, and whispered: "Secretary, this scene is too ridiculous tonight, we can't even control it."

Director Gan turned his head to give him a glance, and whispered: "If you can't control the town, Xiaoxiao, go out and tell everyone, even if you're kneeling down on the ground tonight, you should open your eyes to me In the circumstances, as long as it is a suspicious person, no matter who it is, you don't need to say hello, grab it first and say, my god, any one of you will be out of order! "

Captain Xiao is also sweaty and nodded: "Secretary, I know, but I think this is the case in our city of Yinzhou, we have to report it up, this is too big, we must let the above people know OK, or else ... or wait until they blame us, our police station is definitely enough to drink a pot. "

Director Gan patted his head and said, "Look at my mind. I'm just worried that something went wrong here. I forgot about it. I'll call them now."

Talking, Director Gan took out his mobile phone and found that there were more than ten missed calls on his mobile phone. He opened it and looked at it. All of them were actually called by Luo Hannian and Vice Mayor Yan, but he didn't listen. Here.

He hurried back to Luo Hannian's phone number.

Just now, he hasn't spoken yet, and Luo Hannian growled on the other end of the phone.

"Old man, what do you want to do? I made so many calls to you, did you call the trash bin ?!"

When the senior city official got angry, the director Gan hurriedly said carefully: "Secretary, I didn't really hear your call just now. This is too noisy."

"Where are you? What are you doing? When is it now? Where are you when you are not at home? Old man, watch your way, don't go awry."

"Secretary, how dare I, I have super important things tonight."

"Super important things? Oh, don't I find you super important things? If you don't think things matter, I'll call you so many times?"

"Cough, secretary, I'm wrong, I must pay attention next time."

"Well, this is revealed in advance. I called you to tell you that today I received news from the airport. At present, dozens of domestic and foreign entrepreneurs have come to our Yinzhou silently. I am now They are having a discussion with Vice Mayor Yan, and they think that it is very likely that these entrepreneurs will visit us in Yinzhou. This is an excellent opportunity for our economy in Yinzhou. We must do our best. Things, especially you, put aside the unimportant things in the bureau these days, and draw as many people as possible, we must ensure the order and security of our Yinzhou city, and we must ensure the safety of these domestic and foreign entrepreneurs ,do you understand?"

Director Gan: "......... I understand! Secretary, I ..."

In the end, his words were not finished yet. Luo Hannian interrupted him directly and said, "Oh, yes, let your people pay attention and see where these entrepreneurs have gone, and we are all right. Targeted operations, this group of people is really true, one by one, just like thieves, no one will be seen after getting off the plane. I let people check all the large and small hotels in the city, and did not find them alone. , One by one, it seems like the world has evaporated, old man, do you think it's strange? "

Director Gan: "........."


It would be weird if you guys can find them in the hotel, because they have n’t stayed at the hotel at all, one by one in Ye Fei, a small farmhouse, one by one, not even a chair. , Happi was just drinking a cup of tea.

"Lao Gan, Lao Gan? Why don't you speak? Did you hear me clearly? Be sure to follow what I just said, and let your people try to find out where these people are, for the economic development of our city, My senior officials in the city must visit people in person. "

Director Gan: "......... Secretary, no need to inquire."

"Huh? What do you mean? Laogan, this is a very serious matter. If you can't do it, you just haven't completed the task. Don't blame us for the procedure."

"No, I didn't mean that, clerk, I mean .... I mean I'm with these people now."


Director Gan ’s words have just been finished. In the conference room of the Yinzhou Municipal Party Committee Office Building, Luo Han stood up for a while and snarled at his mobile phone: "Lao Gan, I told you just now. This is a very serious matter. Nothing can be allowed to happen! You are responsible for what you say! "

A group of Vice Mayor Yan saw Luo Hannian suddenly so excited ~ ~ After one night, my eyes became red, and I was sleepy, but now I do n’t sleep anymore, all staring at Luo Han year.

I saw Luo Hannian, um, a few times, and then said, "You send me the positioning now, I will pass now, before I pass, you must guard the stall for me, pay attention to the surrounding situation, one If something is wrong, clear it up immediately! "

After speaking, Luo Hannian hung up the phone, and then pressed the conference table with both hands. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked at the mayor and several deputy mayors. Now, we can't wait now, and we'll be there! "

"What? Found? Great, secretary, in which hotel are these people?" Vice Mayor Yan stood up excitedly and asked.

Luo Hannian was silent for a while, gritting his teeth, "They didn't stay in a hotel, they were ... in a farmhouse in the suburbs."

Everyone: "..............."


"This group of entrepreneurs ... they really are, what are they doing? We have so many hotels in Yinzhou, there are many light-star hotels. Why do n’t they stay in the hotel as their identity? what?"

"Harmful, it really kills people. We searched for someone in the hotel one night. As a result, their taste changed and they went to the farmhouse."

"I'm curious what kind of farmhouse this is. It turned out that so many domestic and foreign entrepreneurs ran away in the middle of the night."

"Check it out."

"Must go and see."

A group of people simply cleaned up, without even having time to wash their faces. After getting in the car, they went straight to Ye Fei's farmhouse.

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