The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 802: Then I will use 200 million to grab you from the hand of death

Using the computer in the hotel, Ye Fei found all the addresses of Podovich's companion and He Jiuzhou hiding place in less than half an hour.

That's right, this product once again found the system and required hacking skills. This time it was not free, but it was bought with money, and it was still a sky-high price-one hundred million!

It can be said that in order to avenge Fang Xiaohu and remove all these hidden dangers, Ye Fei really did it this time.

The call between him and Yao Jianshe just ended, and there was news from the director Gan. At the location designated by Ye Fei, they captured two foreign hackers in one fell swoop, one of which was to invade the city's transportation department network and destroy some road surveillance People.

Captain Xiao really doesn't know how to admire Ye Fei. Now in his eyes, Ye Fei is a god, because Ye Fei didn't even go out of this room, he caught the murderer directly. What is this? This is the strategy, the victory is thousands of miles away.

"Mr. Ye, we ... can we go back now?"

Now Captain Xiao and Ye Fei speak carefully, this is not fear, but respect.

Ye Fei didn't move while sitting on the chair, and said, "Wait a little longer, wait for the news over Jinghai, and he is relieved when He Jiuzhou catches it."

This time Captain Shaw, none of them doubted Ye Fei was talking big, because the fact was right in front of him, and Ye Fei's words were all right.

"Then wait."

Half an hour later, Yao Jianjian called.

"Ye Shen, He Jiuzhou caught, not only He Jiuzhou, but also some of his confidantes. It can be said that this time He Jiuzhou and his criminal gang were beaten up!"

Ye Fei gave a salty and indifferent hum, saying: "Just catch it, Brother Yao, this time I think you have to look at that guy well, and convict as soon as possible, don't let him run away, As long as this kind of person stays in the society, it is too harmful to the whole society, and many of your policemen. This quality should really be improved. People will be bought if they give some money. How can this protect the people? Is it safe? "

Seeing Ye Fei speak directly to the phone, Yao Jian, director of the Provincial Police Department, Captain Xiao's gang of policemen was sweating.

Secretly, Ye Shen is indeed Ye Shen. No one dares to do this kind of work except him.

Ye Jianshe was crying and laughing with Ye Fei, saying, "Ye God, I'm the police chief of Xichuan Province. I don't control Jinghai."

Ye Fei seemed to suddenly realize that, "Yeah."

Yao Jianshe: "..."

Captain Shaw's gang of policemen: "..."

Did you understand that? Dare to say that you have just been the director of the Provincial Police Department for a while? Whoops, this person is really superb, it makes people love and hate.

After chatting with Yao Jianshe for a while, Ye Fei put the phone away, stood up, and said, "Go back."

Captain Shaw hurriedly led Podovich and Tim out of the hotel and took them in a police car.

Originally they wanted to invite Ye Fei back to the police station to sit down, but Ye Fei refused.

His main task was to help Fang Xiaohu avenge a few people and arrest these people in Kyushu. Now all of them have been done. It doesn't make much sense for him to go to the police station again.

So after separating from Captain Xiao, they drove straight to the First People's Hospital of the city.

Parked the car in the parking lot. As soon as Ye Fei got out of the car, he saw a door next to him opened and a young man came down from above.

Ye Fei looked up and saw him, and he happened to see Ye Fei.

"Ye Shenyi?"

"Doctor Niuhe?"

That's right, the person who came down was exactly how Ye Fei looked at Ye Fei's displeased eyes.

Niu He did not expect to meet Ye Fei in the parking lot. Now Niu He is a word to Ye Fei-admire!

And admire from the heart.

Can you admire someone who can achieve the top level in the country?

"Ye Shenyi, why did you come to the hospital this time?"

Seeing Niuhe's attitude changed towards her, Ye Fei didn't hold back the previous events. To be honest, Niuhe's attitude has changed a lot since he won several medical awards in the province and the country.

"I have a few friends in the hospital. I'll come and see."

"Ah? Ye Shen's friend is at the hospital? Which department? I'll go and see. I say hello to the nurses and doctors. I need to take care of them."

Ye Fei waved his hand: "No need, no, are you a night shift again?"

Niu He laughed: "It's my turn and I heard that the hospital sent a few serious cases this afternoon. It seemed to have been beaten by someone. It was very serious. There was a comminuted fracture of the arm and surgery was needed. I was in This is still a bit researched, so this surgical hospital arranged for me to do it. "

Ye Fei hesitated, and said, "The patient with the comminuted fracture of the arm that I sent in the afternoon? The person you said should be my friend. They had an accident today and they all suffered different degrees of injuries."

When he heard that the patient was Ye Fei's friend, Niu He suddenly became more energetic, and directly packed the ticket and said, "Ye Shenyi rest assured that I will do my best to keep his arm."

"Thank you. Let me go to the inpatient department first."

"Okay, I'll get ready and go to your friend for surgery right away."

Watching Niu He hurriedly walked into the outpatient building, Ye Fei smiled attentively, seeing that if you can't serve people with virtue, then you can use technology to serve people, as long as you can When others are big, others will respect you. This is not only in medicine, but almost in any way.

Ye Fei had already inquired where the group of people in the repair shop of Feihu was. Except for Fang Xiaohu and Dong Feihu, although the injuries of others were serious, they were all skin injuries, so it ’s easy to deal with them and pay attention to recuperation. A group of people were arranged in several senior wards.

Ye Fei came to a ward and saw that there were two beds in it. It was the two veteran special soldiers lying down.

The two of them were both blue and swollen, with bandages on their arms, but the two guys were still chatting casually.

"Today that guy is really amazing. I think even if I fight back, he is not necessarily his opponent."

"I feel the same way, but I think that person is weird. Look at the skin on his face is yellow, but look at the skin on his hands is white and terrible. What is going on?"

"Do you still need to ask? I'll tell you if it's vitiligo, otherwise it won't make sense."

Ye Fei came in at this time, just heard this sentence, and almost laughed out, your sister, one of the captives is almost living and can't take care of herself.

Also vitiligo, white sister, people themselves are white, OK?

"They are not vitiligo, they are white people themselves, and the rice country is here." Ye Fei said, walking in.

When the two people saw Ye Fei coming in, they hurried to bed and tried to sit up. After all, they also knew that Ye Fei was the real backbone of the repair shop.

Ye Fei pressed his hand and quickly stopped them, saying, "Don't move, just lie down. All you need now is rest, don't worry about other things."

A special commander said, "Ye God, what did you just say? The two who hit us were white people from Rice. How do you know?"

Ye Fei sat down on a chair in front of a special soldier's bed, took an orange from a tray on the bedside table, peeled it apart, and threw it in half, and said: "Because the two people have already caught it, one is called Bo Dovich, a Tim, was invited by Kyushu from Rice to deal with me, but he didn't ask me to start, but to ask you for trouble first. This is for me, but fortunately they will also There is no chance to really deal with me because they are all inside the Yinzhou Police Station. "

"I'm relying on. I'm really a rice national? I thought it was vitiligo, congratulating Kyushu? Was it the boss of the He Group before Huaxia?"

"It's him."

"Hey, this girl is too unethical. He is looking for you. He has the ability to look for you. What are you doing for us? This is awful ..."

"Well, what did you say? What did Ye Shen and Hu Zi do to us? You don't have a b number in your heart? What happened to Ye Shen?"

Seeing two people quarreling, Ye Fei hurriedly discouraged: "He was right ~ ~ I am indeed a burden on you. After all of them were discharged from the hospital, I decided to set up a regular car repair company. When you hire more people, there are a few more security guards at the door, which should be a lot safer, but you have suffered for these days. "

Ye Fei didn't blame them, because they were right, they were a bit unjust in this meal, and they could say it, indicating that these people's tempers are still very straightforward. On the contrary, if all of them are not verbal, then It's dangerous.

After comforting the two, Ye Fei went to other rooms and looked at the others, and finally came to the intensive care unit.

Through the glass window, he saw Fang Xiaohu lying on a bed with an oxygen mask on his nose.

"System, I want to buy a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment skills?" Ye Fei looked at Fang Xiaohu, and asked the system directly in his heart.

System: "Yes.

"how much is it?"

"200 million."


"Your sister, how about grabbing money?"

"Auxiliary skills will only be provided free of charge after the host has successfully completed the task. If the host usually needs it, you must purchase it. Just like the hacking skills just now, the skills are different and the reserve price is different. 200 million! "

Ye Fei's hands were on the glass window, his face was on the glass, his eyes were straight at Fang Xiaohu with closed eyes, and he said, "Give me!"

Fang Xiaohu became like this because of himself, and Fang Xiaohu is his best friend, let alone 200 million to save him, even if it is 2 billion, Ye Fei will do it.

In his opinion, there is a kind of friend who cannot be bought with money, and Fang Xiaohu is.

"Is it two hundred million? Then I will use two hundred million to grab you from the hand of death!"

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