The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 804: Suddenly I want to stand up for Ye Shen

Crispy yogurt, this is the nutrition that Ye Fei made for Fang Xiaohu. Although Fang Xiaohu can't eat it now, the insulation plate used by Ye Fei has the function of long-term heat preservation and quality.

Ye Fei could n’t help but pinch a piece of crispy yoghurt and tasted it before loading the plate. This is a very strange taste. Specifically, the taste is a pure mixed aroma.

Just after eating into the mouth, the fried and crunchy bread crumbs wrapped outside the yogurt block made a slight click, and then the special rose cooking oil absorbed in the bread crumbs spread directly into the mouth, an elegant and refreshing rose Incense blooms in the mouth.

Ye Fei has n’t eaten rose oil for a long time. I tasted it again today and found that this oil is more charming than before. It is like more than ten thousand roses in full bloom in her mouth. , Exuding a faint but wonderful aroma.

The aroma of rose cooking oil just appeared, and then the teeth touched the soft and sticky yogurt block inside.

The fried milk block is like a good jelly, and it is like a fudge with a slight elasticity of the teeth. It is crackled and cracked, and a strong flavor of yogurt is burst out. Then, it writhes in the mouth, and leaves Ye Fei Shuang almost cried.

The taste of milky aroma is definitely the most fascinating among many kinds of aromas, because it is a flavor very close to the original. Although processed, the aroma itself is still very strong.

The thick, almost indelible aroma of milk rolls the aroma of roses in the mouth, wandering back and forth. Between these two wonderful breathes, a faint scent of corn appears like the first ray of sunlight in the morning. The existence of this kind of fragrance is like a finishing touch, combining the two fragrances more subtly, making each other penetrate and be independent from each other.

"It's so special!" Ye Fei couldn't help but praise.

"Well, it seems that you can consider making this kind of food for breakfast in the future. It tastes fragrant but not greasy, elegant but not complicated, which is very good."

After eating a piece of crispy yoghurt, Ye Fei set aside the insulation plate containing crispy yoghurt first, and then made another nourishing food.

Fang Xiaohu is his friend, and Dong Feihu is the same. Even though several other people ca n’t say how deep in friendship, after all, they have been beaten for themselves, so Ye Fei cannot be equal, since if they want to help them recover, then one cannot fall.

The second dish he made was a soup called milk white catfish soup.

One hundred days of injury to the bones, especially in the early recovery stage after the fracture, the diet is very particular about, because in the early stage of the fracture, the injury is still in the blood edema stage. At this time, it is forbidden to eat heavy oil food, which is spicy and irritating Food and hot foods such as litchi, durian, and big bone soup and chicken soup, especially many people have trust in what to eat, and if bones are broken, they should be supplemented with bone soup.

This is absolutely wrong.

If bones are to be re-connected after a fracture, there are mainly two kinds of substances that are needed, namely the periosteum and bone marrow. These two things need the help of a substance called bone collagen in order to play the best role when the bone is healing. Under the action of collagen, the effects of both can be maximized.

The main nutrients in bone soup are phosphorus and calcium. Excessive intake of these two substances will make the proportion of inorganic and organic substances in the human body imbalance. When these two substances are imbalanced, not only will it not help the bones to go faster. Healing, on the contrary, will delay the healing of bones.

Therefore, Ye Fei will definitely not make Dong Binghu a big bone soup for them.

There are two important ingredients in this soup: tofu and fish.

Soy products contain appropriate amounts of calcium and vitamin D. The presence of vitamin D can also promote bone healing.

The fish soup also contains vitamin D and calcium. The combination of the two is mainly to supplement these two nutrients for patients.

However, in addition to tofu and catfish, Ye Fei added a few pieces of red dates. Of course, the red dates are denuclearized. The main role of red dates is to provide vitamin C, which is also needed for patients to heal their bones. Very important substance.

After deciding what soup to make, Ye Fei bought ingredients from the system again.

Carassius auratus, also known as anemone seeds, hitou, river bream, etc. This fish contains a lot of nutrients, various minerals, vitamin A and vitamin D, etc. The existence of these things is destined to have a very aggressive Function, that is, it can promote growth!

That's why Ye Fei makes milk white catfish soup.

Take a catfish out of the storage compartment and slaughter to remove the internal organs.

Handling fish leaf fly has long been an old hand, because he has done a lot because of the light fish cuisine.

After processing the catfish, rinse it and cut it into pieces of fish. Even the fish head is retained.

No matter what the head is, it is almost the place with the highest nutrition. It is the so-called "topping for the first three parts". Although the carp head is small, the soup is very fresh.

After processing the sturgeon, a piece of snow-white tofu was taken out of the storage compartment. This kind of tofu leaves knew that it was the first superb tofu he encountered from the system—Yangchun White Snow.

Cut the tofu carefully into pieces of tofu, then soak them in water. Take out four red dates at this time, remove the dates, and not cut into dates. Just separate the flesh and set aside.

Then shred ginger, shredded ginger, moderate vinegar, sugar, and salt.

Everything is ready. Take the wok out, place it on the stove, and open the fire to dry the pot. Then use **** to walk through the bottom of the pot first. Then pour the right amount of the best peanut oil into it.

Wait until the oil temperature is ok, put the onion **** and stir fry the fragrant, and put the fish in it.

The soup is good or not. It plays a big role when the fish pieces are fried. The fish pieces are fried too much, and the fish soup tasted is not fresh. If the soup is not cooked properly, the soup will be too strong. Heavy fishy taste.

So simply fry the fish in the pot. After the fish has turned white, Ye Fei added the right amount of boiling water, add two drops of balsamic vinegar, and add the right amount of white sugar.

Then open the fire and burn until the water in the pot becomes milky white, then put the cut tofu and red dates into it, add refined salt, cover the pot again, and the fire will change from high to small. fire.

Slowly simmer for 4 or 5 minutes on a low fire, Ye Fei smells a strong fresh flavor channel rushing out of the pot. This taste is not like the cooked fish meat cuisine, because the fish meat cuisine is made as much as possible The delicious taste can be locked in the meat, so that it can burst into the mouth to the maximum when eating.

The fish soup mainly cooks out the nutrients inside the fish, so it is almost impossible to lock the delicious taste.

When the taste appeared, Ye Feiti sniffed his nose and nodded in satisfaction.

Turn off the fire, open the lid, and add a pinch of coriander.

Take a small spoon and scoop out a small spoon of creamy white fish soup in the pot and taste it.

The unique and delicious flavor of the sturgeon was released in the mouth. A feeling of small river water directly hit the heart. The mouth shouted the soup. Ye Fei seemed to see under the mountains and in the creek. Swimming joyfully.


Ye Fei was more satisfied. She packed the fish soup in a large insulated bucket, then took seven more bowls, and brought the chopsticks and spoons together. Then she put the things on the car and locked the door. Ben Yinzhou First People's Hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, Ye Fei parked the car, put the prepared crispy yogurt and milk white catfish soup in his hand, and came to the inpatient department.

After waiting for the ward where several people lived, Ye Fei was startled and saw that there were several doctors and nurses in each ward waiting for these guys.

Even in the first room, Ye Fei saw Dean Xiang Feiying.

Xiang Feiying is talking to a special soldier.

"Have a good rest, you are just trauma, you will be fine soon, rest assured, our hospital will use the best resources to help you recover."

The special commander looked at Xiang Feiying, blinked his eyes, and suddenly asked a question that was dreadful: "Why are you so good to us?"

Several doctors and nurses all rolled their eyes and said that it was a good friend of yours.

"Oh, it's our duty to be a doctor to save the wounded. You are hospitalized here. Of course, we must do our best to do our best, do you mean it?"

Xiang Feiying didn't say what he said.

Another special commander scratched his head with his hand wrapped in gauze and muttered, "Is the doctor's professional ethics really so noble? How did I hear that a hospital had killed someone the day before yesterday, and blasted out their family members? What about? "

So a group of doctors and nurses wanted to rush up and rub the whole product on the floor.

Does your sister speak?

In front of us as doctors, in front of Xiang Dean of our hospital, do you say this kind of thing is really good?

Xiang Feiying was also a little embarrassed, and laughed: "As people become maggots, these are things that do n’t happen often. Otherwise, people do n’t dare to come to the hospital if they are sick ~ ~ Is n’t it? "

"Dean Xiang is right. Any industry or any unit will have some inferior quality. You guys can meet Dean Xiang, these people with high medical ethics, which is really your blessing."

Ye Fei walked in with a big insulated bucket and smiling.

When everyone saw Ye Fei coming, they all gathered around.

"Ye Shenyi."


"Mr. Ye."

It's called anything.

Xiang Feiying also stood up, came to Ye Fei with a smile, and said, "Ye Shenyi, come here so late, it's hard."

Ye Fei pointed at the two special soldiers and said, "After all, I've dragged them down, and just made some milk white catfish soup to supplement them."

"What? Milk white catfish soup? You made it yourself?"

Xiang Feiying heard Ye Fei's saying that he brought milk white catfish soup. The guy's eyes stared directly at the large insulated bucket in Ye Fei's hands, and then ... then he swallowed the saliva very indecently, and his tongue licked Lick your lips.

That's right, this product is out of stock!

If it was the milk white catfish soup made by others, Xiang Feiying would not even see it.

But Ye Fei is different. Although they are called Ye Fei Ye Shenyi, Ye Fei ’s real job is a food anchor. Now they are almost all fans of Ye Fei in the entire hospital. They all know what Ye Fei ’s food is. Level, but the local tyrants around the world have nowhere to eat with money. They want to taste something when they break their heads.

Now Ye Fei came over with anchovy soup and stood in front of him. If he didn't move, he would really see a ghost.

Xiang Feiying turned to look at the two special forces soldiers lying on the bed, and suddenly a weird thought came out.

"Hemp eggs, these two boys are so happy. Suddenly I really want to stand up for Ye Shen."

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