The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 817: x 一 十 (to complement yesterday's 3rd

Anyone who has watched Ye Fei's live broadcast knows that Ye Fei is really not good at cooking, but this product is the most **** when it comes to serving food from the pot, always holding the pot and pouring it on the plate Already.

So much delicious food, so silent way out of the pot, it makes many people anxious.

Today, although Ye Fei does not use such a bad Yeh's pan method, but putting a pint of tofu in the purple casserole directly on the plate is similar to the method of directly violently panning. Fortunately, many people have been numb. Already.

In their opinion, Ye Fei used this method to make a product of tofu. After pouring it on the plate, it must be a mess, because it is impossible to form. When the tofu is placed in the purple casserole, it is well placed, but After all, there is soup in it. When the soup is boiling, it will definitely destroy the shape of the tofu.

But when they saw a piece of tofu on Ye Feisheng on the plate, they found that the tofu was not scattered, but not only that, the pieces of tofu were also arranged in order, as if they were intentionally neatly coded, especially in the tofu. On the edge, slices of red and bright ham were evenly arranged, like a solemn guard.

"This ... Ye Zi's pot-making method reappears the mighty power?"

"I rely, this can be done so neatly? Ye Shen is getting more and more out of this Ye Family."

"Ye's pot-making method? I'm ignorant. What's the new-year's pot-making method?"

"Khan, I don't know about it. Ye's method is to take a plate, cook it, and whip it down."


"What the hell?"

"Ye's pot method."

It can be said that the audience in the live broadcast was once again convinced by Ye Fei's way of serving the dishes. This thing is in front of you. If you don't accept it, he will just serve it on the plate, and the dish will become a kind of people. Amazing look.

Ye Fei just popped the tofu in the purple casserole, and as the purple casserole was withdrawn, a group of golden yellow light clusters appeared. If you look at the light cluster carefully, they are all composed of pieces of golden tofu. These tofu are like gold nuggets that are evenly cut in the light group. Chanchan enters the sun and makes people look at it with the urge to swallow it.

Ye Fei's eyes looked up with the light ball, and they saw that the light ball rose to a certain height, and it was broken with a bang, and the light particles splashed.

Suddenly, a very unique fragrance permeated the entire space.

It is a compound type of aroma, specifically this compound type of aroma is a superimposed type of aroma, because the tofu flavor peculiar to tofu just appeared, but there is also a charred aroma of fried tofu Tao said that in the mixed gas of the two, the aromas of various other ingredients were faintly revealed, and these aromas were combined together, like a cloud of aroma, covering everyone instantly.

The wet man came to Ye Fei's side after a short step, he stretched his neck and sucked his nose fiercely, then closed the eyes of the goods, shook his head and said, "Guru, in this situation, I want to give a poem, ah, Tofu, gold beans are made into silver jade pulp, and the jade pulp is made into Xue Jiao Niang. The Jiao Niang travels in gold clothes, and the gold clothes are fragrant, and ah, tofu. "

At this moment, many people find that the wet guy can sometimes make a sober poem, just like the song he makes now, no matter whether it is good or not, at least the mood and the current situation are very right.

Kumar was standing still, but his eyes were looking straight at the plate of tofu on the table, and he asked for a long time: "Can you taste it?"

Ye Fei looked at Kumar, looked at the wet man and Rhodes, and even saw Rhodes's throat knot rolling unconsciously, and said with a smile: "The situation today is special, if you want to taste it now , I will not stop. "

Talking, Ye Fei took out three pairs of chopsticks and handed them to the three.

Kumar was the fastest this time. After seeing him receiving chopsticks, he caught the chopsticks on a piece of tofu, and then took back the chopsticks with a golden tofu block.

I put this tofu block in front of my eyes and saw that both sides of this tofu block are golden yellow, this golden yellow is just right, there is no scorch at all, on the side of the tofu, a layer of golden yellow tofu skin is light Cover it lightly, as if this is a treasure chest, and under this lid is a crazily treasure chest.

The appearance must not be said.

Kumar nodded with satisfaction, then opened his mouth, put the tofu in his mouth, and bit it gently.

Kumar was a little surprised this time, because he was watching Ye Fei while he was stuffing tofu, adding soup to it. It stands to reason that the golden brown crispy skin should be soaked in the soup, and it should change. It's right to be soft and peeled, but why does he meow when he eats and still feels crunchy?

Click ~~

A faint, crisp sound came out of Kumar's mouth, and then his mouth was full of tofu's delicate scorch.

It was just that this layer of crispy skin had just been bitten, and the tofu meat hidden beneath the crispy skin was like a jelly, pouring directly into Kumar's mouth.


Kumar was swearing in surprise.

After this smooth tofu flew into his mouth, a burst of bean scent unique to Yangchun Baixue Tofu burst out in his mouth, this taste is like you take a big mouthful of pure to pure soy milk Same, full of fragrance.

The flavor of the bean flavour broke out in the mouth, but the breath that most surprised Kumar appeared, and the taste of the stuffing wrapped in the tofu block was completely bitten out.

Boom ~~

Like a warrior angrily lifted his head to press the blockade of the millennium, and it seemed like a superb beauty gently lifted the red hijab on his head to reveal the beauty of the city.

The smell of shiitake mushrooms, the lean meat of rosin pigs, the fresh aroma of sea cucumbers, the delicious flavor of scallops, and the green flavor of winter bamboo shoots are all perfectly integrated in the mouth, as if they are scrambled for sports athletes. All rushed towards the taste buds on the tip of his tongue and his taste nerves.

This is not the end, just after the taste of these things hit his taste buds, then in the middle of these fillings, a few powerful sauces were blasted out and hit his tongue directly. And on the mouth wall.

This is the best enjoyment of this cuisine.

The minced meat has been simmered out of the juice. These juices are formed by the best of these ingredients. It is like a xiaolongbao. If you bit open its epidermis, you will find that there is not only one Small groups of meat fillings, and at the same time there are watery gravy in the meat fillings. These gravy are more fragrant than those meat fillings, because these gravy is the essence of the whole meat filling.

The same is true for the tofu made by Ye Fei. The meat fillings in this tofu are simmered at high temperature. Various ingredients have contributed the most succulent juices. After being bitten by Kumar, they finally found the eruption. Exit, rushed into Kumar's mouth without hesitation.

It was also this unexpected shock that made Kumar's whole person tremble. He couldn't help but snored fiercely, and then the whole person was immersed in the infinite fragrance and could not extricate himself.

Rhodes still eats very elegantly, although he is really a bit frustrated when facing Ye Fei's food, but his identity is there, and he can't rush up hungry.

It wasn't until the wet man and Kumar took a piece together that Rhodes gently picked up a piece of tofu, also watched it first, then slowly put it in the mouth, and then ... Then he experienced what Kumar had just experienced Scene.

Rhodes maintains his image vigorously, because since he came out, he does not represent himself, but the entire Rothschild family. Even in the face of Yushi Qiongye, he must insist on the appearance.

As the first successor to the Rothschild family, he has long since cultivated a sense of consternation.

However, after Ye Fei made this piece of tofu into his mouth, Rhodes still shivered, and then the whole person entered into an unprecedented enjoyment, even more so than before. Smell the aroma of those foods and enjoy more.

After all, those are just smelling the nose, and now this product of tofu is actually eaten into his mouth, eating and smelling a good food is completely different.

Smell can only satisfy your taste nerves, but after eating in the mouth, it will not only satisfy your taste nerves, but also nourish your taste buds, and also activate your whole body cells. This is a more Advanced enjoyment.

Rhodes was completely trapped in this dish. He slowly and carefully chewed the pieces of tofu in his mouth, as if he was not eating a dish, but the most precious treasure in the world. same.

Finally, the tofu and the meat were all chewed and swallowed.

When he swallows, he feels that there is an incredibly strong and smooth and delicate thing that enters his esophagus along his throat and then into his stomach ~ ~ All the way down, he has everything All of the hungry cells are nourished and vitalized.

"God, I never thought that Huaxia's tofu would be so delicious. Today I was fortunate enough to taste it. It cost me 500 million meters to buy this place. It's worth it. It's really worth it. Even if I can only eat There is no complaint when it comes to this cuisine. "

Rhode's words are very important. Whatever it is, as long as the evaluation from his mouth is almost qualitative, after all, the identity of this guy is too horrible. Even if he is wrong, there are definitely many People are right.

Now, he praised Ye Fei's soy curd so high, everyone knew that this dish was definitely the best.

He ate the remaining half of the tofu in one bite, and Rhode put down his chopsticks.

Just when everyone didn't understand what was going on, he saw Rod pulled out of his pocket ... pulled out a bunch of diamonds ... a decorated gold mobile phone, and then said nothing, after entering Ye Fei's live broadcast room Just a quick meal.

This time everyone finally saw Rhode's horror again. This really didn't use money as money. He was given out by the luxury props in groups.

In fact, what they saw was in groups, and the wet man closest to Rhodes squinted at the mobile phone with a soft leg and sat on the ground.

Because he saw that with each click of Rhode's finger on the screen, he saw a spaceship flying rumblingly, followed by a suffix-x10!

Wet people saw this scene, so hung did not pass out.

Oh my god, this guy is really crazy. Can he still drive like this? What does x10 mean? In other words, at this order, it is not a spaceship, but ten ships!

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