The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 938: 1 bowl of porridge, another bowl of porridge! (3

Different levels result in different things.

想 I want to continue Fei Wenwen's condition. From Tiegang's point of view, it's almost impossible, because you can't even detect the condition.

But in Ye Fei's view, it is not a big disease that can be treated.

Tiegang feels Ye Fei is talking at this moment, even if I can't, but so many orthopedic experts in the country can't? Neither of them can be treated, why do you say it is a minor illness? Do you know this at Tuatu?

No one saw it. The little nurse Xiaobing disappeared. Specifically, the girl ran back to the nurse's desk, then picked up the phone and called the director.

Yes, a phone call in the middle of the night went to the home of Peng Jian, the director of Kyoto First People's Hospital.

Peng Jianli was sleeping. When I heard the phone ringing, I took it and listened to it. The result was a moment of energy, and I jumped out of bed.

"Lao Peng, what are you tossing about not sleeping in the middle of the night?" Peng Jian's wife said depressed.

Jian Peng Jian did not speak at all, and got up directly to get dressed.

"What are you doing this big night?" Peng's wife found that her husband was too abnormal, and he sat up and asked.

Jian Peng Jian said excitedly while wearing his clothes: "Go to the hospital."

"Go to the hospital now? What can't I say tomorrow?"

不能 "No, the hospital is going to a big man now, and I must rush over in person."

"Big man? Official?"

"What official, a doctor."

哎 "Hey, what do I think it is, a doctor, is it too late to meet tomorrow?"

"What do you know, this doctor is like a fairy. He never sees the end. My God, I didn't expect him to go to our hospital. This time, our hospital is blessed. There are ways to treat it. "

Peng Peng's wife laughed and said, "Look at what you said, this man is really a god? What disease can be treated, then he is so powerful that he must be a master? Is it still all-round?"

"He is a versatile person, and he can cure everything."

Peng Jianli said, when he opened the door, he went out, and said to his wife when he went out, "Don't wait for me, I don't think I can come back until dawn."

After speaking, I hurried downstairs, and while going downstairs, I also called some senior staff in the hospital and let them go to the hospital immediately.

A bunch of seniors are depressed. Brother, you ca n’t toss people like this as a dean. What time is it? Still going to the hospital?

However, the dean said that they could not help but go to the hospital one by one while wearing clothes. At the same time, there were a group of orthopedic experts in the past, because the nurse Xiao Ping told Peng to establish on the phone. Of a little girl, so these orthopedic specialists must go.

It didn't take long for a group of people to rush to the hospital, which made all the night nurses and doctors in the hospital startled. What happened? Why did a group of seniors and experts in the hospital go to sleep late at night? What kind of trouble is this?

"Dean, you ... why are you here this time?" Asked a night doctor.

Jian Peng Jianxi hurried forward, and said, "Ye Fei is here."

"Ye Fei?"

医生 The doctor really didn't respond at first, but it didn't take long for me to know. Excited, "You mean that a bowl of porridge saved more than 2,000 people Ye Fei?"

"it's him."

"God, why did he come to our hospital?"

"Don't worry about that much. Hurry up and have someone get the meeting room ready. I'll go over first."


When Ye Yefei was explaining Wenwen's condition to Tiegang, the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and then a group of people hurried in.

"Ye Shenyi."

"Ye Fei."

"Mr. Ye."

Ye Yefei: "........"

I looked at the group of people who came in, and Ye Fei was a little confused.

But Wenwen's mother and Wenwen are not confused, and Tiegang is not even confused. When several people saw the chief and vice president of the hospital and a group of experts came late at night, they all startled.

Xie Peng established a few people and called Ye Fei, and then they saw the world, and then they were not calm.

I am all mixed in Kyoto. Of course, they know who the world is. In the business world, this is also a ruthless man. He is lying. How come these two people come together tonight?

"Mr. Chi, are you there?" Peng Jianli greeted.

Gallop nodded and said, "A friend is sick. I'll come and see."

"your friend?"

"Yes, this little girl."


Oh my god, this little girl is your friend?

Is there anything wrong? Why haven't you heard her say it before?

A group of people is a bit messy.

But now anyway, let Ye Fei wait for you.

"Mr. Ye, you ... are you here to help her see a doctor?"

Ye Feiyan said, "My friend, let me see."

"All her orthopedic specialists have diagnosed her condition, and the cause cannot be found. We can't prescribe the right medicine. We are even wondering whether this is a new type of orthopedic disease. It is difficult to say whether there is a medical treatment."

Wu Pengjian didn't know that everyone was hiding Wenwen's condition, and he said it directly.

A man about 50 years old with glasses said, "Mr. Ye, hello, I am an orthopedic specialist at Jingnan Medical University. My name is Miao Tian. I have seen the girl ’s condition and passed a high-tech medical examination. Yeah, I really can't find out the cause. "

Another expert also hurriedly said, "Yes, we collectively discussed her condition, and to be honest, it was very difficult."

"I think if you want to protect her leg, I recommend going to the rice country or the eagle country, after all, their medical level there is better."

"Hey, Mr. Ye ..."

A group of people were all scrambling to say, afraid that Ye Fei wouldn't notice them.

But they said for a long time, but found that Ye Fei looked at them with a smile.

And Tie Gang looked at them with constipation.

As for Wenwen and Wenwen's mother, they all looked at them with contempt.

Everyone: "..."

I go, what's wrong? Are we saying something wrong?

Xie Tiegang really didn't want the so-called experts to be ashamed here, he coughed and said, "Experts, Mr. Ye has already checked for Wenwen, he said ..."

"What did he say ?! What did Mr. Ye say?" Miao Tian hurriedly asked.

Other experts and even the head and vice president of the hospital all stared at Tiegang, waiting for the guy to say.

Wu Tiegang saw everyone looking at himself, and even the dean looked at himself, and said stubbornly, "Mr. Ye said Wenwen's illness is a minor illness and can be cured."


"噗 ~~~"

"I depend."

"Uh ~ uh uh uh ~~~"

A group of people make any sound.

I couldn't help it, the news was too unexpected, and there was no thought preparation, which was beyond their expectation.



Let me go. Are you sure you are telling the truth?

At this moment, everyone even wondered if Ye Fei had real talents and learned, or if he could only flicker.

"Ye Fei, this is a hospital. It is responsible to say such things in front of patients."

Ye Miaotian didn't even call Mr. Ye, and he called Ye Fei directly. In his opinion, Ye Fei was too arrogant. Even if you are terrible, how much worse can you diagnose with so many of us? We all thought it was a serious illness, but there was no cure in the country. As a result, you had a minor illness that could be cured, Emma. How dare you say that, you are not paying attention to our group of people.

They are experts, they have reasons to be angry!

Mr. Peng established a look and hurriedly comforted: "Everyone, everybody, don't argue anymore. Listen to what Mr. Ye said. Since he said it is a small disease that can be cured, he should have his reason."

Dean 说话 said in person, everyone must give face, and for a while quieted down.

Ye Yefei still looked at them with a smile, but this smile looked so dazzling and so humiliating in everyone's eyes, one by one, he couldn't wait to slap his face on his face and run away the smile.

"Mr. Ye, can you speak in another place?" Peng Jianjian stooped slightly and said.

Ye Feiyan said aloud, "Then say it in another place."

After saying that, he patted Wenwen's hand and said, "I'll go back as soon as I go."

Xu finally nodded towards Wenwen's mother, then left with Peng Jianli and a group of experts.

The galloping world stayed in the ward, and it was useless to go. He could make money, but he knew nothing about medicine.

会议 Meeting room of Kyoto First People's Hospital.

Ye Fei sat next to him, only Tie Gang was next to him, everyone else was sitting opposite him, and Peng Jianqiang was sitting at the front of the conference table. Ye Fei was the same.

Ye Fei wasn't scared at all. He sat there, holding a bottle of water in his hand, and took a sip.

"Ye Fei, what you just said is true?" Miao Tian asked incredulously.

Ye Yefei set the water aside ~ ~ said: "At least I think it is true."

"But don't you think it's a little crap?" Another expert countered.

Ye Yefei was not in a hurry, and said, "Waffle or **** is only known after the patient has been treated."

"We can't get you to treat a patient until you say the exact evidence."

"The patient has nothing to do with you. Besides, she is willing to let me treat her. It is her choice, as if it has nothing to do with you."


I said, a group of experts went crazy.

Peng Jianli took a look and hurriedly stopped again: "Everyone, don't worry, since Mr. Ye said so, there must be his truth, and we have no better way to treat the patient's disease for the time being, let Mr. Ye try first A moment, it really won't work. Let's think of a solution. "

"But Dean, a bowl of porridge, it's another bowl of porridge!" Miao Tiandan said with pain.

Yes, the treatment that Ye Fei said just now is diet therapy, and it's another bowl of porridge.

This makes a bunch of experts crazy, we do n’t know what the disease is, you gave me another bowl of porridge, we admit that you saved so many people with a bowl of porridge before, but you still have a bowl of this bone disease Is porridge cured? It's too **** right?

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