The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 957: 44 seats

Yao Xiaoming started skinning again, but was scolded by Yao Jianshe and the peerless pheasant.

The audience in the live room was laughed again by this little guy.

At this time, Ye Fei also said with a smile: "Okay, friends, guests, we already know, then we will carry out today's gourmet production, we also said in the last issue, this time is still a banquet, said To be honest, we have done many kinds of banquets in front of us, such as Confucius Banquet, Tan Family Banquet, Upright Government Banquet, etc., each kind of banquet has left a strong color in the history of China, but the brilliance of these banquets cannot cover up many local banquets Today, the banquet we made may be strange to many people, but it is an extremely classic banquet. This banquet is very famous in Lushan Province, specifically in Lushan Province. The Boshan area is very famous. I want to say that here, friends in the Boshan area should know what kind of banquet is it? "

Sure enough, an audience member sent a message: "I'm from the Boshan area, Ye Shen, you want to do a banquet in the Boshan area? Is it ... is it our four or four seats?"

"Four or four seats? What kind of banquet is this?"

"I haven't heard of it, is there such a feast?"

"I'm not sure, but it sounds good to hear the name."

"How dare you pay attention to it?

Ye Feile said, "This Boshan eagle friend didn't say yes. The banquet we made today is a famous local banquet. Forty or four seats, many friends have not heard of such a banquet because You have n’t been to Boshan. If you go there, you ’ll find that whether you go to a hotel or an ordinary house, they usually use four or four seats to treat VIPs. So what is a four or four table? Bowls, four rows, four big pieces, four flowers, two snacks, and if there are four or four seats, we must first talk about a kind of banquet, which is three seats. This should be a lot of the Chinese audience in the live broadcast room. Because the three seats are not like the four or four seats unique to the Boshan area, they are available in many regions of the country, but the dishes and rules are slightly different. The most famous is the three-person seats for the Gelao tribe. There are ten people at a table, and the children are orderly, and then there is a tea party, a banquet, and a dinner. This is a complete set of banquets. Waiting for the dinner represents the end. In the words of the Gelao, the end is Yantai. So 仡Family of three seats, also known as the March 19 Taiwan. "

"Then, there are the Xishui Santai seats in Longnan Province. The Xishui Santai seats are pursuing a cultural direction, and their Santai seats are said to have developed on the basis of thirteen flowers. It is divided into Hancheng thirteen flowers and Jiupin thirteen flowers. We will do it later when we have a chance. Not only do we have three seats in Longnan Province, there are three seats in Xishan Province, but the three seats in Xishan Province are in harmony with each other. The Boshan Santai seats that we make today have a very close relationship. It can even be said that the two are a source. The biggest feature of the Xishan Santai seats is that they do not stick to local materials, but start to use a lot of seafood and make complex. The rules are rigorous. In addition, there are Baoji in Longnan Province, Linfen in Xishan Province and West Anhui in Huishan Province. The reason why the three seats are so widely distributed throughout the country is because of their love for him.

"And the four or four seats in the Boshan area were developed on the basis of this extremely popular three seats, but this is not an end, because on the basis of the four or four seats, people have made another ten The six-person Yanshen sixty-six seats and the eighteen people's health-preservation sixty-six seats, of course, there are six or eight or eight seats above, which is six hot fried six steaming bowls or eight hot fried eight The steamed bowl banquets are exquisite banquets made by people through continuous research and improvement. Of course, we have four or four seats to do today, and others are skipped for now. "

"The four or four seats in the Boshan area were developed from the basis of six dishes, six small bowls and three large pieces. So why are they called four or four seats? Because the number four is a very magical number in China. It represents the four seasons of the year, representing four directions, four red and four joys, etc., and the name of the four or four seats is called on this basis. Some friends will definitely ask, what if eight people are not seated at the Eight Immortals table? How to do it for seven people? That is called an open seat, open a mouth. If it is nine people, it ’s called a corner seat, which means one more of the eight seats angle."

Ye Yefei said a lot in one breath. It can be said that since the start of the banquet, he rarely introduced such a banquet so clearly.

The audience in the live broadcast room was all fascinated, because today's feast, Ye Fei not only taught them to cook, but also told them the history and development of the feast.

This may be nothing to many ordinary audiences, but for a real foodie, this is the essence. Eat a food, not only its taste and nutrition, but also the table feast of this food. History and culture.

Now, Ye Fei gave them all.

"Huaxia's food culture is really vast and profound."

"God, I have to go to Huaxia to have a look at it, and let Ye Shen say that I really look forward to it."

我 "I'm going, don't say that your group of foreigners feel that the Chinese food culture is vast and profound. I, a Chinese person, feel it. It's really amazing."

"Three seats, three seats, four or four seats, six or six seats, and thirteen flowers, oh my, this ... how have you never heard of these before?"

"This shows that you are not a qualified eater. I have eaten four or four seats, and I have eaten three seats, but I have never eaten six or six seats and thirteen flowers. I really want to eat."

"Yes, it ’s just a meal. Are you Chinese people too particular about it?"

This sentence turned out to be Mutombo. This is a very rare character because he is a strong internationally famous anchor. In the past, he was still a strong competitor to Ye Fei. I think this guy is watching Ye Fei's show.

Ye Fei is only impressed with Mutombo, and is not familiar, but since he is watching his show, it is his audience. If he has a question, he has to answer it.

"You're right. Many people around the world know that Chinese people not only like food, but also make good food. At the same time, they have a lot of attention to food. Food is the most representative. There is a problem with the names of many ingredients, which are taboo at the banquet. Therefore, these ingredients are generally not served. Just like these four or four seats, twists must not be on the table, because it means trouble, and fruits cannot. "Pear" means the meaning of separation. Chickens, ducks, and fish can be, but chickens do n’t offer heads, ducks do n’t offer tails, fish do n’t offer fins, tea is full of wine, etc. These are rules. So many rules are not useful. If they are used, I think Mr. Solova will escape. "

的 Audience in the live room: "......."

People were ridiculed by Ye Fei again, but they had to admit that Ye Fei was telling the truth. If they really do today ’s live broadcast according to these four or four seats rules, it is estimated that Solova will really run, let alone Is a foreigner, even a Chinese people feel that these rules are many.

"I don't run, I've come all the way, I haven't eaten your food yet, I won't run," said Solova.

The audience was amused again by this product.

Ye Yefei also said with a smile: "You don't have to run, otherwise I will go to Miguo to invite you back, you know I'm very busy."

Everyone: "......."

"Emma, ​​Ye Shen, let us not watch today's show? Always make us laugh."

"Yeshen started skinning again."

"I'm so happy about it, right? Ye Shen."

Ye Yefei hurriedly said, "Okay, well, let's just say so much about the four or four seats first, and then start work, eh ~~ I think I have to say something."

Audience: "......."

"噗 ~~ Well, Ye Shen, we all know that you can say very well, don't peel."

"Yes, do you believe me to hit you? Can you finish it all at once?"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "The last thing I said was about the four or four seats. In fact, it is soup. In the four or four seats, soup is extremely important because there are many in the four or four seats. There are soups in Dao cuisine. Among the four or four seats, the soup is divided into clear soup, broth, vegetarian soup and milk soup. We will use some in a while, so let ’s say, okay, friends, we will start work. For four or four seats, the first dish served is a large piece. This large piece is very particular, because its total value occupies half of the entire table, so everyone should know how this first dish is. It ’s important, and what ’s on the first dish signifies what kind of banquet table is called for the four or four seats. For fish, you need a four or four fish table. For Shanghai ginseng, it is called a four or four sea table. We have made sea cucumbers and we have made many kinds of fish, but the fish we made today has never appeared before. What is it? I believe many people can recognize it at a glance. "

After speaking, Ye Fei came to the console and began to prepare, and a group of Solova followed him.

Open the storage compartment and see that there are water splashes in the storage compartment. The cat is relatively close and splashed with water from this face. This guy is also amazing enough to lick it with his tongue, surprised. "Salt water? This ... this is seawater?"

Ye Yefei nodded: "It's seawater. This fish made today is sea fish."

"What fish?"

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and took out a fish from the storage compartment. The fish was more than half a foot long, and the scales on his body were glittering, like a small piece of silver. The back was gray-black, only in this gray-black A little bit of blue and black on the top, the mouth is pointed.

After Ye Fei took it out, the fish bit his mouth open, and everyone saw that the fish's teeth were sharp and looked fierce, but it didn't bite Ye Fei.

Ye Yefei grabbed the fish and swept up, saying: "The first gourmet is also a large piece of four or four seats, we will make this!"

"Blue Arrow?"


"A sharp mouth?"

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