The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 972: angry

What is the most glorious thing about a person?

Different people have different answers, but there is a situation where many people do n’t dare to think of glory, and that is to get the appreciation and invitation from the highest level of a country. It can be said that this glory is more than the invitation you received for the National Spring Festival Gala. Be more glorious than you get a billion-dollar order.

Because this is a supreme glory, this is an honor that cannot be bought with money at all, even if you have a relationship, you may not be able to obtain this honor, because it is necessary to have real knowledge to learn to enjoy To.

What is your biggest wish as a chef?

Some people may say that it is to enter a five-star hotel as a chef, or to be a chef, but the deepest desire of each chef is to be able to cook a state banquet. At the state banquet, this is much better than any kind of honor, and much more glorious.

Many people have struggled all their lives to thoroughly study the food they will do, but there is still no such opportunity.

Ye Fei is different. Ye Fei was named by the upper leadership and asked him to help him cook some food. It stands to reason that this thing is absolutely enough for Ye Fei to blow his whole life, but what many people have never thought about is that this girl actually refused Already.

And the reason for rejection is so simple and overbearing-I have no time!

A group of Ma Qingyun almost killed this guy's heart.

The mountain cannon was not after listening to Ye Fei's words, but also fell down and gave him a knee. You are a god. You dare to refuse such things, brother, do you know what you are doing?

He completely admired Ye Fei. If he only admired Ye Fei's cooking skills, now he admires Ye Fei's courage and courage. A person like this can dare to use my free time to refuse, You disagree? I will tell you if you disagree with others and will look down on you.

However, Shan Pao is not a cannon and knows that this kind of thing cannot be said at all, because even if you say it, no one can believe it.

So the goods quickly got up from the ground, and respected Ye Fei even more.

Many viewers saw that the mountain cannon was not a cannon suddenly so respectful to Ye Fei, they were all confused, because they all saw it just now. The mountain cannon is not a gun. This guy is not a fuel-saving lamp. This is a cruel man. Man, why is he suddenly so respectful to Ye Fei?

"What exactly is going on?"

"I don't know. What did Ye Shen say to him just now? Why did he suddenly make this guy so respectful?"

"Who knows, I just saw the mountain cannon sitting directly on the ground. The big thing is definitely the big thing."

People are puzzled, all of them are guessing the reason, but no one can guess it.

Ye Fei makes a lot of food. If it is ordinary food, it can be said that several people ca n’t eat it at all, but the situation is different now. A table of food has made several people wipe out, except Ye Feihe The old lady Qingsong ate a little less, soroval and cat guests ate the most.

Especially Solovars, there is really no scruples about eating. At this time, the boss and commander are all left behind, that is, eat, eat, eat! Like the wind and the wind, soroval can't eat it at the end, but the eyes of the goods are staring at the rest of the food on the table, but they can't eat it.

At this moment, the goods have an urge to pack, because these foods are really delicious and delicious, making him look like another window of food, letting him see another world of food.

The thing that surprised everyone the most was the cat-guy. Everyone could see that his body was thin and distressing. But no one expected that this guy's appetite would be so scary. He ate more than everyone else. Even Wenwen and Sun Sunfu don't eat as much as he alone.

"Horror, it's terrible. Cats are not human."

"This ... is this the legendary person who doesn't get fat if he eats?"

"Emma, ​​I'm so envious of this guy. I don't want to be fat as much as I want."

"Someone is born with this kind of physique, and envy ca n’t be envious. I have a friend like this too. A girl, one meter sixty-five in height, is only about 80 kilos. Every time I go out to eat, I can eat more than two However, I ca n’t get fat. Wearing clothes is like a clothes rack. How to wear them looks so good. ”

Not long after, a table of food was completely eaten, and everyone was full.

In the end Ye Fei spoke to the audience for a while and shut down the video. Today's live broadcast is considered to be over.

Solova is a very busy man. He will go back after a while here. After all, he is not here for a state visit. Besides, this guy still has a lot of things to deal with.

What only made Solofal depressed was that his two bodyguards were all painted, and each had a wound on his shoulder. After a simple bandage treatment, although the blood was stopped, one was more embarrassed than the other.

"Boss, I'm sorry." A bodyguard said with his head down.

Solova didn't blame them either, after all, they did their best.

The three people left. As for how to leave Huaxia, or even stay in Huaxia, it doesn't matter Ye Fei's affairs.

It wasn't when the cannon saw that Solova had left, and a stone in his heart fell into the ground, and he also left. His main task was to protect Ye Fei and Solova, which is now unnecessary.

The cat guest also left.

In the end, only Wenwen and the old lady Qingsong and granddaughter's granddaughter were left. Ye Fei was supposed to send them back in person, but Wen Wen insisted on replacing Ye Fei.

Although Ye Fei was not assured, at last he communicated with Chi Tianxia and Wenwen's mother, but he agreed. Besides, the pilot who drove the plane was Chi Tianxia, ​​as long as the old lady Qingsong was sent to the airport on their side Yes, someone has picked them up.

Everyone left, Ye Fei packed his things a bit, and sat down on the chair. He wasn't completely relaxed until then.

Solova is okay, the old lady is okay, that's enough, mainly the two of them.

"It's really not easy to do this live broadcast today. Don't do it in the future, I really can't stand it." Ye Fei thought.

Just after Ye Fei just sat down, Captain Xiao and Jin Wei brought people over.

"Mr. Ye."


They cried almost in unison.

Ye Fei hurriedly stood up, thanks to others today, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Thank you all for your help, Ye Fei is grateful."

Captain Xiao hurriedly waved his hand: "Mr. Ye, you are very kind. In fact, we haven't helped much."

Just as Ye Fei and Captain Xiao trembled, Jin Wei suddenly came over.

"Yes God ..."

Ye Fei turned his head and glanced at the goods. Although he was not familiar with Jinwei, he also knew that this was definitely a cruel man.

"Brother, what do you call it?"

"Jinwei, you can just call me Jinwei. Those in the neighbouring cities, who were ordered to protect you by the boss of Shiba, are actually not only me, but also a man named Lingdu, who has a bald head."

"Bald Strong?"

"Yes, the bald head came from here. Fortunately, we came here by chance. Several people came together."

"Where is the bald head?"

"Balds strong him ..."

Ye Fei and the bald head are familiar, so Jinwei said that the bald head came, but he asked curiously when he saw no one.

As soon as Jinwei heard Ye Fei asked that his bald head was strong, the eye circles of this product turned red, and then ... he couldn't help it anymore, a big man sitting on the ground with a thump, and it was loud with a wow Crying.

Ye Fei was startled. He faintly felt that something was awful, was he bald ...

"What's wrong? What's wrong with the bald head?"

"Yeshen, Hadron ... he's dying, hum, he's afraid that the two snipers are not good for you. In order to catch them, that **** doesn't even need his life. As for the gun, he thought he was aggressive and rushed up, but was hit by a shot on the right chest, but he still gritted his teeth and caught the guy. He was a bastard. When he saw the credit, Forget this group of brothers, he doesn't know how to leave us a little, he will eat alone, he ... he's dying, ooh ~~ "

Kingway was like a kid telling a whistle, and said things briefly.

Ye Fei didn't speak, but slowly crouched down, then grabbed Jin Wei's two arms with both hands, and suddenly he grabbed this nearly 200-pound man, and then stared at Jin with red eyes. Howe gritted his teeth and shouted, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? When did this happen?"

Jin Wei was frightened, he didn't expect Ye Fei to have such a sudden fire, this strength was really too great, his two shoulders were hurt, and it was estimated that they would soon peel.

It was just that he saw Ye Fei's almost blood-red eyes, and said with a snot and a tear: "He was injured before the live broadcast, and he wouldn't let us tell you, afraid to delay your live broadcast, he said ... ... he said he was cold, he asked us to take him to the hospital, the hospital was warm, Ye Shen, your medical skills are very good, I beg you to save the hadron, you to save the hadron. "

Ye Fei slowly loosened Jin Wei's shoulder, and then remained motionless. It wasn't until a long time before Ye Fei closed her eyes and slowly raised her head.

In his mind, there was a scene of meeting and meeting with the bald head. The big bald head, like a child, took a small book to find himself for signature. When he and Fang Xiaohu were bullied, they led people without hesitation and rushed. Come here, in order to prevent revenge, let your own people come to protect themselves and Fang Xiaohu at all times, that bald head like Fang Xiaohu who was happy for Fang Xiaohu and Dong Feihu after being discharged from the hospital, that he did not give him at all The advantage is to light people's heads when they know they are in danger ...

Jinwei and the bald head and the group left by Ling Du were silent, one by one with their heads down.

Captain Xiao went to Ye Fei and whispered: "Mr. Ye, just now ..."

"Where are those two people?" Ye Fei's head still looked up and asked suddenly.

Captain Xiao froze, but hurriedly said, "At the police station."

"Have you asked them about their history or organization?"

"...... Mr. Ye, listen to me, people like this ..."

"Why did I ask you if you can ask it ?!" Ye Fei-Leng Buding roared ~ ~ Captain Xiao is really a little hesitant, and hurriedly said: "Okay ... it seems not yet, this It's not so easy to confess. "

"I ask!"

"What ?! Mr. Ye, this kind of thing can't be messed up."

"I didn't mess around. I just wanted to know who had injured the bald head. He should also know who he was injured by, and which organization's men."

After speaking, Ye Fei did not stay at all, even the door was not closed. After coming out, he drove directly to his police station and drove to the police station ...

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