The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 976: ambassador of light

The blood donors came and the plasma was available. After a quick test, they were bagged and sent to the operating room.

Ye Fei came to the door of the operating room again, and Jinwei and Ling Du and Dong Feihu and Fang Xiaohu also came over.

"Fei brother, you can take a break." Fang Xiaohu said.

Jinwei and Ling Du also persuaded Ye Fei to take a rest, after all, he had drawn 500 milliliters of blood just now, that was not a joke.

Blood is the source of a person's spirit. There are so few at a time. If the physical quality is not good, this will lie down.

Ye Fei looked at the crowd and said, "I'm fine. I'm still young. It's nothing to draw this blood. I'll wait and see how the hadrons behave."

Jin Wei sighed and looked at Ye Fei, and said, "Ye God, I really admire Hadron."

Ye Fei didn't understand why this article suddenly appeared like this, and asked curiously, "What's wrong? What do you envy him?"

"Envy him that he was born in Yinzhou City, envy that he can know you, and even envy that he can have such a good brother as you."

Ye Fei just smiled. In fact, the friendship between him and bald head was really born through this incident. Before, he was really not a brother, but at best a friend.

Jin Wei saw Ye Fei just smiled and didn't speak, and said to himself: "You don't know, in our business, you can don't need money and women, but you can't live without brothers, especially caring brothers. Such brothers can be said to be willing to give up even half of the site. My Jinwei can be regarded as a personal person in our place, but if there are really caring brothers, there are so few, not to mention that you are like hadrons. That's it, so, I envy him, this bastard's luck is really good. "

Ling Du laughed aside, "Me too."

Ye Fei looked at the two and smiled.

Time, 9:13 pm.

That's right, due to the blood collapse condition of the bald head, the operation continued until more than 9 o'clock in the evening.

When the crowd saw the door of the operating room open, and the nurse and doctor pushed their bald heads to force them out, they all clashed around.

"Doctor, how is the operation?"

"Miss nurse, how is my brother?"

"Is the bullet out?"

"What's going on? Why isn't this person awake yet?"

People asked eloquently.

The doctors and nurses were blocked from doing anything.

Niu He took off the mask and hurriedly said, "Everyone, everyone, be quiet. The patient has just finished the operation, and now needs a quiet environment. Do n’t bother him. His condition is now stable, but his body is too Weak and need to take a good rest, please rest assured, let ’s give it a hand, let the nurse first send the patient to the care room, let a hand. ”

Ye Fei came to Niu He and said, "It's hard."

Niu He was soft and almost sat on the ground. Ye Fei hurriedly supported him.

Niu He patted Ye Fei's hand and said, "In our profession, the lives of patients are more important than our own."

"I understand, how is his condition?"

"Fortunately, it was a surprise when the blood collapsed just now. Fortunately, the plasma was sufficient, otherwise it would be dangerous."

"No sequelae?"

"If it is properly nursed, it should not, that is, the right chest will hurt from time to time, oh, yes, quit smoking, this person must quit smoking, he is injured on the right lung, can not smoke anymore No one can guarantee it. "

Jinwei and Ling Du hurriedly threw their cigarette butts to the ground, and then politely said, "Quit smoking, we all quit."

Hearing Niu He said that the bald man was pulled back from Guimenguan, Ye Fei also took a long breath and thanked Niu He and several doctors and nurses again, and followed them to the nursing room.

Ye Fei didn't go in but just looked outside.

Looking at the bald head lying on the nursing bed with an oxygen mask on his face reminded him of Fang Xiaohu a while ago.

His two hands rested on the glass wall, then slowly clenched his fists.

"Lightbringer! Lightbringer!"

Ye Fei's heart shouted angrily, and the silent anger could not wait to bombard her chest.

He knew everything from the sniper's mouth in the police station. They came from an organization called the Lightbringer. This organization was plainly a terrorist organization. There were more than two hundred people in it. Veterans of the country, and even many veteran special forces, specialize in assassination and destruction.

According to snipers, they are also linked to some international terrorist organizations, and many weapons were bought from foreign terrorist organizations.

Ye Fei wanted to take revenge for the bald head, but he was not arrogant enough to get rid of the entire organization by himself. He is not a cult or an immortal. He is just a mortal.

Therefore, to revenge the bald head, we must rely on the strength of the country.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei picked up his mobile phone and called Yao Jianshe.

"Brother Yao."

"Yeshen, why are you calling this time?"

"I want to ask something. You should have seen the situation of the two snipers today?"

Yao Jianshe was silent for a while, and said, "It's the first time we've heard of the Lightbringer organization. If it hadn't happened today, this organization wouldn't have taken the lead."

"What are you going to do?"

Yao Jianchao laughed: "To be honest, this kind of thing is beyond my jurisdiction. To deal with such a terrorist organization, the state needs to send troops. I think there should be countermeasures above."

"I wanna go."

"........ Keke ~~ Brother, aren't you talking nonsense? You know what you just said?"

Ye Jianshe was almost strangled by Ye Fei in one sentence.

Ye Fei laughed: "No, I'm sober. Help me. Let me follow the troops."

"You ... do you know what will happen then? It can be said that this is no different from fighting. It may even be more fierce than fighting. After all, the other party is also some soldiers, and you also know their weapons. It ’s not bad. If you do n’t know, it will be dead. Do you know? ”

Yao Jianshe was about to explode. He didn't expect Ye Fei to suddenly make such a request. I rub it. Can you be your good food anchor? If the country can handle this kind of thing, what are you going to do?

After speaking, Yao Jianshe didn't hear Ye Fei talking for a long time, but he knew that Ye Fei didn't hang up his cell phone because he could hear Ye Fei's breathing.

Finally, Ye Fei spoke.

"Brother Yao, I'm in the hospital now."

Yao Jianshe was not calm anymore, and hurriedly asked, "What are you doing in the hospital? Was it hurt? Is it serious? Wait a minute, I will tell the **** in Gantiandi now, let him take someone to protect you, and Yes, don't move around and wait until everything is fine. "

For a while, Yao Jianshe grew more and more anxious, and couldn't wait to run over by himself.

Ye Fei was very warm and said, "Brother Yao, I'm fine. I ’m here to see bald heads, do you know this person? Director Gan should also have mentioned him to you. He is a **** in Yinzhou. A group of people did nothing good, but he was very interested in me. This time, he was shot by a light messenger on the right lung. He just finished the operation and is lying in the nursing room. I can see his face through the glass, there is no blood, you said, what should I do? I can't let him sacrifice so much for me, I am not a bad person, but I also know that there must be revenge for hatred, there is The grievance must be filed. The grievance has a debt and a owner. Since all this is done by the organization of the messenger of light, I must go and see. Even if I can do nothing, I will watch them destroy!

Yao Jianshe was silent.

He knew what Ye Fei meant. Ye Fei was going to take revenge on the bald head and wanted to kill a few gangsters by himself, but this was really not a joke.

"The bullets on the battlefield don't have long eyes. What do you do if you have three strengths and two weaknesses?" Yao Jianshe said.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "I won't die, I will be able to come back alive."

"So confident?"

"Don't you know I'm running fast? If I can't fight, I'll run, none of them can catch up with me."

Yao Jianshe: "........."

Emma, ​​can this also work? Brother die, you run fast, then you can run the Kyoto Marathon first in the world, but ... But no matter how fast you can run, can you pass bullets faster than cannonballs?

It's hard for a fairy to escape, let alone you?

"No, I can't agree to this, it's not that I don't help, it's me ..."

Having said that, Yao Jianshe couldn't go on.

Ye Fei knew very well that Yao Jianshe didn't want to hear or see him die, but there were certain things that he knew he would still have to do, or his conscience was uneasy.

"You wait for a while, your sister wants to say a few words to you." Yao Jianshe said suddenly.

Ye Fei: "......... my sister?"

"It's me, little bunny, are you tired and awkward? Are you okay to run on the battlefield? Do you know who the other party is? Just your little arm and calf are not qualified to go up to the stretcher and stay at home Then, do n’t go anywhere, you ca n’t get started with this kind of thing. ”The voice of the peerless pheasant came from the opposite side of the phone.

When Ye Fei heard the voice of the Peerless Pheasant, he grinned, not knowing why. He liked the character of Peerless Pheasant. Although he spoke with a knife, he had an absolute tofu heart.

"Sister Lin, I know you are telling the truth, but I still want to go. Just now I have told Brother Yao that I understand very well. I can't help but go."

"You go where you go, what do we do when you die there? Who else do we watch live? I said little brother, you ca n’t be too selfish, do you know? You are talking about justice for the brothers, and we are more than ten Thousands of people who supported you? "


Ye Fei really did n’t know what to say. He knew that bald-headed enemies had to report it by themselves, but the peerless pheasant was right. If something went wrong, what would happen to these audiences and fans who like to support themselves? ?

"I will definitely come back alive, please believe me." In the end, I really don't know what to say. Ye Fei can only emphasize this point again.

The peerless pheasant cut aloud and said: "On the battlefield, no one can guarantee that anyone can come back safely. Little guy, the battlefield is the battlefield, that is to sacrifice blood, not the vegetable market. You go and see if you do n’t like it. The dishes turned around and came back, and that cost a price, which is likely to be life! "

"I know."

"I'm so embarrassed to understand? Can't you listen to my sister's advice once?"

"Sister Lin, thank you, I know you are for me, but this time ... I can't. If I can't come back, help me to say sorry to those who like me and support me."

"You ... you little bastard, go for it. If you can't come back to the old lady alive, the old lady will dig you out and put you in front of the video to cook for me."

Ye Fei: "..."

Suddenly, the peerless pheasant on the phone threw the phone.

After a while, a tender voice came over ~ ~ Uncle Ye, you must kill those bad guys, and you must come back alive, my mother said that when you come back, let me I'll learn cooking with you. No one will teach me if you don't come back, so you must come back. "

Ye Fei: "........."

"I don't accept apprentices."

"You call my father, my brother, my mother, my sister, then I am your nephew, not your apprentice."


What a mess?

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