The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 984: Are you a **** of lightning

The stunner rushed out, and the gunfire sounded.

The gangsters fell to the ground.

Jack and the old hat horrified, and quickly turned around and ran into the hole.

"Fack, Fack, how can this be so? Why is this **** Ye Fei shooting so accurate?"

Jack jumped frantically, but just now he saw the companion who was shot and killed by Ye Fei. The wound was right in the middle of his eyebrows, so he fell on the snow on his back and looked dead.

The old hat is a little sweaty.

"Uncle, isn't this **** just cooking? How can the marksmanship be changed so much?"

The one-armed man saw Jack and the old hat cursing and returned with a bunch of people, and said, "What's going on?"

The old hat said: "Ye Fei's marksmanship is so magical. It must be scary to death. God, I think we need to re-examine this person. It's too scary. Just now the stone just came out and was shot by him Head up, right in the middle of my eyebrows. "

The one-armed man did not speak, thinking for a while, and said, "No matter how powerful he is, we must leave him here. We have more than a hundred people. Even if he is really a god, I have to let him pay. Cost, Lao Pi, you take five people to rush out, throw a grenade, go out while messing up, and spread out immediately after going out! "

Da Dao, a bald man, gave a whistle, and brought the five people around him to the cave slowly, then took out a grenade, pulled the ring, and threw it directly.

With a loud bang, the snow outside was blown out of a pit, and snow was scattered.

Taking advantage of the shattered snow cover, six people rushed out of the hole quickly, and just out of the hole, they scattered and ran in different directions.

But at this time, the sound of gunshots sounded again!

Crackling crackling ~~~

There were six beeps, and then there was no sound outside.

One-armed man They heard six shots clearly in the hole, and then there was no movement outside. A group of people, look at me, I look at you, and say what's going on? Could Ye Fei's six shots kill six people? Didn't Nima really become a god?

"Go out and see," said the one-armed man toward a bearded man next to him.

不 The man said nothing, came to the hole with a slight punch in his hand, and then lay directly on the ground, slowly arching forward.

他 In his opinion, this is definitely a safe way to get out of the hole. After all, when people lie on the ground, it is not easy for the other party to hit themselves.

Even at this moment, the bearded man still despised the six people just now, and he said that if you climbed out of the hole like this, wouldn't it be safe?

As soon as he thought about it, he heard a gunshot, and then he felt a pain on the top of his head, and then his consciousness disappeared and he stayed on the ground.

Yeah, although this guy was advancing forward, he still didn't escape Ye Fei's bullet. He was hit directly on the Tianling Cap by a shot. The bullet penetrated the Tianling Cap and blasted the entire brain. Hell until he died.

When I saw this scene, many people were shocked. I thought this would work too.

Jack pursed his throat and shouted, "Ghost, he's a ghost! This shooting is so desperate, God, what should we do? Get out and die."

The one-armed man glanced at Jack and said, "His marksmanship is so good that he is a man after all. If we go out one by one, it will undoubtedly be sent to death. Now listen to my orders, all are there, rush!"

Everyone understands that this is the best way to get out of the hole. Otherwise, as God said, all of them must be destroyed by Ye Fei one by one.

"God, how many times can you use the cannon?" The old hat offered suddenly.

One-armed man said: "No one has seen where they are, where do you fight?"



With the order of the one-armed man, he saw more than a hundred people swarming with guns from inside the hole and killed them, especially the people in front, firing and firing.

This time it went well, no one died.

When everyone rushed outside, they found that the six old skins that had just rushed out, all fell on the snow, and two of them fell on their backs, shot in the eyebrows!

The one-armed man glanced at the corpse on the ground and shouted angrily: "Ye Fei, we know it's you, come out!"

Jack said: "God, do you think we have so many people, how dare he show up?"

As a result, as soon as his words were finished, everyone saw a person standing up in the snowdrift not far from them. This person was covered in white snow, as well as his head, wearing a white winter coat in his hand. Holding a pistol.

"Ye Fei!" The one-armed man shouted with a sneer.

Ye Yefei stepped forward, staring at the one-armed man and said, "You are the chief of the light messenger?"

The one-armed man laughed and laughed: "It seems that Ding Lei and Xiao Ke have been caught alive by you. These two **** dare to betray us and see how I deal with them!"

"No chance." Ye Feiyou said.


"I said you have no chance."

"Ha ha ha ha, Ye Fei, I admit that you gave me a surprise. I didn't expect you to hide such a powerful marksmanship, but it is a pity that if you sneak up on a villain, you might be able to get rid of us. Few people, but since you came out, do you think you still have a chance? "

He said, with a wave of his one-armed man, two men ran from behind him, each carrying a bazooka on his shoulder, and pointed directly at Ye Fei.

"Jack said you're fast, just don't know if you can get past these two rockets!" One-armed man snorted.

Ye Yefei glanced at the two guys carrying bazookas and said impatiently: "There is so much nonsense, don't you know if you try?"

发射 "Launch!" The one-armed man shouted.

Bang ~~~

There were two muffled noises, and then two rockets rushed towards Ye Fei with a sharp wind.

Immediately followed by two bangs, the place where Ye Fei was standing was turned upside down. The snow was full of snow. If it were to be accurate, let alone a person, even Iron Man would be able to give it.

"Stupid, I thought I didn't dare to bomb you, did you?" The one-armed man looked at the place where the two rockets exploded, and spit on the ground with a spit.

But his voice just dropped, and suddenly he heard four popping gunshots, and then the people beside him fell down four directly.

Everyone was mad this time.

"Wozhi, how can this be?"

"God, didn't this kill me?"

"Ye ... Ye Fei, isn't he really a god?"

"Frown? Frown again ?!"

Lao Mo rushed down with someone, and suddenly heard two bangs. All eleven people were scared to pee. Do n’t even think about it, the other party is using a large weapon. Fei definitely has no hair left.

"Hurry up!" Lao Mo shouted his voice changed, and wished to roll straight down from above.

He said, "Boss, no, the other party has heavy weapons, and we will die if we go down."

"You have to go down to see if you can die. See if Ye Fei can still find a shoe. It will make a difference if you go back."

汗 "Sweat, we have no hope of living, do you still want to find Ye Shen's shoes?"

"Yes, boss, we still have to fight guerrillas. There are too many of them. We are going to die in minutes."

Lao Mo finally calmed down and nodded his head and said, "Spread out, one two three one team, four five six one team, seven eight nine one team, old ten and my team, listen to my orders, call me ! "

"I understand!"

Twenty people hurriedly separated, and then rushed down for a distance. When they felt about the same, they all found a place to hide, and waited for Lao Mo to make a good fire. At this moment, they felt that they were not elites in the special forces at all, and they were all regular troops. There was no way that Ye Fei disrupted their plans.

After they were concealed, they slowly showed their heads and looked down. As a result, a group of people who were trying to fire were dumbfounded because they found Ye Fei still standing.

"Slumped, Ye Shen Niu Niu was forced. Didn't the cannon just die?"

我 "I'll go, are these people's crosshairs too bad? Where did those two shells go?"

等等 "Wait, you see two big pits beside Ye Shen."

"My brain, don't tell me that Ye Fei hid those two guns. Is this Nima heavenly night?"

A bunch of people were all aggressive.

It wasn't just that they were aggressive, the group of Lightbringers was even more aggressive.

Two guns, it's obviously where Ye Fei was standing just now. Why is he doing nothing?

"Boss ... Boss ..."

One of the guys carrying a bazooka saw Ye Fei was safe and sound. The legs and stomach of this goods were a little cramped. When talking, his lips were shaking like crazy. Yeah, it does n’t make sense. This was just where he stood. What's the matter?

Another guy carrying a bazooka was sweating all over. I pulled it and the bazooka was not dead. Brother, are you really God?

Everyone looks at Ye Fei at this moment, it looks like a ghost with a horrified face, which is so unscientific. Who can tell me what is going on? Isn't anyone afraid of rockets now?

Even the one-armed man is a little bit unconscious. The monk stared at Ye Fei for a long time, and couldn't help curiosity in his heart, and said, "Why?"

Ye Yefei smiled and said, "I hid."

Everyone: "........"

Your uncle, did you hide?

Is there anything wrong?

How fast are you this?

No one in the group doubted what Ye Fei said, because the fact was right in front of them. Two shots were fired over here, and they still stood there. Not only that, but also killed four people here. This speed ... Are you a illegitimate child of Lightning?

"Hahahaha, have you escaped? I believe you, but Ye Fei, even if you are more powerful, what can you do? Your bullet is almost gone? You only have a pistol, you look at us, AK, Wei Chong, and grenade, all these together, do you think you can get out of here alive? "One-armed man said.

Ye Yefei was still not that salty and bland: "Try it or not?"

The one-armed man is depressed and smokes. I rub it. If I try it again, I will know it. Then I will try it. I see how long you can hold it.


More than a hundred people, more than a hundred guns fired at the same time, and a dozen grenades were incidentally thrown out in the middle. This firepower can be said to be a problem.

Condylar process ~~

哒 哒 哒 ~~

轰轰轰 ~~

热 The lively life is terrible here.

The group of Lao Mo was terrified and terrified. This time it was a bit exaggerated. The firepower was too fierce. Even if Ye Fei was a steel plate, it would definitely become a steel plate sieve.


Lao Mo never dared to delay, yelling, and eleven people opened fire at the same time.

One-armed man: "......."

I knew it, I knew it ~ ~ Ye Fei couldn't come over by himself stupidly, and sure enough he had a backup.

"Jack, old hat, lead someone to clear these bastards!" Shouted the one-armed man.

Jack and the old hat led people around and slowly walked around, trying to copy the back road of the old Mo's group. As a result, the group had just gone a short distance, and all of them were dumbfounded because they were standing in front of them.

"I @ #, Ye Fei ?!"

"God, stop playing, Ye Fei is here!"

"Khan, why did he come here? Why didn't we see it?"


Jack and the old hat were really frightened by Ye Fei's imagination, especially Jack. He saw Ye Fei's speed in the surveillance video. He knew it fast, but it is impossible to be so fast. It's faster than lightning. Here, when did he come here?

So he didn't hesitate to let people fire directly. This man is too evil, and must be resolved quickly, otherwise the ghost knows what will happen.

With a short order, a group of people opened fire on Ye Fei.

Ye Yefei's body disappeared directly, but a few shots sounded in the air, and several people beside Jack fell down.

Jack: "......."

MMP, dare not hide?

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