The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 987: Is there any truth? Snowmobiles can't run anyone?

The messenger of the light, except the boss's one-armed man, was killed. Ye Fei removed almost one-third, a group of bear blinds removed one-third, and the rest worked with the old Mo group to do it all. Now, there are no living ones, especially those who have been removed by the bear blinds, and they are simply unbearable.

It ’s just that Ye Fei knows that as long as the one-armed man is not removed, the evil spirit in his heart will not end, so when the current one-armed man escapes, Ye Fei does not stay for a moment and the grouse finds his direction. After that, they went after it.

A mile away.

The one-armed man was driving a snowmobile with one hand and was rushing forward. He was completely scared today. He had never seen a person whose ability would be so powerful. He brought a group of bears. The blind man uprooted one of them. Although he didn't see the final result, he also knew that none of his staff would survive. After all, Ye Fei was too scary. Every time he took a shot, he took a life, it was scary. He couldn't see any hope of victory.

So he must run, how far to run, at this time, he abandoned all his men, and slowly turned behind a Xuefeng, here is a car he has prepared for his specific Snowmobiles, just in case.

Find out the motorcycle, after moving, rush forward with the maximum horsepower, and dare not return.

While running, the goods suddenly laughed.

This is the joy of the rest of the life after the disaster, and it also makes the opponent become too fast / feeling.

"I like the way you don't like me and can't kill me."

That's right, this is the idea now.

"Hahaha, Ye Fei, after Lao Tzu leaves here, you don't want to have a peaceful life. You had a little affection for you, but now you are completely angry with me!"

Hum ~~

The snowmobile's horsepower is very large, and its full force is amazing. The goose feather snowflakes slap on the face like a whip. The whizzing wind stabs on the face like a block of ice cones. The painful one-armed man grinds his teeth and grins. Yes, but he showed no signs of slowing down, still rushing forward.

He knew very well that Ye Fei was more desperate than these icy snow.

The snowmobile made him almost fly, and he really wanted to rush a thousand miles away at this moment. This place will never come back in a lifetime, because this place that was once its own paradise has now become himself. Nightmare of a lifetime.

After another two or three miles away, the one-armed man glanced back, and finally made a long exit. Fortunately, no one was behind to catch up, and he was safe.

Hmm ~~

The next second after he just thought about this idea, the one-armed man's eyes were frozen, and through the snowstorm, he seemed to see a dark shadow erratic.

"Well, it's a real ghost, isn't it because the eyes aren't spent?"

The one-armed man stopped the snowmobile, rubbed his eyes, and then looked closely. His face turned green immediately, because this time he saw it very clearly. In the distant snowstorm, there was a person like Like a lone wolf, Chopped Snow and Chased Snow came after him.

The speed was very fast, and the one-armed man almost fell off the snowmobile.

"I a #% ¥, Ye Fei, are you really trying to kill everything?"

I don't know if Ye Fei can hear it, the one-armed man roared, and then hurriedly moved the snowmobile and rushed forward again.

He was really afraid of Ye Fei. I was driving a snowmobile. Can you catch up with both legs? This is really ridiculous.

However, the thought of both rockets being able to be hidden by Ye Fei was even more scared. The only one hand kept cheering on the snowmobile, this snowmobile seemed angry. Snow Leopard, roaring and rushing forward.



Even faster!

This is not enough!

The one-armed man feels very obvious. Although he is facing the snow and snow, he is sweating all over, even including sweat on his forehead, and cold sweat.

"You ca n’t catch up with me, you must not catch up with me, Ye Fei, you ca n’t catch up with me if you are exhausted. God allows me to run so far, it just gives me a chance to survive, you ca n’t catch me Yes. "The one-armed man shouted silently.

Through the snow, Ye Fei also saw a figure flying forward in front of him, that is, the target he wanted to chase.

"No matter who you are, you must die today!"


Ye Fei suddenly yelled at the sky, and the speed accelerated again.

At this time, the spring leg completely made him use up. As long as he gave him a pair of wings, Ye Fei was confident that he could fly now.

Both of his feet can't wait to get off the ground. If someone shoots from the side, he will be surprised that he can't take Ye Fei's feet at all. He can only take a dark gray line. Ye Fei wears it. The color of the shoes.

At this moment, Ye Fei's muscles were all jumping, all of them were bursting out of their due energy.

The wind was mixed with large snowflakes on his face. Ye Fei ignored it at all. His eyes just stared at the black shadow in front of him. He could not wait for the next step and rushed to him to intercept him.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

In the howling wind, Ye Fei could even hear the sound of his legs and feet kicking through the snow barrier, so fast, so fiercely!

The snowmobile was like a snow elf, leaving a residual shadow behind it, making a banging sound and sprinting forward.

A large amount of snow was rushed by the snowmobile, flying across the sky.

"Fucked, finished!"

The one-armed man suddenly felt cold, because he was now blocked by a snow mound more than two meters in height. He knew that there was absolutely no place here before. This was his place. He was familiar with it, otherwise it would not be possible Run, then this snowdrift should have been formed recently or slipped down from a nearby snow peak.

In normal times, this Xuefeng has nothing to do with himself, but it doesn't work now. Its appearance is to cut off his own life.

Turning his head and glancing back quickly, Ye Fei appeared more and more clear behind him, and the one-armed man was about to scold his mother.

What kind of airplane is it? Snowmobiles can't run alone? Is there any truth?

This crazy product is going crazy. Seeing that the motorcycle is getting closer to the snowdrift, the one-armed man gritted his teeth, and then suddenly pressed a red button near the handle with his thumb and saw the snow. The motorcycle was like a drug dealer taking a stimulant. A few popping sounds came out of the fuselage, followed by two light blue flames from the exhaust pipe.

Let's look at the direct increase of this snowmobile. The severe air current even deformed the one-armed man's face, his eyes couldn't open, and he just rushed forward by feeling.

That's right, the two snowmobiles of the one-armed man were specially made by him. The entire motivation system has been specially modified, and a nos system has been added, which is a nitrogen plus system!

This thing is used in straight-line racing competitions. It is a system that adds instant effects to those class cars. It can be said that it can instantly increase the car by more than 20-30%.

This guy even installed this thing on his snowmobile, this is to kill his life, because the snowmobile is too fast, it is easy to get out of control, or it may be the car overturned and killed, otherwise he would have used it .

But now the one-armed man can't take care of that much. There is a snowdrift in front and Ye Fei is chasing after him. If he goes on like this, he will surely die.

Faced with the threat of death, the one-armed man was completely cut out.

After Ye Feiti, he was getting closer to the one-armed man, but at this time, he saw that the other's motorcycle suddenly increased again, and the degree had increased a lot, and the distance between him and himself had widened again in an instant.

"Huh? What's going on? Can you add more?"

Ye Fei didn't think about the nos system, he just knew that no matter how fast the other party was, he had to catch up, and he must not let the goods escape.

The degree of snowmobiles has skyrocketed, and the body has a rhythm that wants to float. Although this car is specific, when it is out of its range, it will still have problems.

"Quickly, rushing through this snowdrift, you can shake Ye Fei away completely, come on!"

The one-armed man secretly encouraged himself, and then saw that the snowmobile was about to hit the snowdrift, and saw that he suddenly made a slight turn to the side, and the snowmobile rushed straight along the high **** next to it. Then he jumped high, overturned the snowdrift, and fell down.

"Ha ha ha ha, Ye Fei, is it great to run fast? See what you chase me!"

Flutter ~~

"Ah ~~~ (Note: screaming)"

The one-armed man still overestimated his driving skills. When the snowmobile flew high and fell, he lost control. After falling to the ground, the whole one turned over, and the one-armed man was thrown out. Meters away, while the snowmobile rolled over and rolled forward.

"No !!!!"

The one-armed man is completely desperate. Without snowmobiles, he can never run away from Ye Fei. Do n’t say that he has turned over the snowdrift. Even if he has turned over a snow peak by himself, there is no degree between him and Ye Fei Comparability.

The whole body was covered with snow, his face rubbed a bit on the ground, and a piece of skin was peeled off. The whole face was blurred with blood, but the blood that had just flowed out was frozen by the cold air, like a scarlet broken He hung on his face like a curtain.

The one-armed man hurriedly got up from the ground, then picked up the ak gun from the side, gasping nervously and looked at the snowdrift in front of him. He knew that if Ye Fei wanted to chase himself, he had to climb over the snowdrift. That is to say, this snowdrift is the only barrier that can survive, and absolutely must not let Ye fly over.

Although the snowdrift was not very large, it was now a warm arm in his own eyes.

"Woohoo ~~~"

A big mouth was breathing, and a white mist came out of his mouth, and then was blown away by the cold wind.

After a long time, the one-armed man Ye Fei did not show up.

He finally breathed a long sigh of relief, saying that it was finally safe, Ye Fei would definitely not be able to get over the snowdrift, and besides, he was just a person, chasing so far in a high breath, even a beast was tired Enough is enough.

"Damn, the rest of the life after the disaster."

The one-armed man couldn't stand anymore ~ ​​ ~ lay on the ground with a thump, and then looked at the snow that was swept by the cold wind and laughed.

Boom ~~

But at this time, the small snowdrift suddenly burst open, as if a bomb was exploded in the middle, and the whole snowdrift was torn apart. Fly in all directions.

A large part rushed towards the one-armed man lying on the ground.

The goods scared a donkey rolling on the ground, jumped with a gun, then blocked his arm in front of himself, and looked forward hard.

The broken snow fluttered like an endless fog, and in this snow and fog, a figure walked over ...

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