The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 995: Major general

What is the most depressing betrayal in the world?

It was sold by his own chief.

Now that is the feeling of Lao Mo. He didn't expect to have just entered the house and didn't finish the two sentences. He was sold to the three heads by himself.

"Why ... Ye Shen, job needs, this is really a job need, we have to report the situation at that time truthfully, you also know that the discipline in our business is like iron, not afraid to break Ah. "Lao Mo almost cried and said.

Ye Fei shook his head with a bitter smile and didn't care about him. He knew that such things would be said sooner or later.

"I remember saying that this matter should be kept secret before coming back." Ye Fei said lightly.

Old Mo said: "You said it, but when we reported it before you said it, so ... keke, Ye Shen, sorry, we are not illegal."

Ye Fei: "......."

The three old men looked at Ye Fei's speechlessness, and all laughed.

"Yeshen, it's really no wonder this kid, it's discipline. Everything you do when you go out to perform tasks must be truthfully reported to the headquarters."

"Yes, Ye Shen, I didn't expect you to not only do good food, but you also have such powerful strength."

"Well, Ye Xiaozi, let's just say whatever we have. We'll bring you here, it's mainly one thing."

The three old men said one by one.

"what's up?"

Ye Fei waited for them to say what they were looking for, so listen carefully.

The old man sitting opposite Ye Fei laughed like an old fox, and said, "What else can you do? A person like you wandering is simply a violent thing. Only joining the big family of soldiers is your best destination."

"Yes, the army is a warm and comfortable home. We welcome you with open arms."

"I regret being a soldier for a year, and regret not being a soldier for a lifetime, the blood of a good man will be scattered on the battlefield, Ye Fei, do you mean?"

Ye Fei: "..."

"No, don't you want me to be a soldier?"

All three old men nodded.


Ye Fei refused decisively. It wasn't that he looked down on the soldiers. To be honest, he was excited every time when he saw the soldiers go on fire and blood for the people. He also dreamed that one day he could put on the green uniform and stand On the frontiers of the motherland, guard every inch of land in the motherland.

This is just once.

If his life is still as bland as before, such a good opportunity will not be missed anyway, but now it is different. He has his own life, he has his own ideals and pursuits, and then be Bing ... really impossible.

"Why?" The old man to the right of Ye Fei hurriedly asked Ye Fei when he refused so much.

Ye Fei: "I ... my left eye is short-sighted and the right eye is astigmatic. At the same time, my two eyes are still color-blind, which makes me unsuitable as a soldier."

Three old men: "......."

Old Mo: "......."

Several people looked at Ye Fei, who was not flushed and not beating like a ghost, and almost all jumped up.

Are you shortsighted and your astigmatism?

The ghost pulls you away, are you so myopic and astigmatic when you kill people in Daxinganling? Are you myopia, you can run so fast when you go chasing people when you have astigmatism and heavy snow? Don't want to lie about lying first, bad reviews!

The three elders were completely speechless by Ye Fei. In the end, there was no way to pull the old ink over.

"Boy, talk about his performance then."

Old Mo: "..."

The goods glanced at Ye Fei secretly, seeing Ye Fei's murderous eyes and looking at him, Lao Mo was stunned, but he still talked about Ye Fei's performance in the Da Xing'an Mountains. Blind man and grouse, Ye Fei once told them that they could not say anything.

When Lao Mo finished speaking, although the three old men already knew, they were still stupid for a long time, and then all stared at Ye Fei. The eyes were brighter than one, so they could n’t wait to hold Ye Feimeng's kisses to express them at this moment. Excitement.

Ye Fei was covered with hair and said, "It's all a coincidence."

"It is also a coincidence that one person killed nearly two hundred people in one breath?"

"That is, if this is also a coincidence, then we would prefer you to continue this coincidence."

"Ye Fei, you are born to be a soldier. Your destiny is closely linked to the army, so you must join the army."

Ye Fei ’s head shakes like a rattle, saying, “Three old heads, if I had said this before, I would definitely join the army without saying anything, but now it ’s not working. I think you should know that too. Ye Fei is now a webcaster. My job is to make a gourmet meal for more than a billion people around the world, and I also like my current job very much, so, I'm very sorry. "

Seeing Ye Fei's rejection of the three old heads again, Lao Mo was a little uneasy. He even wanted to promise Ye Fei and said, "Yes, do you know who these three people are in front of you? Don't say at the same time Let these three people see you together. Even if one of them can look after you, that ’s your blessing. If you enter the army, it ’s hard to think of a bright future. Why would you refuse? ”

The goods looked at Ye Fei with envy and hate.

The three old men looked at Ye Fei with three-faced constipation, and they did not expect Ye Fei to reject them.

"Ahem, Ye Fei, it ’s not me who says you, you have such a talent, why do you have to do a ghost webcast? That ’s just hopping on the front of your computer to entertain others. It ’s nothing compared to being a soldier. all different."

"Yes, one is for money, and the other is for the happiness and tranquility of the motherland and the people of the motherland. Ye Fei, you should be very clear."

"To be honest, we also like to watch your show, but that is without knowing your potential. Now that we know everything, we think you should still join the army."

Ye Fei still shook his head with a smile, and said, "Three heads, I'm glad you can look at me, Ye Fei. I think you should also know what kind of person Ye Fei is. I never do things that harm national interests. Being a soldier for the poor and a blue sky for the motherland, Ye Fei can do this as a live broadcast. In my ability, Ye Fei never quits, I just hope that fewer people will suffer, and fewer people will suffer. In fact, whether you are a soldier or doing my live broadcast, the purpose is the same. "

In the end Ye Fei had no choice but to say so, otherwise these old men would not let go.

When the three old men saw Ye Fei say so, they thought about what Ye Fei had done before, and they all said nothing.

They also fully understood that it was impossible for Ye Fei to join the army.

"Ah ~~ what a sprout, what a miss."

"You don't join the army, the loss of the country."

"I can say without exaggeration that with your fighting power, one person can fully support a fifty-person special combat unit."

"No, I think there are more than sixty people."

"Will you two old things talk? One person has solved nearly two hundred terrorists, and most of them still fight close together. Is this only a special combat unit of sixty people? At least one hundred people! "

"One hundred twenty."

"No no no, one hundred and three."

"A hundred and fifty is possible."

"Then one hundred and sixty."


Ye Fei and Lao Mo are all black lines. I didn't expect the three old men to be so good, they raised their bar in this matter.

"Oh, again, thank you very much for the affirmation and love of the heads. I ca n’t stand Ye Fei. Well, can you send someone to send me back now?" Ye Fei said when he saw the three old men. With more and more strength, if you don't stop it, it is estimated that you can tell the numbers to the sky, then you really become a god, so you hurriedly interjected.


Who knew that the three old men who were raising the bar suddenly refused in unison.


"Why? Nothing more for me here."

"Yes!" The old man sitting opposite Ye Fei said solemnly.

"What else is there for me?" Ye Fei asked unconsciously.

The old man on the left said: "Although you do not join the army, your strength is many times more horrible than the commander of the Longya Special Forces, so we strongly urge you to take over the commander of the Longya Special Instructor to help us train the Longya Special Team. "


Ye Fei was speechless. What is the difference between this and being a soldier?

"I'm busy!"

Ye Fei is also crazy, you still have no end?

I heard Ye Fei directly use the three words I have no time to reject the three old heads, and the sweat on the old ink head came out. By the way, Ye Shen really is Ye God, dare to reject the three heads with such a **** reason You are the first one.

Who knew the three old men weren't angry at all, but laughed.

Ye Fei was trembling all over again, feeling that there was something wrong with the cliff.

Sure enough, the old man on the right said: "We haven't let you stay in the barracks every day. You can set aside two days a month to come here and give them pointers. Of course, if you see a good seed, you want to teach him the true With our fighting and fighting skills, we are even more desperate, how about it? "

Ye Fei froze directly, and Lao Mo also choked.

They knew that the three old heads had made the biggest concessions thoroughly, just to get Ye Fei.

In fact, Lao Mo is more excited than anyone, but he knows Ye Fei's ability, not to mention teaching every day, it is absolutely enough for them to benefit from his advice for two days in a month.

He looked at Ye Fei with bright eyes, looking forward to Ye Fei's answer.

Ye Fei was silent for a while, and said, "Yes."

"Hahaha, look, I know your kid will definitely agree."

"That's right, your kid's mind is good, knowing that we wouldn't let you go if we didn't promise it?"

"I'm planning to call the Fifteen Regiment, and I'll just destroy you here without promise. On the day after you go out, the province will do nothing."

The three old men hummed.

Ye Fei was sweating all at once. I wiped it. Fortunately, I was wise, and I almost said goodbye to the world.

"But I have a condition."


"I'll set the time, after all, I know best when I'm free and busy."


In fact, this is not a condition at all, and the three old heads must all agree.

Immediately afterwards, the old chief sitting opposite Ye Fei said, "So, in order to make it easier for you to get in and out of the barracks, I think we should give you a title so that we won't be asked to pick it up every time. We are the chief.

Lao Mo's cheeks were stunned, and he was looking forward to what kind of official titles these three could give Ye Fei.

Ye Fei felt that the three were right, giving a title is much easier, and he was looking forward to what official title.

The last three old men discussed for a long time and said, "Major general."

Ye Fei: "......."

Lao Mo: "........"

Both of them almost urinate.

Oh my god, major general? Are you sure this is not a joke?

Especially Lao Mo, he is a captain of Longya Special Forces. He is even more special soldiers than ordinary special forces. In this way, his rank is only a colonel. Ye Fei is a major general and higher than him.

But when he thought of Ye Fei's ability, he was relieved. Ye Fei's level, let alone a major general, he had no opinion to a general.

Ye Fei quickly waved his hand and said, "It's too high, it's really too high."

"You do not want?"

"... Yes!"


"It ’s good, otherwise our three old guys will lose face. In this case, we will reflect this matter to our superiors as soon as possible, and strive to implement it earlier. At that time, the title ceremony will not be held. After all, you It ’s not an orthodox soldier. We will send you generals and the corresponding things. You must wear military uniforms when you come. You ca n’t wear this kind of sportswear anymore ... Ah, Adadis, or a cottage what."

Ye Fei's old face blushed and said, "I don't want a brand name, I just wear it comfortably."

"Very good ~ ~ I like your character, that what, in order to welcome you to join our great Chinese army family, eat here today, I still have a few bottles of good wine here."

"it is good!"

Ye Fei didn't even want to do it, but he agreed, but he just knew it was done.

Sure enough, I saw Ye Fei so slick and agreed, and the old man sitting opposite him stood up and said, "Come here, Ye God, I will take you to the kitchen, and you will see what ingredients you need, I will Prepare. "

Ye Fei: "........."

I knew it was so, I knew it was so!

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