The first dragon of all time

Chapter 1041: Master the overall situation!

Buzz! ...

The seven ancestral dragons and Long Qingchen traveled through the void and returned to Tiansu Galaxy and Gang Star.

"If the four heavenly treasures cannot be used, what should we do if the body of the strongest ancestor of the Eight Desolations Sect comes directly?"

Although the Golden Ancestral Dragon said that this war could not be lost, and although he knew that the Dragon Clan was hiding its secrets, Long Qingchen was still unsure. A decree was so terrifying, and the unparalleled powerhouse in the immortal realm was no joke.

The Golden Ancestral Dragon smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, we have our own way to deal with him."

Long Qingchen was a little depressed, "I am now the chief clan leader, and my cultivation has reached the realm of immortality. Can't you tell me a little bit about the dragon clan?"

"This is not a foundation."

The Golden Ancestral Dragon shook his head slightly, "I have hinted to you a long time ago that the dragon clan's heritage lies in the ancient dragon domain. A strong person in the immortal realm cannot force out the dragon clan's heritage."

Long Qingchen was curious, "Then how do you deal with him?"

The Golden Ancestral Dragon smiled and said, "Every super power has something at the bottom of the box, and of course our dragon clan also has it. This is why it is difficult for super powers to be destroyed."

"So, the Eight Desolations Sect also has one?"

Long Qingchen frowned.

Golden Ancestral Dragon said, "It must be possible, but I don't know how strong it is."

Blood Ancestral Dragon smiled and said, "If the Eight Desolations Sect doesn't have even a little bit of bottom-of-the-box stuff, it won't be worthy of being called a top full-star force. There must be some."

The Golden Ancestral Dragon patted Long Qingchen's shoulder, "Don't think so much, you only need to know one thing. No matter what is at the bottom of the Bahuang Sect's box, our Dragon Clan is not afraid. We are absolutely sure to destroy the Bahuang Sect." Huang Zong."

"All right."

Having said this, Long Qingchen didn't have much to say.


Time passes day by day.

The Bahuang Sect did not initiate a decisive battle, nor did the Dragon Clan. Both sides were testing each other. However, all major forces in the entire universe knew that this was the calm before the storm.

Once the Bahuang Sect finds out the details of the Dragon Clan, or the Dragon Clan finds out the details of the Bahuang Sect, then the time for the decisive battle has arrived!

Long Qingchen had to convene an ultra-long-distance air conference every day to listen to reports from all fronts.

Today was no exception. He came to the Council Hall of the Space Dragon Clan early in the morning.

The Hall of Parliament was empty except for him. He walked up to the main seat and sat down step by step. Then, he took out the chief's token and placed it on the table in front of him.

First, he connected with the master of Dragon Soul Palace.

Long Qingchen asked, "Xiaoju, how was the situation yesterday?"

"How many times have I told you, don't call me Xiao Di!"

Long Ziju’s voice of dissatisfaction came from the Chief Patriarch’s token, “Although you are the Chief Patriarch and I am a subordinate, no matter what, I am your senior.”

"Okay, Xiaodi."

Long Qingchen smiled and said, "Tell me about yesterday's situation."

Long Ziju’s helpless voice came from the chief clan leader’s token, “It’s still the same as before, our intelligence members from Dragon Soul Palace and Bahuang Sect’s intelligence members are fighting in every corner of the entire universe. Because Dragon Soul Palace has a deep foundation, Bahuang Sect has The intelligence members of the sect suffered heavy casualties, with more than three million killed every day, and more than 10,000 intelligence bases were taken down every day. In ten days at most, the intelligence of the Eight Desolate Sect will be completely paralyzed."

"Well done."

Long Qingchen praised, "When the war is over, I will ask you for credit."

"Just ask me for credit."

Long Ziju said calmly, "I am the master of the Dragon Soul Palace. In terms of status, I am second only to you. If you ask me for merit, what else can you grant me? Should you give me the position of chief clan leader? Or give me a title? Zulong?"

Long Qingchen was a little embarrassed. Long Ziju was already a highly respected minister and there was really nothing to reward him for. "I can't give you a higher position. You will always need training resources."

Long Ziju smiled and said, "I am not short of training resources. You have just become the chief clan leader, so you may not know that those who work as intelligence workers have a generous monthly salary, and there are also some shady incomes, such as ours The intelligence members took away the Bahuang Sect's intelligence stronghold. Where did the training resources in the stronghold go? Of course they were divided! Some of them would pay tribute one level at a time. In the end, when the filial piety reached me, I accepted it with a smile. Hahaha!"


Long Qingchen was furious and slapped the table, "Okay, how dare you covet Mo's cultivation resources and enrich your own pockets!"

Long Ziju was disdainful, "Why can't I accept the training resources that our Dragon Soul Palace intelligence members have seized based on their abilities? What kind of greed is this? If you have any objections, you can tell Zulong, Zulong will not blame me."

Long Qingchen was just joking casually, not really blaming Long Ziju, "What's going on over there in the Holy Land of the Eight Desolations Sect?"

Long Ziqu said, "Bahuang Sect has recalled most of the elders who are outside. The army has been assembled and can launch a large-scale attack at any time. However, the army has not left the Holy Land for the time being, and it seems that it has no intention of launching a decisive battle."

"Continue surveillance."

Long Qingchen said the last thing, printed the secret seal, and turned off the sound transmission.

Buzz! ...

Immediately afterwards, he printed a secret seal and connected to the Sin Dragon Emperor, "How was the situation of the hunting team yesterday?"

Sin Dragon Emperor reported, "Yesterday, our hunting team killed more than two thousand disciples of the Eight Desolate Sect who were training outside."

Long Qingchen asked, "What are the casualties of the hunting team?"

Sin Dragon Emperor said, "More than six hundred teams were lost."

"You lost more than you killed, how did you do it?"

Long Qingchen was angry, "You still want to take advantage of the crime and make meritorious service. I think you are adding guilt to crime."

Each team has five members, and more than 600 teams have more than 3,000 members. However, there are only more than 2,000 Eight Desolate Sect disciples hunted. Such losses and results would make anyone angry.

The Sin Dragon Emperor said quickly, "In the past few days, the hunting results were rich, and more than 40,000 disciples of the Eight Desolate Sect who were training outside were killed. The disciples of the Eight Desolate Sect who were training outside began to learn to be smart, and set traps to lure our The hunting team took the bait, so our hunting team suffered such heavy losses."

"Don't give me any excuses. You can figure it out yourself. If you can't handle this, how can you make meritorious deeds? Tomorrow, I don't want to hear such bad news again."

Long Qingchen was furious, made a secret seal, and turned off the sound transmission.

Then, he got through to the Badi Dragon Emperor, "How's the lurking team going?"

Ba Ni Long Dihui reported, "Eleven lurking teams have successfully lurked into the galaxy where the Bahuang Sect is located, and have assassinated more than 300 direct descendants of the Bahuang Sect's senior leaders. This has caused some chaos in the Bahuang Sect and is going crazy. Check for lurkers."

"The results are okay. Find"

Long Qingchen instructed, "Let them be careful and careful not to expose their identity. Within the territory of the Bahuang Sect, once their identity is exposed, there will be only one way to die, and the Dragon Clan cannot save them."

"My subordinate understands!"

The Badi Dragon Emperor responded.

Long Qingchen thought for a moment and said, "The task of assassinating the direct descendants of the senior leaders of the Eight Desolations Sect has been temporarily suspended. There is a more important task for the lurking team to complete, and let them find out as much as possible about the background of the Eight Desolations Sect."


Eight are against the Dragon Emperor's way.

Long Qingchen turned off the sound transmission and smiled. In the past, he was disgusted with the Eighth Dragon Emperor when he fought against him. However, now he found that the Eighth Dragon Emperor was quite useful and did things cleanly. It was neat, and since he had no friendship, he didn't have to be polite to the Badi Dragon Emperor.

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