The first dragon of all time

Chapter 1,044 Decisive Battle!

"All right."

Spear of Destruction reluctantly agreed.

"now it's right."

Long Qingchen smiled. He understood the Spear of Destruction very well. The evil spirit was the lifeblood of the Spear of Destruction. The battle between the Bahuang Sect and the Dragon Clan would definitely produce countless evil spirits. It was impossible for the Spear of Destruction not to be moved.

Buzz! Buzz! ...

Long Qingchen and the Spear of Destruction traveled through the void together and returned to the Tiansu Galaxy.

When he returned to Gangxing, he found that the Blood Ancestral Dragon had returned. Long Qingchen was a little surprised, "So soon?"

"Of course."

The Blood Ancestral Dragon smiled and said, "I personally take action, and there are very few things that I can't do."

"So, the Ancestral Dragon Evil Spirit has agreed to participate in the war?"

Long Qingchen asked.

Blood Ancestor Dragon said, "I told some of his past events during his lifetime and awakened his obsession. Of course he will agree. Moreover, he will bring countless evil spirits to the battle. He is considered a very strong force."

"Everything is ready for the decisive battle with the Bahuang Sect!"

Long Qingchen's eyes sharpened.

The seven ancestral dragons looked at each other and smiled, and the golden ancestral dragon said, "Then let's do it tomorrow."

Long Qingchen waved to the guard captain at the door.

The guard captain immediately ran in and asked, "What are the chief's orders?"

"Give me the order!"

Long Qingchen said, "Let all kinds of dragon armies prepare for a decisive battle with the Bahuang Sect tomorrow!"


The guard captain hurried away to deliver the order.

Not long after, all the Dragon Emperors arrived one after another.

"Are you sure of the decisive battle so soon?"

"If we lose, our dragon clan will fall into a situation that is beyond redemption."...

They were all worried and talking.

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "Since the seven ancestral dragons and I have decided on the decisive battle, we must be sure that I have called you here not to discuss, but to execute the order of the decisive battle."

All the Dragon Emperors looked at each other, not able to say anything more.

Long Qingchen looked at the ancient and modern Dragon Emperors and asked, "How are the various dragon armies gathering together?"

The Ancient and Modern Dragon Emperor said, "The gathering was completed a few days ago. On the Space Dragon Clan's side, there are 300 billion Space Dragons who can participate in the battle; on the Time Dragon Clan's side, there are 350 billion who can participate in the war; on the Golden Dragon Clan's side, there are 520 billion ;"

At this point, he paused and said, "The Qinglong tribe has suffered heavy losses due to the previous civil war, and only has 150 billion to participate in the war."

Several Dragon Emperors of the Qinglong Clan are a little embarrassed. Since the death of the last Clan Chief of the Clan Dragon, Jiuni Dragon Emperor, they all wanted to be the Clan Chief, which led to a civil war in the Clan of the Clan. Looking back now, it’s a bit funny, because they didn’t know so much. With the Ancestral Dragon still alive, the civil war is meaningless.

"There are a total of 1320 billion Dragon Clan troops. However, the Bahuang Sect only has one galaxy territory and a much smaller population base than our Dragon Clan. It is estimated that it can mobilize an army of up to 300 billion people. In this regard, we have an advantage."

Long Qingchen did the math and said, "The number of the dragon army is already large enough, there is no need to use the bone dragon army."

The Ancient and Modern Dragon Emperor whispered, "Our Dragon Clan does have an advantage in terms of the number of armies. However, the Bahuang Sect has unparalleled powerful men who have surpassed the Immortality Realm. Our Dragon Clan does not. Without that level of high-end combat power, our Dragon Clan will be overwhelmed." A loss..."

Long Qingchen glanced at him, "How many times have I told you, since the seven ancestral dragons and I have decided to fight the Eight Desolate Sect, we naturally have a way to deal with the strongest ancestor of the Eight Desolate Sect, no need to say more."


The ancient and modern Dragon Emperors sneered and did not dare to say anything.

Long Qingchen asked, "How is the dispatch of strategic supplies going?"

"Our dragon clan's strategic supplies are already enough. Some allies have sent some more, which is completely enough."

"Ten wars are enough."...

The five ancestral dragons responsible for dispatching strategic supplies reported.

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, "In that case, let's go prepare ourselves and set off for the battle early tomorrow morning!"

After giving instructions about the decisive battle, Long Qingchen left and returned to his residence in the Immortal Palace of Lingxue Mountain. A decisive battle of this level may end quickly, or it may last ten days and a half. He has to fight with Xuan'er and Senior Sister Li. Talk about it and save them from worrying.

Sure enough, both Xuan'er and Senior Sister Li asked to go with him, but he refused without a doubt. Xuan'er and Senior Sister Li both had children, so of course he couldn't worry about participating in such a dangerous battle.

After he persuaded them for a long time, they gave up their plan to join the war.

A night of silence.


The next day.

Boom! ...

A huge battleship slowly rose into the sky from Gang Star, and the entire Gang Star was trembling. There was a battle flag covered with dragon patterns on the battleship, and it roared against the strong wind!

This warship is the largest and most powerful among all the dragon warships. It has reached the destruction level, which is equivalent to the peak combat power of the Immortality Realm. It can easily destroy a galaxy!

This battleship is also the command ship for this decisive battle, commanding the dispatch of all armies. The five ancestral dragons and Long Qingchen are standing on the deck of this battleship wearing battle armor.

Just like when they attacked the Dark Soul Clan, Qing Zulong and Time Zulong were responsible for staying behind.

"Send the order, the space dragon fleet assembles."

Long Qingchen issued the order.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Soon, warships flew out one after another from other planets, more and more, densely packed, covering the sky. All the warships gathered together and followed the command ship in a mighty manner, with overwhelming power!

Outside the Tiansu Galaxy, the strong men hiding in the void watching the battle were all dumbfounded. The space dragon fleet alone was so huge. If all the dragon fleets of all types were gathered together, the number would be astonishing. Everyone could see it. Come out, the Dragon Clan is going to have a decisive battle with the Bahuang Sect!

The secret agents of the Bahuang Sect who were hiding in the void all changed their expressions. They hurriedly took out the Transcendence Distance Transmission Note and quickly reported the news back to the sect.

The seven Ancestral Dragons and Long Qingchen knew very well that there must be many Bahuang Sect secret agents hidden around the four major dragon galaxies. It was impossible to hide such a big movement, and there was no need to hide it.

"Set off!"

Long Qingchen waved his hand and issued the order.

Boom! ...

The command ship plunged into the void and began to shuttle through the void, followed by large and small battleships following behind!

After traveling for a while, they arrived outside the Tianlong Galaxy, and the huge fleet stopped.

"Golden Dragon Fleet, come out and assemble!"

Long Qingchen ordered.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Countless warships flew out from various planets in the Tianlong Galaxy to form a huge fleet. They flew out of the Tianlong Galaxy and joined the fleet of the Space Dragon Clan.

After the two fleets merged, they became even larger, densely covering an area of ​​tens of millions of miles!

"keep going."

Long Qingchen waved his hand.

Boom! ...

The two fleets set sail and shuttled through the void. The space with a radius of tens of millions of miles was trembling, as if the end was coming!

Soon, they arrived at the Tianque Galaxy. From various planets in the Tianque Galaxy, large and small warships flew out to form the Time Dragon Fleet. They flew out of the Tianque Galaxy and merged with the two fleets.

After rendezvous, continue sailing!

After arriving at the Tiansha Galaxy, the Qinglong Clan's fleet came out to join together.

All four fleets have assembled!

"Fuck...that's a bit too much."

Long Qingchen couldn't help but muttered, and even he felt a little numb.

Based on the calculation of 10,000 dragons per battleship, there are more than 100 billion ships!

"Your chief clan leader ordered this!"

Spear of Destruction howled.

What is this order?

All the dragon warriors in the four fleets were a little confused.

Long Qingchen's face darkened and he asked Shuyuan "Keep the formation and set off!"

Boom! ...

The command ship is at the front, the space dragon fleet is in the middle, the golden dragon fleet and the time dragon fleet are arranged on the left and right, and the blue dragon fleet is at the rear, moving through the void in a mighty manner.

Because the number was so huge that the void could not bear it, a big collapse occurred, and the space debris fell like a waterfall, which was quite spectacular.

If you look at it from a distance, the fleet seems to have rushed into a waterfall in space.

"Shuttle speed, ten space dimensions per hour!"

Long Qingchen ordered quickly, breaking out in a cold sweat and almost forgetting it.

With so many warships, the speed of traveling through the void cannot be too fast, otherwise, it will cause chaos in the void and swallow up the fleet, which would be a joke...

Think about it, the dragon fleet was swallowed up by the chaos of the void, and the entire army was destroyed. It is estimated that the whole universe will laugh out loud, and the Bahuang Sect will even wake up laughing in its dreams.

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