The first dragon of all time

Chapter 1057: The first glimpse into the secrets of the Mortal Immortal Sutra!

"This question can only be known after I learn the Red Dust Immortal Sutra."

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly, confused, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

He read through the Immortal Scripture of the Red Dust again, this time, reading it very carefully.

The mortal fairy has experienced a total of one hundred and thirty-six lives in the mortal world.

The first world of mortals is the world of the Red Dust Fairy herself.

She was born in a remote mountain village and had a happy childhood. However, the good times did not last long. When she was seven years old, a plague broke the tranquility of the small mountain village. Many people died in the village, and the remaining people panicked. Families and families fled.

On the way to escape, some people were eaten by ferocious birds and beasts, some were killed by bandits, some contracted the plague, and many more starved to death.

Her parents were killed by a group of bandits, and when she was only seven years old, she was taken abducted to a mountain village. Like many girls, she was kept in captivity until she grew up, and the consequences could be imagined.

All the girls were crying and scared every day. She was the calmest one. She swore a vicious oath to avenge her parents and get rid of her tragic fate. She and her gang of robbers would pay for their debt with blood.

She seized the opportunity and tried every possible means to please the bandit leader's youngest son, and finally became his maidservant and got out of the cage where she was imprisoned.

From then on, she was careful and calculated every day. Once, when this group of robbers was fighting with another group of robbers, she used the youngest son of the bandit leader to provide a strategy, so that the group of robbers successfully destroyed the other group of robbers. .

From then on, the youngest son of the bandit leader became the little strategist in the village and gained the respect of the bandit leader.

The youngest son of the bandit leader was naturally very proud, and he also regarded her as a confidant.

With her help, the youngest son of the bandit leader came up with clever tricks one after another, which enabled the group of bandits to destroy one group after another and occupy one hilltop after another.

The youngest son of the bandit leader held a pivotal position in the village and became one of the eighteen bandit leaders under the bandit leader, nicknamed the "Deadly Strategist". Moreover, he became the most advantageous successor among the bandit leader's many sons.

However, the young son of the smug bandit leader did not know that in the process, she was secretly cultivating her cronies and gradually gained considerable power in the village, secretly growing her power.

As this group of bandits grew larger, it aroused the fear of a surrounding kingdom and sent out troops to conquer them.

The youngest son of the bandit leader was anxious and asked her to come up with a clever plan.

She knew that the opportunity for revenge had come, and came up with a stupid "clever plan". Of course, it seemed stupid to her, but it was too wonderful to the leader's youngest son, because the leader's youngest son had already known her clever plan. Already convinced.

Therefore, the leader's youngest son presented this "wonderful plan". The group of robbers also believed in the leader's youngest son's "wonderful plan" and went to war in full accordance with this clever plan.

The result is one can imagine...

This group of bandits and the kingdom's army fought hard and suffered heavy casualties!

Finally, she took action, leading the cronies she secretly cultivated to defeat the bandits and the kingdom's army, which suffered heavy casualties, and captured many prisoners.

She led her cronies to escort the captives back to the mountain stronghold. The old, weak, sick and disabled bandits who stayed behind in the stronghold all prostrated on the ground and elected her as their leader!

That year, she was twelve years old.

The robbers on other mountaintops were all shocked and gave her the nickname "Black Spider", which means the poison hidden in the dark.

She began her revenge by imprisoning the robbers who killed her parents and villagers in a cage without giving them any food. She then released the imprisoned girls and invited them to enjoy them together.

In the first three days, the robbers in the cage kept attacking the cage and trying to break out. Unfortunately, the strong cage made them despair.

Three days later, the robbers began to kill each other because they were too hungry.

The girls were all frightened and fainted by the horrific scene in the cage. Only she was quietly admiring it from beginning to end, as if it was the most beautiful scenery in the world.

In the following years, she supported these girls to become bandit leaders. She left quietly and left the village. No one knew where she went. She left behind and hid her achievements and fame.

“When you practice cultivation, you must first cultivate your mind. If your state of mind is successful, your cultivation will be self-sufficient!”

Ten years later, a young female supreme genius who called herself the Red Dust Fairy emerged in the world of cultivation. She defeated one top supreme genius after another and was listed as one of the top ten supreme geniuses along with Ning Xiaocheng and others. Moreover, she was Known as the number one among the top ten supreme geniuses, her unique cultivation method is even more dazzling, illuminating the entire late antiquity.

She politely declined the attempts of various major forces, founded the Red Dust Immortal Sect, and created the unique and unique work of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra.

The Hongchen Immortal Sect is very low-key, living in seclusion all year round, and never offends major forces.

"I may never understand her state of mind at that time, because I am lucky enough not to have such a miserable life experience as hers."

After reading the mortal experience of the Red Dust Fairy in her first life, Long Qingchen pondered, "Fortunately, I don't need to understand her state of mind at that time, I only need to understand my own state of mind."

He then watched the second, third, and fourth lives of the Red Dust Fairy... until Tantai Qian'er's current life.

It has been half a month since I finished reading the entire Red Dust Immortal Sutra.

"The worldly experience of the mortal fairy seems like a reincarnation, but in fact, it is a sublimation of the state of mind. In the end, the state of mind is Mahayana, transcending everything."

Long Qingchen closed the Red Dust Immortal Sutra and understood the profound meaning of the Red Dust Immortal Sutra.

However, understanding is one thing, and whether you can understand it is another.

"If I want to fully understand the profound meaning of the Red Dust Fairy Sutra, I need to fall into the world of mortals like the Red Dust Fairy."

He frowned. It would take at least several thousand years, or even tens of thousands of years, to experience so many lives in the world of mortals.

"It will take tens of thousands of years. Should I learn the Immortal Sutra of the Red Dust?"

He hesitated.

If he followed his previous normal cultivation speed, he would not need to practice the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, because in tens of thousands of years, he could reach the peak of the ninth level of the Immortality Realm, or even surpass the Immortality Realm in a short time.

However, after his cultivation was promoted to the Immortality Realm, he could clearly feel that his cultivation speed had slowed down. It would be good if he could reach the fourth or fifth level of the Immortality Realm in tens of thousands of years.

You must know that he has no Tao to become an emperor and does not need to comprehend the Tao. This kind of cultivation speed is already terrifying. When several ancestral dragons reach the realm of immortality, it will take hundreds of billions of years to advance to each level.

"In the short term, it is not worth wasting tens of thousands of years to learn the Immortal Sutra of the Red Dust. However, in the long term, the Immortal Sutra of the Red Dust is a quick shortcut that allows me to surpass the realm of immortality as quickly as possible."

In the end, he made up his mind and decided to learn the Immortal Sutra of the Red Dust, spending tens of thousands of years experiencing the mortal world for a lifetime to sublimate his state of mind.

Of course, he had to wait until the end of the Feng Yuan Power Conference to make proper arrangements for the dragon clan. After all, he was now sitting in the position of chief clan leader and could not just leave.


"Chief Patriarch, the envoy from the Dongfang Family has arrived."

Two days later, the ancient and modern Dragon Emperor brought an old man over.

The old man said calmly, "Our Dongfang Clan leader has ordered that the war between the Dragon Clan and the Bahuang Sect has ended. The Dragon Clan Chief Clan immediately rushed to Tianwai Tian to attend the Feng Yuan Forces Gathering Conference."

"Did the Dongfang clan leader give an order?"

Long Qingchen sneered, "Clan Chief Dongfang, the leader of the alliance, really regards himself as the superior of all the major forces?"

The old man's eyes were dull and he looked for Shuyuan "A snake can't survive without a head, and a country can't stand without a king. Since the major forces have elected our Dongfang clan leader as the leader of the alliance, our clan leader can naturally command the world."

Long Qingchen said sarcastically, "Since the Feng Yuan Forces Gathering Conference has been held again, the leader of the alliance must also be re-elected. I think I am more than qualified to be the leader of the alliance."

"Long Qingchen, you are so presumptuous!"

The old man was furious.

The ancient and modern Dragon Emperor scolded him very rudely, "You are so presumptuous. Who do you think you are? You dare to call our chief clan leader by his name? Are you impatient?"

"If you dare to talk to me like this, I will give you a slap in the face. However, you are just a small messenger, an ant-like figure. I don't have the same experience as you, and it is beneath your status."

Long Qingchen glanced at the old man lightly and used endless starlight to tear apart the space and cross the void.

The old man's face turned blue and he was shaking with anger. After all, he was also the second-class elder of the forbidden power Dongfang Family. He was at the peak of the Emperor Realm and was only one step away from the Immortality Realm. How could he become an ant?

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