The first dragon of all time

Chapter 1,078 The Legend of Bian Huang!

The universe is endless.

No one has counted how many galaxies there are.

No one knows how many planets there are.

There are some galaxies with rich spiritual energy and abundant cultivation resources that are somewhat famous in the entire universe. For example, the four major galaxies in the Dragon Clan territory, the Tianlong Galaxy, the Tianque Galaxy, the Tiansha Galaxy, the Tianque Galaxy, the Shark Tooth Galaxy of the Zhuxing Sect, and the Eight The Huangzong’s Bahuang Galaxy, the Golden Crow Clan’s Jinyang Galaxy, and so on.

The same is true for some planets, such as the Pu Family's Xihuang Star, the Tianyao Star where the Ancient Dragon Realm is located, and so on.

However, most galaxies and planets are only numbered.

In fact, many galaxies and planets do not even have numbers, and are unknown and forgotten by practitioners.


In an inconspicuous corner of the universe, there is an inconspicuous small galaxy, and within it, there is an inconspicuous small planet.

There are only two kingdoms on this small planet, the Feixian Empire and the Shangxian Dynasty.

Both countries wanted to destroy each other and unify the planet, so they fought for years. Unfortunately, countless years passed and generations of people were consumed, but they still failed to destroy each other.

The names of the two kingdoms are also very domineering, with the word "immortal" in them, but in fact, both kingdoms are mortal kingdoms, not to mention immortals, not even a single cultivator.

This small planet has extremely thin spiritual energy, almost no cultivation resources, and there are no basic conditions for the emergence of cultivators.

In fact, the situation is similar on all the planets in the entire small galaxy. Occasionally, a few people with a slightly stronger body and more powerful fists and kicks can be called masters.

On the border of the two countries, there is a city.

When the Feixian Empire's national power was relatively strong, this city was occupied by the Feixian Empire.

When the Shangxian Dynasty's national power was relatively strong, this city was under the control of the Shangxian Dynasty.

After countless years of fierce fighting, this city has long been in tatters. Sometimes it will be repaired, but it will be broken again soon. Therefore, the whole city seems to have been patched with countless patches.

Moreover, all the ordinary people in this city have long been dead or have run away, leaving only the soldiers stationed there.

In recent decades, this city has been under the control of the Feixian Empire. However, the Shangxian Dynasty's national power has been slowly increasing, and it has been attacking this city. It is only a matter of time before it is occupied by the Shangxian Dynasty.

In recent decades, this city has given birth to a legendary figure, Wu Chen.

Wu Chen appeared in a small mountain village in the Feixian Empire. Due to years of fighting, men were scarce. He was drafted into the army at the age of fourteen, and because he offended his superior, he was sent to garrison in the border city.

Twenty-one years have passed, and the soldiers guarding the city have died one after another. However, Wu Chen can crawl out of the dead every time and miraculously survive.

Therefore, Wu Chen has become the oldest veteran in this city. This year, Wu Chen is thirty-five years old.

In the era of continuous wars, a man who lived to be thirty-five was considered a long life.

In these twenty-one years, Wu Chen killed countless soldiers and even commanders of the Shangxian Dynasty, and made countless military exploits. Unfortunately, the Shangguan he once offended now holds the power of the border, resulting in him never being promoted. The only fate is to die in this city.

"Uncle Wu Chen, why do you survive every time? If you have any secrets, please tell us."

On the top of the city, a thirteen-year-old recruit looked at Wu Chen curiously. This recruit had freckles on his face, was thin and small, and everyone liked to call him Xiaoqueer.

The other recruits also looked at Wu Chen eagerly, hoping that this "legendary" veteran could teach them some life-saving experience so that they could survive the cruel war.

Wu Chen was holding a pot of wine in his hand, leaning drunkenly on the tower, looking at the sunset with his eyes dazed, "It's getting dark soon."

"No need to ask, we have already asked countless times. There is no secret. Just kill the enemy and you can survive."

It was the captain patrolling the city who smiled and slapped Xiao Que'er on the back of the head.

The army has regulations that prohibit drinking while guarding the city. However, this Wu Chen is an exception. Once the enemy attacks, he can always fight bravely and never make any mistakes. The chiefs of this city all pity Wu Chen for his merits. Therefore, he turned a blind eye to Wu Chen's drinking, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Boom! ...

Suddenly, the whole city trembled.

The captain became furious and shouted, "The enemy is coming!"

The lazy soldiers on the top of the city suddenly became alert, and the new recruits were sweating on their foreheads and very nervous.

The soldiers in the city also quickly mobilized, ready to support the city at any time.

"I don't know if I can survive this time."

Wu Chen felt a trace of self-mockery, pinned the flask to his waistband, stood up straight, pulled out his long knife, and stared into the distance like a wolf.

Sometimes, he fantasizes that he may be the reincarnation of a god, but after so many years, he is still just a mortal. If an enemy cuts him, it will hurt, bleed, and get injured, so he gives up. this unrealistic idea.

"You must be able to do it, we don't know."

The captain smiled bitterly. This Wu Chen has almost become the belief of this city. Unless Wu Chen dies, this city will not be lost.

Boom! ...

The tremors became more and more violent, and dust was flying in the distance.

Wu Chen's eyes narrowed, "From the tremors of the earth and the rising dust, it is estimated that the enemy's vanguard is at least fifty thousand."

Based on Wu Chen's experience, there has never been a miscalculation. This made the captain's expression solemn, "We only have 30,000 people in total, and the enemy's vanguard has 50,000 people. I don't know how many people are following behind. It seems that this time, the enemy I am determined to win this city."

Wu Chen smiled and said, "Not necessarily. We belong to the side defending the city and have a geographical advantage. Even if the enemy is ten times more powerful than us, we may not be able to capture the city."

"I hope so."

The captain sighed, his eyes still full of worry, because more than half of the 30,000 soldiers were new recruits and their combat effectiveness was very low.

About half an hour later, in the dust and mist in the distance, dark soldiers appeared, as far as the eye could see, as if dark clouds were covering the ground.

Each soldier is wearing black battle armor, with a long black sword in his right hand and a small black buckler in his left hand. This is the standard configuration of the Shangxian Dynasty.

Woohoo! ...

When these soldiers were three hundred steps away from the city wall, a trumpet sounded from behind. They immediately stopped and began to line up in order.

"Rest where you are for half an hour. After half an hour, attack the city!"

A burly general riding a black horse looked towards the city with cold eyes. Finally, looking for Shuyuan fell on Wu Chen, and pointed the spear in his hand, "Who can kill that veteran Wu Chen? After being promoted to eight levels in a row, the treatment will be the same as that of a general!"

In recent decades, with the national strength of the Shangxian Dynasty, it should be easy to capture this city. However, the evil sect is very evil. No matter how many troops are sent here, they will eventually die here.

Especially the veteran named Wu Chen, who stayed here for twenty-one years and survived every time. For the dynasty, it was a great shame!

Therefore, the reward for killing Wu Chen is higher than killing the opponent's commander!

This time, the dynasty sent 800,000 troops and was determined to capture the city!

Because this city is right on the border, like a thorn. Without capturing this city, there is no way to dispatch the army to attack the hinterland of Feixian Empire.

What's more, the veteran named Wu Chen has become a nightmare for every soldier in the dynasty. Unless Wu Chen is killed, the dynasty's morale cannot be boosted.

Therefore, this city must be captured!

Wu Chen must die!

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