The first dragon of all time

Chapter 1,102 Taking the Holy Son on a blind date!

Returning to the Tianlong Galaxy, Long Qingchen told Xuan'er, Senior Sister Li, his two daughters and Time Zulong in detail about the gathering of old friends, so as to save them from worries.

The former is already his closest relative and does not need to keep any secrets.

He can trust the latter, and there is no need to keep any secrets. Of course, his confession is actually to prevent the Dragon Clan from misunderstanding him in the future, so it is better to make it clear.

Time Zulong murmured to himself, "According to your old friend, Patriarch Ye, the only pursuit of the people behind the scenes is the eternal realm. Then, the cultivation of the people behind the scenes must be unfathomable. People with such advanced cultivation, It’s definitely not an unknown person, there aren’t too many such people in the entire universe, so who could it be?”

Long Qingchen shook his head, "You can't guess it, and I can't even guess it."

Shi Zulong's eyes deepened, "Forget it, no more guessing. Since his plan is so big, it will surface sooner or later, and we will know when the time comes."

Long Qingchen said, "That's what I mean too, just wait and see what happens..."

"Don't worry, no matter what experiences you had in your previous life, our five ancestral dragons will not doubt you. If we can't even trust you, then in the entire dragon clan, we five ancestral dragons won't know who to trust."

Time Zulong smiled and patted his shoulder, "We don't care about our past lives, we only care about this life. Your loyalty to the Dragon Clan has already been seen by us five Zulongs. We don't have other abilities, but we can judge people." You still have the ability, otherwise, you would not be allowed to serve as the Chief Saint Son, nor would you be allowed to serve as the Chief Clan Leader, nor would they devote all their cultivation resources to cultivating you."

Long Qingchen was a little moved in his heart and sighed, "Although the cultivation of these ancestral dragons is not the top in the universe, you all have great wisdom. I can be reincarnated in the Dragon Clan. This is my luck and my pride."

Shi Zulong laughed, "Hahaha, it's rare to hear a brat like you praise us. It sounds quite comfortable. Come on, come on, praise us some more."

"You only have this one advantage, and you can't find any other advantages. I can't praise you any more."

Long Qingchen spread his hands helplessly.

Seeing the Time Zulong rolling up his sleeves and wanting to hit someone, Long Qingchen quickly ran away. With his current level of cultivation, even a hundred Time Zulongs would not be his opponent, but he had to respect the "old man".


Long Qingchen's life has returned to tranquility.

He didn't need to take care of the Dragon Clan's affairs. He just took his lovely wife and two precious daughters to travel around the Tianlong Galaxy every day.

Fortunately, the Tianlong Galaxy is large enough, with hundreds of billions of stars, trillions of planets, and so many places of interest that it would be impossible to visit them all in one era, but it would not be boring.

Of course, he would occasionally practice and try to attack the realm of immortality.

Unfortunately, the gap between the peak of immortality and the realm of immortality was like a bottomless abyss. He tried many times but could not cross it. At most, he would reach half of the abyss, which is commonly known as "half-step to immortality." .

In this way, more than seven hundred years passed.


On this day, Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi found Long Qingchen who was traveling around the mountains and rivers, with a gentle smile on his face.

Long Qingchen knew that the Dragon Clan needed his help, "Just tell me."

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi smiled and said, "Recently, the Futu Palace announced a news that it is seeking marriage for saints in the whole universe."

"Isn't Liu Xishui already married a long time ago, and why are you still asking for marriage?"

Long Qingchen's eyes almost popped out.

When he mentioned the Saint of the Buddha Palace, he first thought of the Saint of the Buddha Palace 10,000 years ago—Liu Xishui, a peerless supreme genius on the Supreme List. Moreover, Liu Xishui, like him, also had the Eternal Stealing Machine, and was known as One of the "Seven Heroes of Ten Thousand Years".

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong. Liu Xishui should have taken over the position of the master of the Buddha Palace long ago, and the current Saint of the Buddha Palace should be someone else.

"A new saint?"

he asked.

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi nodded, "Yes, the newly established saint in Futu Palace. To be precise, this saint is actually Liu Xishui's daughter."

"Yes, in the blink of an eye, more than seven hundred years have passed, and Liu Xishui's daughters have reached the age of marriage."

Long Qingchen was a little emotional, and then asked, "What does this matter have to do with our dragon clan?"

"It matters a lot!"

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi smiled and said, "Our Dragon Clan's Chief Saint Son does not have a Taoist partner yet. If he can marry the Saint of the Buddha Palace, then the Dragon Clan and the Buddha Palace will also have a marriage relationship."

"The Chief Holy Son of the Dragon Clan..."

Only then did Long Qingchen remember that the "stupid green" saint who was trapped in the Yin-Yang Diagram more than seven hundred years ago had a strange look in his eyes, "Hasn't he walked out of the Yin-Yang Diagram yet?... "


Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi smiled bitterly, "You are too cruel. With his strength, how can he get out of the Yin and Yang diagram you drew?"


Long Qingchen smiled and felt relieved after thinking about it. The Yin and Yang diagram he drew based on the two mysteries of the Heaven Devouring Martial Vein and the Red Dust Immortal Sutra, let alone the Chief Saint Son of the Dragon Clan, even the top supreme genius in the universe could not Not many people can come out.

He probably understood, "What Time Zulong means is for me to take the Chief Holy Son to the Buddha Palace to propose marriage to the Saint of the Buddha Palace?"


Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi said, "You are the chief patriarch, and you should be involved in the marriage of the chief saint son."

"All right."

Long Qingchen had no choice but to agree. He couldn't help but think of his little son. The poor baby was only a few months old. His small body was sealed in Taixuan ice crystal. "Oh, if my little son Even if you haven’t been sealed, it’s time to start a family and start a business..."


So, Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi and Long Qingchen returned to Gang Star and found the Chief Holy Son who was trapped in the Yin and Yang Diagram.

I saw the Chief Holy Son sitting cross-legged in the Yin-Yang Diagram, with disheveled hair, tattered clothes, and the nails on both hands were more than a foot long. This inhuman, ghost-like appearance was far different from the handsome appearance back then.

"The Chief Holy Son, the Chief Patriarch is here to let you out."

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi smiled.

The Chief Holy Son slowly opened his bloodshot eyes and said calmly, "I won't go out. Back then, I said that I would never go out until I understood the Yin-Yang diagram. I feel that I am about to understand the Yin-Yang diagram. , don’t bother me.”

Noticing Long Qingchen next to Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi, his eyes became colder, "What are you doing here? Do you want to disturb my state of mind? Let me tell you, after more than seven hundred years of practice, my state of mind has become as strong as iron. , you can’t disturb me!”

"..." Long Qingchen was speechless, realizing that he was on the verge of becoming possessed.

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi smiled bitterly, "Chief Holy Son, six hundred years ago, Zulong and I came to see you. You said that you had almost understood the Yin and Yang diagram... Five hundred years ago, Zulong and I came to see you. , you also said that you are almost enlightened... Every hundred years, Zulong and I will come to see you, and every time you say that you are almost enlightened, but the result is..."

The Chief Holy Son said angrily, "This time I'm really close to understanding it!"

"..." Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi was speechless and pondered for a moment, "There is no need to rush your cultivation. Time Zulong has decided to let you ask to marry the Saint of the Buddha Palace. So, the Chief Patriarch will let you out first. "

"Not going."

The Chief Holy Son refused without even thinking, "I have made up my mind. I will never leave until I understand this yin-yang diagram."

Long Qingchen waved his hand and made the Yin-Yang diagram disappear.

"Give me back the Yin-Yang diagram!"

The Chief Holy Son roared like a rampaging beast, charging towards Long Qingchen.

boom! ...

Long Qingchen raised a hand, and the pink immortal power spread out and turned into a big hand, directly suppressing him!

Snapped! ...

With the other hand, he used the secret technique of exorcising evil spirits and slapped the Heavenly Spirit Cap above his head, directly penetrating his whole body!

The bloodshot eyes in his eyes slowly dissipated, and his cloudy eyes gradually became clear, and he woke up.

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Long Qingchen dispersed the pink fairy power and let go of the Chief Saint.

"Why is this happening?"

The Chief Holy Son was still unwilling to give in, "It has been more than seven hundred years, and I can't even comprehend a Yin-Yang diagram. Is my understanding so poor?"

Long Qingchen said calmly, "This has nothing to do with understanding, but that your cultivation level is not enough. If your cultivation level cannot reach my level, you will never be able to understand this Yin and Yang diagram."

The Chief Holy Son shrugged his head, as if he had been hit by frost, with a bitter look on his face, "It has been more than seven hundred years, and I wasted such precious time like this."

Long Qingchen had already sensed his cultivation, "It's not a waste. After all, your cultivation has improved a lot and reached the fifth level of immortality. If you practice normally, can you make such a big progress?"

The Chief Holy Son scratched his head and said, "That seems right."

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi smiled and said, "Talk carefully, you have to thank the chief clan leader for giving you a blessing in disguise."

The Chief Holy Son sighed and saluted Long Qingchen, "Back then, I had just stepped into the Immortal Realm. I didn't know how high the sky was, and I offended the Chief Patriarch. Please forgive me."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, "Just know that you are wrong. We are all dragons. We must unite and revitalize the dragons together."

"Yes, thank you Chief Patriarch for your teachings."

The Chief Holy Son bowed again, and his attitude was completely different compared to seven hundred years ago.

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi pointed at him, "You should go home, take a shower, and tidy up your hair, clothes, and nails."

The Chief Holy Son smiled awkwardly, left quickly, and hurried home.


Long Qingchen and Dragon Emperor Xuanyi went to the residence of Time Zulong to drink tea and wait for the Chief Holy Son.

"I heard that the Saint of the Pagoda Palace is very talented. There must be a lot of people asking for marriage. Moreover, those who have the courage to ask for marriage must be super powerful. The competition is fierce."

Time Zulong said, "We dragon clan don't have to have high hopes. It's naturally a good thing to be able to ask for marriage. It doesn't matter if we can't ask for marriage."

Dragon Emperor Xuanyi said, "Those who can compete with our dragon clan are some taboo forces and top full-star forces. Our dragon clan still has a chance..."

Long Qingchen pondered for a moment and asked, "Since the saint of the Buddha Palace is very talented, the Buddha Palace should find a Taoist companion for her within the sect, keep her in the sect, and train her to become a peerless disciple." Why would a strong man marry her outside? Isn't this giving a future peerless master to other forces for free?"

Although this statement is a bit "narrow", it is what the major forces have always done.

As the saying goes, a married daughter can never get back the water she has thrown out.

Therefore, the most talented women in the major forces often find a Taoist companion within the sect and stay in the sect. Unless there is a huge marriage benefit, they will get married.

"Don't forget, Liuxi Shui, just like you, also has the Eternal Stealing Machine."

Time Zulong's eyes were deep, "On the surface, if the saint is married outside, the Pagoda Palace will suffer huge losses, which is equivalent to losing a peerless strong man in the future. However, if you think about it deeper, which force married Liu Xishui's daughter? , I must protect Liu Xishui’s path and help her become the last eternity.”

Long Qingchen understood and said with emotion, "For the sake of the final eternity, he really does everything possible, even his own daughter can be used as a bargaining chip."

"The last eternity is very important to every big force. If it can become the last eternity, no matter how big the sacrifice is, it will still be worth it."

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi said, "Eternity is the pinnacle of cosmic martial arts, it is invincibility. In other words, whichever force becomes Eternal, this force can sweep across the entire universe and become the sole overlord of the entire universe!"

Long Qingchen glanced at Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi. He did not dare to agree with such words. Anyway, no matter what, he would not sacrifice the happiness of his children in order to become eternal.

Time Zulong said, "Not only the Pagoda Palace, but also all the major forces are probably preparing for the final eternity. The Pagoda Palace is just more obvious."

Long Qingchen's heart moved, "How are our dragon clan's preparations going?"

Time Zulong shook his head, "The last eternity is related to the control of the entire universe. No force dares to say that it has absolute certainty. It can only be said that the more preparations, the more opportunities."

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi took a breath of cold air, "It is indeed too difficult... If it is discovered that someone is attacking the eternal realm, then all the super strong people will kill them crazily, and the foundations of the major forces will also come out crazily to stop them. , it’s scary to think about it.”

After waiting for a short time, the Chief Holy Son came. His hair was arranged, his clothes were changed into a new fairy clothes, and his nails and beard were neatly repaired, restoring the appearance of a handsome young man back then.

"Let's go."

Long Qingchen waved his sleeves, and the pink immortal power spread out, leading the Supreme Son across the void, and instantly appeared outside the galaxy defense formation of the Pagoda Palace.

This time, Tantai Nianchen did not follow. Maybe it was because he had traveled too much in the past seven hundred years, which made up for the regret he had when he was a child. He was not so enthusiastic about such lively scenes.

"Brother Chen is here, welcome."

Liu Xishui, the master of the Pagoda Palace, was greeting the envoys from various forces at the gate of the galaxy defense formation. When she saw Long Qingchen arriving, she immediately greeted him with a smile and bowed.

Long Qingchen returned the gift with his hand and said with a smile, "When I heard the news that the palace master was marrying his daughter, I immediately came with the incompetent chief saint of our dragon clan. I also hope that the palace master will not dislike it."

Liu Xishui looked at the Chief Holy Son and chuckled, "The contemporary Chief Holy Son of the Dragon Clan has a majestic appearance, extraordinary talent, and superior strength. Brother Chen has the same style as before. How can we in the Buddha Palace dare to dislike him? It's too late to be happy."

A young man walked over with a smile. Although he looked young, he was very calm and said, "If the Dragon Clan can apply, my wife and I will definitely consider the Dragon Clan."

Liu Xishui introduced, "This is my husband, Wang Mingjun, who currently serves as the First Supreme Elder of the Buddha Palace."

"I have admired you for a long time, I have admired you for a long time."

Long Qingchen slightly handed over his hand. This young man only had the cultivation level of the fourth level of the Immortal Realm, which was far from Liu Xishui. However, it was normal. For a peerless supreme genius like Liu Xishui, the Buddha Palace would certainly not marry her out. She found a Taoist companion for her in the Pagoda Palace. This young man should be second only to Liu Xishui among Liu Xishui's contemporaries, so he is a good match.

Wang Mingjun returned the favor quickly and said with a wry smile, "Brother Chen is too polite. To say that I have admired you for a long time, I have to admire you for a long time. Compared with a peerless supreme being like you, I am far behind."

Having said this, he looked at Liu Xishui and sighed, "If it weren't for the fact that the sect was reluctant to marry Xishui out, Xishui would definitely not have chosen me, but would have chosen a peerless Supreme like Brother Chen."

This makes sense...Long Qingchen is a little embarrassed. Maybe Wang Mingjun has been with a peerless supreme like Liu Xishui for a long time, and he feels a little inferior.

Liu Xishui was helpless and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaosshuyuan.comm "Husband, how many times have I told you that I chose you not because of the sect's rules, but because I really like you. We have been together for so many years. , why do you keep grumbling about it?"

Seeing that she was a little angry, Wang Junming quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, madam, I shouldn't doubt myself like this."

"It's good that you know. In my heart, you are the best."

Liu Xishui looked at him affectionately.

Wang Junming regained his confidence and stood next to her with a gentle smile.

Liu Xishui turned to look at Long Qingchen and said, "Make Brother Chen laugh."

"No, no, there are some minor conflicts between husband and wife. This is normal."

Long Qingchen smiled, he was considered a "passer".

Liu Xishui stretched out her hand and made a "please" gesture.

An elder from the Buddha Palace came over immediately and took Long Qingchen and the Chief Holy Son in.

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